当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 二.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从第36至第55小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡...

Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess, but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but    36   could he get what he wanted. There were enough princesses, but it was    37   to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it    38    be. So he came home again and was sad,  39  he would have liked very much to have a real princess.
One evening a terrible storm    40   ; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was    41   at the city gate, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess    42    out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what    43   the rain and the wind had    44    her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels.    45   she said that she was a real princess.
“Well, we"ll soon find that out.”    46    the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and    47   a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses(床垫)and put    48   on the pea, and then twenty eiderdownbeds(鸭绒被)on top of the    49  .
On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked    50   she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I have    51    closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard,    52   I am black and blue all over my body. It"s horrible!"
Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had     53   the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds.
Nobody but a real princess could be as    54   as that.
So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess. And the pea was put in the museum,    55   it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.
36. A. nowhere         B. everywhere          C. anywhere              D. somewhere
37. A. easy                 B. simple                    C. abstract                D. difficult
38. A. could               B. should                   C. would                     D. might
39. A. which              B. when                      C. for                           D. then
40. A. came on      B. came around    C. came across     D. came out
41. A. listened          B. heard                     C. told                         D. seen
42. A. looking            B. sitting                    C. standing                D. wandering
43. A. a scene           B. a girl                       C. a princess             D. a sight
44. A. caused            B. led                           C. got                          D. made
45. A. And                  B. So                         C. And yet                  D. Not yet
46. A. said                  B. thought                 C. shouted                 D. whispered
47. A. laid                   B. lain                          C. lay                           D. lied
48. A. them               B. it                              C. her                          D. that
49. A. beds                B. bedstead               C. beddings               D. mattresses
50. A. if                       B. whether                C. how                        D. when
51. A. nearly              B. scarcely                 C. almost                   D. merely
52. A. in order that  B. in case                   C. only if                     D. so that
53. A. felt                     B. touched                 C. smelt                      D. tasted
54. A. careful            B. sensitive                C. active                     D. thoughtful
55. A. which             B. though                            C. where                    D. that

36-40: ADBCA 41-45: BCDDC 46-50: BAADC  51-55: BDABC  


The Making of a Surgeon
  How does a doctor recognize the point in time when he is finally a “surgeon”? As my year as chief resident(进修医生) drew to a close, I asked myself this question    36   more than one occasion.
  The answer, I concluded, was   37   . When you can say to yourself,  “There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just   38   or better than any other surgeon” — then, and not until then, you are   39   a surgeon. I was   40    that point.
41  , for example, the emergency situations that we met almost every night. The first few months of the year I had   42   the ringing of the telephone. I knew it meant another critical decision to be   43   . Often, after I had told Walt or Larry what to do in a particular       44  , I’d have trouble getting back to sleep. I’d   45   all the facts of the case and, often, wonder   46    I had made a poor decision. More than once at two or three in the   47  , after lying awake for an hour, I’d get out of   48  , dress and drive to the hospital to see the patient myself. It was the only   49   I could find the   50   of mind I needed to relax.
  Now, in the last month of my residency,   51   was no longer a problem. Sometimes I still couldn’t be sure of my decision, but I had learned to   52   this as a constant problem for a surgeon. I knew that with my knowledge and experience, any decision I’d made was bound to be a   53    one. It was a nice feeling.
This all sounds conceited(自负的) and I guess it is —   54     a surgeon needs conceit. He needs it to encourage him in trying moments when he’s bothered by the   55   and uncertainties that are part of the practice of medicine. He has to feel that he’s as good as and probably better than any other surgeon in the world. Call it conceit — call it self-confidence; whatever it was, I had it.
36. A. at                 B. in               C. on                  D. for
37. A. self-service         B. self-centered      C. self-reliant                D. self-confidence
38. A. as good as      B. as well as        C. as far as                    D. as long as
39. A. indeed                  B. maybe           C. perhaps              D. even
40. A. waiting          B. standing          C. lying                    D. nearing
41. A. Let                  B. Take             C. Have                 D. Get
42. A. valued             B. avoided          C. feared               D. enjoyed
43. A. made              B. applied         C. included             D. developed
44. A. condition          B. state              C. occasion               D. situation
45. A. retell               B. review           C. revise               D. remind
46. A. if                  B. why             C. how                 D. when
47. A. evening            B. day                C. morning             D. afternoon
48. A. flat                B. bed              C. house                  D. apartment
49. A. means            B. approach       C. method             D. way
50. A. peace           B. trouble         C. sorrow                     D. excitement
51. A. driving              B. reviewing       C. sleeping                    D. lying
52. A. expect            B. accept              C. respect                D. inspect
53. A. critical             B. poor             C. sound                D. difficult
54. A. but                B. or             C. so                  D. and
55. A. confidence      B. conceit           C. solutions            D. doubts
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阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 – 40 各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
Leaning against my parents’ wardrobe in the bedroom, I, six years old then, __21__ to their casual talk about budgets and paychecks. I __22__ that my family was poor.
Their money talk continued, and a thought __23__ me: Dad had to __24__ for me. While the story of my birth ranked as a bedtime favorite, I had never considered hospital bills, the meals I’d eaten, or the __25__ of my clothes.
“Daddy,” I interrupted, “how much did I cost?” “Oh, let me see. About a million dollars.”
A million dollars! Because of me, Dad __26__ two jobs. Because of me, he wore __27__ jeans, drove an old car, and had his shoes __ 28__ over and over again.
I went to the kitchen. From a shelf, I took my granny-shaped __29__, which held every penny I owned – seven dollars. I pulled the bank’s plug out, and __30__ the coins into my hand. I had often __ 31__ with these coins in secret and I felt secure pleasure in just knowing they were there.
Whether the topic had changed when I returned to my parents’ bedroom, I didn’t __32__. Tugging ( 用力拉 ) on Dad’s shirt, I __33__ out my first payment on a million dollars.
“Here,” I said. “Maybe this will __34__ to pay for me.”
“What?” Dad’s confused look __35__ my own. Didn’t he remember what he’d said? Didn’t the sight of me __36__ him of how much I cost?
My tear-filled eyes, which I couldn’t seem to take off the bank, finally made __37__ to him.
Dad knelt down and pulled me __38__ . “You didn’t cost a million dollars, but you’re __39__ a million million dollars. And if that’s what I’d have to pay for you, I would do it.”
Today, I often pull out this memory, think about it and feel the __40__ weight of it in my heart.
21.A.listened    B.watched    C.heard D.joined
22.A.pretended        B.accepted   C.concluded D.confused
23.A.occurred   B.hit     C.came D.left
24.A.apply       B.apologize  C.send  D.pay
25.A.style  B.quality      C.material    D.price
26.A.gave up    B.worked     C.lost   D.offered
27.A.old    B.newC.expensive        D.beautiful
28.A.repaired       B.washed   C.sold      D.bought
29.A.coin      B.bag      C.bank     D.suitcase
30.A.carried     B.sent       C.returned   D.poured
31.A.quarreled        B.played     C.worked D.laughed
32.A.notice      B.care       C.worry    D.mind
33.A.ran        B.put        C.held      D.set
34.A.get        B.reach       C.come     D.help
35.A.matched   B.surprised   C.increasedD.confused
36.A.ask       B.remind   C.warn      D.teach
37.A.sense     B.trouble         C.understanding   D.money
38.A.down       B.up    C.away       D.close
39.A.selling  B.buying         C.worth    D.saving
40.A.heavy    B.light      C.coldD.warm
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第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。
Now as a mother myself, I"m anxious about the future, but I"m optimistic at the same time. I have the same concerns that my mother had for me and my brothers when we were growing up and going out into the world. The world it"s said has shrunk or become flat. We"re connected in ways we never were before. So how do we deal with these new challenges? Well, the other day I was speaking about my concerns for the future. And I said that I wanted to make sure that young people would work hard because we"re in competition with jobs. When I was sitting where you are now, I didn"t have to worry about competition from China or India. There were no global pressures like you will face as you mark your own way. And we need to get every young person to really get a sense of commitment and to work hard. Well, then my daughter said, "Mom I do work hard and my friends work hard." And I said, "I know that. I"m sorry, I didn"t mean to convey any impression that you don"t work hard. I just want to set the bar high because we are in a competition for the future."
You know, in 1999 when I was thinking of running for the Senate, I did not know what to do. I was really thinking hard because I had to make a decision. And there were a lot of things to consider. Obviously, no first lady had ever sought public office before. I had obviously never run for office before.
You know, often our most fearsome competitor is ourselves. We struggle with all of the internal doubts and anxieties, fears for the future, concerns for the world. Sometimes when I look at what"s happening in the world, it"s hard to imagine going out and doing anything of meaning. But we can do it and not only that, we must. America needs you to grab hold of this moment. So compete to do the best you can and help make our country the best it can be. So today, after you"ve accepted your diploma, but before you leave this place, please thank your family for guiding you to this moment. Thank your professors for showing you a new world. Thank your friends for exploring that world and finally remember what this day feels like. Cherish it always. Go for it. The world awaits you.
41.Who is most probably the speaker “I”?
A.a Chinese   B.an Indian   C.an American adult   D.a university student
42.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Quite a few first ladies have run for public offices.
B.Only after you’ve got your diploma and before you leave your university should you thank your parents, your professors and your friends.
C.The speaker is always aware of what to do because she is a determined person.
D.The speaker is concerned about the future even though she is optimistic.
43.Why do you think the speaker urge the students to work harder?
A.Because the students are not really working hard at all.
B.Because they are faced with global competition on their way to their future.
C.Because only in this way can they afford to go to an expensive bar for a good drink.
D.Because their most fearsome competitors are themselves.
44.On the whole, the speech is ________ .
A.disappointing   B.encouraging   C.negative   D.necessary
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Li Shizhen was born in Hubei Province. His father was a doctor. He learned a lot about medical herbs(草药)from his father and read many medical books. At the age of 23 he became a doctor. He often treated(治疗)poor people’s illness, so many peasants and fishermen made friends with him.
The year he was 35 Li Shizhen began to write the COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA. He walked all over famous mountains which grew medical plants to learn their shapes(形状), the conditions in which they grew and collected all sorts of specimens(标本). He spent 27 years in writing the book.
THE COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA with over 1,000,000 words, describes(描述)1,800 kinds of medical plants. When the work had just been ready for printing and publishing(出版), Li Shizhen passed away.
The COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA introduces not only medical herbs growing China but also many foreign medicines. After its publication the books reached foreign countries. It was translated into English, French, and Russian and became an important piece of literature in international medical research.
61. Why did many peasants and fishermen make friends with Li Shizhen? Because
he __________.
A. was much concerned(关心)for the poor      B. had a sweet manner
C. was a famous doctor                             D. read many medical books
62. His Compendium of Materia Medica describes __________.
A. over 1,000,000 words                                               B. 1,800 kinds of medical stories
C. a lot of medical work                                               D. many foreign medical stories
63. Before his book could be____________he had died.
A. printed and published                                           B. introduced abroad
C. translated into foreign languages                                 D. completed finally
64. The word “literature” in the article means __________.
A. work of different science                                        B. letters from foreign countries
C. hope for the better future                                        D. books on a special subject
65. What’s the Chinese name of the COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA?
A. 本草钢目            B. 四库全书            C. 天工开物            D. 齐民要术
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Eleven leatherback turtles(凌皮龟) are swimming across the Pacific Ocean to the Galapagos Islands in a "race" that will be tracked online to draw attention to the serious situation of the endangered creatures.
The turtles have been attached with satellite communication devices that give their positions, as they head South from their nesting sites on Costa Rica" s Playa Grande beach to their feeding grounds near the Galapagos, about 1,500km away.
Online participants can choose a turtle and track its course at http://www.great turtlerace.com. The winner will be the one that travels furthest in two weeks of swimming.
There is no prize for the winner of the race, aimed at highlighting the dangers to a creature that has graced (美化) the oceans for 100 million years.
Environmentalists say 95 percent of leatherbacks in the Pacific Ocean have vanished in the last 20 years due to human activity like fishing, poaching(偷猎) of their eggs and building near their nests.
Thousands of leatherbacks nested at Playa Grande 10 years ago, but the number has dropped to below 100 in the last 5 years.
The leatherback race will not be live because the turtles left Costa Rica at different times. Instead, environmentalist group Conservation International will provide a day-to-day showing of the first 14 days of their journeys simultaneously as if they were racing.
The event will raise funds to protect Playa Grande. It is being organized by groups such as Conservation International and Costa Rica" s Environment Ministry.
68. Why satellite communication devices were attached to the turtles?
A. To prevent them from losing.                        B. To live broadcast the race.
C. To communicate with the turtles.                   D. To make sure of the turtles" position.
69. You can watch the race by _________.
A. going to the Pacific Ocean                            B. tracking its course online
C. watching the program through TV                 D. fixing some communication devices to the turtles
70. From the passage we know _________.
A. the turtles will swim 14 days from their nesting sites to their feeding ground
B. there are only eleven turtles left in the Pacific Ocean
C. money will be raised to protect the endangered turtles
D. Playa Grande is an organization by Environmentalists
71. The purpose for the text is to _________.
A. throw people"s attention to the endangered ocean animals
B. accuse humans of what they have done to the ocean animals
C. warn people of the dangers to ocean creatures
D. tell people that the ocean won"t be lively without turtles
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