当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解     Wilma was born on June 23,1940 in St Bethlehem, Tennesse.By the time sh...
阅读理解     Wilma was born on June 23,1940 in St Bethlehem, Tennesse.By the time she was 6, Wilma Rudolph
was given metal braces (支架) to aid her in walking.She started receiving treatment with help from her
family.A few years later, she walked without any assistance into the church.
     When she was in junior high, she joined the basketball team.She finally made an appeal to compete in
games again and when her wish was finally permitted, she amazed everyone by leading the team to an
undefeated season and the state championships.Though they lost the championship title in the end,
Wilma Rudolph earned the attention of the women"s track coach, Ed Template at Tennessee State
University and was invited to join the"Tigerbelles". Her efforts paid off as she turned out to be so good
that the Tigerbelles invited her to join them in the national Olympic team trails.Not only did she make it
into the team, but she won a bronze medal in the 4?100 m relay at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics.Four
years later, Rudolph set a world 200 m record (22.9 seconds)at the 1960 US Championships.At the
Rome Olympics in 1960, she competed in the 100 m,200 m and 4?100 m relay, and equaled the world
record of 11.3 seconds in the semifinals (半决赛) of the 100 m. She won the final by three metres in
11.0 seconds, but it was not accepted as a world record.
     Wilma Rudolph"s extraordinary achievements in Rome made her a darling of the European press who
gave her the nickname "The Black Gazelle (羚羊)"and "The Black Pearl". She also became the first
woman in American history to win 3 gold medals in the Olympics and was crowned "the Fastest Woman
in the World", Wilma Rudolph"s spirit inspired people such as Jackie Joyner Kersee and Florence Griffith
Joyner who became the next woman to win 3 gold medals.

1. What problem did Wilma face according to Paragraph 1?

A. Not being able to speak.  
B. Not being able to walk.
C. Losing her sight.  
D. Losing her hearing.

2. According to the passage, Wilma could join the "Tigerbelles" mainly because of________.

A. her being Ed Template"s favourite athlete
B. her strong appeal to Ed Template
C. her winning the championship title
D. her outstanding performances in basketball games

3. We learn that Wilma broke the world record in________.

A. the 4 ?100 m relay at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics
B. the semifinals of the 100 m at the Rome Olympics
C. the 200 m at the 1960 US Championships
D. the final of the 100 m at the Rome Olympics

4. How many people that at least won 3 Olympics gold medals inAmerican history are mentioned in
   the passage?

A. One.  
B. Three.  
C. Four.  
D. Five.

5. According to the last paragraph, Wilma"s two nicknames and one title show that she had________.

A. speed, grace and beauty
B. swiftness, grace and misfortune
C. speed, kindness and responsibility
D. kindness, perseverance and beauty
1-5: BDCBA
试题【阅读理解     Wilma was born on June 23,1940 in St Bethlehem, Tennesse.By the time sh】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Maxin Gorky was born of a worker"s family.At the age of five,
he lost his father.He s________his childhood
mainly in his grandfather"s home.When he was ten,
his mother died________illness.His grandfather
made him________for a job by himself.For ten
years, young Gorky wandered about.He did whatever
kind of jobs he could f________.He lived
such a wandering________not because he liked it,
but because he wanted to see the great land
w________he lived and people around him.The life
in those years made him________(深深地)
understand the pains on the working people and hate
the old Russian________(社会). During the period he read
all k________of books with great interest, which
provided him with________(丰富的) materials to
题型:福建省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Bill Gates was born on October 28th, 1955. He and his two sisters grew up in Seattle. Their father,
William H. Gates II, was a Seattle lawyer. Mary Gates, their late mother, was a school teacher. Gates
attended public elementary school before moving on to the private Lakeside School in North Seattle. It
was at Lakeside that Gates began his career in personal computer soft-ware, programming computers
at age 13.
     In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman, where he lived down the hall from Steve
Ballmer, who is now Microsoft"s president. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version (版本) of the
programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer—the MITS Astair. In his junior year, Gates
dropped out of Harvard to devote his energies full-time to Microsoft, a company he had started in 1975
with his boyhood friend Paul Allen. Guided by a belief that the personal computer would be a valuable
tool on every office desk-top and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers.
     Gates" foresight has led to the success of Microsoft and the software industry. He plays an important
role in the technical development of new products. Much of his time is devoted to meeting with customers and staying in touch with Microsoft employees around the world through e-mail.
     In the dozen years since Microsoft went public, Gates has donated more than $ 800 million to charities (慈善机构), including $ 200 million to the Gates Library Foundation to help libraries in North America
make use of new technologies and the Information Age. 1. Where did Bill Gates begin his career in personal computer software?A. At public elementary school.
B. At the private Lakeside School.
C. At Harvard University.
D. At Microsoft Company. 2. Why did he drop out of Harvard?A. To change school.
B. To spend all his energies to Microsoft.
C. To find a full-time job.
D. To earn money.3. How does Gates spend much of his time?A. Meeting with people.
B. Travelling around the world.
C. E-mailing some friends.
D. Meeting with customers and e-mailing Microsoft employees.4. What does the underlined word "donated" in the last paragraph mean?A. gave.
B. earned.
C. made.
D. received.
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     One of the greatest stories of rags to riches success is that of Andrew Carnegie, who started life in
poverty but became one of the richest men in the world.
     Carnegie was born in Scotland in 1835, the son of a weaver. In 1848, the family moved to the United States and at 13 Carnegie began to work in a cotton mill, earning $1.5 per week.About three years later,
he found a better job as a telegraph messenger boy. At work, his superiors (上级) were impressed by
his abilities and willingness to work hard. In 1853, he gained an office job at the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. This was his first big break. He continued to impress and rose rapidly through the company,
gaining_more_and_more_responsibility.At the same time, Carnegie loved reading very much and made
use of every opportunity to visit the library.He read widely on all subjects, particularly literature.
     Carnegie now began to save a little money and, with the help of his employer, began to make some
successful investments. He invested in the iron industry and eventually set up in business himself, owning
several iron and steel plants. This was where he made his fortune.By the 1890s, the Carnegie Steel
Company was the biggest and most profitable business in the world.
     Carnegie had always believed that the pursuit (追求) of wealth was never an end in itself. In his view,
successful, wealthy people should redistribute their wealth for the benefit of everyone in society. True to
his word, in 1901, at the age of 66, he retired from business and devoted the rest of his life to charity
     Carnegie"s lack of formal education and his poor family background clearly didn"t put barriers in the
way of success. His rapid rise from poverty to wealth was due to his willingness to work hard, his
intelligence and good business sense, and his talent for making things happen. He died in 1919 at the age
of 83.1. What can be learnt from the text?A. Carnegie"s employers had a high opinion of him.
B Carnegie made the investments independently after saving enough money.
C. Carnegie believed that we should try to earn as much money as possible in our life.
D. Carnegie could have been more successful if he had been formally educated.2. What does "gaining more and more responsibility" in the second paragraph most probably mean?A. Becoming more and more intelligent.
B. Being promoted to higher ranks.
C. Having a better sense of confidence.
D. Reading more and more books.3. When did Carnegie get his first big success in his life?A. When he took a job as a telegraph messenger boy.
B. When he worked at the Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
C. When he made investments in the iron industry.
D. When he founded the Carnegie Steel Company.4. Which of the following will be the suitable title for the text?A. Andrew Carnegie: A Wealthy Man
B. Steel & Iron: The Most Profitable Business
C. From Rags to Riches: The Story of Andrew Carnegie
D. Intelligence and Good Business Sense: Two Factors in Becoming Wealthy
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Today, no one thinks of Bill Gates as a failed entrepreneur or a college dropout yet. Both of these
things are true of Gates, American richest man and the pioneering genius who leads the computer
software industry.
     Gates was born in Seattle in 1955. Young Gates" grades weren"t always great. Although he did well in
science and maths, he was something of an underachiever. But in the eighth grade he found his passion. In
the 1960"s, the mothers" club at Gates" school bought a computer for the students.
     Gates discovered it and soon became computer crazy. He spent every evening and weekend trying to master computer technology. His computer usage fees were so high that he hide from his parents the
amount he spent. It wasn"t long, though until his programming passion turned toward real goals. He and
his friend Paul Allen started a company called Traf-0-Data. Their goal was to use new computer
technology to count passing cars. The company went broke. After all he was only in the eighth grade.
And it didn"t discourage his interest in technology. In fact, it was because of his passion for programming
that he later dropped out of Harvard. He spent two dissatisfying years at the university before he left to
form another company with Allen. Gates and Allen called their software company Microsoft. In the
1970s it was only a small operation running out of loaned office in Arizona. Gates would work late into
the night and sometimes sleep under his desk. Today, Microsoft is the software industry giant. As
chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft, Gates operates as the prince of programmers.
     Despite his wealth and recent marriage, Gates hasn"t slowed down. He is still a workaholic, putting in
long hours at the office.1. The first computer that Gates was crazy for was a computer _   __  .A.  at home    
B.  at school    
C.  at the mothers" club    
D.  at an office2. Once Gates was ___ _    .  A.  a failed entrepreneur  
B.  a good student in his middle school  
C.  a crazy student    
D.  honest enough to tell his parents how much he spent on computer3. Gates" first company was ___      .      A. successful  
B. unsuccessful  
C. started when he was at college  
D. called Microsoft4. Which of the following sentences is true?A. Gates graduated from Harvard
B. The company Microsoft mainly use new computer to count passing cars
C. The company Microsoft was started by Gates and Allen
D. Not only chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft, Gates is also a prince in the USA5. The underlined word workaholic here means ___      _.A. a member of the company            
B. a common person with high position
C. a person who has great interest in PC  
D. one who has a strong determination and interest to work
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
Kasey Kaxzmarek
When I read “Would he love me?”, I always wondered if my dad cared about me. I used to think about him all the time, especially on Father’s Day. All the kids would be with their dads and they would ask me where my dad was, so I would tell them that he was out of town. Tha was all that I could really say because I didn’t know. For all your kids who have a dad, tell him how much you love him, becaue there are plenty of kids who would love to have a dad.
Armen Abidian T
        his article describes everything about me and my life. When I was 3, my mother and father had a big argument and got divorced(离婚). Now I’m 13 years old. Just like Martha, I don’t know what he looks like now, whether or not he’s gotten married to a different woman, or if he has children. No matter what, I will always love my father, Albert Abidian.
Briana Collura
After I read “Would he love me?” I felt terrible. I never thought about how life would be without my dad. When Martha talked about how “most girls have dads who take them to their practices, buy them things and play with them,” I thought, I am one of those girls. I never stopped to think about how there are girls like Martha who have always dreamed of having those things but don’t have a father.
Stephanie Felix
This article reminded(提醒) me of how much I missed my dad when I was younger. I really relate to this article because I used to always wonder about my dad, but not anymore. It has made me more independent(独立的) and responsible, or at least that is what my mother says. By reading this article I remember all of this and I was able to understand what the writer was talking about.

1. What do these people tell us in the passage?               

A. Their feelings after reading the article.  
B. How they love their father.  
C. What their fathers do.             
D. Their life without their fathers

2. Which of the following about Kasey Daczmarek is TRUE?             
A. His father was out of town.        
B. He knew what his father was doing.  
C. He seldom thought about his father.  
D. When asked where his father was, he always lied.

3. How long have Armen Abidian’s parents been divorced?                

A. For three years. 
B. For ten years.  
C. For seven years. 
D. For thirteen years.

4. Compared with the other girls, Briana Collura_______.  

A. felt terrible about her family life    
B. lived in a single-parent family  
C. lived a much happier life          
D. always dreamed of her father

5. Whose life is most similar to that of the author?                

A. Kasey Kaczmarck.  
B. Armen Abidian. 
C. Briana Collura.  
D. Stephanie Felix.
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