当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 完形填空     One of the warmest Christmas memories that I have was the year that I w...
完形填空     One of the warmest Christmas memories that I have was the year that I was Santa Claus. I was a
young substitute(替代者) for a __1__ with a new family just starting out in life. I was __2__ to work
at the local grade school on the last day __3__ the Christmas holidays.
     I can still __4__ going from classroom to classroom and doing my best to __5__ both old and
joyful at the same time. I was about 50 pounds heavier then,   __6__ I had the round little belly part
down fine. My beard,   however,   was another __7__ as it kept sliding halfway down my face. I thought
that more than a few of the kids __8__ me,   but it didn"t matter. They still enjoyed __9__ Santa. They
still laughed and delighted in their   10    gifts and candy canes. They still felt joyous and happy. They still
knew that they were   11   and that was all that mattered to them.
     If there is one   12   that I could give to each of you at Christmas time and   13    day of the year,   it
would be that knowledge that you are loved. You are loved and    14    by a greater love than you could
ever imagine. You are loved by God who    15   you. In all the difficulties,   problems,   and heartaches
this world   16  ,   you are loved. In all the obstacles you must overcome,   challenges you must  17  ,  
and pains you must go through,   you are loved. In all the mistakes you make,   times you stumble (绊倒),   and   18   paths you take,   you are loved. You are loved every second in your life with a glorious love
that will   19   end.
      Know that you are loved. Know that God loves you always. Rejoice (欣喜) in this love with the
  20   heart of a child. And then,   like a jolly (欢乐的) laughing Santa,   go out and share it with the world.
试题【完形填空     One of the warmest Christmas memories that I have was the year that I w】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
(     )1. A. worker      
(     )2. A. called in    
(     )3. A. after        
(     )4. A. regret      
(     )5. A. taste        
(     )6. A. but        
(     )7. A. matter      
(     )8. A. recognized  
(     )9. A. buying      
(     )10. A. big        
(     )11. A. hated      
(     )12. A. thing      
(     )13. A. another    
(     )14. A. looked out  
(     )15. A. kept        
(     )16. A. takes      
(     )17. A. face      
(     )18. A. right      
(     )19. A. seldom      
(     )20. A. joyous      
B. farmer      
B. called on    
B. before      
B. stop        
B. sound        
B. and        
B. pound        
B. welcomed    
B. selling      
B. small        
B. thrown      
B. man          
B. every        
B. looked for  
B. made        
B. fetches      
B. hand      
B. wrong        
B. often        
B. angry        
C. student      
C. called off  
C. during      
C. remember    
C. smell        
C. so        
C. gift        
C. visited      
C. writing      
C. old          
C. loved        
C. woman        
C. one          
C. watched over
C. liked        
C. carries      
C. break      
C. real        
C. never        
C. jealous      
D. teacher      
D. called at    
D. over          
D. consider      
D. feel          
D. still        
D. knowledge    
D. memorized    
D. seeing        
D. ugly          
D. forgotten    
D. school        
D. either        
D. watched out  
D. removed      
D. brings        
D. please        
D. busy          
D. almost        
D. pitiful      
1-5: DABCB  6-10: CAADB  11-15: CABCB  16-20: DABCA
     Not long ago I wasn"t doing very well in exams and I was full of disappointment and  __1__ thinking. While on the Internet, I met many new friends, but one in particular __2__. His nickname is Colorful
Day and we __3__ on the Web. He told me: he lost his __4__ at age 15, and felt the whole world had
closed its door to him.
     He was __5__ so fast that I couldn"t believe he was blind! But he continued to __16__: Five years
ago, I realized it was time to change my life. I had read about Helen Keller and understood her life and
__7__. So I developed a website about her life __8__ mine called Three Days to See.
     I visited his website which was well produced and vividly__9__.
     I asked, "How did you __10__ to build such a website?" He said, "Owing to the new technology, I
can use software specially __11__ for the blind. __12__ I point the cursor(光标), it will just read it out
to me. We can do far more things and __13__ more information than we could before."
     I then asked, "Didn"t you have great difficulty with it?"
     He hesitated and then began his __24__ with a smiling face, "Yes, but I have faith in myself to __15__ my  colorful day. And modern technology gives me this __16__ to do it."
     His __17__ attitude towards life made me believe that our destiny offers not the cup of despair,  
__18__ the chalice (大杯) of opportunity. I returned to my lessons, and this time with a smile on my
face and with __19__ of a colorful future.
     The Internet, which opened to me to __20__ different lives and cultures, has a charm you couldn"t
find in another wise nonvirtual world.
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. positive    
(     )2. A. turned out  
(     )3. A. argued      
(     )4. A. eyesight    
(     )5. A. speaking    
(     )6. A. follow      
(     )7. A. friendship  
(     )8. A. as well as  
(     )9. A. offered      
(     )10. A. try        
(     )11. A. designed    
(     )12. A. Whether    
(     )13. A. send        
(     )14. A. webpage    
(     )15. A. create      
(     )16. A. moment      
(     )17. A. hopeful    
(     )18. A. but        
(     )19. A. eagerness  
(     )20. A. touch      
B. active        
B. stood out    
B. interviewed  
B. hearing      
B. saying        
B. write        
B. marriage      
B. such as      
B. presented    
B. come          
B. distinguished
B. However      
B. access        
B. speech        
B. produce      
B. privilege    
B. disappointed  
B. and          
B. expectations  
B. feel          
C. negative    
C. came out    
C. told        
C. courage      
C. typing      
C. read        
C. happiness    
C. like        
C. delivered    
C. work        
C. planned      
C. Whatever    
C. communicate  
C. words        
C. recognize    
C. opportunity  
C. pleasant    
C. so          
C. richness    
C. experience  
D. instructive  
D. looked out    
D. chatted      
D. confident    
D. spelling      
D. copy          
D. hardships    
D. as            
D. found        
D. manage        
D. imagined      
D. Wherever      
D. exchange      
D. opinions      
D. organize      
D. occasion      
D. optimistic    
D. then          
D. nervousness  
D. suffer        
     One day I came home from school, changed my clothes and got ready for work. I work at a local
restaurant in town as a cashier, seater and waiter.
     I went to work feeling 1 . And to make matters worse, I was busy that evening. It"s the same thing
over and over again. 2 with customers who complain about their food and where they are    3  is too big
or too small. Little things like that tend to 4 a lot of us  5  but we manage to deal with it.
    Three elderly ladies walked in and sat by the windows. It happened to be the very    6  near where I
keep the dirty    7  in the boxes. Trying to keep up with all the dirty tables, customers leaving and coming
in and   8  running all over the house, it was crazy. 9 these elderly women were watching 10 I was working
to make sure every table was clean and ready for the next customers.
    When they 11 their meals, I took their plates back to the kitchen. They talked to me for a while about
school, how I was doing, what 12 I was in and what I planned to do in the future. 
    13 they were leaving, they walked past me and one of them said to me in a 14 and gentle voice, "You
are going places. And that was it." They left the 15 and I had tears in my eyes, because they gave me 16
to believe in myself. They 17 my spirit from being down and gave me a 18 to keep on working hard.
    People used to tell me that I couldn"t have a career in 19 until I had a degree. I"m now a co-anchor
(联合主持人)of a student-produced television 20 . And the best thing is: I"m only 17 years old and I am
a senior in high school.
题型:陕西省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     ) 1. A. tired    
(     ) 2. A. Dealing  
(     ) 3. A. sat      
(     ) 4. A. attract  
(     ) 5. A. employees
(     ) 6. A. table    
(     ) 7. A. dishes    
(     ) 8. A. men    
(     ) 9. A. And      
(     )10. A. what    
(     )11. A. finished.
(     )12. A. place    
(     )13. A. Before  
(     )14. A. confident
(     )15. A. kitchen  
(     )16. A. ability  
(     )17. A. put down  
(     )18. A. cause
(     )19. A. television
(     )20. A. company
B. excited    
B. Helping    
B. seated    
B. avoid      
B. customers  
B. box      
B. rooms    
B. women  
B. Otherwise
B. how      
B. completed  
B. grade    
B. While      
B. loud      
B. house    
B. courage  
B. picked up  
B. reason    
B. government
B. station    
C. up         
C. Talking    
C. laid    
C. adjust     
C. boss      
C. spot  
C. clothes  
C. servers
C. But    
C. where     
C. ordered    
C. mark   
C. As       
C. low      
C. restaurant
C. imagination
C. took over
C. present  
C. school  
C. show    
D. down          
D. Meeting      
D. seating      
D. annoy        
D. employers    
D. kitchen      
D. chairs        
D. people        
D. So            
D. why          
D. got          
D. position      
D. After        
D. pleasant      
D. table        
D. time          
D. pointed out  
D. permission    
D. restaurant    
D. advertisement
      After 21 years of marriage,   my wife wanted me to take another woman out to __1__.  She said,  
"I love you,   but I know this woman loves you too,   and she would love to spend some time with you. "
The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my mother,   who has been a widow for 19 years,  
but my work had made __2__ impossible to visit her often.  That night I called to __3__ her to go out for
dinner.  "What"s wrong?Are you __4__?" she asked.  "I thought that it would be __5__ to spend some
time with you,   just the two of us,   " I answered.  She thought about it __6__,   and then agreed.  
     That Friday after work,   __7__ I drove to pick her up I was a bit nervous.  When I arrived at her
house,   I __8__ that she,   too,   seemed to be __9__ about our date.  She had curled her hair and was
wearing the dress that she had worn to   10   her last wedding anniversary.  
     We went to a restaurant that,     11   not the best,   was very nice and comfortable.  When I read the
menu,   I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there    12   at me.  A nostalgic smile was   13   her lips.  
During the dinner,   we had a   14    conversation-nothing special but catching up on recent events of each
other"s life.  
     A few days  15  ,   my mother died of a sudden heart attack.  It happened so suddenly that I didn"t
hav e a chance to do   16   for her.  Some time later,   I received an envelope with a note  17   : "You
will never know what that night meant for me.  I"m looking forward to the    18   dinner.  I love you,  
son. "
      At the moment,   I understood the importance of saying in time: "I LOVE YOU".  Nothing in life is
more important than your  19   .  Give them the time they deserve,   because these things cannot be  20  
 till "some other time".  
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. dinner        
(     )2. A. that          
(     )3. A. force          
(     )4. A. happy          
(     )5. A. pleasant      
(     )6. A. at a moment    
(     )7. A. after          
(     )8. A. noticed        
(     )9. A. pleased        
(     )10. A. congratulate  
(     )11. A. though        
(     )12. A. looking      
(     )13. A. in            
(     )14. A. pleasant      
(     )15. A. after        
(     )16. A. anything      
(     )17. A. written      
(     )18. A. first        
(     )19. A. date          
(     )20. A. put over      
B. movie          
B. this          
B. invite        
B. mad            
B. pleased        
B. for a moment  
B. until          
B. observed      
B. calm          
B. celebrate      
B. even          
B. seeing        
B. above          
B. curious        
B. before        
B. everything    
B. saying        
B. second        
B. mother        
B. put off        
C. party      
C. which      
C. order      
C. well      
C. glad      
C. for moment
C. as        
C. watched    
C. nervous    
C. memorize  
C. but        
C. smiling    
C. on        
C. deep      
C. later      
C. nothing    
C. telling    
C. last      
C. family    
C. cut off    
D. part            
D. it              
D. advise          
D. ill            
D. surprising      
D. a long time    
D. since          
D. heard          
D. easy            
D. honor          
D. yet            
D. staring        
D. beyond          
D. short          
D. ago            
D. something      
D. read            
D. next            
D. dinner          
D. picked up      
     When my son, Mark, was in the third grade, he set aside all his allowance for over two months to
buy holiday presents for those he loved.  He had __1__ twenty dollars. The third Saturday in
December Mark __2__ that he had made a list and had his money in his pocket.  
     I drove him to a local drug store, the modern version of __3__ we used to call the "Five and
Dime".  Mark __4__ a hand basket and went off on his own while I waited __5__ at the front of the
store.  It took Mark over 45 minutes to __6__ his presents.  
     The smile on his face as he __7__ the checkout counter was truly joyful. The clerk rang up his
__8__ as I politely looked the other way.  Mark kept within his budget and reached into his pocket for
his money.  It was not there.  There was a hole in his pocket, __9__ no money. Mark stood in the
middle of the store holding his basket, tears__10__ his cheeks. Then an amazing thing happened. A
__11__ in the store came up to Mark. She __12__ to his level and took him in her arms and said,
 "You would do me the greatest __13__ if you let me replace your money. It would be the most
wonderful present you could ever give me. I only ask that one day you __14__ it on.  One day, __15__
you grow up, I would like you to __16__  someone you can help.  When you do help other persons, I
know you will feel as __17__ about it as I do now." Mark took the money, tried to dry his tears and
ran to the checkout counter as fast as he could go. I think we all enjoyed our __18__ that year almost as
much as Mark enjoyed giving them to us.  
     I would like to say "thank you" to that __19__ woman. I would like to tell her that four years later
Mark went house to house __20__ blankets and coats for the people in the Oakland fire and he thought
of her.  
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. made        
(     )2. A. declared    
(     )3. A. which        
(     )4. A. picked up    
(     )5. A. happily      
(     )6. A. pick out    
(     )7. A. left        
(     )8. A. allowance    
(     )9. A. and          
(     )10. A. coming down
(     )11. A. man        
(     )12. A. knelt down  
(     )13. A. service    
(     )14. A. transplant  
(     )15. A. when        
(     )16. A. meet        
(     )17. A. wise        
(     )18. A. gifts      
(     )19. A. impossible  
(     )20. A. donating    
B. saved        
B. mentioned    
B. that          
B. brought up    
B. eagerly      
B. pick up      
B. approached    
B. purchases    
B. so            
B. breaking down
B. teacher      
B. turned down  
B. favor        
B. provide      
B. if            
B. share        
B. good          
B. things        
B. inevitable    
B. collecting    
C. earned      
C. announced  
C. what        
C. pulled up  
C. carefully  
C. pick off    
C. escaped    
C. money      
C. but        
C. getting down
C. customer    
C. looked down
C. harm        
C. pass        
C. while      
C. find        
C. honest      
C. helps      
C. individual  
C. fetching    
D. paid            
D. recognized      
D. where          
D. built up        
D. patiently      
D. send out        
D. seated          
D. performance    
D. then            
D. rolling down    
D. waiter          
D. settled down    
D. good            
D. supply          
D. even though    
D. ask            
D. friendly        
D. lives          
D. incredible      
D. purchasing      
      Alone in the light at the dining room table,   I sat in tears.  
      Finally,   I"d succeeded in getting both kids to bed.  I got them both washed,   __1__ by cries of
delight,   crazy running around,   laughing and throwing things.  __2__ calmed down,   they lay in their
beds as I gave each the five minutes" back rubs as usual.  Then I began the night time routine of a song,  
both kids" __3__.  I sang it over and over until they seemed fully engaged in __4__.  
      A recently __5__ man with full custody (监护权) of his children,   I was determined to give them as
__6__ and stable a home life as possible.  I __7__ a happy face for them.  Everything was just as it had
always been with the exception __8__ their mother was now missing.  There,   another night successfully
     I rose slowly,   tiptoed out of their room and went downstairs.  
      Sitting at the  10   room table,   I realized that this was the first time since I came home from work
that I"d been able to   11   sit down.  
     Then it all crowded in on me:the fatigue(疲惫),   the   12   of the responsibility,   the worry about bills
I wasn"t sure I pay that month.  And  13  .  I felt as though I was at the bottom of a great sea of loneliness. 
 I sat there,   silently sobbing.  Just then,   a pair of little arms went around my middle and a little face
peered up at me.  I looked down into my fiveyearold son"s   14   face.  
     I was    15   to be seen crying by my son.  "I"m sorry,   Ethan,   I didn"t know you were still awake. 
 I"m sorry,   I"m just a little   16    tonight. "
     "It"s okay,   Daddy.  It"s okay to cry,   you"re just a 17 . "
      I can"t express how happy he made me,   who gave me   18   to cry.  He seemed to be saying that I
didn"t have to always be   19  ,   that it was occasionally possible to allow myself to feel weak and  20 
my feeling.  Somehow,   it was possible for me to get to sleep that night.  Thank you,   my son.  
题型:四川省同步题难度:| 查看答案
版权所有 CopyRight © 2012-2019 超级试练试题库 All Rights Reserved.
(     )1. A. excited        
(     )2. A. Sooner or later
(     )3. A. favor          
(     )4. A. sleep          
(     )5. A. disabled        
(     )6. A. ordinary        
(     )7. A. put on          
(     )8. A. which        
(     )9. A. arrived        
(     )10. A. dining        
(     )11. A. almost      
(     )12. A. pleasure      
(     )13. A. satisfaction  
(     )14. A. puzzled        
(     )15. A. embarrassed    
(     )16. A. tired          
(     )17. A. human          
(     )18. A. need          
(     )19. A. sad            
(     )20. A. give out      
B. accompanied    
B. Or rather      
B. favorite      
B. bed            
B. married        
B. common        
B. looked on      
B. that          
B. celebrated    
B. sitting        
B. just          
B. lack          
B. fun            
B. suspected      
B. delighted      
B. sad            
B. father        
B. time          
B. happy          
B. let out        
C. encouraged    
C. On time      
C. entertainment
C. joy          
C. divorced      
C. regular      
C. got on        
C. if          
C. dismissed    
C. bed          
C. ever        
C. absence      
C. loneliness    
C. surprising    
C. disappointed  
C. anxious      
C. parent        
C. permission    
C. strong        
C. make out      
D. affected          
D. More or less      
D. hobby            
D. imagination      
D. discovered        
D. normal            
D. had on            
D. whether          
D. concluded        
D. study            
D. hardly            
D. weight            
D. worry            
D. sympathetic      
D. terrified        
D. unlucky          
D. grown?up          
D. order            
D. weak              
D. carry out