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Could your cellphone give you cancer? Whether it could or not, some people are worrying about the possibility that phones, powerlines and wi-fi (路由器) could be responsible for a range of illnesses, from rashes to brain tumours.
For example, Camilla Rees, 48, a former investment banker in the US, moved out of her apartment in San Francisco because of the radiation coming from next door. Rees told the Los Angeles Times that when her neighbors moved in and installed a wi-fi router she lost her ability to think clearly. “I would wake up dizzy in the morning. I’d fall to the floor. I had to leave to escape that nightmare,” she said. Since then, she’s been on a campaign against low-level electromagnetic fields, or EMFs(低频电磁场).
And she’s not alone. Millions of people say they suffer from headaches, depression, nausea and rashes when they’re too close to cellphones or other sources of EMFs.
Although the World Health Organization has officially declared that EMFs seem to pose little threat, governments are still concerned. In fact, last April, the European Parliament called for countries to take steps to reduce exposure to EMFs. The city of San Francisco and the state of Maine are currently considering requiring cancer-warning labels on cellphones.
If these fears are reasonable, then perhaps we should all be worried about the amount of time we spend talking on our phones or plugging into wi-fi hotpots.
Some say there is evidence to support the growing anxieties. David Carpenter, a professor of environmental health sciences at the University at Albany, in New York, thinks there’s a greater than 95% chance that power lines can cause childhood leukemia. Also there’s a greater than 90% chance that cellphones can cause brain tumours.
But others believe these concerns are unreasonable paranoia (猜疑). Dr Martha Linet, the head of radiation epidemiology at the US National Cancer Institute, has looked at the same research as Carpenter but has reached a different conclusion. “I don’t support warning labels for cellphones,” said Linet. “We don"t have the evidence that there’s much danger.”
Studies so far suggest a weak connection between EMFs and illness — so weak that it might not exist at all. A multinational investigation of cellphones and brain cancer, in 13 countries outside the US, has been underway for several years. It’s funded in part by the European Union, in part by a cellphone industry group.
According to Robert Park, a professor of physics at the University of Maryland in the US, the magnetic waves aren’t nearly powerful enough to break apart DNA, which is how known threats, such as UV rays and X-rays, cause cancer.
Perhaps it’s just psychological. Some experts find that the electro-sensitivity syndrome seems to be similar to chemical sensitivity syndrome, which is a condition that’s considered to be psychological.
Whether EMFs are harmful or not, a break in the countryside, without the cellphone, would probably be good for all of us.
Title: Could cellphones give you cancer?
Key points
Supporting details
Cellphones are (71)______ to use
● Some people think it (72)______ for cellphones to cause cancer.
● Camilla Rees got ill after his neighbor installed a wi-fi router.
● Millions of people have the (73) _______ problems as Camilla.
● Some evidence supports people’s anxieties.
Cellphones are safe
to use
● Some believe that these concerns are just paranoia.
● So far, studies show that there isn’t much (74)______ between EMFs and illness.
● Robert Park thinks that the magnetic waves aren’t powerful enough to (75)_______ DNA.
● It’s just for psychological (76)_______ that people feel ill when they use cellphones.
Attitudes and (77)______
● Some governments are (78)_______ about the safety of cellphones or EMFs.
● The author thinks that we should(79)_______ the chance of talking on the phone or spend more time in the(80)_____ areas without cellphones.

71. dangerous/harmful   72. possible   73. same   74. connection    75. destroy
76. reasons    77. suggestions   78. concerned    79. reduce    80. rural

There are a number of languages spoken throughout the world. Every person knows at least one language, which he learns in his childhood and is routinely used for speaking and writing. However, many people are fond of learning two or more languages, so they try to be bilingual, which means that they try to have the knowledge of two or more languages. And being bilingual can bring a person a number of benefits in various aspects. For example:
A person can get cognitive(认知的) benefits from it. The bilingual people have two or more words for each idea and object. Therefore, a bilingual person can develop a creative thinking. The bilinguals are aware of which language should be spoken with which person in a particular situation. So they are more sensitive(敏感的) to the needs of the listener than the people who only use one language: Being bilingual also improves and enriches a person"s mental development.
Being bilingual has a positive effect on a person"s character. The bilinguals are able to switch between different languages and talk to different people in various languages. It increases a sense of self-esteem( 自尊). Being bilingual creates a powerful link in different people from different countries.
A bilingual education offers better curriculum(课程) results. The bilinguals tend to show a higher performance in examinations and tests. The bilinguals find it quite easy to learn and speak three, four or more languages.
Being bilingual offers potential employment benefits. It offers a wider choice of jobs in various fields. The bilinguals can get a great many career opportunities in transport, tourism, public relations, marketing and sales, banking, translation, law, teaching and so on.
So it can be concluded from the above that we should try our best to learn and master two or more languages.
Title: 71.__________ of being bilingual
Having the knowledge of two or more languages.

● Make a person think 73.__________.
● Make a person more sensitive to the listener"s 74.__________.
● Improve and enrich a person"s mental development.
● Increase a person"s sense of 76.__________.
●Create a powerful link in different people from different countries.
● Enable a person to 77.__________  better in examinations and tests.                
● Make a person easily learn and speak more languages.
● Offer a person more 79.__________ in finding jobs.
We should try our best to learn and master two or more languages.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

One Sunday morning my mother walked into my room. “_ 36  !” she said, proudly holding up a yellow  37  with black and white stripes. “I made it just for you. What do you think?”
I   38  my tongue. How could I tell Mom it was the most hideous one I had ever seen?
“It’s perfect for   39  ,” my mother continued. “I  40  someone had made a dress like this for me.”
41  you can’t wear it, I thought. But I knew Mom had spent a lot of time on the dress. Only the world’s most   42  daughter would refuse. reluctantly(不情愿的). I put it on.
All through church I prayed, Lord, let me get out of here __43   anyone seeing me. Especially Dennis Pearce, the boy I had a crush on. He was one of the cutest (bright) guys at Neptune High. Although we were in some of the same classes, Dennis had   44  taken any notice of me.
At the end of the service I  45   for the door. But I had to wait on the   46  while my parents chatted with their friends. Just a little while longer… Then   47  the corner of my eye I saw the Pearce approaching.    48  I could escape, Dennis was right beside me.
I started gabbing a mile a minute, hoping if I kept it   49   he wouldn’t notice my horrible dress. “I am going to college in September,” I said.
“That’s great,” Dennis replied. “I got   50  to the police academy.”
“Wow!” I said. Somehow I kept the conversation going. Soon we were walking to the parking lot together. The next thing I knew Dennis had first asked me  51  .
We courted through college, and eventually got married. Months after our wedding I asked Dennis if he remembered the day   52   he had first asked me out.
“You bet I do,” he said. “You were always 53 in school, almost standoffish (coldhearted). I didn’t think you’d be much fun. But you were so animated (lively) when we talked on the church steps, I wanted to get to know you better.” Maybe that   55   yellow dress wasn’t  55  I would have chosen, but that day it was the perfect dress for me.
36. A. Strange       B. Surprise        C. Interesting     D. Puzzled
37. A. dress         B. coat           C. skirt          D. hat
38. A. beat          B. held           C. bit           D. caught
39. A. the party      B. church         C. school        D. your birthday
40. A. hope         B. expected       C. wish          D. wished
41. A. Too beautiful   B. Too big        C. Too small      D. Too bad
42. A. ungrateful     B. lovely          C. considerate    D. responsible
43. A. beyond      B. before          C. until          D. without
44. A. never         B. sometimes      C. frequently     D. ever
45. A. made        B. ran            C. escaped       D. walked
46. A. steps         B. gate           C. door          D. bench
47. A. within        B. out of         C. beside         D. off
48. A. Until        B. After           C. Not until       D. Before
49. A. on          B. back           C. in            D. up
50. A. agreed      B. accepted        C. permitted      D. allowed
51. A. my telephone   B. my address      C. out          D. in
52. A. that          B. which          C. on when       D.
53 A. quiet        B. calm           C. silent         D. still
54. A. blue -white striped                B. black and white stripes
C. zebra-striped                    D. dark-white-striped
55.A. what        B. which         C. that            D. One
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

I was riding along the road when I heard someone shouting behind me. It was a young shepherd (牧羊人). He was running across a field, and pointing at something.
I looked and saw two wolves running across the field. One was fully grown, the other was a cub. The cub had on his back a lamb (羔羊) which had just been killed, and he had the leg in his mouth. The old wolf was running behind.
As soon as I saw the wolves, I joined the shepherd and started in pursuit (追击), setting up a shout.
When they heard, some peasants started out also in pursuit, with their dogs.
As soon as the old wolf caught sight of the dogs and the men, he ran to the young one, snatched (攫取) the lamb from him, threw it over his back, and both wolves increased their pace and were soon lost from view.
Then the shepherd began to tell me how it happened. The big wolf has sprung (跳跃) out from the valley, seized the lamb, killed it and carried it off. The old wolf allowed the young wolf to carry the lamb, but kept running a short distance behind.
But as soon as there was danger, the old wolf stopped giving the lesson, and seized the lamb himself.
58. What is a cub?
A. It’s an old wolf.     B. It’s a young wolf.    C. It’s a strong wolf.    D. It’s a big wolf.
59. The old wolf seized the lamb for himself because __________.
A. the cub would not carry it any longer         B. the cub was too tired   
C. there was danger                         D. the cub would not learn
60. What is the passage about?
A. How a young wolf carried a lamb.
B. How the wolves escaped.
C. How some peasants tried to catch the wolf.
D. How an old wolf taught its cub..
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

完型填空二(每空一词) :
Yesterday was my best friend Li Ming’s birthday. When school was over, I went to the bookshop. I bought a book __28__  ‘Exploring Space’ and had it nicely wrapped for him. __29__ he had wanted to buy this book for weeks, I knew that he would be very pleased with my ___30__.  When I got to the party, LiMing greeted me with a big smile. I noticed that there were piles of presents on the floor, __31__ I was sure that mine would be his favorite. I gave the present to Li Ming and whispered __32__  his ears. ‘You will love it’. He couldn’t wait to unwrap it. ___33__ the smile on his face disappeared and I saw some big red characters on the cover of the book that ___34__ ,‘Caring for your baby’! I __35__ have picked up the wrong book in the shop!
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Now we can see a man and his wife at the breakfast table. They are not speaking to each other.
They haven’t spoken to each other at the breakfast table for years. The husband is reading his newspaper. We can’t see his face. The wife looks very worried as she gets a cup of tea ready for him. Today she is using a new kind of tea for the first time. The husband picks up his cup. He isn’t interested. He tastes his tea. Suddenly he puts down his newspaper. Something is different! Can it be the tea? He takes another taste. It’s wonderful. He smiles. He looks at his wife and says in surprise, “Doris, when did you cut your hair?” Doris is pleased. She answers, “Two months ago.” Doris asks, “Herbie, when did your hair begin to become white?” He answers, “A long time ago.” Doris says, “We have been together for many years, but we never cared about each other.” Now they aren’t worried any longer. Breakfast is different. Has a new kind of tea changed their lives?
36. This story happens______________________.
A. before breakfast                     B. after breakfast
C. at home                            D. in a teahouse
37. In the passage, we can see ________________________.
A. Doris is drinking tea                 B. Herbie likes the new kind of tea
C. Doris is reading a newspaper           D. Herbie is very young and good-looking
38. Herbie and Doris lived ______________ before this day.
A. a wonderful                        B. an unhappy
C. an enjoyable                        D. a friendly
39. Which of the following statements is true?
A. They are good friends.                B. They have just got married.
C. They like to talk about their hair.       D. They are no longer young.
40. From the passage, we think it may be ______________.
A. a radio programme                   B.  a short film
C. a computer game                     D.  a beautiful painting
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