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In 1891, a man named James Naismith was teaching physical education at a school in Springfield. One long, cold winter, he had to create a game for 18 young men to play indoors. So the Canadian-born Naismith wrote some rules.
Rule number one: “The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.” Two: “The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands (never with the fist).”
In all, there were 13 rules— the original rules of basketball. James Naismith is recognized as the inventor of basketball.
The National Association of Basketball Coaches established the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, Massachusetts, in the northeastern United States in 1949. It opened in 1968 at Springfield College. A new, larger building opened in 1985. And, four years ago, the Hall of Fame moved into a newer building, just south of its former home. The new building increased the size by almost one hundred percent. 
Honors ring in Basketball Hall of Fame.
The Basketball Hall of Fame is a museum and entertainment center. It combines history with technology. And it tries to capture the energy and excitement of the game. In the Center Court area, for example, visitors can play interactive games of basketball and take part in skill competitions.
The Hall of Fame explores basketball at every level of the game. Visitors learn about professional basketball in the United States and other countries. They learn about women’s teams and how the game is played at the college level. They also learn about basketball for disabled people.
The Hall of Fame honors the best players, teams, coaches and officials in basketball. Earlier this month, six more honorees joined the more than 250 people in the Hall of Fame. The six new members are Geno Auriemma, Charles Barkley, Joe Dumars, Sandro Gamba, David Gavitt and Dominique Wilkins.
40. James Naismith is considered to be the forerunner of basketball mainly because ____.
A. he discovered the first basketball                
B. he created the earliest basketball games
C. he set up the Basketball Hall of Fame
D. he organized the earliest basketball games
41. From the passage, we can infer that ____.
A. the Hall of Fame only honors the best basketball players
B. James Naismith was employed as a coach in the Hall of Fame
C. visitors can compete with the professional players in the hall
D. a variety of basketball games are developed by the Hall of Fame
42. James Naismith made some rules in order to ____.
A. organize an indoor basketball game  
B. improve physical education at school
C. train his students for the Hall of Fame
D. invent the game of basketball for the young
43. The passage talks mainly about ____.
A. the Basketball Hall of Fame         B. the first basketball games
C. the original 13 basketball rules   D. the players in the Hall of Fame
40-43 BDAA

试题【In 1891, a man named James Naismith was teaching physical education at a school 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
It’s December again. In addition to the excitement about   50   down to the holidays and parties. This month is also about long study hours for thousands of senior college students in China.
According to the Ministry of Education, the number of postgraduate   51   has risen again this year. The ministry has even   52   the enrollment dates to allow for the   53  applicants. However. I do not see the point of enrolling in postgraduate study  54  after college.
Postgraduate programs are  55 on specific fields and on advanced research and study. They also require   56   knowledge you can only gain from the workplace. If your goal is to gain more skills, you should try harder to find a job. Employers want   57  . not more qualifications. Otherwise, postgraduate study straight is a   58   of time and money.
Job applicants with a master’s degree often find that their competitors hold   59  qualifications.
Ten years ago, graduates with bachelor degrees had no problem finding employment, but authorities   60   the number of university places in 1999 and now where are millions of graduates without work.
It appears that postgraduate education will   61 this history of undergraduate education.
62  , the human resources staff faced with the choice between two applicants with masters degrees will usually choose the graduate from the more 63  undergraduate school. A bachelor’s degree from a key university is more helpful than a master’s degree sometimes.
If you don’t have working experience when you graduate, you will have the same problem even though you go on to   64  a master’s degree immediately.
50.A.taking                    B.counting                 C.casting             D.tracking
51.A.achievements          B.admissions              C.accusations       D.applications
52.A.expanded                B.expected                 C.stretched          D.shortened
53.A.national                  B.additional               C.visible             D.desperate
54.A.suddenly                 B.curly                      C.straight            D.far
55.A.focused                  B.depended                C.fed                  D.impressed
56.A.book                      B.abstract                   C.rich                 D.practical
57.A.elegance                 B.excitement              C.experiment       D.experience
58.A.memory                 B.waste                      C.cement            D.symbol
59.A.different                 B.various                   C.similar             D.adequate
60.A.increased                B.eliminated               C.abandoned              D.enlarged
61.A.shape                     B.polish                     C.promote           D.shadow
62.A.However                B.Subsequently           C.Meanwhile       D.Originally
63.A.well-built               B.prepared                 C.well-known      D.newly-opened
64.A.hold                       B.earn                       C.evaluate           D.Deposit
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Section B
Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
Margie Bland remembers the phone call from Iraq sometime before Christmas. Her son, Army specialist Joseph Darby , a military police officer in the reserves(not full – time soldiers), was on the phone and she could tell something was wrong.
Darby , 24 , would later come out as the soldier who first alerted the world to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by US guards at Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad on January 13. “I could tell in his voice he was not sleeping.” Blank , 45, recalls. “He said ‘I don’t fell good.’” Darby was feeling bad about something he thought was very wrong. “It was really hard on him”, his mother said. “He didn’t want to go against his troops, but he said he could not stand the cruelty he had discovered . He said he kept thinking , ‘What if that was my mum, my brother or my brother or my wife?’” Darby slipped an anonymous note under a military investigator’s door in January, about the mistreatment of prisoners. He later turned in a CD-ROM with 1,000 photos documenting the cruelty, according to a recently disclosed internal Army report. “I told him, ‘Your picture is in the paper, ’” Blank said. “I said, ‘Honey , you did a good thing and good always triumphs over evil ’ And he said, ‘You’re right, mum.’”
Darby grew up in western Pennsylvania, US To help his family, he worked at a fast food restaurant as a teenager and as a mechanic after graduating from high school. He thought the Army might lead to a better life—even a college education. So, like many others, he ended up in Iraq.
65.How did Darby feel when he found the abuse of Iraqi prisoners?
A.Excited                  B.Terrible                  C.Pleased            D.Angry
66.Darby joined the army to________
A.travel around the world for free     B.support his family
C.improve his life                      D.occupy Iraq
67.The purpose of writing the passage is to_______.
A.criticize the US troops for their wrong doings in Iraq
B.discuss whether Darby should disclose the abuse of Iraqi prisoners
C.tell the life about Iraqi prisoners
D.show how Darby behaved in face of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners
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Section C
Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not nee
A.Choose a limited subject
B.Draw in black and white
C.Use only simple actions
D.Use words sparingly
AB.Revise and simplify
AC.Create easy-to-recognize characters
Consider straightforward, uncomplicated actions for you characters. While the actions may be symbolic, such as pumping up for a business deal, it should be clear what the character in the drawing is doing
Aim your satire at targets that can be “summarized” in a few easily recognized images, You might choose a single person, such as a rock star, or a group or institution—such as business people, a nation, Congress, or basketball players, Labels or dialogue can help identify characters, but remember that the less “work” your audience has to do, the more effective your cartoon will be .
While brief, simple dialogue may be necessary to get your point across, make sure it’s easy to understand and doesn’t take up much room. If you rely too heavily on dialogue, you are really creating an illustrated story or play instead of a cartoon. Labels and captions, too, should be minimal and easy to understand.
Consider subjects that are familiar to your audience and that can be encapsulated in a few words and images. Try characters actions, or ideas that become laughable with only a little exaggeration or an unlikely comparison.
Eliminate all that is extraneous and reword your cartoon until its impact is as immediate as possible. In fashion circle, there is a saying: less is more which can be applied to creating a cartoon.
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Section D
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the possible fewest words
If you ever felt like your doctor was trying to push you out of the examination room before you had a chance to explain your condition you are not alone.
A new study from the Mayo Clinic shows that most people agree on what makes a good doctor and it definitely isn’t one who hurries through a visit.
A doctor’s skills can affect a patient’s emotional response and recovery very positively or very negatively, a research shows. Based on the new study, which surveyed 192 patients, it can be concluded that a model doctor should be confident, sympathetic, kind, personal forthright, respectful and thorough.
“What every patient wants is a doctor who pays them personal attention” said James Li, a doctor at the Mayo Clinic Division of Allergic Diseases Li is helping to develop programs for teaching doctors how to strengthen their interactions with patients.
“It’s really the duty of the medical community to design a health care system, so that doctors are able to exhibit those qualities for the good of the patients,” he said.
Many patients nowadays are directed to urgent care facilities or , for lack of good insurance, forced to go to emergency rooms for problems that used to be handled right away. In either case, wait time can be hours and actual face time with a doctor might be just seconds.
“The days when doctors remembered their patients’ names might no longer exit , but medical schools can  fill in this crack  by adding in the seven behavioral things into their training.” Li said.
“If patients have opportunities to tell their stories, to be asked questions and have the doctors describe understanding of what has been shared , it leaves them feeling like they’re heard ” Lisaid.
(Note : Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)
81.When on duty, a doctor’s right behavior is___________.
82.What is the guarantee of exhibiting doctor’s good qualities?
83.By “fill in this crack”(underlined ) , the writer means_______.
84.What is this passage mainly concerned about?
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第二节 完型填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
A friend once told me a beautiful story of how ordinary people found a simple way to help others. My friend was 36 the beautiful view on the top of Casper Mountain, a 37 place for visitors to overlook (俯视) Casper, Wyoming. Even in the summer it was 38 on top of the mountain, and on this day he 39 a young woman who clearly had no coat. She 40 as she wrapped (用……缠绕) her arms around herself.
Then he saw an older man 41 up to the young woman, take off his sweater and place it on her 42 . The man said, “Here, keep the sweater. The 43 is even better when you’re warm.” She smiled her 44 and wrapped the warm sweater 45 her shoulders as the man went away.
Before the woman left, she found a middle-aged woman who was also 46 cold and she handed her the sweater. “47 it,” she said. “The view is even better when you’re warm.”
My friend was 48 in that, so he kept his eyes on the sweater. He noticed that before the current (现在的) 49 of the sweater left, she came near to a trembling (颤抖的) man, 50 it to him and said, “Here ... keep the sweater. The view is 51 better when you’re warm.”
“That happened a couple of years ago,” my friend said. “And as far as I know, that 52 is still on top of Casper Mountain, going from one person to another.”
Ordinary people can find a way to 53 others. Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones 54 us daily. Like somebody else likes to say: Nobody can help everybody, 55 everybody can help somebody!
36. A. getting      B. enjoying       C. taking              D. making
37. A. dirty      B. terrible         C. favorite        D. cold
38. A. hot             B. sunny          C. cool                    D. warm
39. A. liked          B. knew           C. touched        D. noticed
40. A. laughed           B. cried          C. feared          D. shook
41. A. walk           B. rush             C. jump             D. swim
42. A. shoulders    B. hands          C. arms                D. legs
43. A. health     B. picture         C. result               D. view
44. A. thanks         B. apologies      C. dissatisfaction   D. greetings
45. A. on           B. by               C. with                    D. around
46. A. silently     B. clearly         C. especially       D. finally
47. A. Throw            B. Buy         C. Keep               D. Mend
48. A. surprised     B. interested            C. shocked            D. frightened
49. A. helper     B. giver          C. owner             D. seller
50. A. gave           B. sold         C. showed         D. bought
51. A. quite        B. never               C. ever              D. much
52. A. man            B. woman        C. mountain       D. sweater
53. A. compete           B. help             C. fight                    D. forgive
54. A. catch          B. miss             C. surround (包围)  D. welcome
55. A. if              B. unless           C. so                    D. But
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