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A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack(裂缝) in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master’s house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.
This went on daily. The perfect pot was proud of its accomplishment. Of course, the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream.
“I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologise to you.”
“Why?” asked the bearer. “What are you ashamed of?”
“I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back. And you do no get full value for your efforts” the pot explained.
The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, “As we return to the master’s house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path.”
As they went up the hill, the cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it a little.
The bearer said, “Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side?” That is because I have known about you, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walked back from the stream, you have watered them. For two years, I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master’s table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house.”
小题1:Why did the cracked pot feel ashamed?
A.Because it didn’t hold water.
B.Because the water bearer didn’t like it.
C.It couldn’t water the flowers well.
D.Because it could only accomplish half of its load.
小题2:How would the cracked pot feel at the end of the story?
A.Delighted with itself.B.Disappointed with itself.
C.Prouder than the other pot.D.Still ashamed of itself.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There were flowers on both sides of the path.
B.The cracked pot was more useful than the perfect one.
C.We sometimes don’t have to mind too much the way we are.
D.The water bearer preferred the perfect pot to the cracked one.



试题【A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole whic】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
I remember my dad teaching me the power of language at a very young age. Not only did he understand that specific  36  can affect our mental pictures, but he understood that words are a  37  programming factor in lifelong success.
One particularly unforgettable event occurred when I was eight. As a child, I was always climbing trees, poles and  38  around upside down from the rafters(屋椽) of our lake house.  39 , it came to no surprise for my dad to find me at the top of a 30-foot tree, swinging back and forth. My little eight-year-old  40  didn’t realize that the tree could break or I could get hurt. I just thought it was enjoyable to be up so high. My older cousin, Tammy, was also hanging in the same tree. Her mother also  41  us at exactly the same time as my dad did. About that time, a huge gust(一阵) of wind blew through the tree. I could hear the leaves rustle(嘎嘎地响) and feel the tree begin to sway. I remember my dad’s  42  over the wind, “Bart, Hold on tightly!”So I did.
The next thing I heard was Tammy’s mother yelling, “Tammy, don’t fall!” Tammy did  43  . My dad later explained to me that the mind has a very  44 time processing a negative image. It takes seventeen positive statements to offset(抵消) one negative statement. That means it might  45  seventeen compliments(贺词/道贺) to offset the emotional  46  of one criticism.
These are concepts that are especially useful in developing yourself. How many compliments do you give yourself daily and how often do you criticize yourself? Try to  47  yourself a lifetime of positive programming by complimenting yourself, or at least think about the kind of programming you are doing to yourself on a daily basis. Remember: try to make positive self-talk a daily practice and you will succeed some day.
36. A. reactions             B. behaviors                 C. words                  D. expressions
37. A. doubtful                B. sensible                    C. strange                     D. powerful
38. A. sitting                 B. hanging                    C. standing                   D. lying
39. A. However             B. Furthermore             C. Moreover                 D. Therefore
40. A. brain                  B. memory                   C. experience                D. knowledge
41. A. believed                 B. noticed                     C. protected                  D. persuaded
42. A. voice                  B. figure                      C. image                      D. anger
43. A. hold                   B. think                       C. fall                          D. regret
44. A. surprising           B. relaxing                   C. difficult                   D. short
45. A. offer                  B. take                         C. give                         D. Keep
46. A. damage               B. danger                            C. award                      D. relief
47. A. stop                    B. consult                     C. imagine                    D. give
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It was when I was attending high school that I first read Asimov’s stories. At the time, a few SF magazines began to introduce this author and translate a few pieces from his “Robot Series”. Of Asimov’s works, the one that left the deepest impression on me was Pebble in the Sky. This novel directly influenced my early SF writing.
Asimov was one of the leading writers of Western science fiction’s Golden Age, so although his writing may not have a direct influence on writers of today, his underlying (潜在的) influence on many levels is undeniable — the famous Three Laws of Robotics, and many classic writing techniques, for example. Of course, his influence is related to the atmosphere that existed in the Golden Age; a science fiction writer today has a hard time reaching that level no matter how outstanding he or she is. Asimov’s novels are marked by a fully integrated logical system, and his stories are a pleasure to read — this is the reason his novels still attract readers today. Naturally, Western science fiction has few people these days who follow Asimov’s creative methods; instead they are closely connected to mainstream artistic trends, employing large amounts of postmodern techniques. This type of science fiction has a hard time blossoming on Chinese soil. The majority of Chinese SF readers would rather read the classic works of Asimov. This is an important question that faces today’s Chinese science fiction writers.
Compared with the “Robot Series”, Asimov’s “Foundation Series” is a little less well-known in China. This is mostly due to the large influence of the Three Laws, and moreover, the Foundation novels have never been completely introduced here. In fact, the Foundation series creates an entire world, even grander than that of the “Robot Series”; this science fiction epic(史诗) had a direct influence on later Western science fiction, the most famous example being Star Wars.
61. We can know from the passage that the author is a _______ .
A. science fiction writer           B. science fiction publisher
C. high school student            D. novel translator
62. The Three Laws of Robotics are most probably        .
A. stories written by Asimov       B. writing techniques employed by Asimov
C. techniques to build robots      D. characters in Asimov’s science fiction
63. The main purpose of the passage is to        .
A. compare Asimov with other science fiction writers
B. attract people to read Asimov’s stories
C. introduce Asimov’s influence on SF writing
D. explain why Asimov is popular in China
64. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. “Foundation Series” were translated into Chinese earlier than “Robot Series”
B. Science fiction of postmodern style is not popular with Chinese readers
C. Asimov is the greatest science fiction writer in Western countries
D. The writing techniques by Asimov are better than the postmodern ones
65. In the writer’s opinion, Asimov’s “Foundation Series”       .
A. were not as successful as his “Robot Series”
B. are better known to Chinese readers than his “Robot Series”
C. were more logically organized than his “Robot Series”
D. were written better than his “Robot Series” in some ways
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Section B
Hi Colin,
Glad to hear that you are going to have so many adventures in Africa. To make your trip more enjoyable, you should take some necessary things with you. You’ll need strong boots because you are going to  53  a lot.  54  is also necessary in case the weather is bad on Mount Kilimanjaro. A towel is also needed because you will get  55  when you go white-water rafting.
56  very important, too. You must take your tent, sleeping bags and so on. Also take a map of all the places  57  you will visit and a  58  so you don’t get lost. You will take some food and you’ll probably find water. Take care  59 , as you will need to take your water purifying tablets and place them in a pan when you boil the water. And remember to take a pocket knife to cut food or anything else when  60 .
Best wishes,
53. A. run                  B. ride                 C. drive               D. walk
54. A. A parka               B.A raincoat            C. An umbrella         D. A life jacket
55. A. hot                         B. excited              C. wet                D. cold
56. A. An equipment is                              B. Equipments are  
C. Equipment is                              D. The equipments are
57. A. where               B. that                 C. when              D. in which
58. A. compass              B. watch                C. candle                D. box of matches
59. A. although             B. though                     C. however            D. yet
60. A. needed                      B. cut                        C. asked               D. required
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Professor Green, known to the world as a scientist, is not only absent-minded but short-sighted as well. His mind is always busy 41 scientific problems and seldom notices what is going on 42  him.
One fine day recently, he went  43 a walk in the countryside, but as 44  he has a book in his hand. When he went out , he began to read his book . He hadn’t gone far 45 he run into a big cow and fell down. In the fall, he had lost his glasses, without which he couldn’t see anything. He thought he had hit his head  46 a fat lady. “I’m sorry, Madam.” He said politely 47 searching for his glasses. As soon as he had 48 , he realized his mistake.
Soon he was fixing his mind on his book 49  and paid no attention to anything else. He had scarcely been walking for five minutes when he fell over again, _50 both his book and his glasses. This time he got very angry, seizing his umbrella, he gave the “cow” a wild blow. Then, after finding his glasses, he realized with horror that he made a second mistake. A large fat woman was fleeing from him in a horror.
A.to thinkB.thinkingC.thinking aboutD.to think of
A.whenB.whileC.just thenD.at that time
A.put it onB.taken them offC.put them onD.taken them out
A.alwaysB.againC.usuallyD.very much

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Many of us have heard of the saying: everything is possible if you can just believe. But few of us really know the power of faith and perseverance(坚定).  South African swimmer Natalie du Tiot embodies(体现)those virtues.
Du Tiot, 24, became the first swimmer to compete in both the Olympic Games and the Paralympics (残奥会)in Beijing. Although she finished 16th in the tough 10km marathon in the able-bodied Games, she has collected three golds in the Paralympics so far.
One of the most successful disabled athletes of all time, Natalie du Tiot was already a promising swimmer when she lost her leg in a motorcycle accident in 2001, at just 17.
“There are a lot of dark moments,” she said, “There are some days when I cry. But I try to remember that better days are ahead. You just go on.”
Within a few months, she was back in the swimming pool.
She still completes and still succeeds. The only difference is she has switched to longer events—from 200m and 400m individual medley to 800m and 1,500m freestyle—to make up for her loss of speed with only one leg. But she made no adjustment to her mental look(精神面貌).
“Going out in the water, it feels as if there’s nothing wrong with me. It doesn’t matter if you look different. You’re still the same as everybody else because you have the same dream.”
She is the owner of many world records, and she also won gold when competing against able-bodied swimmers in the 1,500m freestyle at the All African Games in 2007.
But there is no magic recipe(秘诀) for success. It all comes down to hard work and determination. “She is stubborn, which is good and bad,” said her coach Karoly Von Toros. “Good for the swimming, but bad for the coach.”
There is a poem that hangs on her wall that reads:
The tragedy (悲剧)of life does not lie in not reaching your goals;
The tragedy of life lies in not having goals to reach for.
小题1: Natalie du Tiot is a vivid example that____________________.
A.you are what you believe
B.your biggest enemy is yourself
C.results are not so important as the process
D.you must set reasonable goals or you will fail
小题2:According to the text , Natalie du Tiot became________________.
A.the first athlete to compete with able-bodied swimmers in the world
B.the youngest disabled swimmer to break the world record in the 1,500m freestyle
C.the youngese disabled swimmer to collect three golds in a single Paralympics
D.the first swimmer to compete in both the Olympic Games and the Paralympics
小题3:Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Natalie du Tiot?
a. She won gold at the All Africa Games.
b. She finished 16th in the tough 10km marathon in the Olympics
c. She adjusted herself to long events.
d. A motorcycle accident disabled her.
小题4:In dark moments it was_______________ that pushed her on.
A.her coachB.her familyC.hope and faithD.her love of swimming

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