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One day newly wedded Nancy lost her ring while helping to plant potatoes. Friends were called and the field was searched long but in vain(徒劳). Later, when the potatoes were harvested, Everyone looked out for the ring but it remained lost. Another year came round and all the farmers working in the field kept their eyes open. The following year was the same. And year after year, whoever had business in the field always had Nancy’s ring in his mind.
Then the farm changed hands but it went no farther than to cousins. So the memory of the lost ring remained alive until thirty-eight years had passed. Then came a spring day when a man was ploughing the field behind a pair of horses. Even after thirty-eight years he still looked out for the ring, and knew just which part of the field Nancy had lost it in. At this time, when he came there, he found it .He picked it up, put it carefully into his pocket, left his horse, and ran all the way down to the village and placed it into Nancy’s hand.
小题1: How did Nancy come to lose her ring?
A.She lost it while helping to harvest tomatoes in the field
B.She lost it while watering the plants in the field.
C.She lost it while working in the field.
D.She lost it while helping to plant potatoes in the field.
小题2: Why did people keep looking for the ring even after the farm changed hands?
A.It was a very expensive ringB.They all wanted to solve the mystery.
C.They all loved Nancy.D.Everybody wanted to have this ring.
小题3: What did the ploughman do after finding the ring?
A.He picked it up and put it in his pocket.
B.He ran back to tell everybody in the village.
C.He placed it in a secret spot.
D.He returned it to the owner.
小题4:. What can you infer from the story?
A.The ring was invaluable.
B.People on the farm were honest and helpful.
C.The ring’s disappearance was the work of supernatural power.
D.Nancy no longer expected that her ring would be found again.



试题【One day newly wedded Nancy lost her ring while helping to plant potatoes. Friend】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
 阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项A, B, C,和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
A young man, a student in one of our universities, was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the students’ friend, for his kindness to those who waited on his instructions.
    As they went along, they saw   21  in the path a pair of old shoes, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by, and who had   22  finished his day’s work.
 The student   23  the professor, saying, “Let’s play the man a(n)   24 : we will hide his shoes, and we stay behind those bushes, and wait to see his  25  when he cannot find them.”
   “My young friend,” answered the professor, “we should never  26  ourselves at the expense of the poor.You are   27 , and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of helping the poor man.Put a  28  into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how the   29  affects him.”
   The student did so,  30  they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by.
   The poor man soon finished his work, and came   31  the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.While   32  his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something 33 , he bent down to feel what it was, and found the coin.
   Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his face.He gazed upon the coin, turned it round, and looked at it again and again.He then looked around 34  on all sides, but no person was to be seen.He now put the money into his pocket, and went on to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was  35  on finding the other coin.
   His feelings   36  him; he fell upon his  37 , looked up to heaven and let out a sincere thanksgiving, in which he spoke of his wife, sick and  38 , and his children without bread, whom the timely giving, from some unknown hand, would save from dying.
   The student stood there deeply affected, his eyes filled with tears.“Now,” said the professor,
“Are you not much better pleased than if you had played your  39  trick?” The youth replied, “You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget.I feel now the  40 of those words, which I never understood before: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
A.looked backB.referred toC.turned toD.puzzled over
A.treatB.dedicateC.amuse D.occupy
A.andB.butC.thus D.therefore
A.taking onB.looking onC.putting onD.hanging on

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A Tchaikovsky concerto(协奏曲)is what made Romel Joseph fall in love with the violin.
He learned how to play in Haiti, where he was born, but a Fulbright scholarship brought him to the United States, and he finally earned a master’s degree, reports CBS News reporter Katie Couric. Music had changed his life. He wanted to do the same for the children of Haiti.
Joseph built a school in Port-au-Prince nearly 20 years ago. He was on the third floor when suddenly “It was like boom boom boom and everything just opened,” Joseph said. “And the next thing I knew I was on the ground.”
Blind since birth, Joseph tried to feel his way out, but was pinned(夹)beneath heavy concrete(混凝土). He remained trapped for 18 hours. He prays that his new wife, seven months pregnant(***的), will be found.
He is now being treated at Miami’s Jackson Memorial Hospital for two injured legs and an arm.
Joseph wonders if he’ll ever play the violin again. He can feel sensation(知觉)in his fingertips. He said, “If you were to give me a violin and if I didn’t have to fold the fingers, I would be able to play.”
Joseph’s daughter Victoria spent three terrifying days unsure of her father’s fate. For her, having him home is the sweetest music.
“Can you imagine your dad not being able to play the violin?” Couric asked.
“No, I can’t,” Victoria Joseph said. “But I will love him all the same if he can’t.”
Romel doesn’t know how many of his 300 students died in the quake. As he waits for news about his wife, Romel Joseph is already planning a return to Haiti to rebuild the school and continue teaching there.
“We can save two children, 20, 200, 300, 500 through education and music, and these children will make a difference,” Romel Joseph said.
小题1: Romel began to like music ________.
A.because he was blind since birth
B.after he had listened to a famous piece of music
C.when he got a scholarship to study in America
D.since he was born in Haiti
小题2:From what Romel said in Paragraph 6, we can infer that he was ________.
小题3:To Victoria, the best thing is ________.
A.to see her father recover from the injury quickly
B.to listen to her father playing the sweetest music
C.to play the violin as well as her father
D.to be sure that her father could play the violin
小题4:Why does Romel want to go back to Haiti?
A.To save his students from the earthquake.
B.To change the life of children by teaching music.
C.To find out how seriously his school was damaged.
D.To look for his wife who is pregnant.
小题5: Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Music education: keep your creativity alive
B.A great blind musician and his students
C.Haiti earthquake: a story of a music teacher
D.How did some Haiti earthquake victims survive

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Oprah Winfrey, the queen of American daytime talk TV, is considered one of the most powerful women in the world.Now, after 25 years’ hosting The Oprah Winfrey Show, the star has announced she is calling it quits.
According to the Los Angeles Times, the move “signals the beginning of the decline for the daytime talk show.” More women are working full-time jobs, and people are turning to cable (有线电视) and pre-recorded shows for their entertainment.
It may be that Oprah isn’t quitting so much as moving on.She has created the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), and will most likely move her show to the network.If audiences around the world need Oprah, they well know where to look.
Oprah Winfrey was born to a single teenage mother in a small town in rural Mississippi, US.As a child, she lived with poverty and abuse.But she got a job at a local radio station, where her honesty, emotional style won her many fans.She quickly rose through the ranks of radio and television before launching her own production company and starting her own show.
Oprah’s talk show was not the first of its kind, but it quickly became the best and most popular.It made talk shows popular, and others jumped in to start similar shows.But while other talk shows turned ugly, featuring guests who argued and attacked each other with chairs, Oprah rose above the mess
“Part of her power lies in the fact that her life story resonates (产生共鸣) with her audience, as a kind of version of the American dream,” writes Kevin Connolly, a reporter with the BBC.
She became a star because of the way she opened up about her problems to her audience.She shared her own struggles with relationships and weight.She focused on self-help.Connolly believes “something in her honesty and her sometimes painfully emotional directness struck home with a certain type of American”.
小题1:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.The stop of Oprah’s show reflects the decrease of audience.
B.Oprah hosted her show for about 25 years.
C.American talk show was pioneered by Oprah.
D.Oprah used to be a radio presenter.
小题2:What does the underlined sentence mean?
A.Oprah could deal with the guests fighting very well.
B.Oprah’s show stood out with her unique style.
C.Oprah turned a deaf ear to other people’s quarrel.
D.Oprah’s fame rose because lots of people watch her show.
小题3:From Kevin Connolly, we know people like Oprah’s show for all the reasons EXCEPT ________.
A.Oprah always shares people’s life stories in her show
B.the audiences are touched by Oprah’s honesty and frankness
C.Oprah’s life story reflects the truth of American dream
D.some audiences are inspired by Oprah’s show
小题4:According to the text, Oprah ________.
A.always volunteers to help those who need help
B.has practiced presentational skills since she was young
C.believes that one should rely on himself to solve problems
D.calls on women to work full-time jobs

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A nobleman and a merchant once met in an inn. For their lunch they both ordered soup. When it was brought, the nobleman took a spoonful, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears came to his eyes, The merchant asked him why he was weeping. The nobleman was ashamed to admit that he had burned his mouth and answered, “Sir, I once had a brother who committed a great crime , for which he was hanged. I was thinking of his death, and that made me weep.” The merchant believed this story and began to eat his soup. He too burned his mouth, so that he had tears in his eyes. The nobleman noticed it and asked the merchant, “Sir, why do you weep?” The merchant, who now saw that the nobleman had deceived (欺骗) him, answered, “My lord(="master)," I am weeping because you were not hanged together with your brother.”
小题1:This story teaches us ______.
A.not to eat in innsB.not to eat soup that is too hot
C.to cry when we burn our mouthD.not to believe everything you hear
小题2:The nobleman did not tell the truth because he ______.
A.was a noblemanB.felt ashamedC.was in an innD.was angry
小题3:It is probable that the nobleman ______.
A.had no brother who was hangedB.had a very good brother
C.knew the soup was too hotD.had never eaten soup
小题4: The merchant’s answer showed that he ______.
A.was very happyB.believed the nobleman
C.was angry with the noblemanD.had kind heart

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There was great interest when a big hole mysteriously appeared in the middle of a field. Engineers were called in to explain how it had got there. They offered various explanations but were not at all sure how the hole had been caused, it was thought that a large bomb which came suddenly exploded, but it was not possible to prove this. A simple, but highly improbable explanation was offered by a man who declares to know well about “flying saucers”; the strange objects which are round in shape and are said to visit the earth from outer space. The man’s explanation may have been nonsense (胡说八道), but at least it was imaginative. At any rate, it was far more interesting than the one given by the army.
After examining the ground carefully the man declared to have seen special marks on the soil quite near the hole, these, he said, could only have been caused by a flying saucer. Moreover the leaves on some bushes nearby had turned yellow because of a strange hot gas which had come from the saucer just before it landed. Even a small tree some way off appeared to have been burnt slightly. A small piece of metal found in the hole itself gave further proof that a strange object had been there. According to the man, it was quite clear that people from another world had been going around the earth trying to pick up information, when something had gone wrong. Because of this they had been forced to land in a field so that the damage could be repaired. The hole had been caused when the saucer struck the earth, while the strange marks nearby were made when it took off again. This, said the man, was the simplest explanation of how the hole had appeared. Judging from the interest the public took in the matter, there must be quite a few people who secretly believe or hope that this simple explanation is the true one.
小题1:What aroused public interest?
A.A mysterious hole in a field.B.Various explanations offered by experts.
C.A simple explanation given by a man.D.The shape of the flying saucers.
小题2:The author thought the man’s explanation was________. 
A.boring but imaginativeB.reasonable and interesting
C.meaningless but interestingD.mysterious and unbelievable
小题3:The man found a lot of proofs except ____. 
A.special marks on soil near the holeB.yellow leaves on some bushes nearby
C.a small piece of meal in the holeD.the remains of the flying saucer
小题4:It’s said the outer-space people were circling the earth _______.
A.to repair their saucerB.to strike the earth
C.to. collect information D.to make strange marks

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