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California is the most populous state in the United States, and the third largest by land area, after Alaska and Texas. California is located on the West Coast of the United States, bordered by Oregon to the north, Nevada to the northeast, Arizona to the southeast, the Mexican state of Baja California to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Its four largest cities are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco. The state is home to the nation’s second and sixth largest census statistical areas as well as eight of the nation’s fifty most populous cities. California has a varied climate and geography, and a diverse population.
California’s geography ranges from the Pacific coast to the Sierra Nevada mountain range in the east, to Mojave desert areas in the southeast and the Redwood — Douglas fir forests of the northwest. The center of the state is dominated by the Central Valley, one of the most productive agricultural areas in the world. California is the most geographically diverse state in the nation, and contains the highest (Mount Whitney) and lowest (Death Valley) points in the contiguous United States. Almost 40% of California is forested, a high amount for a relatively arid state.
Beginning in the late 18th century, the area known as Alta California was colonized by the Spanish Empire. In 1821, Mexico, including Alta California, became the First Mexican Empire, beginning as a monarchy, before shifting to a republic. In 1846 a group of American settlers in Sonoma declared the independence of a California Republic. As a result of the Mexican-American War, Mexico ceded California to the United States. It became the 31st state admitted to the union on September 9, 1850.
In the 19th century, the California Gold Rush brought about dramatic social, economic, and demographic change in California, with a large influx of people and an economic boom that caused San Francisco to grow from a hamlet of tents to a world-renowned boomtown. Key developments in the early 20th century included the emergence of Los Angeles as center of the American entertainment industry, and the growth of a large, state-wide tourism sector. In addition to California’s prosperous agricultural industry, other important contributors to the economy include aerospace, petroleum, and information technology. If California were a country, it would rank among the ten largest economies in the world, with a GDP similar to that of Italy. It would be the 35th most populous country.
46. Which of the following is TRUE about California?
A. The population in California is larger than that in any other state in the US.
B. A state of Mexico lies to the southeast of California.
C. Eight biggest cities in California are among the most developed ones in North America.
D. Few races of people live in California except the white and black people.
47. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A. California’s culture                                  B. California’s history
C. California’s location                                 D. California’s geography
48. How did the United States admit California as its 31st state?
A. By occupying the land.                      B. By colonizing the land.
C. By winning a war against Mexico.             D. By offering aids to Mexico.
49. Why did San Francisco grow from a hamlet of tents to a world-famous boomtown?
A. Because it became the center of the American entertainment industry.
B. Because it had the best growth of a large, state-wide tourism.
C. Because a large number of people rushed there in search of gold.
D. Because it developed many such important contributors to economy as IT.
50. What if California were a country?
A. It would be richer than Italy, a European country.
B. It would be one of the ten richest countries.
C. Its population would be larger than that of 34 countries.
D. It would have a better economy than it has now.

46~50  ADCCB     

试题【.California is the most populous state in the United States, and the third large】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Beijing — Premier Wen Jiabao has urged the leadership of all countries to deepen their political will in tackling climate change woes (灾难) as uncertainties mount in the months before the United Nation’s conference in Cancun, Mexico, at the end of this year.
Wen made the remarks on Friday when he met with nearly 20 politicians, climate change and environmental ministers worldwide, who are in Beijing this weekend to attend an international forum on green economy and climate change.
Based on the achievements made at the Copenhagen Summit last December, Wen urged the rich countries to further clarify their compulsory carbon reduction targets. “At the same time, we developing countries should make clear our voluntary goal of slowing down climate change,” Wen said.
Wen also urged the developed countries to transfer climate change friendly technologies to the developing countries, especially the poorest countries and island nations.
During the meeting, Wen said China will redouble its efforts in reducing carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency during the coming years after it finishes its 2006-2010 goal of cutting energy consumption per unit of economic output by 20 percent.
While praising China for its green efforts, former Australian Prime Minister Robert J. Lee Hawke asked China to share its experiences and lessons on energy savings and pollution reduction to the rest of the world to tackle global environmental woes and climate change.
Wen responded: “China, together with the rest of the world, is willing to make its due contribution in coping with global warming and climate change.”
At a banquet for the foreign guests on Friday night, former vice-premier Zeng Peiyan said mounting uncertainties are ahead for the climate change negotiations. The world needs more dialogue and cooperation, Zeng said.
“Climate change woes are our shared challenges but the root lies in the historical emissions by the developed countries,” said Zeng, as president of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, which organized the weekend climate change summit.
Zeng expected the forum to work as a platform for different countries to communicate their positions freely before the Bonn climate change negotiation in June and the Cancun conference at the end of this year.
51. Which title suits this passage best?
A. We must work on climate change.
B. We should share our ‘green’ technology.
C. We need to clarify our action targets.
D. We ought to cooperate to control the climate.
52. Why did Wen Jiabao urge the developed countries to clarify their carbon reduction targets?
A. Because the developed countries are not willing to deal with global environmental woes.
B. Because the developing countries have not set any goal of slowing down climate change.
C. Because there are mounting uncertainties ahead for the climate change negotiations.
D. Because agreements were already made at the Copenhagen Summit last December.
53. What kind of goal should a developing country have to slow down climate change?
A. A less important goal.                                          B. A self-assessed goal.
C. A negotiation-based goal                               D. A more compulsory goal.
54. The underlined part in the last paragraph but one implies ____________.
A. Air pollution just existed in the developed countries in the past.
B. In the past, the developed countries slowed down the development of the world.
C. Climate change woes were originally caused by the developed countries.
D. The rich countries should be more responsible since they polluted most.
55. It can be inferred from the passage that _____________.
A. The Chinese government intends to be regarded as a developed country.
B. The whole world has got the same opinion about the measures to take.
C. The developed countries have not found any effective ways to cut their emissions.
D. There is still a long way to go before an agreement can be reached.
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Marine Life, France
The chance to experience the oceans of the world. Children will love the observatory, with water all around them and big fish swimming above their heads! Afterwards you eat at a world-famous local restaurant before boarding the ferry at 9 p.m.
Not cheap, but a great day out!
Sail out in the evening and enjoy over 12 hours in the Netherlands, returning the following night. After a good Dutch breakfast you travel by train direct to the heart of the wonderful city of Amsterdam. The sightseeing and places to shop will make this a day to remember. Weekends only.
Ireland by Car
Once you arrive in Ireland you’re quickly on beautiful country roads, with friendly villages where you can stop for a delicious bite to eat. The special price allows you to take your car and up to five people away for 48 hours, and two nights’ hotel accommodation can be arranged for a little extra.
French Hypermarket Day Trip
Whether you want to buy or just look, you’ll love this tour. The large Darney shopping center is a shopper’s dream! You will find a great number of local goods on sale, and clothes and kitchen goods are excellent value. Free children’s entertainment all day. Leaves 10:00, back at 19:00.
Belgium by Hydrofoil
A four-day trip. From England you cross to Belgium in just 100 minutes by hydrofoil! You are served food and drinks during the crossing, then continue your journey to Brussels, or another beautiful city, on the fast Belgian railway network.
Sea and Mountains in Northern Ireland
Explore the Northern Ireland countryside, including the amazing Mountains of Mourne and the small seaside holiday town of Newcastle. They ferry leaves the port in Scotland at 7:30 and arrives back at 22:20. Transport in Northern Ireland is by air-conditioned coach.
56.Ray and three of his friends would like to spend a whole weekend driving around in nice scenery and enjoying some local food.
57.Phil and Adam want to go on a comfortable trip which takes them quickly to an interesting city. Then they want to enjoy at least two days of sightseeing.
58.Mike, Kathy and their three children don’t have much money, but they want a special day out this Saturday. They must be back home by 9 p.m.
59.Kirsten is a Dutch student who is studying in Scotland. She doesn’t drive, but wants a day trip to see some beautiful scenery and spend a little time by the sea.
60.Clare and Robert want to enjoy some good food, but would also like to give their two young children a day to remember. They don’t mind if they spend a lot of money.
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阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A  B  C   D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
I strongly believe it’s happy to have a day in the year , when we can toghter talk about the progress women have made over the years , although we still have to deal with many more lifestyle pressures compared to men.
For all the fellow sisters who’ve still not figured out the power of being a woman,it’s high time to realize how easy it is for us to brust into tears in public to get the pressure out ,or cry for emotional reasons, or for no specific reason at all.       Our tears are at least regared as an outlet for emotional stress ,and not as a sign of weakness . Please allow me to say jokingly here——the tears can best be used as a winning tool in an argumentative——your point will have to be heard and agreed upon!
We are socially  acoepted as proud “homemakers”if we choose to live that way . What a relief from the social burden of “earning enough for the family “.
We have the amazing option of wearing make-up. Of course , we are “natural beauties “, but who minds improving those pretty looks ! How easy it is for us to look taller whenever we want to. We can wander in those fashionable dresses and don’t lack choices when it comes to dressing up for parties and weddings .
What an advantage : You can wear his shirts or T-shirts if you want, but poor he can’t even think of feel getting into any of your designer dresses !
You can’t ignore the benefits that may come in your way from men in the name of gentleman’s behavior ! You can feel important every time he opens the car door for you before sitting into the driver/s seat hinself.
If you’re a daddy’s girl , you can comfortably feel most protective . But as to a mamma’s boy , he isn’t easy .
Cheers to the “advantages of womanhood”.
56. The passage is mainly about             
A , the difference between being a woman and being a man
B, the disadvantages of being a man
C. the advantages of being a woman .
D. the pressure coming from being a woman.
57. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text ?
A. Like the husband, the wife should also be a breadwinner in a family.
B. Generally speaking, it is acceptable for a woman to make up.
C. It is good manners for a man to open the car door for a lady.
D. People can be dasily touched by women’s tears.
58. The writer implies that women can look taller easily by_____.
A. talking exercise              B.talking some kind of medicine
C. putting on high ---heeled shoes   D. going on a diet
59. What tone (口气,语气) does the author use in the passage ?
A. Unpleasant      B. Serious.    C. Regreful.    D, Relaxing .
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Dear Sir ,
I recently found your website of Chinese a very Culture a very good source .I am a professor teaching at Soochow University in Taipei Taiwan , and I would plan to quite often use some articles on your website for my coures of Introduction to Chinese Culture. Therefore, I’d like to inform you of educational purposes and hopefully to have your permission. Meanwhile, I do wish I could have more materials from your service. Much grateful to you.
Yours  sincerely,
Byron Gong
Dear Mr. Byron Gong,
It is pleasue to know that our websit has been of help for you to introduce Chinese culture in your class. Sharing the same mission in  promoting culture ,we are glad to grant you the permission in using the sourses of our website for your educational purposes, under the condition that all the sources are credited .However ,if the pictures or articles are to be used for publication, you can mail us and further discuss on that.
We are happy to provide you with some furthetr material, but we would like to know what kind of information would be of interest to you.
Thank you again for attention to our website .Any suggestion is welcome ,and we would appreciate your help if you could tell us what contents in our website are of most interest and significate to you and what parts shoud be given more attention.
Sincerely yours
Chinaculture .org
60. What is Mr. Byron Gong doing?
A. He is working for Soochow University in Taipei Taiwan as a cleaner.
B. He is nothing to do with Soochow University.
C. He is a professor teaching at  Soochow University.
D. He is searching for some scholars.
61. Why does  Mr. Byron Gong write the letter ?
A. He intends to introduce to his students if Chinese Culture is worth learing .
B. He asks for the permission from the website to use the material in his teaching.
C. He expects to be allowed to work in the group in the website.
D,He would like to inforn the website that he hopes to help then introduce Chinese culture.
62.What was the response of the website after they received the letter ?
A The wehsite responed to his letter coldly.
B. The wehsite responed to his letter in a polite and anxious way.
C. The website answered him enthusiasticaly,reasonably and suggestibly.
D. The website answered him eagerly.
63. What can we learn from the response of the website ?
A. They would be grateful to informed what contents are interesting and significant.
B. They wish to learn more about Mr. Byon Gong’s hobbies.
C. They expect to know more about their mistakes in the material.
D. They hope for his appreciation in return for the use of their material.
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Last month ,studenrs from 103 universities in 88 coontries took part in international computer programming contest. The Battle of the Brain took place in Harbin, China. Three---person terms from each school had hours to solve eleven real world problems.
Jerry Cain coached the team from Standford University in Palo Alto,California. He says the problems involved, among other things, paperweights, robots, castles and lakes.
JERRY CAIN: “One of the programming problems was trying to figure out how to break an chocolate bar into a certain number of pieces of a certain number of sizes and to do it as quickly as possible. And that’s probably the simplest of all them.”
The students first listed the problems in order of difficulty and then they wrote the needed software systems. They designed ways to test their solutions. And they wrote the needed software systems , Even the winning team from Shanghai Jiaotong University in China was not able to solved all the problems within the given time limit. Stanford’s team solved five problems and finished in fourteenth place. Standford was one of twenty---one America universities that took part in the conest this year. The conest began in 1970 at Texa A and M University. The first final competition was held in 1977 at the Association for Computer Machinery Computer Science Conference. It developed and grew as more and more schools took part in local and area contests.
Contest spokenman Doug Heintzman says the world champions receive prizes and scholarships. They are also guaranteed an offer of employment or practice period with IBM. “We’re had past world champions that IBM has given a post to in our Zurich research Iaboratory and they are now working on some of the Ieading edge materials in science and physics. So this competition is an opportunity to be recognized and to be recruited by some of the top  technology and firms around the world “
68. It can be inferred that__________.
A .the contest is increasingly unpopular with the universities
B..the contest this year was not easy for the participants
C. most of the American universities took part in this contest
D. whether to win or not has nothing to do with the participants’ future
69. Which of the following is true about contest?
A. Every team consisted of five members.
B. The participants from Shanghai Jiaotong University in China performed best.
C. Except American, there are sixty---seven countries taking part.
D. Finally Stanford’s team came fourth in the contest
70. The underline word in the text can be best replaced by_________.
A. promoted    B. fired   C. given a salary increase  D.employ
71. The purpose of this passage is to__________.
A.provide some information on how to enter for the contest
B.call on university students to take part in the contest
C.introduce the international computer programming contest. held this year
D.inform the readers of the result of the contest
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