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Good evening. I have come to Jerusalem today as a novelist, which is to say as a professional
spinner of lies.
Today, however, I have no intention of lying. I will try to be as honest as I can. There are only a few days in the year when I do not engage in telling lies, and today happens to be one of them.
So let me tell you the truth. In Japan a fair number of people advised me not to come here to accept the Jerusalem Prize. Some even warned me they would instigate a boycott of my books if I came. The reason for this, of course, was the fierce fighting that was raging in Gaza.
Finally, however, after careful consideration, I made up my mind to come here. One reason for my decision was that all too many people advised me not to do it. Perhaps, like many other novelists, I tend to do the exact opposite of what I am told. If people are telling me-- and especially if they are warning me-- “Don’t go there,” “Don’t do that,” I tend to want to “go there” and “do that”. It’s in my nature, you might say, as a novelist. Novelists are a special breed. They cannot genuinely trust anything they have not seen with their own eyes or touched with their own hands.
And that is why I am here. I chose to come here rather than stay away. I chose to see for myself rather than not to see. I chose to speak to you rather than to say nothing.
Please do allow me to deliver a message, one very personal message. It is something that I always keep in mind while I am writing fiction. I have never gone so far as to write it on a piece of paper and paste it to the wall: rather, it is carved into the wall of my mind, and it goes something like this:
“Between a high, solid wall and an egg that breaks against it, I will always stand on the side of the egg.”
I have only one reason to write novels, and that is to bring the dignity of the individual soul to the surface and shine a light upon it. The purpose of a story is to sound an alarm, to keep a light trained on the System in order to prevent it from tangling our souls in its web and demeaning them. I truly believe it is the novelist’s job to keep trying to clarify the uniqueness of each individual soul by writing stories--stories of life and death, stories of love, stories that make people cry and quake with fear and shake with laughter. This is why we go on, day after day, concocting fictions with utter seriousness.
46.What made the writer decide to come to Jerusalem?
A.He wanted to accept the Jerusalem Prize.
B.A fair number of people advised him to.
C.too many people advised me not to do it and he chose to some here rather than stay away.
D.He wanted to write novels in Jerusalem.
47.From the passage, we can know the writer is man who_____________
A.is afraid of others’ opinions.
B.braves to express his opinions.
C.trusts anything others talk.
D.hates anything and writes to the pubic.
48.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.the purpose of writing for the writer is to bring the dignity of the individual soul to the
surface and shine a light upon it.
B.Novelists hardly trust anything they have not seen with their own eyes or touched with
their own hands.
C.The writer’s writing stories just wanted to make people cry and quake with fear and shake
with laughter.
D.The writer comes from Japan and chose to speak to the public.
49.What did the writer mean by saying : “I always stand on the edge of the egg?”
A.He thought he was so weak.
B.He wanted to be an egg.
C.He didn’t like the wall.
D.He wanted to fight with the strong society for his dream.
50.Where does this passage come from?
A.a speech from awarding meeting
B.a discussion from a novelist
C.a debate from Japanese
D.a warning from a meeting

46—50  CBCDA 

试题【Good evening. I have come to Jerusalem today as a novelist, which is to say as a】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

It is often said that politeness costs nothing.In fact,it seems that a little more courtesy could save businesses£5 billion every year.
Frequently hearing the phrase “thank you” or “well done” means the same to staff as a modest pay rise,researchers say.
Praise and encouragement also makes employees more likely to work hard and stay in their jobs,saving on the cost of finding replacements.
A third of 1,000 workers surveyed by consulting firm White Water Strategies said they did not get thanked at all when they did well—and a further third said they were not thanked enough.
In both cases,staff said they felt undervalued,meaning they were less likely to exert themselves and were more likely to look for employment elsewhere.
The net result is around £5.2 billion in lost productivity from employees who would raise their game if they felt more appreciated,White Water claimed According to the company,praising staff has the same motivational kick as a 1 per cent pay rise—and works out much cheaper for bosses.
Three out of four employees said that regular acknowledgement by their boss was important to them,but only a quarter said they were actually given as much praise as they felt they needed.
The survey found that those in blue-collar and manual jobs were less likely to be given any recognition for doing well.
In regional terms,Scottish staff felt most undervalued.Four out of ten workers said they were never thanked and eight out of ten said they would like more praise.However,workers in the North-East are less impressed by being buttered up by the boss,as only 69 per cent said they felt the need to be told “well done” regularly.
Older employees and women need the most reassurance,according to psychologist Averil Leimon,a director of White Water Strategies.She said that words of praise did more than create a pleasant place to work—they could even boost profits.
51.The second paragraph means that_____________.
A.employees ask for high pay instead of hearing “thank you” or “well done”
B.bosses always think highly of their employees’ work
C.bosses’ praise and encouragement are important to workers
D.bosses should praise their workers from time to time
52.Why praise and encouragement are needed according to the passage?
A.Most bosses feel it necessary
B.Most workers didn’t work hard enough.
C.Most bosses can make money from praise and encouragement
D.Most workers will work harder and stay in their jobs from praise and encouragement.
53.According to tiffs passage,the majority of staff felt______________.
A.there were thanked enough        B.they were undervalued
C.they got satisfactory pay        D.they didn’t need encouragement
54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Blue-collar and manual workers need more regular acknowledgement by their bosses.
B.A third of the workers surveyed by White Water Strategies never got thanked at all when
they did well.
C.Old employees and women do not need to be appreciated as much as the young.
D.Fewer than 20% of Scotiish felt that they never got thanked.
55.The main idea of the passage is that___________
A.praise and encouragement may help employees work better
B.workers are always demanding more praise and encouragement
C.bosses in Scotland usually praise and encourage their staff enough
D.if undervalued employees will certainly look for employment elsewhere
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The Blue Mercury Hotel has a varieties of different hotel rooms for different kinds of people. Book 7 days in advance and you will pay at special rates. The categories are as follows.
A.Ruby No1: with a balcony. One sinlge bed and a computer, Interment accessible
Max: One person
Price: Regular Rate—$490 (per person/per night) With no special rate all year around
B.Sapphire No 2: With a balcony. Two double beds(all standard rooms)
Max: Four people
Price: Regular rate—$220(per person/per night)
Special rate—$190(per person/per night)
C.Emerald No1: With a balcony. Two double beds or one king-size bed (all standard room)
Max: Four people
Price: Regular rate—$290 (per person/per night)
Special rate—$220(per person/per night)
D.Ruby No2: With a balcony. One bed room suite with one king—size bed
Max: two people
Price: regular rate—$580(per person/per night)
Special rate—$ 400(per person/per night)
E.Emerald No3: With a balcony. Two-bed room suite on the top floor of the oceanarium with two king-size beds
Max: Regular rate—$900(per person/per night)
Special Rate—$760(per person/per night)
F.Sapphire No1: With no balcony. Two double beds(smaller space)
Max: Two people
Price: Regular Rate—$120(per person/per night)
Special Rte—90(per person/ per night)
请阅读以下游客的信息,然后匹配游客和他/她在The mercury Hotel居住的房间:
56.Jane and Jessica, college students on holiday excursion, book the room of the Blue Mercury Hotel a fortnight ahead of time; plan to live in a room with the minimum pay.
57.Jim and his newly married bride, arriving tomorrow morning, chose to have a suite with a king-size bed, for which they budget to pay at most $1200 for two of them for one night.
58.Two couples on a trip stop at Blue Mercury Hotel. They like the place so much that they agree to stay in the hotel for two nights. Their budget is between $900—700 for each family.
59.For Dave and his wife, they would rather book a suite where they can enjoy the ocean view, concerned less about the price of the room.
60.Doctor King is having a conference at the Blue Mercury Hotel. He has to write his research paper. He wants to stay in hotel room which has the suitable facilities
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An unforgettable experience
It was a cold winter day. I rushed down the busy road towards the bus stop. Taxis passed me one after another   36  I didn’t have enough money to get one. My wallet was in my pocket but  37  I had was a five-yuan note. Taking a bus would  38  three, so I would be left with only   39   to buy something to eat. I was very hungry as I had only eaten one meal all day. Waiting at the bus stop, I  40 eagerly for a store   41 I could buy food. Then I heard an old woman’s voice  42 
behind me, “Steamed corn(蒸玉米)!Steamed corn!One yuan each!” Her voice was breaking and  43 deep despair. Staring at the old woman, I felt pity. She was  44  ,just like a beggar. But she was much older than the other beggars in the street. Her face was  45 and her eyes were full of tears. Her large withered(干枯的) fingers kept a tight hold on her basket of steamed corns. What had happened to her? Why was a woman  46  selling corns on such a cold evening? I felt sad. I had to do something. I took the five-yuan note from my wallet and handed it to her. She had said each steamed corn cost one yuan, so I could buy  47 . But if I did that, I would have nothing 48 to pay for the ticket. I wouldn’t be able to get home. Finally, I decided to give the woman two yuan for one steamed corn,   49 my pity for her. To my surprise, she refused to accept the  50 one yuan, saying she wanted to work for her money. She was already  51 to me because I was the only person to buy steamed corns from her all day.
I was   52 moved. She was so old and weak but chose to sell snacks   53  beg. From that moment, I had  54 for her, and didn’t feel pity any more. The corn was sweet and delicious. But  55 made me happier was that I helped a respectable old woman as much as I could.
A. and
B. but
C. so
D. or
A. all that
B. what all
C. all what
D. all which
A. spend
B. pay
C. cost
D. take
A. one yuan
B. two yuan
C. three yuan
D. four yuan
A. looked up
B. looked down
Clooked through
Dlooked around
A. from that
B. which
C. for which
D. from which
A. shouting
B. crying
C. calling
D. speaking
A. full with
B. filled of
C. filling with
D. filled with
A. in red
B. in rags
C. in colors
D. in uniform
A. rosy
B. bright
C. pale
D. red
A. of her age
B. like her age
C. at her age
D. for her age
A . one
B. two
C. three
D. five
A. leaving
B. remained
C. left
D. staying
A. showing
B. to show
C. shown
D. showed
A. total
B. extra
C. whole
D. more
A. grateful
B. thoughtful
C. friendly
D. kind
A. very
B. likely
C. deeply
D. deep
A. rather than
B. more than
C. less than
D. no more than
A. envy
B. surprise
C. respected
D. respect
A. that
B. which
C. all
D. what
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Dear Students,
I am delighted to be your guest.
I would like to tell you about myself. I have been a news reporter
for the past fifteen years. I chose this job so I could travel the world, but the job has taught me many unforgettable lessons. The work is sometimes difficult. I have seen famines, wars, earthquakes, poverty and death. But I have also seen courage, hope and happiness.
In India, I visited a city where there were many homeless children. Some were as young as four years old. They lived in the streets and survived by begging or stealing. But then a wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them. Within one year, she was looking after two hundred children. She clothed them, fed them, and taught them. She gave them hope.
Another time, I was in Turkey after a terrible earthquake, in one place. I found an old lady whose house was in ruins, her son was missing and rescuer workers said there was no chance that he was still alive. But the old lady did not give up hope. For four days, she moved heavy stones one at a time by herself. She did not stop until she found her son. He was alive.
Here in China, I met a young boy with a serious condition. He had undergone twenty operations and spent nearly his whole life in hospital. I thought he would be sad, but when I met him, his smile was so warm and welcoming.
In life, we need role models that we can admire and learn from. When my life is difficult, I try to remember the courage and goodness of these three people.
60. The underlined word “ famine ” in Paragraph 2 means __________.
A. pleasure  B. joy       C. luck       D. extreme lack of food
61. What can we learn about Rosa ?
A. She’s a rich lady and she likes to help the homeless children.
B. She’s a kind-hearted woman and she provides houses for the homeless children.
C. She’s a great mother and she looks after the homeless children.
D. She’s a good teacher and she teaches the homeless children.
62. The speaker is giving a speech to students in __________.
A. China     B. Canada    C. Turkey     D. India
63. For what does the speaker admire the Turkish woman and the Chinese  boy?
A. Their bravery.         B. Their strong mind.
C. Their age.             D. Their luck.
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Anne Sewell Young was born on January 2, 1871, in the United States. She earned her bachelor’s degree in 1892 from Carleton College in Minnesota, where she also completed a master’s degree in 1897. She went on to earn a PhD (something very unusual for women in those days) from Columbia University in 1906.
Anne Sewell Young was the most famous of the early astronomy students at Carleton College, and one of the few professional women astronomers of her days. Carleton produced half a dozen professional women astronomers in the first 50 years of the course, but she was the only one whose name was recorded in the college’s “Who’s Who”(名人录)
Anne Sewell Young was a number of the AAVSO(美国变星观测者协会). She handed in over 6,500 observations over a 33-year period, and was also one of the first AAVSO Council members.
In 1881, Mt. Holyoke College set up the John Payson Williston Observatory (天文台), and in 1899 Young was named its director. In 1903, a library and a lecture room were added to the observatory building, and in 1907 astronomy was made a course in which one could major at the college, with Yong serving as Department Chair. She retired in 1936, and Alice Farnsworth succeeded her.
Young continued to work on astronomy, publishing her last paper in 1942. She died on August 15, 1961, in California.
68.   Put the following events in the correct order.
a.      Young graduated from Columbia University.
b.      Young served at Carleton College.
c.      Young served as Department Chair.
d.      Young publish her last paper.
A. b, a, c, d                 B. c, b, d, a
C. b, c, d, a                 D. b, d, a, c
69. From the passage we learn that Carleton College made great contribution to      .
A. “Who’s who”
B. astronomy
C. the AAVSO
D. Mt. Holyoke College
70. What is the author’s attitude toward Anne Sewell Young?
A. Negative       B. Neutral       C. positive.      D. We don’t know.
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