当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分。注:请将此题答在第Ⅱ卷上)—  61...

第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分。注:请将此题答在第Ⅱ卷上)
— Of course. Different jobs need people with different characters.
— Could you give me an example?
— Yeah.  62  However, an extremely independent one isn’t
— Almost right! And I think there is some moral (道德的) conduct all people should have at work.
— Respect, duty, fairness, honesty and so on.
— It seems that they are all important. But it’s really hard to have all of the good moral conduct.
 64   But firstly, you should treat the person whom you work with with kindness and respect. Then you should learn to be brave and careful.
— Yes.
— If so, I’ll have a try.
A.No doubt about it.
B.What is it?
C.Absolutely! We must be dependable.
D.You’d better get along well with everyone.
E.Do you think the character plays an important role in one’s career?
F.Then I’ll be rated(评价) as a priceless diamond by my boss?
G.You see, an easy-ging person is suitable for teamwork.

61——65 E G B A F

试题【第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分。注:请将此题答在第Ⅱ卷上)—  61】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Carl lost his job. He had so little money that he spent his days at home. He watched his neighbor’s room, where an old professor lived. He found the rooms were full of old furniture and vases. Carl thought, “Why haven’t I got an old and valuable vase? I can sell it for a lot of money.”
Carl had an old gun. It had been his great grandfather’s favorite thing a long time before. Carl didn’t want to use the gun but he thought, “Anything could happen.” He wanted to hide the gun under his coat but it was too long so he cut the end off with a saw(锯子).
Next morning he watched the professor leave home at 10 o’clock. Carl broke the window and entered the house. He didn’t know much about arts. He couldn’t choose. He reached his hands towards a big vase when he heard a noise. The front door opened and someone entered the house. It was the professor. He had forgotten to take an important document. Carl became so afraid that  he pulled out the gun, “I haven’t stolen anything. I just want to go away or I will shoot.” cried Carl. “With that gun? ”asked the professor and he began to laugh. He wasn’t afraid of Carl at all.
He said, “You can’t shoot with that old gun. Its place should be in a museum.”
“Is this really an old gun? ” asked Carl. “How much is it worth?”
“It was worth about 27,000 dollars,” said the professor, “But now you can get 20 dollars for it.”
“Why?” asked Carl.
The professor said, “Because its end is missing.”
36. Carl wanted to steal because he was interested in beautiful vases.
37. He cut the end of the gun off in order to hide it easily.
38. The professor came back because he saw Carl enter his house.
39. The professor was not afraid of Carl because he thought Carl dared not shoot.
40. The gun is worth 20 dollars now because Carl cut off its end.
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I travel a lot in my work, and what I dislike about my job is eating alone. It always makes me feel lonely to see others laughing and talking. So, room service for several nights was a better choice for me.
After having room service three nights at a hotel in Houston, however, I needed to get out of my room. Although the restaurant opened at 6:30, I arrived at 6:25. The waiter at the front desk made a comment(评论) about my “being there really early”. I explained my dislike of eating alone in restaurants. He then seated me at a lovely table and asked me whether I would mind if he sat down with me for a while.
I was glad! He sat and talked with me about his career goals and the difficulty of being at work on nights, weekends and holidays. He said he hadn’t enough time to be with his family. After 15 minutes, he saw some customers at the front desk and excused himself. I noticed that before he went to the front desk, he stopped in the kitchen for a moment.
Then another waiter came out of the kitchen and had a wonderful chat with me. Before I left that night, some other waiters, even the cook, had come out of the kitchen and sat with me!
When I asked for my bill about one hour later, all the people who had sat down with me came over in a big group to my table, and presented me with a red rose. And I cried! What had begun as a lonely night ended as a beautiful experience.
48. The author asked for room service because _______.
A. a lot of money would be saved in this way
B. he didn’t like to eat with other people around
C. he didn’t wanted to be recognized by the waiters
D. seeing people laughing and talking made him feel bad
49. How did the waiter feel when he saw the author come in at 6:25?
A. Dissatisfied.      B. Pleased.       C. Surprised.      D. Angry.
50. From the third paragraph, we can learn that the waiter at the front desk ______.
A. knew how to attract more customers to his restaurant
B. found it hard to balance his work and his family
C. was getting tired of his present job
D. had never had such a chance to talk about his worries
51. The author wants to tell us that ______.
A. people are actually all lonely in their own way
B. restaurants should put the need of customers first
C. the kindness of strangers can make you less lonely
D. restaurants are full of surprises for lonely people
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A: Mary, we are going to have a party on New Year’s Eve. I am sure we will have a good time.    56   
B: I’d like to.     57    
A: In our classroom. We are going to decorate(装饰)it and turn it into a wonderful ballroom.
B:     58    I shall be very glad to spend my first New Year in China with you.
A: But we are going to ask everyone at the party to give a performance.    59   
B: I will. My voice is not very pleasant to the ear, though.
A: I heard you sing once.    60 __ I am sure you will be the star of our New Year party.
B: Oh, thank you.
A. Your voice was sweet and beautiful.
B. Where are you going to have it?
C. Would you like to join us?
D. Oh, it’s great.
E. Let’s go to the ballroom together.
F. Do sing us some English songs, please.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The rain was coming down in sheets and 1 was bound to be late for an important conference.Dressing up quickly,I called for a cab,    36    that would be faster than the sub-way.
It wasn’t.
After a long wait,I finally got one,but the traffic was   37  .I looked constantly at my   38  .J ust as the traffic started moving,the driver   39    a man up ahead in a wheelchair.“Wouldn’t he be cold sitting right there! ”the driver cried and began to   40  .
I could see another 20 minutes’   41  ,the whole period of    42   him into the cab,folding up his chair and fitting it into the cab’s small   43  ,then dropping him off who knows     44  .
“What are you doing?!”I exclaimed to the driver.
As the    45    came out,I wanted to take them back.The wrongness of my   46   started to sink in and it    47   me.I almost wasn’t sure who that person was that had just spoken.
The driver    48   me and we continued the journey.Eventually I got out of the cab and   49   to the office.As I ran,I understood that,   50    it wasn’t my duty to take the time to help others,I shouldn’t have complained about the driver’s stopping.I should have been able to see    51   my impatience to attend to what was most inerrant(无误的).Whenever I come to it,this is my    52   :I am not a    53    self-centered person,but I still feel    54
of being the self centerednes and that living a busy life in a big,fast paced city can    55  .
36.A.reminding               B.expecting                C.realizing                 D.attempting
37.A.light                          B.tense               C.rough                     D.heavy
38.A.document               B.file                         C.message                  D.watch
39.A.witnessed                B.picked                    C.spotted                   D.observed
40.A.pull over                B.take off                  C.pass by                   D.run away
41.A.complaining           B.suffering                 C.pass by                   D.struggling
42.A.indicating        B.recommending C.lifting                     D.urging
43.A.trunk                     B.box                        C.cushion                   D.carriage
44.A.what                      B.why                       C.how                       D.where
45.A.anxieties                 B.words                     C.results                    D.comments
46.A.reaction                  B.assumption              C.conscience              D.privilege
47.A.defeated                 B.shocked                  C.embarrassed            D.convinced
48.A.comforted              B.prevented         C.encouraged             D.ignored
49.A.hesitate                  B.fled                        C.settled                    D.flooded
50.A.when                     B.whether                  C.though                    D.unless
51.A.behind                   B.without                   C.in                           D.beyond
52.A.feeling                   B.motto                     C.dream                     D.determination
53.A.skillfully                B.strangely                 C.particularly             D.determination
54.A.proud                     B.aware                     C.guilty                     D.confident
55.A.predict                   B.promote                  C.introduce                D.preserve
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Recently, I was driving down a highway at about 60 miles an hour. A car came from the  21  direction at about the same speed. As we passed each other, I looked into the driver’s eyes for a second. I  22  whether he might be thinking, as I was, how   23  we were on each other at that moment. I was relying on him not to fall  24  , not to cross over into my lane (车道) and bring my  25  to a sudden end. He relied on me in just the same way without  26   .
I believe that is the way the world  27 . At some level, we all depend upon one another. Sometimes that dependence requires us simply not to  28  over the double yellow line. Sometimes it requires us to act cooperatively (同心协力地), with friends or even  29  .
As technology makes our world smaller, the need increases for cooperation. In 2003, doctors in five nations were encouraged to  30  the causes of SARS, saving thousands of lives. The threat(威胁) of international terrorism(恐怖主义) has shown itself to be a similar  31  , one requiring the  32 across the world. We must  33  that our future is not controlled by ourselves alone.
I’ve come to believe that one must rely upon the good faith and judgment of others. So, while  34  alone down a dark road, we must know the coming light may not be a danger, but a  35  moment of trust.
21. A. same          B. opposite          C. near         D. far
22. A. asked          B. searched          C. repeated      D. wondered
23. A. friendly             B. strange           C. dependent    D. confident
24. A. awake       B. asleep          C. away        D. apart
25. A. car                       B. trip               C. journey       D. life
26. A. doubt         B. success          C. difficulty     D. feeling
27. A. forms         B. runs           C. works       D. appears
28. A. jump          B. cross             C. take         D. go
29. A. strangers        B. relatives          C. colleagues   D. animals
30. A. determine      B. damage          C. consider     D. find
31. A. condition       B. problem               C. situation      D. question
32. A. efforts                    B. practice         C. fighting      D. forces
33. A. hope                   B. decide          C. realize       D. face
34. A. sitting             B. standing        C. flying             D. driving
35. A. closed             B. shared          C. broken            D. concerned
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