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There are many best –selling authors in Europe and one of them is a 15-year –old girl from Paris. She is Flavia Bujor. Flavia is selling more books than people three times her age.
She started writing her novel at the age of 12. At 14, she had her book published. Her best-seller is called The Prophecy of Stones (<<石头的预言>>). The Prophecy of Stones is a story about a girl in hospital. In the story, the girl imagine another world and in that world three heroines work together to save their land with magical stones. So far, the book has sold 20,000 copies in France and Italy and 30,000 in Germany! Flavia Bujor says that “writing is my passion(最爱)”, but she still enjoys being 15. She takes piano lessons and likes hanging out with friends. The French girl plans to spend her money on her college education,
50.The Prophecy of Stones tells about things happening in _______________.
A. our real world   B. an imaginary world   C. the outer space  D. both A and B.
51.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means ______________.
A. She likes to do things people of her age do 
B. She feels happy to be a 15- year –old best –selling author.
C. She does not wish to grow up.
D. She thinks15 is the best age for her as an author
52.What may be the best title for the article?
A. The Prophecy of Stones attracts most attention.
B. A 15-year –old girl becomes best-selling author.
C. Good school girl and best – selling author
D. Young author has more readers.
53.This passage probably appears _____________.
A.    in a story book               B. in a textbook
C.    in a newspaper               D. in a fashion magazine

试题【There are many best –selling authors in Europe and one of them is a 15-year –old】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

三、完形填空 (30分)
My elder brother Steve, in the absence of my father who died when I was six, gave me important instructions that helped me grow into an adult. For example, Steve taught me to face the   36   of my behavior. Once when I returned in   37   from a Saturday baseball game, it was Steve who   38   the time to ask me what happened. When I
39   that my baseball had flown through Mrs.Holt’s basement window,  40   the glass with a crash, Steve encouraged me to   41   to her.  42  , I should have been playing in the path between buildings.  43  my knees shocked as I explained, I offered to pay for the window if she would   44  my ball.
I also learned from Steve that   45   property is a sacred(神圣的) thing. After I found a shiny silver pen in my fifth-grade classroom, I wanted to   46   it, but Steve explained that it might be   47   to someone else in spite of the fact that it had little value. He reminded me of   48   I’d hate to lose the small dog my father gave me. I returned the   49   to my teacher, Mrs David.
Yet of all the   50   Steve gave me, his respect for   51   is the most vivid in my mind. When I was twelve I killed an old brown sparrow in the yard with a BB gun. 52
with my accuracy, I screamed to Steve to take a look. I shall never forget the  53  : he stood for a long moment and stared at the bird on the ground. “Did it   54   you first, Mark?” he asked. I didn’t know what to answer. I really felt terrible then, but that moment   55   out as the most important lesson my brother taught me.
36.     A. reasons                     B. realities               C. questions              D. results
37.     A. joy                           B. tears                    C. surprise                D. smiles
38.     A. took                         B. spent                    C. paid                     D. got
39.     A. insisted                     B. added                   C. told                     D. explained
40.     A. kicking                     B. beating                 C. brushing              D. breaking
41.     A. apologize                  B. recognize             C. send                    D. offer
42.     A. Above all                  B. In all                   C. First of all            D. After all
43.     A. Because                    B. Although              C. But                      D. As
44.     A. give                          B. return                  C. pay                      D. find
45.     A. individual                 B. public                  C. personal               D. valuable
46.     A. save                          B. keep                    C. pick                    D. return
47.     A. valuable                    B. unique                 C. important             D. beautiful
48.     A. why                          B. when                   C. how much            D. what
49.     A. ball                          B. pen                      C. dog                     D. money
50.     A. information               B. explanation           C. lessons                 D. instructions
51.     A. life                           B. people                  C. family                 D. animals
52.     A. Proud                       B. Encouraged          C. Relaxed               D. Excited
53.     A. way                          B. time                     C. place                   D. scene
54.     A. affect                        B. interrupt               C. hurt                     D. fight
55.     A. reaches                     B. stands                  C. turns                    D. holds
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

George Banks was a clever journalist. He worked for a good newspaper, and he liked arguing with anybody, and about anything. Sometimes the people whom he argued with were as clever as he was, but often they were not.
He did not mind arguing with stupid people at all: he knew that he could never persuade them to agree, because they could never really understand what he was saying, and the stupider they were, the surer they were that they were right, but he often found that stupid people said very amusing things.
At the end of one argument which George had with one of these less clever people, the man said something which George has always remembered and which has always amused him. It was, “Well, sir, you should never forget this: there are always three answers to every question, your answer, my answer, and the correct answer.”
56.George liked arguing        .
A. neither with anybody nor about anything
B. either with anybody or anything
C.not with anybody but about anything
D. not only with anybody but also about anything
57.The people whom George often argued with were        .
A.those who were cleverer than him
B. those who were stupider than him
C.both such clever people as he and those who were not
D.only the clever people
58.George thought the stupider they were, the surer they were that they were right
because         .
A.the stupider they were, the less knowledge they had
B. they were not worth arguing
C. stupid people often said very amusing things
D. clever people were always right
59.According to one of these less clever people"s words, “there are always three answers
to every question, …” meant      
A. George"s answer was right
B. the man"s answer was right
C. George"s and the man"s answers were not right
D. there was not a right answer
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

One cold morning in winter, when I was a little boy, a smiling man with an ax on his shoulder stopped me, saying: “My pretty boy, has your father a grindstone(砂轮)”
“Yes, sir,” said I.
“You are a fine little fellow!” said the man. “Will you let me grind(磨) my ax?”
Pleased with the flattery, I answered, “Oh, yes, sir. The grindstone is down in the shop.”
Patting me on my head, he said, “Will you get me some hot water?” I ran and brought the hot water.
“How old are you, and what is your name?” he asked without waiting for a reply, “I’m sure you are one of the finest boys I have ever seen. Will you turn the grindstone a few minutes for me?”
Hearing the flattery again, I went to work with a will. It was a new ax, and I worked hard until I was almost tired to death. The school bell rang, but I could not get away, because the ax was not half ground.
At last, however, it was sharpened. Then the man turned to me and said, “Now, you little rascal(小坏蛋), you’ve played truant(逃课)! Run to school, or you’ll be sorry!”
“Alas!” thought I. “It was hard enough to turn a grindstone this old day, but now to be called a rascal is too much.”
The memory of turning the grindstone that winter morning sank into my mind. I have thought of it since. Now, whenever I hear words of flattery, I say to myself. “That man has an ax to grind.”
60.In this passage, the word “flattery” means _____.
A.an order or direction
B.nice words used beyond truth
C.kind words spoken by elder people to children
D.good manners
61.The man asked the boy many questions because _____.
A.he liked the boy very much
B.he wanted to know the boy’s name
C.he wanted to sharpen his ax
D.he wanted to know how old the boy was
62.The man called the boy “rascal” because _____.
A.his ax was damaged by the boy
B.he didn’t like the boy’s play truant
C.he didn’t need the boy any more
D.he thought that boy should go to school on time
63.Today in the writer’s vocabulary “That man has an ax to grind” means _____.
A. that man has some selfish reasons for his actions
B. that man works with an ax
C. that man is very kind and polite to boys
D. that man needs to sharpen his ax
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

He looks like somebody important! I remember thinking about a middle-aged man standing at a checkout counter. Something set him apart. Even the boy bagging groceries seemed to sense it. He sped up than usual as he glanced with respect at the man.
Trying to find out what was different about him, I found that he looked quite ordinary. Although he gave the impression of being tall, I could see he was actually a little shorter than average. His appearance wasn’t particularly outstanding, and he was wearing plain weekend sports attire ( 运动休闲装 ). Not until the man was leaving did it strike me. He carried himself as if he were somebody worth caring about. Head up and chest out, he walked proudly from the market. I watched the other shoppers as they looked down over their baskets. And me? In the glass of the store’s side doors, I saw reflected ( 映现 ) a worn-out housewife who looked as if she’d carried too many bags of groceries.
Suddenly, the words I’d heard my mother repeat hundreds of times as I was growing up held new meaning. “Stand up straight ! Lift yourself by pretending strings are pulling you from the tops of your ears.” I thought of myself being pulled up . I felt taller as I came nearer to the market’s doors. This time I saw reflected a woman who looked as if she knew where she was going! But as I rushed home in five o’clock traffic and tried to fix dinner before a seven o’clock meeting, my good manners disappeared. It wasn’t until the next day as I was trying on clothes in a department store that I remembered again. Each thing I put on seemed wrong. Suddenly I recalled the man in the supermarket. I lifted myself up. The dress looked nicer on me. I liked the dress! Sure enough, I looked five to seven pounds lighter. Dieting titles I’d read came to mind, such as “How to Lose Pounds in Weeks?” Now I had a new title: “How to Look Thinner in Seconds.”
68.The boy bagging groceries glanced with respect at the man because    ____   .
A.the man gave him some tips for his service
B.the man walked in a strange way in the supermarket
C.his manners was different from the other people in the supermarket
D.the man was a special person for him 
69.The writer looked five to seven pounds lighter because _________   .
A.she was having a diet
B.she stood straight up
C.she was taking exercise
D.she wore a beautiful dress 
70.The underlined phrase “ set him apart ” in the first passage probably means        .
A.made him unordinary
B.made him strange
C.made him handsome
D.upset him
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A man living absolutely alone in a desert or forest is free from other people; but he is not absolutely free. His freedom is limited in several ways. Firstly, by the things around him, such as wild animals or cliffs. Secondly, by his own needs: he must have sleep, water, food and shelter from extreme heat or cold. Lastly, by his own nature as a man: disease may attack him, and death will certainly come to him sooner or later.
On the other hand, when men become organized into very large groups and civilization develops, it is possible to get freedom from hunger, thirst, cold, heat, and many diseases, so that each person can live a happier life than he could if he were living alone; but such a society can not work successfully unless the freedom of each human being is to some extent limited so that he is kept from hurting others. I am not free to kill others, nor to steal someone else’s property , nor to act in a way that does wrong against the moral sense of the society in which we live. I have to limit my own freedom myself so that others will not limit it too much: I agree to respect the rights of others, and in return they agree to respect mine.
The advantages of such an agreement are great: one can become a doctor knowing that others will grow food, make clothes and build a house for him, in return for the work he does to keep them healthy. If each man had to grow his own food, make his own clothes, build his own house and learn to be his own doctor, he would find it impossible to do any one of these jobs really well. By working together, we make it possible for society to provide us all with food , clothes, shelter and medical care, while leaving each of us with as much freedom as it can.
64. A man living alone in a desert or forest       .
A. is absolutely free             B. feels happy
C . has limited freedom               D. enjoys no freedom
65. According to the writer, he limits his freedom because       .
A. hunger, thirst and disease limit him             B. others won’t limit theirs
C . the moral sense of the society limits him       D. others will respect his
66. The author suggests that when men live together         .
A. they have a safer and easier life             B. they are not free at all
C . they must build shelters for others          D. they can get more protection
67.This text is written mainly to show that        .
A. one can have all his freedom by living on his own
B. one has limited freedom just because of his own nature
C . one must fight for his freedom if he’s free from other people
D. one will have much freedom by working together with others
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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