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Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is on e extra heading which you do not need.

You’re probably most familiar with college dictionaries, often called abridged dictionaries. Although abridged means “shortened”, these dictionaries contain more than 150.000 entries and provide detailed definitions that are sufficient for most college students and general users. College dictionaries also contain separate lists of abbreviations. Biographical and geographical names, foreign words and phrases. And tables of measures. Webster’s Ⅱ New Riverside University Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language are college dictionaries.
unabridged dictionaries contain as many as 500,000 entries and provide detailed definitions and extensive word histories (etymologies). These dictionaries, possibly in several volumes and mostly found in libraries, are excellent sources for scholarly inquiries. Unabridged dictionaries include the Oxford English Dictionary and the Random House Dictionary of the English Language.
A dictionary entry has many elements: multiple definitions, syllabication, preferred spelling and pronunciation (some word have more than one acceptable spelling and pronunciation), and part-of-speech labels. Some entries also include plurals and capitalized forms. Synonyms, antonyms, and derivatives. Americanisms and etymologies may be provide along with usage notes, cross-references, and idioms.
If you prefer using the dictionary on a computer, you can obtain CD-ROM versions of many major dictionaries. In addition, you can access numerous dictionaries, such as WWWebster’s Dictionary, on the Internet. Online dictionaries allow you to enter a search word (you even get help with spelling ) to see a definition, and sometimes even an illustration. Online dictionaries also offer additional features, such as word games. Language tips, and amusing facts about words. Some online dictionary services allow you to access numerous dictionaries, both general and specialized, in on search.
Specialized dictionaries provide in-depth information about a certain field. For example there are dictionaries for the specialized vocabularies of law, computer technology, and medicine. In addition, there are dictionaries of synonyms, clichés, slang, and even regional expressions. Such as the Dictionary of American Regional English(DARE). There are also dictionaries of foreign languages, famous people’s names, literary characters’ names and place names.


试题【Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each p】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

●A 78-year-old grandmother whose education was cut short by the second world war celebrated an A-level with her 50-year-old daughter. Betty Allen and daughter Chris Branton of Sprotbrough, South Yorkshire, opened their results together on TV after completing the UK"s only online English A-level course. Mrs Allen received a D and Ms Branton a C
●Actor Holly Grainger, 18, from East Didsbury, Manchester, achieved two As and two Bs. She is a regular face on television screens with roles in Terry Pratchett"s Johnny and the Bomb and new legal drama New Street Law. She learned yesterday that she had landed a main part in a new school drama called Waterloo Road
●A teenage hockey star who hopes to play for England in the 2012 Olympic Games won three A-grades. Will Miles, 18, from Formby, Merseyside, who attends Merchant Taylors" school in Crosby, plans to study maths at Manchester University 
● Andrew Nowell, a student at Nottingham high school, got five grade As, including one of the top five marks in the country for his design and technology paper. He won the Young Engineers for Britain contest this year with an invention he produced for his Design and Technology A-Level - a "remote control and security interface system". He is off to Cambridge to study engineering .
● Jed McQueen Jones got A grades in chemistry, maths and physics, despite being diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2003 and being hospital for three months. Jed, a pupil at Richard Huish College in Taunton, restarted A-levels in September 2004 and continued chemotherapy(化疗)into that Christmas. He is going to Exeter University on a science scholarship to study physics.
1. How did Betty Allen learn English and complete the course?
A. On TV     B. On the Internet      C. By herself    D. Through her daughter
2. The underlined word “landed” in Paragraph Two means_______.
A. moved down   B. arrive at   C. catch up     D. got successfully
3. Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?
A. She and her daughter were invited to appear online to celebrate.
B. Her daughter did worse than her in the English A-level course.
C. They completed the English A-level course on the internet.
D. Betty Allen’s education was stopped by the Second World War.
4. What really made Andrew Nowell prouder and more successful?
A. getting five grade As.
B. an invention.
C. his study on engineering
D. His job as an engineer
5. The best title of the passage is probably_________
A. Super students and their achievements
B. Super gifts account for great achievements
C. Hard work results in success
D. Star pupils and super students
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3—old—daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became angry when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. However, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, ”This is for you, Daddy.”
The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger burst again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled at her, stating, “Don’t you know when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside?” The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They are all for you, Daddy.”
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl and begged for her forgiveness.
Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.
小题1:The man yelled at his daughter because ____.
A.he was unsatisfied with the present his daughter gave him
B.the box his daughter gave him was empty
C.he had expected what was in the box
D.nobody gave him an empty box before
小题2:The underlined word “crushed” can be replaced by ____.
小题3:According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?
A.The little girl wanted to show her father that she had no money.
B.The little didn’t think the box wrapped with gold paper was beautiful.
C.The little girl was misunderstood by her father at first.
D.The little girl wanted to play a joke on her father.
小题4:What does the underlined sentence “Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child” mean?
A.After a short time, the child lost her life in an accident.
B.After a short time, the child was hurt badly in an accident.
C.The accident was caused by the girl.
D.Soon the child killed herself because of her dissatisfaction with her father.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The story goes that some time ago, a man had a very lovely little daughter. One day the man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became angry when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. But the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.”
The man was embarrassed by his earlier act, but his anger broke out again when he found out the box was empty. He shouted at her, saying, “Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside?” The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They are all for you, Daddy.”
The father was ashamed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness.
Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there. In a very real sense, each one of us, as human beings, has been given a gold box filled with unconditional love and kisses… from our children, family members friends and God. There are simply no other things anyone could hold, more precious than this.
小题1:The girl hated her father because her father punished her and was mean in money.
小题2:The story happened on Christmas Eve.
小题3:The girl’s father felt very regretful because he didn’t understand the love of her daughter and hurt her at first.
小题4: Sadly, the girl died from her self-respect being hurt.
小题5:  Unconditional love and kisses from our beloved people are the most precious of all things.
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When I was going home to India last year, I called up my mother to ask if she wanted anything from china, 
When India had not opened up its markers to the world, I carried suitcase loads of dark glasses and jeans. Thankfully, we can get all these anywhere in India now, 
Still ,her answer surprised me: “Green tea,” 
As long as I can remember she didn’t even drink    Indian tea.  
I dutifully bought a big packet of Longjing and headed home to hear the story. My mother and her brother, both regular newspaper readers, believed that Chinese green tea was the wonder drug for all illnesses 
At the turn of the century, China was not really familiar to the average Indian, It was a strange country 
How things change [And how soon] 
Now every town of any size seems to have a “China Market”. And everyone is talking about China 
The government of India has planned to send a team to China to see how things are done A minister once said that India must open the doors for more foreign investment(投资)and such a step would “work wonders as it did for China”.  
But it’s a two-way street, I just heard about a thousand Shenzhen office workers who have gone to Rangalore to train in software. Meanwhile, all the IT majors are setting up a strong presence in China, 
No wonder that trade, which was only in the millions just ten years ago, is expected to his about us$15 billion for last year and us$20 billion by 2008, a goal set by both governments, 
No wonder, my colleague wrote some weeks ago about this being the Sino-Indian(中印)century as the two countries started on January I the Sino-Indian Friendship Year, 
小题1:But what is still a wonder to me is my mother drinking Chinese tea.
Why did the mother ask for Chinese green tea? 
A.she was tired of Indian tea
B.she had a son working in China.
C.she believed it had a curing effect
D.she was fond of Chinese products,
小题2:What does the author mean by “it’s a two-way street’ in paragraph 10? 
A.China and India have different traffic rules
B.Tea trade works wonders in both India and China
C.Chinese products are popular in both China and India,
D.The exchanges between India and China benefit both
小题3:hat do we know about the Indian IT industry? 
A.It will move its head office to Shenzhen
B.It is seeking further development in China
C.It has attracted an investment of US$15 billion
D.It caught up with the US IT industry in2008.
小题4:In the text the author expresses_____, 
A.his concern for his mother’s health
B.his support for drinking Chinese green tea
C.his surprise at China’s recent development
D.his wonder at the growth of India’s IT industry

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It is true that good writers rewrite and rewrite and then rewrite some more. But in order to work up the desire to rewrite, it is important to learn to like what you write at the early stage.  
I am surprised at the number of famous writers I know who say that they so dislike reading their own writing later that they even hate to look over the publishers’ opinions. One reason we may dislike reading our own work is that we’re often disappointed that the rich ideas in our minds seem very thin and plain when first written down. Jerry Fodor and Steven Pinker suggest that this fact may be a result of how our minds work. .  
Different from popular belief ,we do not usually think in the works and sentences of ordinary language but in symbols for ideas (known as “mentalese”), and writing our ideas down is an act of translation from that symbolic language . But while mentalese contains our  thoughts in the form of a complex tapestry (织锦),writing can only be composed one thread at a time . Therefore it should not be surprising that our first attempt at expressing ideas should look so simple. It is only by repeatedly rewriting that we produces new threads and connect them to get closer to the ideas formed in our minds.  
When people write as if some strict critics (批评家) are looking over their shoulder , they are so worried about what this critic might say that they get stuck before they even start. Peter Elbow makes an excellent suggestion to deal with this problem. When writing we should have two different minds. At the first stage, we should see every idea, as well as the words we use to express it ,as wonderful and worth putting down . It is only during rewrites that we should examine what we excitedly wrote in the first stage and check for weaknesses.  
小题1:What do we learn from the text about those famous writers? 
A.They often regret writing poor works
B.Some of them write surprisingly much.
C.Many of them hate reading their own works
D.They are happy to review the publishers’ opinions.
小题2:What do people generally believe about the way human minds work? 
A.People think in words and sentences.
B.Human ideas are translated into symbols
C.People think by connecting threads of ideas.
D.Human thoughts are expressed through pictures.
小题3:What can we conclude from the text? 
A.Most people believe we think in symbols.
B.Loving our own writing is scientifically reasonable.
C.The writers and critics can never reach an agreement.
D.Thinking and writing are different stages of mind at work.

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