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Dear Edward,
I have been very busy recently with some really exciting new developments.If you visit my main website you will see various new items there.
The first is a tab called Food for Thought.This is a short daily email which raises a question or makes a statement or provides something for you to think about.Some regular readers may find these emails quite basic.However, you would agree with me that there are many people who reject anything spiritual simply because it means venturing(冒险进入) into the unknown.
There is also a tab called Please Help Me.I will be hosting tele-discussions soon-yes, and I am really excited about that!
Here I ask you to propose topics for tele-discussions.If you are concerned about missing out, don’t worry.The proceeds will be recorded and made available as MP3 recordings.Please let me know what burning issues you have or what you are curious about. 
I am providing a free mystery gift to the value of £9.95 for each successful suggestion. And please don’t think your issue is meaningless-there may be a number of other people who may have the same issue.
You may not be aware that I have also published a number of guided meditations(思考) on-line.Please have a look at this website for a free guided meditation as well as an explanation of what meditation is about.
And watch this space for more exciting things to come in the next month.I am now in a space where my hobby has become my work-how lucky can a girl be!
I also want to thank you for your support and interest over the past years-you have helped me immensely on my own journey.
Love and Light,
64.What does the item “Food for Thought” mainly focus on?
A.How to eat reasonably.                            B.Ideas for people to think about.
C.Where to have enough food.                   D.Ways to enjoy adventurous journeys.
65.How can one get a free mysterious gift from Elsabe?
A.By offering acceptable advice.                          B.By sending as much email as possible.
C.By sending him £9.95.                                         D.By telling him what you are interested in.
66.What does Elsabe ask Edward to do?
A.Offer topics for the tele-discussion.
B.Record the content of the website.
C.Concern and participate about the issues on the website.
D.Help him find more people to help him.
67.What can we infer from the whole passage?
A.Edward doesn’t know Elsabe at all.                 B.Many people join in Elsabe’s program.
C.People are afraid to surf Elsabe’s website.    D.Everything on Elsabe’s website is free.
64-67 BA AB

试题【Dear Edward,I have been very busy recently with some really exciting new develop】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
In 1945 there were 17 universities in Britain; by 1967 there were 45.A period of very rapid expansion took place in the middle sixties when ten new institutes were granted university status by Royal Charter.These modern universities do not in many ways resemble their older counterparts.Much more emphasis is placed on advanced studies in science and technology and the newer social science disciplines than on the arts and humanities.For the most part of the buildings the students live and work in are severely functional and there are the hum and bustle of continuous activities.The quiet gardens and enclosed quadrangles of Oxford and Cambridge belong to another world.This will certainly happen, for the universities like everything else must change and adapt themselves to meet the needs and demands of a new age.
In recent years there has been a very rapid increase in the number of young people (especially girls) seeking higher education.Between 1962 and 1975, the number of students in higher education more than doubled from 222,400 to 497,000.Part of this increase is accounted for by the creation of thirty “Polytechnics” which offer a wide range of courses leading to recognized qualifications.
For those who missed the opportunities for higher education at the age of eighteen or so, a major innovation in the academic world now provides a second chance.The Open University was found in 1971; it offers tuition to degree standards to anyone who chooses to entry.The courses are taught through radio, television programs, Internet and by correspondence with Open University tutors.By now there are over 100,000 students enrolled for Open University and there are several thousand people who are the proud holders of a B.A degree from the Open University.
68.The underlined word “counterparts” in the first paragraph has the closest meaning with “______.”
A.enemies                      B.leaders                         C.similarities                           D.strangers
69.Who can go to the Open Universities in Britain?
A.The British young people only.
B.Anyone who missed the chance to go to college.
C.Girls who missed the chance to enter a college.
D.Those who are interested in science and technology.
70.How can a student get taught in the Open University?
A.Study in the open air of Oxford and Cambridge Universities.
B.Through the modern communication methods.
C.By self-study with the help of polytechnics.
D.By attending to the top ten institutes in Britain.
71.Which of the following might serve as the best title of the above passage?
A.Life in the Open Universities.                        B.Free Degrees in Open Universities.
C.A Way Out, the Open Universities.    D.Open University, Past and Future.
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M: Excuse me, how can I get to the Riverside Theatre?
W: Sorry.I didn"t catch 小题1:w________ you said.     
M: Please 小题2:s________ me where the Riverside Theatre is.          
W: Do you speak French? I"m a 小题3:f________ here.                 
M: Oh, wonderful! I come from Paris.Is there a Riverside Theatre near here?
W: OK.Let me tell you the way.Walk 小题4:a________ the river and take
the fourth 小题5:t________ on the left, then go down until you reach the 
second set of traffic 小题6:l________.Turn right at the end of the road
and you will see the theatre.
M: Good heavens! What a long way!
W: You can take a taxi if you can"t 小题7:r________ what I told you or if you _
don"t want to walk a long way.
M: Well, I like 小题8:w________.It"s a fine day for it, isn"t it? And       
Shakespeare"s play is worth the 小题9:e________!                   
W: Yes, you are right.I like Shakespeare too!
M: Thank you very much.
W: It"s a 小题10:p________.                                                            
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Our airplane was just beside the airport building. It did not look too strong to me, but I decided not to think about such things. We saw the baggage going out ___31___ it on trolleys and being ___32___ from under the aircraft. Next, three men and three girls, all in uniform, went over to the plane and ___33___ it. Over the loudspeakers we were ___34___ the plane was ready to leave and were asked to walk ___35___ to it. Everybody moved quickly in order to ___36___ the seats they wanted. I was ___37___ to get a seat near the tail, but the plane looked ___38___ inside than it had from outside. I fastened my seat belt ___39___ we took off and tried to ___40___ my nervousness.
After an hour’s flying I ___41___ black clouds ahead through my window. An electric sign flashed ___42___: “Fasten your seat belts, please,” one of the hostesses made a ___43___ request over the loudspeakers. She told us we were about to fly into a storm but ___44___ cheerfully there was nothing to worry ___45___. Suddenly, the plane ___46___ all over, dropped about twenty feet and seemed to hang on one ___47___. Then it rose twenty feet and there was a great flash of lightning. The three girls did their best to ___48___ pills for airsickness and ___49___ the passengers. Soon the sky became light again. The pilot had ___50___ to get above the storm.
31. A. at                      B. over                       C. to                          D. above
32. A. held                  B. contained                  C. carried                      D. loaded
33. A. arrived                  B. entered                      C. climbed              D. flew
34. A. asked                   B. noticed                      C. announced          D. told
35. A. out                           B. inside                     C. in                          D. by
36. A. fetch                    B. hold                       C. keep               D. get
37. A. impossible                B. possible                     C. unable              D. unsuitable
38. A. prettier                  B. stronger                    C. smaller               D. heavier
39. A. before                  B. after                      C. until               D. when
40. A. smooth                 B. forget                     C. correct                      D. drive
41. A. noticed                  B. looked                          C. watched             D. realized
42. A. on                      B. up                         C. out                 D. in
43. A. general                   B. similar                          C. common             D. sharp
44. A. smiled                  B. spoke                     C. added                 D. acted
45. A. at                      B. about                     C. on                  D. with
46. A. moved                  B. struck                     C. shook                 D. shocked
47. A. edge                     B. line                        C. side                D. wing
48. A. give out                        B. give off                     C. give up              D. give back
49. A. save                     B. cool                       C. persuade             D. comfort
50. A. succeeded                 B. flown                     C. attempted           D. managed
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Weighed down(压得喘不过气来) by study? Pushed to the limit by the fast pace of life? Frightened by the possible war? Well, you’re not alone. Men and women in France are seeking relief using the world’s best medicine─laughter.
In the past year, more than 25 laughter clubs have been set up across the country. People of all ages release their stress with an hour of group laughs. “People telephoned me and said they have forgotten what it is to laugh. They want to find a place where they can escape all their problems for a while. So they come,” said 40-year-old Jocelyn Le Moan. She usually takes a class of around 60 people through a series of laughter techniques.
Her pupils range from teenagers to 70 years old, but most are middle-aged white collars seeking 60 minutes of relaxation at the end of a busy day.
Le Moan takes them through the “Lion Laugh” and the “Laugh Contest”, where participants “speak” to each other in different ways. And instead of talking, they break into fits of laughter. At the end there are 15 minutes of “meditation”(沉思),when they lie on their backs and let the laughs burst out of their mouths.
“I love it. It’s an experience that has changed my life. Through it I rediscovered the child’s laugh inside me,” said Romain Jourffroy, 24.
Like Jourffroy, many laughter club members find themselves changed into children again, and why not? The average preschooler laughs up to 400 times a day. The average adult only a sad seven to fifteen.
The physical benefits of laughter are already well-recognized. Doctors say the act of laughing releases good chemicals into the blood-stream, while the quick breathing that accompanies it helps massage(按摩)the digestive organs and strengthens the heart.
“A full hour is like having your insides go jogging! One finishes out of breath, but feels revitalized (产生新活力). And on top of that, you’ve had a laugh,” said doctor Alexisd Estaing.
And many participants in Paris also emphasize the psychological benefits. They believe that laughter is a way of making oneself feel more confident.
“Maybe it is because we are surrounded by so many troubles that we feel the need to keep laughing,” said Anne Maurigiano, a 29-year-old filmmaker.
51.   From the passage, we can conclude the following but __________.
A. Jocelyn Le Moan is a teacher of the club.
B. the members are mostly middle-aged white collars.
C. people always need some way to relax in life.
D. laugh freely and everything goes well.
52.The writer suggested that you should __________.
A. have a good laugh after a busy day
B. talk to each other about what troubles you
C. learn series of laughter techniques
D. take the world’s best medicine
53.   Which of the following is NOT included among the benefits of laughing ?
A. It can make people rediscover their children’s laugh.
B. It can release good chemical into blood-stream.
C. It can make you feel self-confident.
D. It can cure the illness of people.
54. What does the phrase “on the top of that ” mean?
A. besides                                          B. on the top of tiredness
C. above all                                         D. on the top of your energy
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On September 22, 2007, 108 Chinese cities took part in Car-Free Day, a global event held every year, for the first time.
China became the world’s second-largest auto market and third-largest car-maker in 2006. It has also become the second-largest greenhouse gas producer in the world, and is rapidly catching up with the United States. In this sense, China’s participation will greatly promote the Car-Free Day movement.
The number of cars on the road is going up rapidly in China. In Beijing, about 1,000 new cars are added to the streets on an average day.
Cars certainly offer people plenty of freedom to move around. But in many Chinese cities, appearance of too many cars has turned into a major problem. Getting stuck in traffic jams is an everyday experience for drivers.
Even worse is the environmental impact(影响)caused by cars. According to a national report, on a “smog day”, 79 percent of the air pollution is caused by cars.
The growing number of traffic accidents is another problem. Over 100,000 people die from traffic accidents every year in China, which is by far the highest number of road deaths in the world.
108 cities’ participation in Car-Free Day shows growing public concern about the traffic and environmental problems caused by cars.
On this day, all cars were banned from running in selected areas of the participating cities. People were encouraged to walk, cycle and use public transport. According to experts, the carbon monoxide in the atmosphere produced by cars was reduced by 3,000 tons on Car-Free Day.
With cleaner air and smoother traffic flow on the day, more cities will hopefully want to join the event next year. And more people might share the hope that Car-Free Day is not just on September 22, but a possibility 365 days of the year.
59. From the passage, we can know that China ______.
A. has the world’s highest number of road deaths
B. has the world’s largest auto market
C. is the world’s largest greenhouse gas producer
D. is the world’s second-largest car-maker
60. Which of the following is discussed in the passage?
A. The causes of car growth in China.  
B. The effects of car growth in China.
C. The history of World Car-Free Day. 
D. The popularity of World Car-Free Day.
61. Car-Free Day in China will ______.
A. be held all the year round
B. stop air pollution and traffic jams
C. attract more people to join in
D. reduce the production of cars
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