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Do you know of Guo Degang? In recent months he has become well known in China as a crosstalker.He has never performed on TV before, but attending his crosstalk performance is becoming increasingly fashionable in Beijing, especially for youth and school children.
Guo arrived in Beijing from Tianjin in 1995 and came across a teahouse where he found several young people performing crosstalk.Being a crosstalker himself, he couldn’t help taking to the stage.Gradually, more and more people came to the teahouse to see him perform.He soon found himself playing to audiences numbering more than 100 in a teahouse that could only contain 80.
As his popularity grew, Guo thought over the future of his art.“Traditional crosstalk is at least half an hour long, but performances are no longer than five minutes on TV, which kills much of the story.TV is part of the fast-food culture and crosstalk is a face-to-face art form — it needs interaction (交流), and is not suited to TV,” Guo said.He decided to bring it back to its roots: the teahouse and theater.
In 1996, Guo and some young crosstalk actors founded Deyun Crosstalk Association.Over the next ten years, the association organized countless performances in teahouses across Beijing.Despite their growing popularity, Guo ensured (确保) that ticket prices were kept low to make the art form accessible to everyone.Tickets to his performances are still 20 yuan today.And in keeping with technology and modern times, the association set up a BBS site on the Internet where fans could download recordings and discuss performances with actors.
He hopes that through their efforts, more young people will learn to appreciate crosstalk and perhaps train to be crosstalkers themselves.
41.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Guo Degang and his traditional crosstalk
B.A traditional art form—crosstalk
C.The development history of crosstalk
D.Deyun Crosstalk Association
42.From the passage, we can know the crosstalk originates(源于) from ________.
A.the TV show           B.the teahouse and theater
C.the cinema              D.the common people
43.According to the passage, Deyun Crosstalk Association set up a BBS site on the internet to ________.
A.let fans download recordings
B.have fans discuss performances with actors
C.keep up with modern technology
D.ask more people appreciate their favorite crosstalk
44.From the passage, we can know the following EXCEPT________.
A.the crosstalk is a face-to- face art which needs interaction
B.Guo was a crosstalker when he was in Tianjing
C.the performances of Guo are very popular
D.the tickets to Guo’s performances may rise in future

41---44   ABCD  

41.A 主旨大意题。从全文来看,文章主要讲述的就是郭德刚和他的相声。
42.B 细节理解题。从第三段最后一句话“He decided to bring it back to its roots: the teahouse and theater.”可知。
43.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“And in keeping with technology and modern times, the association set up a BBS site on the Internet where fans could download recordings and discuss performances with actors.”可知,与科技和现代保持同步,德云相声协会建立了一个BBS网站,在网站上粉丝们可以下载段子并与演员们讨论表演。故选C。
44.D 从最后一段的“Tickets to his performances are still 20 yuan today.”,以后会怎样,文中没有提及,故选D。
试题【Do you know of Guo Degang? In recent months he has become well known in China as】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was 21 and when I was 14 he said, “You’re never going to be 22 but a failure.”
After five years of 23 jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best24 that could have happened to me. I 25  I wanted to do something positive (积极的) with my life because I wanted to prove to26 that what people said about me was 27. Especially her mother, who had said to me, “Let’s28 it, you’ve failed at everything you’ve ever done.” So I tried hard with my29 and went to college. My first novel (小说)30 while I was at college.
After college I taught during the31 in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a 32 in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of33 that job to write full time 34 I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself — 35 was a working-class boy who’d 36 school early, now teaching at the university.
My writing career (职业) took off when I discovered my own style. Now I’m rich and 37 , have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. 38 what does it mean? I39 wish all the people that have put me down had 40 : “I believe in you. You’ll succeeD.”
21.A.bright             B.useless        C.simple        D.hopeful
22.A.anything           B.something     C.everything    D.nothing
23.A.low               B.poor          C.good         D.useful
24.A.support            B.happiness      C.surprise       D.thing
25.A.admitted           B.decided        C.planned       D.told
26.A.me                B.them         C.her          D.it
27.A.wrong             B.right         C.stupid        D.faulty
28.A.see                B.know         C.understand    D.face
29.A.experiment         B.practice       C.writing       D.composition
30.A.came on            B.came in       C.came out    D.came back
31.A.day        B.night       C.month      D.year
32.A.graduation          B.pass          C.degree      D.success
33.A.giving in    B.giving back  C.giving out   D.giving up
34.A.while              B.if          C.when         D.or
35.A.there       B.here        C.it          D.that
36.A.left          B.attended            C.changed            D.graduated
37.A.tired         B.calm               C.nervous     D.famous
38.A.And         B.But                C.However    D.Well
39.A.just         B.exactly             C.so           D.very
40.A.praised    B.saidC.answeredD.advised
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When I was a child ,I spent most of the time near the sea watching the ships, large and small, go in and out of the harbor. At the age of eighteen I   1   home to take a job on a passenger  2   that sailed between San Francisco and YokohamA.I was   3   about my new adventure and a little afraid, too. For over a year, I    4   the Pacific on the Rosa Lee. The brilliant blue waters were   5   in the sunlight; under stormy skies the angry   6  became dark, dangerous, and exciting. I   7   the sea in all its glorious beauty — both when it was quiet and when it was violent.   8 , I knew it was the life for me.
After a year, during a rip from Melbourne to Honolulu, I had a very strange   9  . I have never forgotten it. We couldn’t get   10   the way in time and were hit by a violent 11  . The wind grew stronger and stronger —  12   fifty miles an hour, and mountains of water   13   the Rosa Lee over on its side. The ship rolled back only to be   14   again by the next wave. All during the rain-filled night, we worked in a frantic   15   to save the ship, but there was a breakdown in the engine room and the motors  16 . We knew that there was   17   more we could do. At dawn the Captain   18   the order to leave the ship. A few minutes later Rosa Lee   19   beneath the angry seA.All that could be   20    were a few lifeboats here and there among the waves.
1.A.left         B.went         C.landed        D.forgot
2.A.bus         B.ship          C.plane          D.train
3.A.worried   B.narrow       C.excited        D.sure
4.A.struck      B.imagined       C.remarked       D.sailed
5.A.shallow    B.terrifying      C.irregular        D.beautiful
6.A.situation B.gains        C.waters         D.management
7.A.hated       B.loved        C.improved      D.greeted
8.A.In the endB.What’s more    C.That’s to say    D.From the beginning
9.A.dream      B.practice        C.imagination   D.experience
10.A.in        B.up            C.out of        D.down
11.A.purpose B.storm         C.soul           D.rock
12.A.up to     B.far from       C.less than        D.behind
13.A.pushed   B.pulled         C.drew          D.looked
14.A.protected        B.attacked       C.destroyed      D.applied
15.A.request   B.decision        C.sense          D.attempt
16.A.worked B.based          C.stooped        D.finished
17.A.nothing B.space         C.light          D.recognized
18.A.gave      B.threw         C.forced         D.recognized
19.A.floated   B.sank         C.fell           D.pushed
20.A.enjoyed B.criticized       C.seen         D.climbed
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Stop wasting your time on the wrong mountain
I have two friends who are backpackers. There is a portion of New York’s Adirondack Mountains called the High Peaks region. It is made up of 46 mountains with a___1____ of over 4,000 feet.
The Adirondack Mountain Club gives special honor and a patch to    2    who climbs all 46 mountains. My two friends decided to go for this   3   . It took them several years to accomplish it.
My friends had climbed 10 of the mountains. The left one was the farthest,    4    much effort. A hiking trail led past the base of the mountain,    5    from that point they were on their own.
Early one morning they left their     6    and walked 5 miles on the hiking trail to the base of a    7    of mountains. One of the mountains in this chain was the last one they  8  for their patch.
When they reached the base of the mountain chain they    9    that they had left their compass and map back in the camp.    10    returning to the camp, they decided to go on without them.
For hours they    11    uphill suffering heat and black flies. Finally, late in the afternoon they   12    themselves on the top of a mountain. They were tired but   13   .
The excitement was short-lived however. When they   14    the valley, they saw another higher mountain. They had climbed the    15    hill! It was too late that weekend to correct their    16  . They had to wait another 4 months to climb the right mountain.
This story    17    that often in life we make effort toward a    18    but without the right map and personal compass it is easy to get    19   .
Knowing your life purpose gives you a    20     personal map and compass. And that makes sure you are always climbing the right mountain.
1. A. length         B. height           C. width            D. depth
2. A. something       B. someone          C. anything         D. anyone
3. A. fame            B. award          C. medal            D. gift
4. A. requiring        B. making          C. wasting          D. paying
5. A. and             B. even            C. so               D. but
6. A. village          B. house            C. camp            D. cottage
7. A. series           B. lot              C. chain             D. kind
8. A. needed          B. prepared        C. looked           D. hunted
9. A. understood       B. thought           C. forgot            D. discovered
10. A. Instead          B. Rather than       C. In case of         D. In spite of
11. A. rushed           B. rolled           C. walked          D. ran
12. A. relaxed          B. congratulated     C. enjoyed           D. found
13. A. excited          B. surprised         C. disappointed       D. puzzled
13. A. looked for       B. looked across      C. looked on         D. looked through
15. A. high            B. right             C. wrong            D. small
16. A. direction         B. wrong           C. decision           D. error
17. A. provides         B. brings            C. offers            D. proves
18. A. choice           B. goal              C. promise          D. result
19. A. hurt             B. separated          C. lost             D. bothered
20. A. beautiful          B. famous           C. expensive         D. powerful
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I was a single parent with my son. Two jobs allowed me an apartment, food, and child care payment. Little money was left over for clothes,   1   I kept us nicely dressed. Loving    2    , I bought for myself beautiful reds and oranges, and greens and pinks. And quite often I wore them in mixtures, which, against the usually correct way, brought   3   to the eyes of people who could not avoid    4     me.
I went to my son’s    5     frequently. And he would always come and greet me and my colorful clothes.    6    , when my son was six, he told me    7    that he had to talk to me.
“Mother, do you have any sweaters that    8    ?”
I said, “No, I don’t.”
“Oh, I wish you did.     9    you could wear them to my school.” Then he continued, “Mother, could you please    10    come to school when they call you?” Then I realized that my dress was a(n)    11    to him.
I learned to be a little more careful to    12      causing him displeasure. As he grew older and more confident, I gradually    13     to my particular way of dressing. I was happier when I chose and created my own    14    .
I have lived in this body all my life and know it much   15    than any fashion designer. I think I know what looks good   16    me.
17     is important to mention because many people are imprisoned by powerful principles on the    18    way of dressing. Those decisions made by   19     are not truly meant to make your life better. Seek the fashion which truly suits you. You will always be in fashion if you are    20    to yourself.
1. A. but                B. and             C. or                  D. because
2. A. shapes           B. styles          C. colors            D. tastes
3. A. envy            B. appreciation   C. disappointment      D. surprise 
4. A. recognizing       B. admiring      C. accepting         D. noticing
5. A. office            B. home         C. school            D. lab
6. A. However         B. Meanwhile     C. Otherwise         D. Therefore
7. A. proudly            B. jokingly         C. seriously            D. curiously
8. A. cost             B. work           C. fit              D. match
9. A. Even if             B. As if             C. So that             D. In case
10. A. only            B. still             C. once            D. ever
11. A. wonder          B. surprise        C. embarrassment    D. honor
12. A. practice           B. remember         C. mind              D. avoid
13. A. turned           B. returned        C. escaped          D. took
13. A. fashion            B. sweater           C. color             D. tradition
15. A. better            B. worse           C. more           D. less
16. A. in               B. on               C. with          D. of 
17. A. Dress           B. Money           C. Principles      D. Designers
18. A. experienced      B. proper           C. formal          D. simple
19. A. me             B. yourself          C. others          D. ones
20. A. true             B. serious          C. practical        D. responsible
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A funny story circulated recently about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. Doyle clearly told of a time when he climbed into a   1    in Paris. Before he could    2     a word, the driver turned to him and asked, “Where can I     3     you, Mr. Doyle?”
Doyle was    4   . He asked the driver if he had ever seen him before.
“No, sir,” the driver responded. “I have    5    seen you before.” Then he    6    : “This morning’s paper had a story about you being on     7     in Marseilles. This is the taxi stand where people who return from Marseilles always arrive. Your    8    color tells me you have been on vacation. The    9     spot on your right index finger suggests to me that you are a  writer. Your clothing is very English, and not French.    10    up all those pieces of information, I    11    that you are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.”
“This is truly amazing!” the writer   12    with excitement. “You are very like my    13    creation, Sherlock Holmes!”
“There’s one other thing,” the driver said.
“What’s that?”
“Your    14     is on the front of your suitcase.”
Perhaps the     15    was no master detective, but he was observant! He paid attention and paying attention is an important part of living    16    .
Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of    17   . A life lived to the full is lived from moment to moment,    18    from milestone to milestone. It is more of a series of days in which we truly pay attention, than a few    19   events along the way.
Pay attention to the things of life, to people, to events, to your senses, even to the ordinary. Your life will never    20    beauty. By making the most of the moments, you make the most of the years.
1. A. train                B. taxi               C. bus             D. plane
2. A. write                 B. hear              C. say             D. read
3. A. take                  B. meet              C. wait            D. leave
4. A. pleased               B. scared            C. disappointed     D. surprised
5. A. just                  B. never              C. ever            D. always
6. A. admitted            B. started             C. explained        D. remembered
7. A. business               B. duty              C. holiday          D. work
8. A. skin                  B. hair               C. clothes          D. shoes
9. A. blood                 B. dirt               C. mud             D. ink
10. A. Making              B. Taking             C. Putting          D. Adding
11. A. concluded             B. realized            C. imagined        D. expected
12. A. sighed               B. screamed           C. whispered         D. roared
13. A. mental           B. physical            C. fictional         D. psychological
13. A. license               B. address            C. resume           D. name
15. A. driver                 B. writer             C. detective         D. waiter
16. A. well               B. fully               C. happily          D. peacefully
17. A. stages              B. steps               C. periods          D. moments
18. A. more than            B. less than            C. rather than       D. other than
19. A. small                 B. major              C. personal          D. social
20. A. lack                 B. create              C. appreciate         D. enjoy
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