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阅读理解     Nine-year-old Jack Russell terrier George is being honored with a bravery medal for saving five New
Zealand children from an attack by two pit bulls. The medal from the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( SPCA ) comes after former US Marine Jerrell Hudman said he was sending his Purple Heart medal to George"s owner after hearing of the dog"s bravery.
     Feisty, 30cm tall George, who had a heart problem, fought with the pit bulls to keep them from
attacking the youngest of five children as they returned home from buying sweets at a neighborhood shop
in the small North Island town of Manaia on April 29.
     The Jack Russell was badly injured in the fight. "It was an extraordinary act of  heroism" said the
animal protection society"s chief executive, Robyn Kippenberger. Authorities have killed the two pit bulls,
and their owner faces prosecution for owning dangerous and unconotrolled dogs.
     Kippenberger said her group"s award, the SPCA medal, normally given to humans for bravery in
aiding animals, has not been awarded to a dog since 1990. The two previous dog winners were trained
police dogs. "That he weighed into a couple of dogs much larger than himself, clearly to protect a child, is
just a most amazing act and needs to be recognized," she told The Associated Press. The bravery medal
will be presented to George"s owner at the children"s school.
     Meanwhile, former US marine Jerrell Hudman told the local Taranaki Herald newspaper that he
would honor the terrier"s bravery by mailing to New Zealand one of the three Purple Heart medals he
was awarded for service in Vietnam in 1967. Purple Hearts are given to US troops wounded or killed in
battles. Hudman 58, of Austin, Texas, described George as a "little warrior" who deserved the honor.

1. How many medals were given to George for his bravery act?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

2. What"s true about the two pit bulls?

A.Their owner has killed them because of prosecution.
B.They were honored with a bravery medal.
C.They are dangerous and uncontrolled
D.They saved five children against an attack.

3. The bravery medal is usually given to ______.

A.whoever defends animals bravely
B.people who train police dogs successfully
C.those who protect children during their daily life
D.solider wounded or killed in the battle

4. The text mainly wants to tell us ______.

A. which kind of dog is brave most
B. a dog gets medals for saving kids
C. the career of Jerrel Hudman
D. the function of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
1-4: BCAB
试题【阅读理解     Nine-year-old Jack Russell terrier George is being honored with a brave】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解     In 1982 Steven Callahan was crossing the Atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and
sank. He was out of the shipping lanes and floating in a life raft, alone. His supplies were few. His chances were small. Yet when three fishermen found him seventy-six days later, he was alive.
     His account of how he survived is fascinating. But the thing that caught my eye was how he managed
to keep himself going when all hope seemed lost. Giving up would have seemed the only wise option.
     When people survive these kinds of circumstances, they do something with their minds that gives them
the courage to keep going. Many people in similarly desperate circumstances give in or go mad.
     "I tell myself I can handle it," wrote Callahan. "Compared to what others have been through, I"m
fortunate. I tell myself these things over and over, building up fortitude(坚强意志)…."
     It struck me as something important. And I"ve told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed
far off or when my problems seemed too overwhelming. And every time I"ve said it, I have always come
back to my senses.
      The truth is, our circumstances are only bad compared to something better. But others have been
through much worse. So here, coming to us from the extreme edge of survival, are words that can give us
strength. Whatever you"re going through, tell yourself you can handle it. Tell this to yourself over and over, and it will help you get through the rough spots with a little more fortitude.

1. The writer seemed more interested in ______.

A. something that made Steven Callahan want to cross the Atlantic
B. What made Steven Callahan live through the circumstances
C. what Steven Callahan thought of in the ban circumstances
D. what was wrong with his boat on the half way

2. From the third paragraph we can infer that ______.

A. the state of mind means one"s life or death
B. keeping up one"s spirit is especially easy for one
C. most people have good physiological quality
D. bad conditions can strengthen one"s will

3. How did Steven Callahan build up his confidence in difficulty?

A. By comparing himself with others.
B. By trying over and over again to call help.
C. By encouraging himself once and again.
D. By trying out different ways of how to survive.

4. What did the writer get from the experience of Steven Callahan?

A .One shouldn"t lose heart when in difficulty.
B. Encouragement comes from one"s behaviors.
C. The strength of example is endless.
D. To experience the difficulty does good to one person.
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完形填空      We always celebrated my Dad"s November birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he entered a
nursing home. As years went on, these events took on a(n)   1   meaning - a traditional birthday party for
Dad, and a personal   2   for all that he had done for me in my life.
     When we knew that it might be Dad"s   3   birthday, the whole family decided to come together for a
huge birthday celebration at the nursing home. It was a crowded party _4_all of us sitting around him.
Dad was a wonderful   5   , and here was a biggest audience he"d ever had.
     During a quiet moment, I announced that it was now Dad"s turn to   6   stories from us. I wanted
everyone to tell Dad what we loved about him.   7  , we told stories from our hearts,   8   Dad listened
with wet, flashing blue eyes. We   9   all kinds of lost memories - stories about when we were little,
stories about when Dad was young and stories that are shared as family   10  . Even the littlest
grandchildren couldn"t   11   to tell their grandfather why they loved him. For a man who had been kind
to so many people in his life, here was our   12   to honor him.
       A few months later, at Dad"s memorial service, we fully realized what we had given Dad that night.
Those were the stories people normally tell at a   13  . They are told, then, full of tears, with the hope that
the departed will somehow hear the outpouring of love.  14   we had given those loving   15   to Dad
when he was   16  , told through laughter, accompanied by hugs and joy. I"m sure the stories and
memories   17   over in his mind during his last months and days.
     Words do    18  , and they are enough. We need to say them, to speak them   19   to the ones we
love, for everyone else to hear. That"s the way to   20   love, and our chance to honor a person in life.
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题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
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(   )1. A. double         
(   )2. A. congratulation  
(   )3. A. late            
(   )4. A. by              
(   )5. A. writer        
(   )6. A. listen to      
(   )7. A. Little by little
(   )8. A. while          
(   )9. A. regretted       
(   )10.A. thoughts        
(   )11.A. afford          
(   )12.A. task            
(   )13.A. burial          
(   )14.A. Or                
(   )15.A. kindness      
(   )16.A. healthy      
(   )17.A. rolled          
(   )18.A. benefit      
(   )19.A. properly        
(   )20.A. give back      
B. original      
B. thanking      
B. last        
B. as            
B. listener    
B. hear of      
B. Now and then  
B. because      
B. recorded      
B. possessions  
B. wait          
B. duty        
B. party          
B. And          
B. memories    
B. old          
B. went          
B. work        
B. publicly    
B. search for    
C. complex      
C. wish          
C. living        
C. though        
C. storyteller
C. make up      
C. All at once  
C. if           
C. recalled      
C. tales      
C. offer        
C. chance      
C. meeting      
C. So            
C. care         
C. young      
C. flied         
C. matter      
C. clearly    
C. hand over     
D. modern              
D. apology          
D. lost                
D. with                
D. reader              
D. talk about          
D. One after another  
D. before              
D. remembered          
D. treasures          
D. help                
D. decision            
D. wedding            
D. But                
D. hugs                
D. alive              
D. came                
D. mean                
D. correctly          
D. fall in            
      I was 13 years old.  My family had moved to Southern California from North Florida a year before. 
 I hit adolescence with a vengeance.  I was angry and rebellious, with little regard for anything my parents
had to say, particularly if it had to do with me.  Like so many teenagers, I struggled to escape from
anything that didn"t agree with my picture of the world
. A "brilliant without need of guidance" kid, I
rejected any overt offering of love.  In fact, I got angry at the mention of the word love.
     One night, after a particularly difficult day, I _____________, shut the door and got into bed.  As I
lay down in the privacy of my bed, my hands slipped under my pillow.  There was an envelope.  I pulled
it out and on the envelope it said, "To read when you"re alone."
     Since I was alone, no one would know whether I read it or not, so I opened it.  It said "Mike, I know
life is hard right now, I know you are frustrated and I know we don"t do everything right.  I also know
that I love you completely and nothing you do or say will ever change that.  I am here for you if you ever
need to talk, and if you don"t, that"s okay.  Just know that no matter where you go or what you do in your
life, I will always love you and be proud that you are my son.  I"m here for you and I love you - that will
never change.  Love, Mom.
That was the first of several "To read when you"re alone" letters.  They were never mentioned until I was
an adult.
Today I travel the world helping people.  I was in Sarasota, Florida, teaching a seminar when, at the end
of the day, a lady came up to me and shared the difficulty she was having with her son.  We walked out
to the beach, and I told her of my mom"s undying love and about the "To read when you"re alone" letters.  Several weeks later, I got a card that said she had written her first letter and left it for her son.
     That night as I went to bed, I put my hands under my pillow and remembered the relief I felt every
time I got a letter.  In the midst of my turbulent teen years, the letters were the calm assurance that I
could be loved in spite of me, not because of me.  Just before I fell asleep I thanked God that my mom
knew what I, an angry teenager, needed.  Today when the seas of life get stormy, I know that just under
my pillow there is that calm assurance that love - consistent, abiding, unconditional love - changes lives.    
1.  The passage is mainly about _______.

A. communication between parents and children.
B. the childhood of the writer
C. parents" devotion to their children
D. the lesson the writer got from the letter.

2.  We can inferred that the boy used to be ________

A. friendly      
B. rebellious        
C. easy-going          
D. considerate

3.  The best phrase for the blank may be _____________

A. I went into my door              
B. I run into my door      
C. I slipped into my door            
D. I stormed into my door  

4.  We can learn from the passage except that____________

A. The letter changed the author a lot
B. Children should be encouraged to be what he is
C. The mother"s concern moved the author greatly
D. We children should communicate with our parents pften
     When Alexandra Holderman of Indiana was five years old, she saw a bay dressed in only a T-shirt,
diaper(尿布), and blanket in the middle of winter. Alexandra could tell that the baby was very cold. "He
had red, chapped(皲裂) skin and a runny nose," she remembers.
     That same year, Alexandra started Baby Bundles (包裹), a program to help mothers keep their
babies warm. She packed bundles of pajamas, blankets, diapers, bottles and bibs, and then delivered
them to centers for women who couldn"t afford the items. Alexandra continues this program today.
     Where does Alexandra get the money for her program? The first year, family members helped a lot.
Many of them gave Alexandra money to buy supplies. Alexandra"s mother, who has always encouraged
Alexandra to share her blessings with people who are less fortunate, taught her how to request donations
from stores.
     Alexandra felt shy speaking with stores" business managers at first. "But now it just comes naturally,"
she says, "and I have places that donate stuff every year." Alexandra has been doing Baby Bundles for
six years now. Each September she writes betters to stores asking for supplies and donations. Then she
makes follow-up phone calls. In October, she gathers all of the donations and goes shopping. One of the
biggest challenges is getting all of the supplies she needs while staying within a planned budget.    
Alexandra has had to give up her allowance and some time with friends, but she knows that what she"s
doing helps. Sometimes she sees a baby wearing clothes like the ones she put in her bundles. And she
wonders if that baby was helped by her program. "I know that there are babies out there who are
warmer and healthier now," she says.
      Alexandra plans to continue Baby Bundles as long as she can and is currently trying to get a Web
site set up. She hopes that her work will inspire other young people to find ways to serve their
communities. Alexandra has made sure that many babies in Indiana remain cozy during the winter
1. The following things except ________ may be included in Alexandra"s Baby Bundles.

A. baby clothes      
B. diapers      
C. baby caps      
D. money

2. What do you think mainly helps her program to continue?

A. Her family"s money to buy supplies.
B. Her mother"s encouragement.
C. Supplies and donations from stores.
D. Support from the local government.

3. What does the underlined word "allowance" mean?

A. pocket money    
B. permission      
C. salary      
D. spare time

4. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. She finds it challenging to get all of the supplies she needs with limited money.
B. Now, Alexandra is only 11years old.
C.The main purpose of her work is to inspire other young people to serve their communities.
D. Now many babies in Indiana are warmer and healthier during the winter months.
        I could have easily gone through life without getting to know one of the most romantic feelings-love
for a dog.
        For at least years my    1      had been suggesting that we get a dog. There were several reasons why
the idea came up. We had noticed that, on our block, couples with no children as a rule     2   one large or
two small dogs. So we got one puppy since we had no children, either.
        He flew into the house at high     3    . In several minutes he ran over all the house, jumped from my
shoulder onto the bed, and ended up in the   4    , where my wife washed him with motherly   5    . From
that day on, the invisible(看不见的) war for the love of my new member of our family began at my home.
He seemed to      6   that at once. Most of the meals that my wife had      7__ for him with greater care than those for me-he didn"t even look at.
        Every evening I went out walking with him. I could not know who was walking whom until one evening, when, tired from work, I  _8    the walk. The dog was very angry and dragged me out.
        Last night our dog pulled me by the ear with his teeth,    9      me up in my dream, and dragged me into the kitchen to make me turn off the  __10    which had disturbed his sleep. I meekly(乖乖地) admited that I had forgotten to switch off the light, but that was not   _11 . He looked at me like a teacher at a pupil who
repeatedly makes mistakes.
       Now we finally know who"s the   12 _ at home, and for twenty years we had seriously argued whether
it was my wife or I.
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(     )1. A.wife  
(     )2. A.kept  
(     )3. A.speed  
(     )4. A.yard  
(     )5. A.worry  
(     )6. A.doubt  
(     )7. A.reached
(     )8. A.gave in
(     )9  A.broke  
(     )10. A.water
(     )11. A.enough
(     )12. A.adult
B.gave up
C.gave away  
D.gave out      