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When Toyota’s president, Akio Toyoda, apologized for the recalls that have harmed Toyota’s reputation, he talked not just about his company’s fate, but also his nation’s.
“I hope to return Toyota to profit and contribute to the revitalization of Japan,” he said.
Once a leading symbol of Japan’s rise to global economic might, Toyota has become one of the most obvious signs of its decline. And even before the recalls, Japan’s rivals(竞争对手) from South Korea and China had started overtaking Japan in key industries from semi-conductors to flat-panel televisions. And Toyota on Tuesday issued another damaging recall, this time of its popular Prius car.
“At this rate, Japan will sink into the sea,” said Masatomo Tanaka, a professor at the Institute of Technologists. “If Toyota is not healthy, then Japan is not healthy.”
Many economists and business leaders say they hope that Toyota’s trouble will be the wake – up call that Japan needs to understand that its reliance on manufacturing(制造业) and industrial exports, which served the country so well after World War II, is no longer wise.
Yukio Noguchi, a professor of finance at Waseda University in Tokyo, said Japan must finally step into a post - industrial, service-based economy — a painful shift that the United States and Great Britain underwent in the 1980s. Others said Japan should focus on high-end, high-profit products, like robots and fuel cells, rather than mass-produced goods subject to quality-control issues.
“Even Toyota can fail. Even Lexus, even Prius,” said Mr. Noguchi. “Our world-leading manufacturing industry may no longer world-leading. This has a strong impact on the national psyche.”
According to the Cabinet Office, manufacturing accounted for 22% of Japan’s entire economic output in 2008, down from 28% in 1990. however, manufacturing’s share of the economy still remains far above the level of 12% in the US. And few economists or journalists here advocate abrupt shifting. Rather, the feeling is that Japan needs to find a new balance by replacing its traditional industries with more information technology and software industries in which it is weak.
Yet this shift will be hard for Japan, where many policy makers and experts still seem to cling to the old model of heavy industries and consumer goods. If Japan can pull it off, it could serve as a model for other export – dependent Asian nations, which will also eventually face the same choice.
“I hope that Toyota will change our way of looking at our economy,” Mr Noguchi said. “We cannot survive if we continue to stick to the old type of industries.”
67.Since the Second World War,          have been contributing much to Japan’s economy.
A.high – end and high – profit products like robots and fuel cells
B.manufacturing and industrial exports
C.information technology and software industries
D.industries from semi – conductors to panel – televisions
68.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage above?
A.Few Japanese economists advocate a rapid shift into a service – based economy.
B.Most journalists in Japan advocate an abrupt change into a post – industrial economy.
C.Many economists hold that it is too early for Japan to shift into a service – based economy.
D.No Japanese reporters think it high time for Japan to step into a post – industrial economy.
69.The underlined part “cling to” probably means         in the passage.
A.hold on to       B.keep up with    C.turn to      D.pick up
70.From the passage we know the way out for Japan to get itself free from its decline consists in
A.keeping up its reliance on manufacturing
B.continuing to focus on its industrial export
C.speeding up its shift into a post – industrial economy
D.increasing its manufacturing

67---71   BAAC

试题【 When Toyota’s president, Akio Toyoda, apologized for the recalls that have harm】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

第一节 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Leonardo Dicaprio
It’s not only his 2007 feature – length documentary on global warning, The 11th Hour, that cast Leo to the near – top spot of this but it’s his decade – long ongoing commitment to the cause. For one thing, he’s been living in an eco – friendly apartment since the late 90’s. Besides, he also created a state – of – art green hotel on an island he owns off the coast of Belize.
Cameron Diaz
Despite her toothy grin and party – girl reputation, this Charlie’s Angel is serious about the Earth, which is pretty cool considering how much the kids look up her. She has taken a leadership position in the Environmental Media Association (EMA), an organization that uses the influence of media personalities to advance conservation and sustainable living, and she regularly chats about how to live greener to magazines and late – night talk show hosts. Her knowledge and passion for the environment so impressed Al Gore that Diaz was selected as a presenter for his documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.
Greenest Gesture: Hosting “Trippin” on MTV, a show on how to be eco – friendly when you travel.
Natalie Portman
The actress has been a vegetarian since the ago of 9 and an active animal rights activist for several years. In 2008, she designed a line of high – fashion shoes that use no animal products, which have been a hot success. She has brought the concept of green fashion design to the forefront.
Greenest Gesture: All profits from the her footwear line are donated to environmental preservation organizations.
Edward Norton
Playing the Incredible Hulk wasn’t Edward’s first time going green. He has been championing energy preservation for years. He hosted Planet Earth’s “Strange Days” series and was the celebrity face of the “Earth Hour” champion in March 2009, making multiple publicity appearances for the event.
Greenest Gesture: Starting up Solar Neighbors, an organization that offers free solar power energy system to low – income families in L.A.
Brad Pit
Brad Pit is helping to rebuild Katrina – stricken New Orleans and donating $ 5 million of his own money to Make. It Right, an adopt – a – green – home campaign that he hopes will help restore the still storm – stricken Lower 9th Ward. For every $ 150,000 that comes in, a family will get a home. And not just any house – these will be so eco – friendly and disaster – proof, they’ll even float!
Greenest Gesture: The 150 houses built with green technology in the Lower 9th Ward.
Ed Begley, Jr.
The former star of St. Lesewhere has been “green” since 1970. That year he started driving an electric vehicle and making intensive recycling efforts. He has a house completely powered by solar and wind power, and the guy may be the only L.A. resident biking in to meetings, events, and awards shows.
Greenest Gesture: The show he hosts on Planet Green, “Living with Ed”, and his own chemical – free house cleaning product available on his website.
Title: Celebrities (名人) Also Go (71)            
Greenest Gesture
◆for his documentary, The 11th Hour
◆for his decade – long ongoing commitment to the cause
◆for his (72)      of a green hotel
Hosting Planet Green’s “Echo - Town” series
◆for her leadership position in the EMA
◆for her (73)        at late – night talk show about how to live greener
◆for her (74)     
knowledge and passion for the environment
Hosting “Trippin” on MTV
◆as a vegetarian since very (75)      and an active animal rights activist
(76)     all profits to environmental preservation organization
Brad Pit
◆for helping to (77)      
New Orleans and donating $ 5 million to a campaign
(78)       green technology to build the 150 houses in the Lower 9th Ward
Ed Begley Jr.
◆for driving electric vehicles and making intensive recycling efforts.
◆as the only person who (79)   bikes to meetings, events and awards shows
Hosting a how on Planet Green and on his website selling his house cleaning product free from (80)     

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请阅读以下相关人员的信息,然后匹配他或她感兴趣的广告种类: 并将答案写在答题卷上的相应题号前。
________67. John is eager to improve his English, especially listening comprehension. He wants to contact anyone who can provide him with tools to help him.
________68. Mr. Green is working for Red Cross. He is busy with his work even at the weekend. So he is going to send his son to take some lessons on singing at the weekend.
________69. Sally prefers reading to singing. She would like to buy some reading materials on Saturday.
________70. Lily, who has just graduated from South China Normal University, is working in New Life School. She needs some extra work at weekend.
________71. Mrs. Brown happened to find a blind boy at the corner of a street with worn clothes and thin face. She felt pity on him and wanted to help him, but she didn’t only want to give him money and food. She wanted him to learn some skill to live on.
A.Guangzhou Book Center
After looking around, you can find the increasing learning English section (部分,区) as well as other sections where you can find at least 10,000 different kinds of books.
Working time:9:00am to 9:00pm
B.Children’s Activity Center
The singing lessons here are great if you want to send your kids to practice their vocal cord (声带) from8:00 to 11:00 am on Saturday of which the fee is $20.
Apply(申请)to : (020) 8426 2473
C.Red Cross (红十字会)
We accept the tsunami (海啸) victims (受害人) in Indonesia, providing them with food, clothing and shelter.
Our address: 119, New City Road
Our telephone: (020) 8807 7888
D.New Life School
Staff(全体人员)here, friendly, all graduated from famous normal university with at least three years’ experience of teaching. We can bring new hope to many blind and deaf children.
Schooling fee: $10erm
Apply to: (020) 2237 7209
E. Guangdong’s biggest audio and video market
Located along Zhujiang River with advanced modern selling system, many different kinds of CDs, VCDs DVDs on sale.
Tel: (020) 8281 1188, Fax: (020) 8281 1288
F. Babysitters (临时照顾幼儿者) Wanted
Working time: 7:30 am to 5:30pm on Saturday to Sunday
Female between 19-28 years old, having certificate(证书)of normal education
Tel: (020) 2837 5148
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About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table, I couldn’t help overhearing parts of their conversation. At one point the woman asked,“So, how have you been?”And the boy—who could not have been more than seven or eight years old—replied. “Frankly, I’ve been feeling a little depressed lately.”
This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing. As far as I can remember, my friends and I didn’t find out we were “depressed” until we were in high school.
The evidence of a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children don’t seem childlike anymore. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to.
Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly is different. Childhood as it once was no longer exists. Why?
Human development is based not only on natural biological states, but also on patterns of access to social knowledge. Movement from one social role to another usually involves learning the secrets of the new situation. Children have always been taught adult secrets, but slowly and in stages: traditionally, we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders.
In the last 30 years, however, a secret-revelation(揭示)machine has been installed in 98 percent of American homes. It is called television. Television passes information, and indiscriminately(不加区分地), to all viewers alike, whether they are children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation, many children turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging, more vivid moving pictures.
Communication through print, as a matter of fact, allows for a through print, as a matter of fact, allows for a great deal of control over the social information to which children have access. Reading and writing involve a complex code of symbols that must be memorized and practiced. Children must read simple books before they can read complex materials.
Title: Change in Today’s Children
Main comparisons
Children in the past just did what they were(2)_____to.
Children today(3)____as if they were adults.
Children in the past never experienced(5)___.
Sometimes sadness(6)_____to children nowadays.
Different(7)_____to get knowledge
Children in the past: in a (8)____and guided process.
Children nowadays: by(9)_____TV without control.

A phenomenon worth noting
The author’s(10)_____to children’s change
He prefers communication through print for children, which can control what children are to learn.
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Romanian-born German writer Herta Mueller won the 2009 Nobel Prize in literature yesterday, honored for work that "with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, describes the landscape of the dispossessed(被流放者)," the Swedish Academy said.
The 56-year-old author, who immigrated to Germany from Romania in 1987, first gained public attention in 1982 with a collection of short stories titled Niederungen, or Lowlands in English, which was promptly censored(审查通过) by her government.
In 1984 an uncensored version was smuggled to Germany where it was published and her work describing life in a small, German-speaking village in Romania was popular with the readers there. That work was followed by Oppressive Tango in Romania.
"The Romanian national press was very critical of these works while, outside of Romania, the German press received them very positively," the Academy said. "Because Mueller had publicly criticized the dictatorship(独裁) in Romania, she was prohibited from publishing in her own country.” In 1987 she immigrated to Germany with her husband two years before dictator Nicolae Ceausescu was toppled from power.
Mueller"s parents were members of the German-speaking minority in Romania and father served in the Waffen SS during World War II. After the war ended, many German Romanians were deported(放逐) to the Soviet Union in 1945, including her mother, who spent five years in a work camp in what is now Ukraine.
Most of her works are in German, but some works have been translated into English, French and Spanish, including The Passport, The Land of Green Plums, Traveling on One Leg and The Appointment.
Mueller has given guest lectures at universities, colleges and other venues in Paderborn, Warwick, Hamburg, Swansea, Gainsville (Florida), Kassel, Gottingen, Tubingen and Zurich among other places. She lives in Berlin. Since 1995 she has served as a member of Deutsche Akademie fur Sprache und Dichtung, in Darmstadt."
Mueller is the 12th woman to win the literature prize. Recent female winners include Austria"s Elfriede Jelinek in 2004 and British writer Doris Lessing in 2007.
The award includes a $1.4 million prize and will be handed out on December 10
51.Herta Mueller was awarded Nobel Prize in literature because of____________.
A.her public criticism upon the dictatorship in Romania
B.her works with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose
C.her works describing the life of the dispossessed in Germany 
D.the popularity of her works with the readers in the German-speaking village
52.Which of the following statements is mentioned by the author?
A.German Romanians were treated unfairly in Germany in the 1940s.
B.Her parents were dispossessed to Ukraine after the World War II.
C.Her first work was published in Germany in the early 1980s.
D.Her works were all translated into versions in different languages.
53.It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that _____.
A.people then in Romania had the right to say whatever was true.
B.Herta Mueller left her home country after the dictatorship was ended.
C.Herta Mueller immigrated to Germany together with her parents.
D.Romanian citizens lived a hard life without democracy in the 1980s.
54.According to the passage, which of the following works has an English version? 
A.Lowlands in English                  B.Oppressive Tango in Romania.  
C.Traveling on One Leg                 D.The Land of Green Plums
55.What is the passage mainly about?
A.Mueller made great contribution to literature through hard work
B.Mueller won the Nobel Prize for her great literature works.
C.Mueller gained great popularity by describing dictatorship.
D.Mueller was treated badly in Romania and immigrated to Germany.
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A.The Regal Palace Chinese Restaurant
The Regal Palace Chinese Restaurant at Days Hotel & Suites offers healthy Chinese fare, with nourishing delicacies like braised chicken with Chinese herbs and braised crocodile meat with Chinese herbs. Available in January.8778 9888 ext 292
B.Han Mei Fang Chinese Restaurant
Zhaolong Hotel"s Han Mei Fang Chinese Restaurant has prepared Taiwan-style seafood and classic dishes for the New Year. The menu features five-flavored nine-hole abalone, sweet and sour flavored squid roll, garlic-flavor prawn, and three-cup chicken. There are also the delicious noodles with pig"s claw and prawns prepared with spirit served in a bamboo barrel.6597-2299 ext 0215
C.Huang Ting Cantonese Restaurant
Enjoy Chinese folk music over the New Year"s Eve dinner at Huang Ting, Cantonese restaurant at The Peninsula Hotel Beijing, decorated in courtyard house style. It offers a set menu with a variety of seafood dishes. There are iced abalone, pan-fried king prawn with pesto sauce, grilled cod fish with fresh mango.8516-2888 ext 6691
D.Paulaner Brauhaus
Paulaner Brauhaus at Kempinski Hotel in Beijing has a live band performing over authentic German beer and dinner for New Year"s Eve, and a countdown at midnight. On New Year"s Day the hotel has beach games, with a Bavarian brunch.(0898) 3889-8888
E. Italian restaurant Da Giorgio
Italian restaurant Da Giorgio at the Grand Hyatt Beijing has a five-course set dinner for New Year Eve, with a complimentary glass of champagne. At the same time Grand Caf offers a dinner buffet with unlimited soft drinks, juices and imported red and white wines.8518-1234 ext 3738
F. Ken de Rouge
To mark its first anniversary, Ken de Rouge, located by the beautiful west bank of Houhai Lake, introduces two promotional feasts, at 988 yuan and 1,288 yuan, each comprising 14 courses, plus soup and dessert. The 988 yuan banquet has braised sea cucumber, tea-flavored prawn, and red carp in lotus leaf. The 1,288 yuan banquet has Buddha jumps over the wall soup, venison tendon and kong pao prawn. Offer valid until January 20th.6402-6665
56. Niu Xiang is planning to study abroad and he would like to spend his New Year’s Eve in a western style restaurant, where he can join some foreign friends in welcoming the coming of the New Year.
57. The Blacks newly arrived at Beijing from Italy. Mr. Black prefers to try some sea-food while Mrs. Black would like to feel the traditional Chinese environment.
58. The Johnson boys have very good appetite and are especially fond of different drinks and juice. Their mother wishes to bring them to a place where they need not pay extra money for the drinks.
59. Yao Mingming is tired of the Hakka food his mother cooks. He wants to take her to some nourishing delicacies from other regions, like some special flavored seafood.
60. Mr. Smith owns a very big company. He would like to treat some business friends to a luxurious dinner in a quiet and beautiful environment.
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