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第二节: 阅读下列材料,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项。
Mike, James, Martin and John each want to join a school club. Read the following descriptions and help them make proper choices.
58. Mike wants to learn how to be a team leader and how to organize activities.
59. James is interested in gardening and take care of flowers and plants.
60. Martin wants to have a try in the making of TV programmes.
61. John hopes to be given a chance to act in a play.
A. This club is a group of students who are interested in the art of TV broadcasting. Members learn how to use equipment in our television studio. They also work as part of a team to produce TV programmes.
B. The aim of this club is to help the members to develop their own leadership skills by organizing different kinds of activities. The members meet every Tuesday from 3:30 to 4:30.
C. This club for students in Grades 2 and 3 helps plant and take care of the School Back Garden and Butterfly Garden.
D. This club produces musical and non-musical plays in which 60 to 90 players can act depending on which play is chosen. The plays like Necklace, Disney Days and so on have been enjoyed by many people. All students are welcome.

58-61 BCAD

试题【第二节: 阅读下列材料,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项。Mike, James, Martin and John each wan】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

For almost two months Dominic York, a 23-year-old hairdresser, wandered about hospitals all night, wearing a white coat and pretending he was a doctor. Yesterday he proudly claimed in court that despite his complete lack of medical experience or qualifications, he had saved several people’s lives. He had even been allowed to assist a surgeon during an emergency operation on a patient who was about to die on something she had swallowed.
“I watched one of those TV dramas about a hospital and suddenly I felt like playing one of the roles myself. So I put on a white jacket and a stethoscope(听诊器)and walked around one of the biggest hospital in London. At first I just watched. Once you learn how doctors talk to patients, nurses and others doctors, it’s easy to take people in,” he said.
One of the patients he treated was Laura Kennan. She had been knocked down by a car and fainted. When she came to in hospital, York was standing over her.
“He looked very professional. He told me his name was Doctor Simon. Then he gave me some sort of injection,” she said. And then he suddenly cleared off when a nurse asked who he was. She didn’t think there was anything wrong. “I would never have realized he was a fake if a policewoman hadn’t showed me his photograph a week later. When the policewoman told me who he really was, I could hardly believe my ears.”
Judge Raymond Adams told York that he was. “ shocked and horrified” that he got away with his deceiving for so long, and then sentenced him to eighteen months in a special prison for criminal with mental disorders.
“I can only hope that this will not lead to further problems. After all, you will have considerable opportunity to study the behaviour of the psychiatrists(精神科医生)who will look after you while you are there. If you try to persuade people that you yourself are a psychiatrist after you are set free, I shall make sure that you are given a much longer sentence.” Judge Adams warned York.
5. York was proud of the fact that ___________.
A. a surgeon let him watch an operation.
B. he could perform some duties of a doctor.
C. he had cheated doctors for so long
D. people thought he could become a real doctor
6. York learned how to behave like a doctor by __________.
A. watching other doctors work             B. talking to doctors and nurses
C. getting some training and experience         D. observing doctors while he was a patient
7. Why was Laura Kennan in hospital?
A. She had swallowed something and almost died.
B. She had to have and emergency operation.
C. She had been injured in a road accident.
D. She had lost consciousness while driving.
8. The judge’s remark implied that York would be more severely punished if he _________.
A. pretended to be a psychiatrist            B. tried to get away from prison
C. was proud of what he had done    D. studied the behaviour of the psychiatrist
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John stood up and studied the crowd of people who were making their way through the station. He looked for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he16 , the girl with a(an) 17 . The story had begun twelve months before in a 18 . Taking a book off a shelf he found himself 19 by the notes penciled in the margin(空白处,白边).The soft handwriting20 a thoughtful soul and insightful mind. In the front of the book, he discovered the 21 owner’s name, Rosanna.
During the next year the two grew to know each other through the 22 . Each letter was a seed falling on a fertile heart. The day finally came for their first 23 —7:00p.m. at the station.
A beautiful young girl in a green suit was coming toward him, whose  24 was (were) tall and slim. John started to walk towards her with delight, entirely forgetting to  25 that she was not wearing a rose. He  26 made one step closer to her, and then saw Rosanna, a short and fat woman well past 40, with a rose on her coat was standing almost directly 27 the girl. The girl in the green suit quickly walked away.
John felt  28 he was split(撕开) in two, and there he stood. His fingers gripped(紧握) the worn leather copy of the  29 that was to identify him to her. He knew this would not be 30  something perhaps even better than love. John felt choked by the bitterness of his 31 . “I’m John, and you must be Rosanna. I am so glad you could meet me, may I take you to 32  ?”
The woman’s face broadened into a big smile. “I don’t know what this is about, son,” she answered, “but the young lady in the green suit who just  33 begged me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said 34 you were to ask me out to dinner, I should tell you that she is waiting for you in the big  35 across the street. She said it was some kind of test!”
16. A. hadn’t
B. haven’t
C. couldn’t
D. didn’t
17. A. rose
B. flower
C. book
D. notes
18. A. restaurant
B. meeting room 
C. library
D. station
19. A. absorbed
B. surrounded
C. interested   
D. persuaded
20. A. reacted
B. reflected
C. responded 
D. repeated
21. A. previous
B. nice
C. thoughtful
D. beautiful
22. A. phone   
B. telegram 
C. book     
D. mail
23. A. dining
B. meeting   
C. walking 
D. talking
24. A. legs  
B. face
C. figure        
D. hair
25. A. observe 
B. know    
C. notice
D. say
26. A. carefully 
B. eagerly 
C. luckily 
D. easily
27. A. behind 
B. past   
C. beside      
D. before
28. A. as long as
B. even though 
C. no matter how  
D. as though
29. A. newspaper 
B. book
C. magazine    
D. note
30. A. a meeting
B. happiness  
C. love   
D a dinner
31. A. excitement
B. sorrow
C. disappointment  
D. unwillingness
32. A. a walk    
B. your home  
C. a party
D. dinner
33. A. went by  
B. followed me 
C. came here
D. went in the restaurant
34. A. when
B. if   
C. unless   
D. since
35. A. market 
B. restaurant
C. building    
D. library

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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Mr. Dawson was an old bad-tempered man, and everyone in town knew it. Kids knew not to go into his yard to pick apples, because old Dawson, they said, would come after you with his gun.
One Friday, 12-year-old Janet was walking out with her friend Amy. They had to  36  Daw-
son’s house, but as they got  37  , Janet saw him sitting on his front porch and suggested they cross over the street. Like most, she was  38  of the old man.
Amy said, “Don’t  39  .” When they got close enough, Dawson looked up with his  40  
frown (皱眉), but when he saw it was Amy, he gave a broad  41  .
Amy smiled back and told him that they were going to listen to music. Dawson told them that sounded  42  , and gave them each a(an)  43  .
Later, Janet asked Amy, “Everyone says he’s the  44  man in town.   45  he was so nice to us? ” she pretended he was wearing a(an)  48  smile, so she always smiled. It really took some time  49  he one day half-smiled back.
After a while, he started smiling a real smile and then  50  to her. She said he always  51 
Her an apple now, and was always very kind.
In our everyday life we are always very busy doing a lot of things and trying to accomplish so much. It’s so  52  to forget that we can bring  53  to ourselves and others. Giving a smile takes so little  54  , but few people are aware of that. Please do remember after a while most people can’t  55  our sunniness at all.
36.A.drop into                B.look at                    C.move into               D.go by
37.A.inside                     B.close                      C.outdoors                 D.away
38.A.scared                    B.ashamed                 C.proud                     D.fond
39.A.cry                         B.follow                    C.worry                     D.run
40.A.tired                       B.rare                        C.usual                      D.ugly
41.A.smile                      B.hug                        C.surprise                  D.greeting
42.A.strange                   B.special                    C.boring                    D.fun
43.A.ticket                            B.lesson                     C.apple                      D.address
44.A.meanest                  B.worst                      C.strongest                 D.loneliest
45.A.What if                  B.How come              C.What for                 D.How about
46.A.finally                    B.last                         C.sometimes               D.first
47.A.friendly                  B.cold                       C.violent                    D.charming
48.A.unbelievable           B.invisible                 C.false                       D.kind
49.A.until                       B.after                       C.before                    D.when
50.A.suggested                B.talked                     C.came                      D.explained
51.A.sold                       B.showed                   C.offered                   D.saved
52.A.challenging             B.easy                       C.useful                     D.reasonable
53.A.gifts                       B.memories                C.cheers                     D.rewards
54.A.interest                   B.bravery                   C.space                      D.effort
55.A.resist                      B.forget                     C.accept                     D.dislike
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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Jordan Makes Basketball Hall of Fame
Last Monday, the former Chicago Bulls great was elected to the 2009 Basketball Hall of Fame class, adding another honor to his long list of accomplishments. With incredible acrobatic (特技的) moves and slam dunks(灌篮), Jordan was a 14-time NBA All-Star, a five-time NBA finals Most Valuable Player and the key figure on the 1992 US Olympic gold medal “Dream” Team.
Jordan retired twice during his 15-year career, and finished with 32,392 points, the third-highest total in NBA history behind Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Karl Malone. His career average of 30.12 points per game is the best in the league’s history.
Although his career boasts(拥有)many glories, Jordan said entering the hall was what he never imagined. “I don’t like being up here for the Hall of Fame, because at that time, your basketball career is completely over.” Jordan said during a news conference. “I was hoping this day was coming in 20 more years, or that I’d actually go in when I’m dead and done.”
According to the Chicago Tribune, as Jordan accepted a Hall of Fame Jersey(运动衣), he turned to his former competitors David Robinson and John Stockton, who were also among the class of 2009, and threatened another comeback.
“Every time I see these guys, I want to put my shorts on,” said Jordan, 46, whose age has decreased everything but his desire.
His father once said that passion was what made his son special. From the moment he started playing games, Michael had to win. Once, Jordan traveled everywhere and anywhere to feed that competitive urge.
“He doesn’t have a gambling problem.” His father said, “What he does have is a competition problem. He was born with that. The person he tries to outdo(超过)most of the time is himself.”
56.This passage is mainly about__________.
A.everything Jordan has achieved in his life
B.the contribution Jordan has made to basketball
C.how Jordan grew to be a popular basketball player
D.why Jordan deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and his reaction
57.From what Jordan said during the news conference, we know that he_______.
A.dislikes the honor because it makes him feel old
B.hates the new honor because it’s not worth much
C.thinks the honor has been given to him too early
D.is planning a comeback to show his basketball career is not over
58.Paragraphs 1 and 2 are written to__________.
A.analyze what basketball skills Jordan is famous for
B.show how popular Jordan used to be in America
C.introduce what contributions Jordan made to Chicago Bulls
D.explain why Jordan is considered a great basketball player
59.What can we conclude from the passage?
A.Michael Jordan’s continuous efforts to outdo himself made him great.
B.Michael Jordan thinks playing basketball is like gambling.
C.Michael Jordan has gradually lost his desire to play, as he has grown older.
D.However great a player is, there is an end to his best time.
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At age 61, identical twins Jeanne and Susan no longer look exactly alike. Susan smoked for many years and is an admitted sun worshipper, whose habits Jeanne does not share. A new study of twins suggests you can blame those coarse(粗糙的)wrinkles, brown or pink spots on too much time in the sun, smoking, and being overweight.
Because twins share genes, but may have different exposures to environmental factors studying twins allows an “opportunity to control for genetic susceptibility(易受影响性),” Dr. Elma D. Baron, at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio, and his colleagues explain in the latest issue of Archives of Dermatology.
Their analysis of environmental skin-damaging factors in 65 pairs of twins hints that skin aging is related more to environment and lifestyle than genetic factors.
But when it comes to skin cancer, the researchers say their findings support previous reports that both environment and genes affect skin cancer risk.
Baron’s team examined facial skin of 130 twins, 18 to 77 years old, who lived mostly in the northem Midwest and Eastern regions of the US, who were attending the Twins Days Festival in Ohio in August 2002. At this time, each of the twins also separately reported how their skin burned or tanned(晒黑)without sunscreen, their weight, and their history of skin cancer, smoking, and alcohol drinking. The study group consisted of 52 fraternal(异卵双生)and 10 identical twin pairs, plus 3 pairs who were unsure of their twin status.
From these data, the researchers noted strong ties, outside of twin status, between smoking, older age, and being overweight, and having facial skin with evidence of environmental damage. By contrast, sunscreen use and drinking alcohol appeared related to less skin damage.
Baron and his colleagues say the current findings, which highlight ties between facial aging and potentially avoidable environmental factors—such as smoking, being overweight, and unprotected overexposure to the sun’s damaging rays—may help motivate people to minimize these risky behaviors.
67.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Jeanne and Susan share all the habits including smoking.
B.Skin aging is related more to environment and lifestyle than genetic factors.
C.Only identical twins can take part in the research.
D.Sunscreen use cannot help people have less skin damage.
68.Why did Baron’s team do the research on twins?
A.Twins are more likely to suffer from skin cancer.
B.It may guarantee the research is not influenced by genetic factors.
C.It gives others an opportunity to control twins’ genes.
D.It helps find twins are exposed to different environments.
69.What can you infer from the last paragraph?
A.This research makes people aware of dangerous lifestyles.
B.The environmental factors are unavoidable.
C.Being exposed to the sun is absolutely damaging.
D.There is little relationship between skin aging and environment.
70.The passage is mainly concerned with___________
A.skin cancer and environment
B.identical twins research
C.aging skin and environmental factors
D.genes and lifestyles
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