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Every evening, 15-year-old Rashida returns home from school, changes out of her uniform, and rushes to a neighboring farm to help her mother harvest vegetables. Her father is disabled, so the modest profit(收益) the two of them earn must cover food, clothing and other necessities for all seven children and their parents. Despite having precious little time to study, Rashida is one of the top students at her junior secondary school. But with so much responsibility on her small shoulders, she admits that it is sometimes hard for her to imagine a more promising future.
Last year, Rashida was invited to join 155 other girls at Camfed Ghana’s first Girls’ Career Camp, a program designed to inspire girls growing up in the country’s Northern Region to dream big, and to support them to pursue those dreams. “We organized this camp because we wanted to let girls know that even if they are struggling with poverty, their lives will not be defined by limitations,” says Dolores Dickson, Camfed Ghana’s Executive Director.
Over the course of five days, the camp led the junior and secondary school students through a range of experiences and career opportunities that were entirely new to them.  Dr. Agnes Apusiga, a lecturer from the University of Development Studies, ran the workshop on goal-setting and career choices, describing the universities and training colleges in Ghana that could help them achieve their dreams. Participants then visited the University for Development Studies, where they toured the medical school and science labs. Another highlight was a workshop at the computer lab at Tamale Secondary School. Many of the girls had studied information technology from a book but had never before seen a computer.
“When the girls arrived at camp, they were not ambitious, because they didn’t have any idea what the world held for them,” says Eugenia Ayagiba, Project Officer with Camfed Ghana. “Many had scarcely traveled beyond their own villages.”
“I think the most important thing that happened at the camp is that we opened a window of hope for a group of girls coming from backgrounds of poverty,” says Eugenia. For Rashida, who has been laughed at in the past by her schoolmates because of her father’s disability, the experience was important. “She told one of the camp mentors(辅导员) that when she is at school, she often feels like a misfit, and she prefers to keep to herself,” says Eugenia. “But at the camp, it was different. She made friends with girls who have similar struggles. She took part in every single activity, every single game. On the last day, she said to her mentor, ‘The camp has challenged me to study hard. Now I see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.’
66. How many are there in Rashida’s family?
A. Seven        B. Eight     C. Nine    D. Ten
67. According to the passage, Camfed Ghana’s first Girls’ Career Camp is         .
A. A program to help poor girls to have ambition
B. A program to help poor girl students to get university education
C. A program to help poor girls to study hard
D. A program to help the poor families
68. Why did the camp lead the students to visit universities and training colleges?
A. To show they are better than their schools
B. To encourage them to get good education.
C. To show them what they are like
D. To get them to touch the advanced equipment there
69. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Rashida has become friends with her mentors
B. Rashida’s mentors has encouraged her a lot.
C. Rashida was sad because of her father’s disability.
D. Rashida has had her new dream since the camp
70. The best title of the passage is ___________.
A. Poor Girls in Ghana            B. Girls’ Career Camp
C. Camfed Ghana               D. Students in Ghana Dream Big


试题【CEvery evening, 15-year-old Rashida returns home from school, changes out of her】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Section  B
Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit.
Junior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics. It has helped many of them succeed in a world economy since it was founded.
The organization is the largest of its kind. JA Worldwide says it reaches over eight million students each year in more than one hundred countries. Programs begin in elementary school and continue through middle and high school. The education is based on the ideas of market-based economics and entrepreneurship.
Junior Achievement began in 1919 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Two business leaders, Horace Moses and Theodore Vail, joined with Senator Murray Crane of Massachusetts to start it.
For more than fifty years, Junior Achievement programs met after school. They began as a group of business clubs. The organization started with a number of children of ages ten to twelve.
But in nineteen seventy-five, Junior Achievement began to offer classes during school hours. Many more young people joined the organization once it began to teach business skills as part of the school day.
Volunteers from the community teach about businesses, such as how they are organized, and how products are made and sold. They also teach about the American and world economies and about industry and trade.
The Junior Achievement Company Program teaches young people how entrepreneurship works. They learn about business by operating their own companies.
The students develop a product and sell shares in their company. They use the money to buy the materials they need to make their product, which then they sell. Finally, they return the profits to the people who bought shares in the company.
Junior Achievement says two hundred eighty-seven thousand volunteers support its programs around the world. In the United States alone, there are more than twenty-two thousand places that hold Junior Achievement events.
Junior Achievement Incorporated and Junior Achievement International combined their operation in two thousand four. They formed Junior Achievement Worldwide. Its headquarters are in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
81. What is the passage mainly about?(within 15 words)
82. How long a history does JA have? (within 8 words)
83. What do volunteers of JA teach about? (within 10 words)
84. What achievements has JA achieved? (within 15 words)
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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)
We arrived at the hospital to find Dad was very weak, but his smile was as  36  as ever. It was another attack of pneumonia(肺炎). My hushand and I stayed with him for the  37  but had to return to our jobs on Monday. Local  38  would help Dad get home from the hospital and look after him.   39 I longed to be able to let him know that we cared too, even when we weren’t with him.
Then I remembered a   40  tradition(传统)when our children were small When  41 their grandparents’ home after a visit, each child would write a love note to their grandparents. They  __42__ notes in the cereal(麦片)box, under a hairbrush, next to the  43   or even in the microwave(微波炉). For days, their grandparents would  44  as they discovered these reminders of our love.
45  as I tidied Dad‘s kichen and   46   up a bed for him downstairs in the living room, I wrote some notes. Some were  47 , “Dad, I put the food in the fridge so it wouldn’t go bad.” Some expressed my love, “Dad, I   48  you will sleep well in your new  49 .” Most notes were down-stairs where he would stay for several weeks until he  50  strength, but one note I hid upstairs under his pillow, “Dad, if you have found this  51 , you must be feeling better. We are so glad!”
Just like his  52   strengthened him physically, these “emotional vitamins” would   53__   his spiritual health. Several weeks later, in one of our  54  phone calls, I asked Dad how he was
__55__. He said, “Pretty good ! I just found your note under my pillow upstairs!”
36. A. sure             B. weak       C. happy     D. wild
37. A. day             B. month       C. night      D. weekend
38. A. doctors         B. friends            C. relatives  D. classmates
39. A. But             B. Therefore    C. Besides   D. Though
40. A. city             B. nation       C. family    D. village
41. A. moving         B. entering      C. arriving  D. leaving
42. A. wrote          B. hid          C. mixed     D. stuck
43. A. curtain         B. chair        C. phone     D. window
44. A. find             B. smile       C. regret     D. miss
45. A. Because              B. However     C. While     D. So
46. A. dressed         B. made       C. cleaned   D. ticked
47. A. practical             B. funny       C. uninteresting       D. true
48. A. wish            B. demand       C. hope       D. suggest
49. A. home           B. bed          C. house     D. hospital
50. A. experienced     B. discovered   C. regained D. grew
51. A. word           B. letter        C. note          D. place
52. A. doctors         B. food        C. operation       D. medicines
53. A. change         B. improve      C. cure          D. harm
54. A. regular         B. usual        C. long          D. special
55. A. hving          B. going       C. finding   D. Doing
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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
It u won $ 50,000,000 would u still go to college?
Lots of people go to college so they have a chance to get a better job, but if you won $ 50 million, would you still pursue(追求)a higher education?
Re: If u won $ 50,000,000 would u still go to college?
I would surely still go to college if I had that much money, but I would not be competing for a scholarship on collegenet. com. I would probably still discuss things here and I would create other scholarships to help other people to go to college as well.
With $ 50 million, I would not have to worry about getting a loan(贷款)from Chase Bank or finding scholarships to study abroad. I would have published several books by now as well, but I would still pursue my education. Going to undergraduate school is something that I really want to do because I want to become a Pediatrician. Money may buy a lot of things, but it does not necessarily give you knowledge and knowledge is what I am hunting for now.
I am not just going to school to get a better job; I am going to school to realize all of my dreams. $ 50 million is a lot of money, but no amount of money can keep me from my dreams.
Veggie thought: “Money may make things easier, but it is not everything. ”
Re: If u won $ 50,000,000 would u still go to college?
Would I still go? UMM , YES YES YES YES YES! ! ! ! !
I still want to teach... I don’t care if I have more money than Bill Gates... I still want to be in a classroom teaching! ! And I need a degree to do that! Teaching is my dream job, and it would make me really happy.
I would pay off my loans as well as my boyfriend’s loans and help out a couple of friends who are having trouble with money.
Re: If u won $ 50,000,000 would u still go to college?
I would still go to college. The only difference is with that much money to go to college I probably would stay in college longer and pursue a few extra degrees while I am there. I am looking for knowledge not money. The only problem is I need money to pursue knowledge.
Also I could set up scholarship funds and I could save some more for additional dreams that I have.
56. According to the answers, what do they have in common?
A. They all prefer money to education.
B. They all want to get a better job.
C. They will continue to pursue knowledge.
D. They will give up jobs.
57. From the first answer, we know the person is ________.
A. patient         B. ambitious        C. mean            D. selfish
58. In the following statements, which is true according to the passage?
A. They all have something they want to do.
B. They think money is more important than knowledge.
C. The first person is rich.
D. The second person doesn’t want to get other scholarship.
59. The underlined phrase “pay off” means ________.
A. give back      B. cost              C. ask for           D. get
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I’ve been told that in China,having a pet,particularly a dog,is often considered to be a status(地位)symbol because it shows the family can afford to have an animal.It’s very different here.
In Canada it’s common to have pets.Many people have dogs;many others have cats,fish,birds or rabbits.Some keep what we call exotic(奇异的)pets,although keeping exotic animals is difficult,and because it can also be hard on the animals, the keeping of some exotic animals is not allowed by law.Some people do it anyway.
I like animals.As far back as I can remember my family has always had cats.Our cats.of course,wanted to go outside and it seemed reasonable to let them wander the neighborhood finding birds to run after,trees to climb and sunny places to sleep.As we always lived in a city,however,there was a problem.I remember more than once losing a cat that was killed by a car and it was heartbreaking.
Now,my wife and I lived in a small town.We no longer have a house—we live in an apartment(公寓).We have a cat named Callie and she never goes out except onto the halcony(阳台)so cars are no longer a problem.She’s about sixteen years old and will probably live to be twenty or more.The trouble will come when she dies.We’ve had a pet for so long that it seems like a natural part of our lives and without a cat around the  room it will seem somehow empty.On the other hand,we’re getting older and,given that a cat can live about twenty years we wonder if we’ll ever have another after Callie goes.
Having a pet is very good for a number of reasons.It helps to teach children how to look after a living creature,makes them realize that animals have feelings just like we do and that, in many ways,we depend on each other.For older people like me an animal is a companion(伙伴)and a comfort to have around.A pet,properly treated, returns the favor by giving back unconditional love.Wouldn’t this world be a great place if people could learn how to do that !
64.The writer keeps a cat as a pet now because___________.
A.she feels lonely living in the countryside
B.it acts as her companion
C.her family is used to keeping a cat
D.it can helps her teach her children.
65.What will happen after the writer’s pet,Callie dies?
A.She will surely buy another one.     B.She won’t keep pets any longer.
C.She will remember it for a long time. D.Her room will be empty.
66.What should people do in keeping a pet according to the text?
A.Not allow it to go out of the room.   B.Catch birds for him to play with.
C.Let it wander outside as it likes.     D.Not live in the city.
67.What can be the best title for the passage?
A.How to keep a pet.               B.My pet,Callie.
C.Keeping Pets in Canada.           D.It’s the Animal in Me.
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Erica David lives in Pinedale,Wyoming,USA,where winter can bring temperatures of below 35 degrees Fahrenheit,howling winds,and a lot of snow.So it was just natural that she chose to study snow for her school science fair in the sixth grade.
Now a junior in high school,Erica is in her sixth year of snow experiments,and is well on her way to becoming a snow expert.She started with a basic question:Could snow fences be built to work better?
Snow fences are used to keep snowdrifts(雪堆)from covering areas like roads of train tracks,or to help build up snow where it can help with water shortages in spring when it melts(融化).“Also,I wanted to protect my animals better from blowing snow,”says Erica,who raises goats,sheep,and pigs.
Before she could test fence designs,Erica had to figure out what would act like real snow in her experiments. “I tested flour, sugar, and salt before I settled on dishwasher powder , ”she explains.
Science fairs offer students the chance to test theories, present findings to judges, and meet other researchers. Erica’s many achievements include competing at the Discovery Channel Young Scientist Challenge for middle school students and the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, where students from around the world present their science research.
But perhaps the best reward is that her research is already being put to good use. She has come up with an improved snow fence design, and this year she’s helping think out how to provide water supply to native plants, which have been killed off by drilling at nearby natural gasfields.
“Science fairs are an amazing experience,”says Erica. “Just pick your true feeling and go for it. ”
72. What does the passage suggest to us?
A. Science fairs are held for high school students in America.
B. Erica is the youngest show expert well known in America.
C. The environment brought much convenience for Erica to study snow.
D. The hope to contribute to her hometown made Erica experiment on snow.
73. In Erica’s hometown, snow fences may play a part in ________.
a. reducing the harm blowing snow does to animals
b. supplying water resource to the nearby gas fields
c. making up for the lack of water resource.
d. keeping the traffic smooth
A. a,b,c          B. a,b,d             C. b,c,d            D. a,c,d
74. Science fairs are attractive to students because they ________.
A. can have their research put into practical use
B. can have their scientific ideas tested out
C. are allowed to help protect the local wildlife
D. can learn about the most advanced technology
75. Which of the following material can best replace snowing in Erica’s experiment?
A. Flour.         B. Sugar.           C. Salt.             D. Dishwasher powder.
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