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Short and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. “Football, tennis Cricket—anything with a round ball, I was useless, “he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the object of jokes in school gym classes in England’s rural Devonshire.
It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him. At first the teen went biking alone in a nearby forest. Then he began to cycle along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set his mind building up his body, increasing his speed, strength and endurance. At age 18, he ran his first marathon.
The following year, he met John Ridgway, who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean. Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgway’s school of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about the older man’s cold-water exploits(成就).Intrigued, Saunders read all he could about Arctic explorers and North Pole expeditions, then decided that this would be his future.
Journeys to the Pole aren’t the usual holidays for British country boys, and many peiole dismissed his dream as fantasy. “John Ridgway was one of the few who didn’t say, ‘You are completely crazy, ’”Saunders says.
In 2001, after becoming a skilled skier, Saunders started his first long-distance expedition toward the North Pole. He suffered frostbite, had a closer encounter(遭遇) with a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit.
Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he’s skied more of the Arctic by himself than any other Briton. His old playmates would not believe the transformation.
This October, Saunders, 27, heads south to explore from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, an 1800-mile journey that has never been completed on skis.
小题1:The turning point in Saunders’life came when _____
A.he started to play ball games
B.he got a mountain bike at age 15
C.he ran his first marathon at age 18
D.he started to receive Ridgway’s training
小题2:We can learn from the text that Ridgway _______.
A.dismissed Saunders’ dream as fantasy
B.built up his body together with Saunders
C.hired Saunders for his cold-water experience
D.won his fame for his voyage across the Atlantic
小题3:What do we know about Saunders?
A.He once worked at a school in Scotland.
B.He followed Ridgway to explore the North Pole.
C.He was chosen for the school sports team as a kid.
D.He was the first Briton to ski alone to the North Pole.
小题4:The underlined word “Intrigued” in the third paragraph probably means_____.
小题5:It can be inferred tat Saunders’ journey to the North Pole ______.
A.was accompanied by his old playmates
B.set a record in the North Pole expedition
C.was supported by other Arctic explorers
D.made him well-known in the 1960s



小题1:本题考查理解细节信息的能力。由第二段第一句话 “It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him.”可知正确答案为B。
小题2:本题考查根据文章有关细节进行推理判断的能力。由第三段第一句话 “The following year, he met John Ridgway, who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean.”可知正确答案为D。
小题3:本题考查理解细节信息的能力。由第三段第二句话 “Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgway’s school of Adventure in Scotland,…”可知正确答案为A。
小题5:本题考查根据文章有关细节进行推理判断的能力。由倒数第二段第一句话 “Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he’s skied more of the Arctic by himself than any other Briton.”知道Saunders是到达北极最年轻的滑雪选手。故正确答案为B。
试题【Short and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Napoleon, as a character in Tolstoy’s War and Peace, is more than once described as having “fat little hands.’’ Nor does he “sit well or firmly on the horse.’’ He is said to be “undersized.’’ with“short legs’’ and a “round stomach”. The issue here is not the accuracy of Tolstoy’s description--it seems not that far off from historical accounts but his choice of facts:other things that could be said of the man are not said. We are meant to understand the difference of a warring commander in the body of a fat little Frenchman. Tolstoy’s Napoleon could be any man wandering in the streets and putting a little of powdered tobacco up his nose—and that is the point.
It is a way the novelist uses to show the moral nature of a character. And it turns out that, as Tolstoy has it, Napoleon is a crazy man. In a scene in Book Three of War and Peace, the wars having reached the critical year of 1812,Napoleon receives a representative from the Tsar(沙皇), who has come with peace terms. Napoleon is very angry:doesn’t he have more army? He, not the Tsar, is the one to make the terms. He will destroy all of Europe if his army is stopped. “That is what you will have gained by engaging me in the war!” he shouts. And then, Tolstoy writes, Napoleon “walked silently several times up and down the room, his fat shoulders moving quickly.’’
Still later, after reviewing his army amid cheering crowds, Napoleon invites the shaken Russian to dinner. “He raised his hand to the Russian’s…face,” Tolstoy writes, and “taking him by the ear pulled it gently….” To have one’s ear pulled by the Emperor was considered the greatest honor and mark of favor at the French court. “Well, well, why don’t you say anything?’’ said he, as if it was ridiculous in his presence to respect any one but himself, Napoleon.
Tolstoy did his research, but the composition is his own.
小题1:Tolstoy’s description of Napoleon in War and Peace is _________.
A.far from the historical factsB.based on the Russian history
C.based on his selection of factsD.not related to historical details
小题2:Napoleon was angry when receiving the Russian representative because _________.
A.he thought he should be the one to make the peace terms
B.the Tsar"s peace terms were hard to accept
C.the Russians stopped his military movement
D.he didn’t have any more army to fight with
小题3:What did Napoleon expect the Russian representative to do?
A.To walk out of the room in anger.B.To show agreement with him.
C.To say something about the Tsar.D.To express his admiration.
小题4:Tolstoy intended to present Napoleon as a man who is _________.
A.ill-mannered in dealing with foreign guestsB.fond of showing off his iron will
C.determined in destroying all of EuropeD.crazy for power and respect
小题5:What does the last sentence of the passage imply?
A.A writer doesn’t have to be faithful to his findings.
B.A writer may write about a hero in his own way.
C.A writer may not be responsible for what he writes.
D.A writer has hardly any freedom to show his feelings.

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1996 Production of the United States
Director: Charles Russell
Major Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger (As John Kruger)
Vanessa Williams (As Lee Cullen)
James Caan (As Robert Deguerin)
After Last Action Hero, Junior and True Lies have been warmly received by the whole world, the best known film actor Arnold Schwarzenegger once again stars as an unbeatable and witty tough man. Together with the pop star Vanessa Williams, he has made it among the 1996’s best movies as well as The Rock and Mission : Impossible. John Kruger, an agent for the Federal Witness Protection Program, is to protect Lee Cullen, an employee of the Cyrez Corporation. Cyrez is supposed to be developing technology for US defense, but they are secretly selling it to the Russian Mafia. Cullen has two computer disks as proof and she is willing to testify (作证). However the disks she gives to the Feds have disappeared and she herself is in danger. Kruger hides her in New York’s Chinatown. Robert Deguerin, Kruger’s director, turns out to be a spy for the Cyrez Corporation. He tries to cheat Kruger into taking them to Cullen. Kruger gets on the plane with Deguerin but gives him the wrong address. A gun battle is started and Kruger parachutes (跳伞) out of the plane. Kruger is reported to be a spy! He is forced to escape and finds Johnny and asks for his help. The three of them break into the Cyrez Corporation to read the disk. Deguerin and the others are waiting, but are outsmarted. In a shipyard of Baltimore, Deguerin and Kruger battle it out. The shipment is stopped and Kruger clears his name.
小题1:The film is directed by _____.
A.Michael BayB.Brian De PalmaC.Charles RussellD.Robert Deguerin
小题2:According to the introduction, Arnold Schwarzenegger once took an important part in the film _________.
A.The RockB.True LiesC.Mission: ImpossibleD.All the above
小题3:The Cyrez Corporation is unlawful because ______.
A.it is developing technology for US defence.
B.It is secretly selling some disks to the Russian Mafia.
C.It is selling technology for US defence to others.
D.It is to protect witness for the Feds.
小题4:Kruger, Johnny and Cullen break into the Cyrez Corporation in order to ______.
A.steal the lost disk
B.find out where Deguerin is
C.stop the shipment
D.find some necessary information from the disk
小题5:What does the underlined word “outsmart” mean?

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A severely handicapped teenager who cannot walk, talk or hold a
paintbrush has won a place at Oxford to study fine art. Hero Joy Nightingale, 16, who communicates through hand movements, is to be given assistants to paint and sculpt(雕塑) in place of her .Her mother Pauline Reid “translated” for her daughter during interviews for the place at Magdalen College.
The teenager is the most severely handicapped student ever to be given a place at Oxford. She suffers from a terrible disease caused by brain damage that makes her unable to speak and her body useless.
She is unlikely ever to be able to walk, feed or care for herself but, thanks to the efforts of her mother. She can communicate. When Hero was four, Pauline designed a system of hand gestures that is equal to the alphabet.
By dictating to the her mother , Hero has created an internet magazine, From the window, which contains by George Carey, Melvyn Bragg, Margaret Atwood and Kofi Annan — all of whom are invited to write for her.
A spokesperson for Oxford said, “The university welcomes applications from students with disabilities. In cases where students are profoundly disabled, there may be many issues(问题) that need to be carefully talked about before an individual can take up a place, such as fixing firmly how the student can best be taught and examined.”
Hero, who suffers almost daily epileptic fits and has a hole in her heart, has not attended school since she was six. She has been taught at home by her mother and father, who work at Kent University.
Peter Giles, her art tutor until last year, said she has a gift for art. “She is ferociously gifted. We would sit together and her mother would grab her daughter’s hand and then we would begin work,” he said.
Together, they built several modern sculptures from plaster and metal. “The instructions would talk a while to decipher(解释,解密). But finally, they would come, and finally make sense.”
Hero’s classes will be held at the Ruskin School Drawing and Fine Art.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?
A.Oxford University has taken in other handicapped students besides Hero.
B.Hero’s mother is the only person who can understand her fairly well.
C.Hero can not create any art works without her fairly well.
D.Only through her hand movement, is Hero able to paint and sculpt.
小题2: In the sentence: “But finally, they would come and finally make sense.”, the word “they” refers to _______.
A.the assistantsB.the mother and the assistants
C.Hero’s instructionsD.the mother’s instructions
小题3:Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Disabled Hero and her Mother
B.Disabled Hero Wins Oxford Place
C.Oxford University Welcome Disabled Students
D.Disabled Students Living in Oxford University

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Isn’t it cool to surf in summer? You catch a wave and enjoy the ride with skill and gift. Surfing is not only our favorite pastime, though. A group of penguins(企鹅) enjoy the sport as much as we do. And they display their excitement and skills in the new animated(动画) film Surf"s Up , which came out on June 6, in the US.
Teenage penguin Cody Maverick lives in Antarctica and loves the sport. He desires to learn from Cody"s idol is Big Z, a great penguin surfing king.
He is different from other penguins, who work in processing factories. His brother and mother are not supportive of him. He really wants to get away. Cody believes that winning will bring him the admiration and respect he desires. He"s given the chance to escape when Mikey Abromowitz, a talent scout (星探), comes to Antarctica to look for gifted penguins for a surfing competition on an island named Pen Gu.
Cody"s really excited, but, during his show, there are no waves and he chokes. But he knows he can"t give up. He runs after Mikey"s whale. And he begs until Mikey agrees to take him to Pen Gu.
There Cody meets Lani, the island"s beautiful lifeguard, as well as his main rival (对手), the surfing champion Evans. The cocky Evans shows no respect for Big Z, which makes Cody angry. In order to defend his forever idol, he challenges Evans to a surfing match, only to suffer a terrible defeat.
Lani takes Cody to the island doctor. As they spend time together, Cody realizes that this doctor is really Big Z himself and begged Big Z to teach him.After Big Z learns the cause of his injury, he begins to train Cody and help him make a good surfer. He improves his skills and begins a close surfing match with Evans….
小题1: The best title for the passage would be________.
A. Big Z, a legendary penguin surfing king.
B. Penguins Cody"s Trip to Antarctica
C. How To Be a Good Surfer
D A New Animated Film— Surf"s Up
小题2:Which of the following is WRONG about Teenage penguin Cody Maverick?
A.He is fond of surfing and lives in Antarctica
B.He gets along well with his brother and brother.
C.He is defeated by Evans in a surfing match.
D.He thinks winning will win the respect of others.
小题3:Who does penguin Cody Maverick respect most?
A.Mikey AbromowitzB.EvansC.LaniD.Big Z
小题4:The underlined word “chokes” in the fifth paragraph means_______.
A.failsB.stops breathingC.feels out of breathD.holds his breath
小题5:It can be inferred from the passage it is probably _______that makes Big Z accept him and help him improve his skills.
A.his honesty and stubbornnessB.his determination and cleverness
C.his determination and devotionD.his self-importance and courage

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The 12—year—old CEO(首席执行官)of a Web site design company will be one of 300 business and political leaders accompanying Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien on a trade visit to China in March.
Keith Peiris, who founded Cyberteks Design in June 1999 and now has 25 clients (客户)in North America ,insisted in an interview that he is “just like any other kid.”
He and his father will spend nine days on the Team Canada trip to Beijing ,Shanghai and Hong Kong ,where Chretien aims to showcase the best of Canadian business in the most populous country in the world .
A glance at the complex ,elegant animations (动画)on his www.cybertecks.com site shows the extent of Peiris’ talent . “He doesn’t want to be No.2,”his father Deepal said proudly .
His father ,who is now vice president of operations at Cyberteks ,said , “I am teaching my son what I know .We make decisions together .I haven’t done anything my son disagreed with .He makes the final decision .”
The company has seven offices in the United States and five part—time employees who ,like the Peiris family ,work from their London homes .  
Keith Peiris admitted some potential clients change their minds when they learn his age ,but the well—informed not—yet—teenager tries to ignore them .
“Suddenly ,I’ve been called a whiz kid or geek ,which I am not too happy about .A few people have asked if they should call me ‘mister’, but I stay casual , I am still a kid .
小题1:That Keith Peiris insisted that he is “just like any other kid” shows he is           .
A.proud B.modest C.honest D.excited
小题2:Who makes the final decision on operations at Cyberteks Design?
A.Keith Peiris      B.Deepal Peiris         C.Jean Chretien        D.Both A and B.
小题3:According to the information in the passage ,which is the best and fastest way to know more about the Web giant ?
A.We can go to Canada to pay him a visit .
B.We can make an international telephone call to him.
C.We’d better visit his web site—www.cyberteks.com.
D.We can write to his father for the kid’s information.
小题4:Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A.Keith Peiris is a Canadian boy .
B.All the employees of the child’s company work at home .
C.The Canadian Prime Minister means to show off Keith’s success during his stay in China .
D.Keith always tries his best to be the best in the field of web site designing .

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