当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解     My mother through her fine example instilled (慢慢灌输)within me the desire...
阅读理解     My mother through her fine example instilled (慢慢灌输)within me the desire to help others.She taught
me to notice those whom others ignore.
     The railroad tracks (轨道) were within a mile of our house.Beggars frequently would knock at the
doors in our neighbourhood in summer asking for food.They were often turned away.Others simply
ignored the knocks.
     My mum always went to the door smiling.She would invite them to stay and have something to eat.She
would have me open up the card table and carry a chair out onto the covered side porch (走廊).There
was a nice view into the flower gardens,and it was cool even on the hottest days.
     She would bring a red and white tablecloth and set the table as carefully as she did for any company.
She would pour their coffee and pile their plates with food and dessert.Usually she sent a packed lunch
with them when they were ready to go,too.Sometimes she would take the newspapers to those who asked
about work.
     She listened to those who wanted to talk.She never asked what would lead them to be in this difficult
situation.It did not matter.She saw only the need.Some thought she should not extend this courtesy
(礼貌).She would say,"In the depression (萧条时期) when my father was searching around for any
work to feed us,thoughtful people fed him.I am just repaying their kindness.I cannot offer them money,but
I can see they do not leave hungry and discouraged." My mum was quite a lady.1.The writer"s house was frequently visited by beggars because________.A.they seemed to be very rich
B.his mother was known to be generous
C.they lived near a railway station
D.there was a railway near their house2.How did the writer"s mother treat beggars?A.She was on guard against them.
B.She looked down upon them.
C.She respected them equally.
D.She took pride in them.3.The writer"s mother sometimes took out newspapers________.A.for the beggars to kill time
B.to teach the beggars how to read
C.to help the beggars who asked about work
D.to help the beggars to find their families4.Which of the following can make an explanation for the mother"s attitude to beggars?A.Her father was once helped by others.
B.Her father liked to help beggars.
C.She was once a beggar herself.
D.Her mother taught her to help beggars.
1-4. DCCA
试题【阅读理解     My mother through her fine example instilled (慢慢灌输)within me the desire】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解     It happened to me recently that I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack
Obama"s Dreams from My Father and how it had changed my views of the current US president.The
person I was talking to agreed with me that it was,in his words,"a wonderfully written book".However,he
then proceeded to talk about Mr Obama in a way that suggested he had no idea of his background at all.I
sensed that I was talking to a book liar.
     And it seems that he is not the only one.Clearly two thirds of people have lied about reading a book B
which they haven"t.In the World Book Day survey,Dreams from My Father is at number 9.The survey
lists top ten books,and various authors,which people have lied about reading.As I"m not one to lie too
often,I"ll admit here and now that I haven"t read the entire ten books.But I am pleased to say that I have
read the book at number one,George Orwell"s 1984.I think it"s absolutely outstanding.
     Asked why they lied,the most common reason was to impress someone they were speaking to.This
could be difficult if the conversation became more indepth!
     The World Book Day survey also has some other interesting information in it.It shows that many people
lie about having read classical works by Jane Austen,the Bronte sisters,Charles Dickens and so on.But
when asked which authors they actually enjoy,they named J.K.Rowling,Jilly Cooper,and Stephen King
(ah,the big sellers,in other words).Fortyone percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of
the book to read the end before finishing the story.
     So which books have you lied about reading-if any-and which is your favourite?1. The main reason why people lie about reading is to _____.A. make fun of the listener
B. impress the listener
C. please the listener
D. interest the listener2. The underlined word"proceeded" in the passage probably means "_____".A. wanted  
B. happened
C. continued  
D. stopped3. What does the World Book Day survey show?A. Nearly half of the people surveyed didn"t read through a whole classical book.
B. People don"t like Dreams from My Father and George Orwell "s 1984.
C. Few people lie about having read classical works by Jane Austen.
D. People usually enjoy reading books by Charles Dickens.4. What is the best title for the passage?A. Are You a Book Liar?  
B. Readers Are All Liars
C. World Book Day  
D. Dreams from My Father
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完形填空     One day a mother brought home a small   1  and gave it to her little girl on her birthday. She told her
little girl that the jar was   2 , and that she could write to her mommy about anything in the world and then
put it in the jar. And   3  , in its place, there would be a   4  for her. Soon the jar became a special part of
their lives.
     The little girl loved to get  5  from her mommy. They always told her how     6  she was. Sometimes,
too, there would be a little  7  in the jar with a note telling her how  8  her mommy was of her. She  9  all
of her mommy"s letters in a pretty box by her bed.
     The mother  10  each of her little girl"s letters, too. As the years went by, that little girl  11  into a
young lady and then got married and started a  12  of her own. For the first time, the jar sat   13  . The
mother dusted the jar every day and sometimes looked inside,  14  sadly that the magic jar years had to
     One day the young lady came to  15  her mother. She went straight to her mother"s room, opened the
chest at the end of her bed, and found what she was looking for. She   16   a piece of paper and put it in
the jar, and   17  it to her mother. The mother opened the magic jar and there was that note from so long
ago, "You"re going to be a  18  !"
     And when that baby boy was born months later, there was the jar   19  in his nursery (育儿室) with
a blue bow tied around it, and a note that read,"Magic jar years never 20  : they are always just beginning."
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(     )1. A. jar        
(     )2. A. worthy      
(     )3. A. thus     
(     )4. A. doll        
(     )5. A. letters    
(     )6. A. fat       
(     )7. A. air       
(     )8. A. ashamed  
(     )9. A. kept      
(     )10. A. marked  
(     )11. A. developed  
(     )12. A. business  
(     )13. A. empty   
(     )14. A. judging
(     )15. A. treat      
(     )16. A. designed  
(     )17. A. handed    
(     )18. A. hero      
(     )19. A. hanging    
(     )20. A. disappear  
B. box          
B. magic       
B. somewhat     
B. candy       
B. sweets       
B. special     
B. love         
B. afraid       
B. hid         
B. treasured    
B. turned       
B. factory      
B. straight     
B. remembering
B. award       
B. cut         
B. fell         
B. grandma      
B. placing      
B. sell         
C. bag        
C. beautiful  
C. later     
C. book    
C. flowers   
C. ordinary
C. present  
C. tired     
C. buried    
C. counted   
C. grew     
C. shop     
C. full     
C. realizing
C. visit     
C. prepared
C. posted   
C. beginner  
C. sitting   
C. break     
D. toy      
D. cheap    
D. anyway  
D. note    
D. gifts    
D. wise    
D. money    
D. proud    
D. forgot  
D. numbered
D. fell    
D. home    
D. shining  
D. knowing  
D. notice  
D. folded  
D. sent    
D. mother  
D. lying    
D. end      
     After decades of skimpy(小而暴露的)skirts and sleeveless tops on game days, some schools in the
US are saying cheerleader uniforms will have to meet stricter dress codes when they are worn in class.
     In Lake County, Florida, cheerleaders with uniforms too skimpy for the code are being asked to wear
long shorts or trousers under their skirts and a T-shirt under the sleeveless tops , according to a district
memo. Principals at two of Lake"s eight high schools-Leesburg and Lake Minneola-are not allowing the
outfits in school at all.
     Michelle Thomas, a cheerleader at Leesburg High School, was disappointed when she learned she
couldn"t wear her outfit to school on game days.
     "It shows that we"re a team just like all the other sports." She said.
     But the school administrators didn"t agree. "During the educational portion of the day, they have to
meet the dress code just like every other student," said school board chairwoman Debbie Stivender,
who ordered the staff to bring the outfits into line with the dress code.
     Bare midriffs(露腰装) are banned across the state by the Florida High School Athletic Association,
but no state rules mention cheerleader miniskirts. Sheila Noone, a spokeswoman for cheerleading
uniform company Varsity Brands, says the outfits haven"t become more revealing over the last 10 years.
She says that the short skirts are designed to help the girls jump and kick.
     "Cheerleading is athletic," Noone said. "There"s a lot of jumping so you won"t want a knee-length skirt
that might hamper a toe touch."
     Most cheerleaders were sad to hear the news, but say they"ll follow the rules. Even male cheerleaders, whose pants and tops meet dress codes, chose not to wear their outfits to show unity.
     "I understand, because they are kind of short," said Holly Bishop,14, a Lake Minneola High School
cheerleader, about her miniskirt. "It would"ve been really, really cool to wear them to school."

1. According to the new dress codes for cheerleaders in some American schools,_________.

A. bare midriffs are banned
B. cheerleading miniskirts are banned
C. cheerleader uniforms have switched from skirts to trousers
D. cheerleaders have to make their uniforms less revealing.

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?

A. School administrators believe cheerleader uniforms do not match school dress codes.
B. Most cheerleaders show understanding of the new dress codes.
C. Sheila Noone believes that cheerleading miniskirts are not revealing.
D. School administrators don"t take cheerleading seriously.

3.Some cheerleaders are not happy about the news because_______.

A. they hate the dress codes that other sports have  
B. they consider their uniforms special and cool
C. they want to wear revealing clothes
D. they will have to buy new uniforms

4. What is the main point of the article?

A. Stricter dress codes for cheerleaders meet opposition.
B. Positive reactions to stricter dress codes for cheerleaders
C. American schools encourage unity in dress codes.
D. Changes in dress codes for cheerleaders in American high schools.

5. What does the underlined word "hamper" in paragraph 7 mean?

A. protect      
B. miss    
C. prevent    
D. help
     I didn"t cry when I learned I was the parent of a mentally handicapped (弱智的) child.
     "Go ahead and cry,"the doctor __36__ kindly.But I couldn"t cry then nor during the months that
     We sent her to a kindergarten in our neighborhood at age seven.I worried that she was the "__37__"
child among twenty fiveyearolds.
     __38__,positive things began to happen to Kristi in her school,and to her schoolmates,too.When
talking big of their own accomplishments,Kristi"s classmates always took __39__ to praise her as well,"
Kristi got all her spelling words right today."No one would say that her spelling list was easier than anyone
     During Kristi"s second year in school,she __40__ a very special challenge.The big public event of the
term was a __41__ based on the final outcome of the year"s music and physical education activities.Kristi
was __42__ in both.My husband and I felt __43__ about the day as well.
     On the day of the program,Kristi __44__ to be sick.Desperately I wanted to keep her home.Why let
Kristi fail in a gymnasium __45__ with parents,students and teachers?What a simple __46__!But I finally
got her onto the school bus.
     Just as I had forced my daughter to go to school,now I forced myself to go,too.Then I knew Kristi"s
__47__.Her class was divided into relay teams.With her slow and clumsy reactions,she would surely
__48__ her team.
     But as Kristi"s turn to __49__ neared,a change took place in her team.The tallest boy in the line
stepped __50__ Kristi and placed his hands on her waist.Two other boys stood a little ahead of her.The
__51__ the player in front of Kristi stepped from the sack(bag),the two boys seized it and held it open
while the tall boy __52__Kristi and dropped her neatly into the sack.A girl ahead took her hand and
supported her until she gained her __53__.Then off Kristi hopped (跳跃),smiling and proud.
     At the cheers of the crowd,I slipped out to thank Heaven for the warm and considerate people making
it possible for my __54__daughter to be like her fellow human beings.Then I finally __55__.
(     )1.A.demanded    
(     )2.A.common      
(     )3.A.Thus        
(     )4.A.pains      
(     )5.A.failed      
(     )6.A.competition
(     )7.A.stupid      
(     )8.A.annoyed    
(     )9.A.wanted      
(     )10.A.filled    
(     )11.A.approach  
(     )12.A.worry    
(     )13.A.hold on    
(     )14.A.participate
(     )15.A.around    
(     )16.A.interval  
(     )17.A.caught    
(     )18.A.access  
(     )19.A.nervous    
(     )20.A.recovered  
B.hold out  
C.hold over  
D.hold up      
     I"m a 21yearold boy,and this is my story.
     A month after I graduated from high school in 2004,I was coming home from swim practice and was
involved in a car accident.I was so seriously injured that I was in a coma (昏迷) for over two months at
Prince Georges Hospital.
     I died eight times during my coma and I couldn"t talk or communicate when I woke up.Walking was
never going to happen again due to all the extreme injuries.Just like my body,my dreams were
shattered  (破灭).But I was not going to let my injuries stop me from living my dream.
     After 14 operations and 36 blood transfusions,I had to learn how to talk,eat,walk,shower,and live
independently again.When I was out of hospital,I still had to go to outpatient therapy (门诊治疗) in
Waldorf,Maryland.After spending a few months in a wheelchair,I took baby  steps to walk on my own.It was a miracle (奇迹) that I  could walk again,but I wanted to prove that I could not  only walk,but run.
When it came true,I wanted to get  back in the pool again.After a few lung tests,I was able  to go in the
pool a little bit each week.After a few months  of swim training,I began my freshman year at St.Mary"s
College of Maryland and became a proud member of the swim team.
     By telling my story,I want to make a positive influence on the world.I am just trying to live each day to
the fullest and inspire other people to never give up on their dreams no matter how bad a situation is.I
remember when I was still in my hospital bed,I would have my mom and dad push me around in my
wheelchair to the other rooms to see the other patients and talk to them and their families.I wanted to let
them know that everything was going to be okay.Somehow,things would work out for the best.
1.When the car accident happened,the author________.
A. was a high school student
B. had finished his high school education
C. was a college student
D. was returning home from a swim competition
2. It can be inferred that the author________after he woke up from his coma.
A. was out of hospital
B. was in surprise
C. faced physical and mental challenges
D. was worried about his lung
3. What can we learn from the author"s recovery?
A. Attitude is everything.
B. Actions speak louder than words.
C. Everything happens for a reason.
D. A good beginning is half done.
4.What procedure did the author follow to full recovery?
a. ran
b. received membership of the swim team
c. trained for swim
d. baby walked
e. learnt to live all by himself
A. d,a,c,b,e  
B. e,d,a,c,b
C. d,a,b,c,e  
D. e,d,a,b,c
5. What does the author mainly want to show in the last paragraph?
A. His purpose of sharing his story.
B. His painful experiences.
C. His influence on others.
D. His great achievements.