当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 任务型阅读(每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每空格1个单词。请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所...
Third-generation mobile phones, known as 3G, are the next big step for the telecom industry. Data speed in 3G networks is much quicker than that in present technology. This means users can have high-speed Internet access and enjoy video and CD-quality music on their phones.
“Mobile data is not a dream; it’s not an option(可选择) but a requirement,” said Len Lauer, head of a US communications company, Sprint PCS, at a 3G conference in Bangkok(曼谷) earlier this month.
With 3G, you can forget about text messages telling you yesterday’s news; a 3G phone can receive video news programs, updated four times a day. Internet access will also be much quicker, making it easier to surf the Web on your phone than on your computer at home.
Face-to-face video calls
Don’t worry about getting lost. 3G phones offer map services so you can find a new restaurant just by pressing a few keys on your handset.
However, the most impressive(印象深刻的) part of 3G technology is video calling. With live two-way video communication, you can have face-to-face talks with friends and family on your mobile phone.
Many European countries have already launched the service. In May 2000 the US Government issued(发放) five license(执照) to run 3G wireless services, while the first 3G phones arrived in Italy in March this year.
International telecom companies can’t wait to sell 3G in China, the world’s largest mobile telecommunications market. But they will have to be patient. At the moment, China is busy testing its 3G-based technologies, networks and services. This will be followed by a trial period before the phones can finally hit the shops.
“We need to create a pool of 3G customers before the large-scale commercial launch of the service,” said Fan Yunjun, marketing manager for Beijing Mobile. “We expect that the 3G licenses will be issued late next year.”
Third-generation mobile phones (3G mobile phones)
(1) ______________
a. Data speed: (2) ______________ than present technology
b. Video and (3) _____ music
c. Video news programs: (4) ________ four times a day
d. Internet access: quicker and (5) __________
Impressive functions
a. Offer (6) __________ services, helping you find your way
b. Provide two-way video (7) ____________
3G phones in China
a. China is busy (8) ________ its 3G-based technologies, networks and services.
b. 3G phones should go through a (9) _______ period before being put into market.
c. 3G phones are expected to be seen (10) _______ next year.




Sarah Williams went to a boarding school. Here is one of the letters she wrote to her parents from the school:
Wentworth Girls’ school
July 20th
Dearest Mom and Dad,
I’ m afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school principal is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer.
The trouble started last night when I was smoking in bed. This breaks the rules, of course. We are not supposed to smoke at all.
As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away.
Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket, which caught fire.
There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket which caught fire, too. Soon the whole room was burning.
The principal phoned for the fire department. The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in flames. Many of the girls are in the hospital.
The principal says that the fire was all my fault and you must pay for the damage. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.
I’m very sorry about this.
Much love,
P. S.  None of the above is true, but I have failed my exams. I just want you to know how bad the things could have been!
56.Sarah wrote home to        .
A.tell her parents about the fire               B.ask for a lot of money
C.tell her parents she had failed her exams       D.tell her parents she had to leave school
57.Why did Sarah tell her parents the story about the fire?
A.She wanted to worry them.
B.She wanted to make them laugh.
C.She wanted to make them less angry at the real news.
D.She wanted to warn them about what the principal was going to do.
58.The letter before the P. S. was ________.
A.mostly true            B.partly true                     C.all true            D.completely untrue
59.Sarah said the principal was angry because ________.
A.she had failed her exams                          B.it was her fault that had caused the fire
C.she had not made the phone call in time        D.she had been caught smoking in bed
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Ⅱ.完形填空 30分
Mrs White was a wealthy lady. She lived  16    in a large comfortable house where her children and grandchildren came to visit her frequently. However, she was   17   . She spent a lot of time thinking about her   18   and about her dead husband. Her children   19    about her and asked Dr. Green to see her.
Mrs Green was an experienced doctor. She knew old people became set in their ways and don’t like to be   20   what to do. She decided to get to know Mrs White before she said anything. During the visit, Dr. Green asked Mrs White to give her a    21   of the house. Mrs White was    22  her house and happily agreed. As they walked from room to room, Dr. Green    23    that there were a lot of violets(紫罗兰) in every window. She asked, “   24   do you have so many violets?” Mrs White replied, “I love these   25   and they   26    so fast that I have more and more.” When the tour of the house was over, Dr. Green said “I have one suggestion to make. Whenever you   27    a friend or a neighbor that is  28  in bed or getting married, give    29    one of your violets.”
Mrs White said    30    about the doctor’s advice and for a few months  31   the visit, she didn’t give away any of her violets. Then one day she was invited to the   32   of her neighbor’s daughter. She put a ribbon (丝带) on one of her potted plants and took it to the party. Later one of her friends was sick so she took a violet plants and took it to the hospital.   33   she began to give more and more of her potted violets to her neighbors. Over the years she    34    so many that she became known as the   35   lady.
16.A. well    B. alone    C. quietly    D. happily
17.A. cheerful   B. delighted    C. unhappy    D. disappointed
18.A. money   B. children   C. big house    D. old age
19.A. talked   B. thought   C. worried    D. learned
20.A. told    B. ordered    C. wanted   D. invited
21.A. tour    B. view     C. sight     D. picture
22.A. proud of   B. familiar with   C. interested in   D. anxious about
23.A. looked    B. showed     C. noticed     D. watched
24.A. How     B. Why     C. When     D. Where
25.A. rooms    B. windows    C. children    D. flowers
26.A. grow    B. make     C. become    D. produce
27.A. ask      B. get     C. hear      D. want
28.A. ill     B. sad     C. excited    D. pleased
29.A. it      B. me     C. you      D. them
30.A. nothing   B. anything   C. something   D. everything
31.A. before    B. after     C. during     D. until
32.A. lecture    B. graduation   C. celebration   D. wedding
33.A. Usually   B. Continuously   C. Gradually   D. Regularly
34.A. sold out   B. gave away   C. grew    D. kept on
35.A. old     B. violet    C. rich     D. famous
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Marlin Perkins’ keen interest in animals, especially snakes, brought him a lot of trouble when he was young. His landlady never excused him for keeping snakes in his closet. After two years of college, he left school and found a job in a zoo, sweeping the sidewalks for $3.50 a day. He was very happy about it because he could now watch animals and study them all day long. He soon became an official in charge of reptiles (爬行动物)and then director of the Buffalo Zoo.
Through his snake-hunting expeditions, Perkins won his fame as a snake expert. His love for snakes is such that he thinks of them in terms of (根据) personalities. However, snakes do not have the universal appeal as he wishes. Even Perkins’ most favorite animal Bushman, the 550-pound toughest African ape, was frightened by snakes. Bushman once escaped from his cage. Nothing could draw him back. Finally a keeper went to the reptile house, got three little snakes, and dangled (摇晃) them toward Bushman. The great ape nearly tore the place apart getting back to the safety of his cage.
Perkins likes all animals and takes more interest in them than many parents take in their own children. He keeps daily records on all the baby animals, takes their temperature and watches their diet strictly. Speaking about his success, Perkins sums up his philosophy of life as follows: “My life has taught me that the surest path to success is to find out what you most enjoy doing, then set out to do it.”
40.Perkins’ first zoo job was __________.
A. collecting snakes     B. sweeping sidewalks
C. looking after an ape   D. taking notes on animals
41.Bushman’s reaction (反映) suggests that ___________.
A. he was easy to be nervous   B. most people dislike animals
even animals dislike snakes  D. he was a tough animal to manage
42.Perkins believes the best way to success is to __________.
A. do what you like most     B.work hard at it
C.do what people don’t like   D.be brave enough
43. According to the passage, Marlin Perkins entered his life work through ______.
A. help      B.chance        C.choice      D.necessity
44.A good title for the passage would be ________.
A.Lovely Snakes                B.A Good Expert
C.Marlin Perkins’ world          D.Human’s Friend---Animal
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Shakespeare ,more perhaps than any other writer ,made full use of the greatest resources of the English Language .Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English ;Shakespeare in his works used about twenty—five thousand! There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it .Such a study is well worth the effort, even though some aspects of English usage ,and the meaning of many words ,have changed since Shakespeare’s day.
However ,it is surprising that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author. We know that Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford—on—Avon ,and that he died there in 1616.He almost certainly attended the Grammer School in the town ,but of this we cannot be sure .We know he was married there in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and that he had three children .We know that he spent much of his life in London writing his masterpieces .But this is almost all that we do know .
However ,what is important about Shakespeare’s life is not its incidental details but its products , the plays and the poems .For many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about Shakespeare’s life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long tine critics(批评)have been theorizing(理论化)about the plays .Sometimes ,indeed ,it seems that the poetry of Shakespeare will disappear under the great mass of comment that has been written upon it .
Fortunately this is not likely to happen .Shakespeare’s people have long delighted not just the English but lovers of literature everywhere ,and will continue to do so after the scholars and critics and all their works have been forgotten.
51.This passage is about         .
A.the great length of each chapter
B.the great varieties in writing styles
C.the richness of the content in Shakespeare’s works
D.the rich English language used by Shakespeare in his works
52.According to the writer ,which of the following remains uncertain about Shakespeare?
A.His date of birth.
B.His marriage.
C.His life in the Grammer School.
D.His date of death.
53.It can be inferred from Para 3 that           .
A.not all the comments on Shakespeare’s works have produced good effects
B.scholars have successfully collected facts about Shakespeare’s life
C.critics are more interested in Shakespeare’s play than his poetry
D.the details of Shakespeare’s life are more important than his literary works
54.What does the last sentence in Para 3 mean ?
A.People don’t think the poetry of Shakespeare good any more.
B.People pay more attention to the comment than the poetry of Shakespeare.
C.People can’t see the poetry of Shakespeare any more.
D.The comment is printed on the poetry of Shakespeare.
55.“Shakespeare’s people” in Para 4refers to             .
A.the characters in Shakespeare’s products
B.the people whose native language is English
C.the people living in Shakespeare’s day
D.the readers of Shakespeare’s works
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If you are looking for a new pet, don’t even think about Komodo dragons, which are the largest lizards and can grow to be 10 feet long and weigh more than 300 pounds. Komodo dragons run fast and eat almost any kind of meat, including dead or live animals, other Komodo dragons and people. “These things are powerful killing machines,” says Bryan Fry, a biologist.
If those reasons aren’t good enough, consider the bite of a Komodo dragon. According to a new study, it may kill prey like snakes by injecting venom. This chemical, according to Fry and his team of scientists at the University of Melbourne in Australia, can cause shock in the unlucky victim. A person or animal goes into shock when the body can’t offer enough blood to organs to keep functioning. As a result, the body starts to shut down.
Scientists have only recently begun to understand why a Komodo dragon is so deadly. Some people used to believe that a Komodo dragon’s bite contained bacteria from the mouth that would cause a severe infection in the victim’s blood. The infection would finally kill the animal. Fry says that after being bitten by a Komodo dragon, animal usually die quickly.
After more studies, Fry and his team found that Komodo dragon venom contained some of the same ingredients as snake venom. These ingredients thin the blood and cause blood vessels to become larger. To test the venom, the scientists injected rats with it and observed that the rats became still.
Fry’s work shows that Komodo dragons kill their prey with venom, and not by bacteria — and gives us another reason why we should avoid coming across them. That is easy to do, since they live on a few islands in the tropical country of Indonesia.
41. From the passage we can learn that ______.
A. Komodo dragons live on a few islands of India
B. a Komodo dragon weighs more than 300 kilograms
C. a Komodo dragon is more than eleven feet long
D. nobody dares to keep a Komodo dragon as a pet
42. The underlined word “venom” in Paragraph 2 probably means ______.
A. the chemical that does no harm  
B. a kind of way that kills its enemy
C. a kind of poisonous liquid of some animals 
D. the gas which could cause death
43. Why does a victim get into shock after being injected?
A. He or it is too afraid to move about.
B. His or its organs can’t get enough blood.
C. His or its body was hurt and shuts down.
D. He or it is bitten and loses much blood.
44. Komodo dragons can’t easily hurt us because ______.
A. they are afraid of human beings
B. the venom in them is not so powerful
C. our blood can make them close to us
D. they only inhabit a few islands in Indonesia
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