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Rachael lives in Wisconsin and has lived there all her life. She is just an average girl; at first when you are around her, she seems to be very shy. If you get to know her, she’ll start to open up but always keep things to herself.
Sports are something that keeps her going, a way to release stress. Usually, you will see Rachael out with friends or just sitting down reading a good book. She takes pride in the fact that she can read a whole book in one day, and that she still doesn’t consider herself a bookworm.
Some people call Rachael strange because of things she does. She’s learned to disregard what other people think because she just doesn’t care any more. She likes to surround herself with people like her so it makes he feel like she is the less strange one in most situations.
Rachael wants to be two completely different people in her life. A communication journalist for one, she has always wanted to be that person. The second possible career would be lawyer. It’s a huge goal, and one day you’ll see her doing something she loves.
Influenced by her parents, Rachael enjoys listening to all kinds of music. Rarely, if ever, do you see her without some sort of music. Every morning you can see Rachael in her bathroom getting ready for school with her player at maximum volume(音量).Her parents always get mad at her about that, but she can’t hear them anyway over the music. They don’t know that she uses their surround sound stereo when they aren’t at home!
小题1: Rachael likes to be with people like her because_______.
A.she only wants to make friends with the people like her
B.many people think she is strange and don’t like to be with her
C.she knows there are many other people who are also strange
D.it makes her feel like she is not so strange as people think
小题2: The underlined word “disregard” in the third paragraph probably means “_______”.
小题3:Rachael’s parents don’t like their children to _______.
A.be late for school
B.use their surround sound stereo
C.listen to the music in the bathroom
D.play music to loudly
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that______.
A.Rachael likes to be different from others
B.Rachael never reads books carefully
C.Rachael will be a lawyer in the future
D.Rachael’s parents also like music
小题5:The passage mentions the following about Rachael EXCEPT her_______.
A.hobbyB.personalityC.ideal jobsD.appearance



试题【Rachael lives in Wisconsin and has lived there all her life. She is just an aver】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
A woman in her sixties lived alone in her little cottage with a pear tree at her door. She spent all her time taking care of the tree. But the children nearby drove her  16 by making fun of her. They would climb her tree and then run away with pears,  17 “Aunty Misery” at her.
One evening, a passer- by asked to  18 for the night. Seeing that he had an  19 face, she let him in and gave him a nice   20  . The next morning the stranger, actually a sorcerer (巫师), thanked her by granting (允准) her     21 that anyone who climbed up her tree  22  not be able to come back down until she   23  it.
When the children came back to steal her   24  , she had them stuck on the tree. They had to beg her long   25  she gave the tree permission to let  26   go. Aunty Misery was free from the   27  at last.
One day another man    28  her door. This one did not look trustworthy to her,   29  she asked who he was . “I am Death, I’ve come to take you   30    me.” said he.
Thinking fast Aunty Misery said, “Fine, but I’d like to  31   some pears from my dear tree to remember the  32 it brought to me in this life. But I am too    33  to climb high to get the best fruit. Will you be so   34   as to do it for me?” With a deep sigh, Mr. Death climbed up the tree   35  and was immediately stuck to it. No matter how much he warned or begged, Aunty Misery would not allow the tree to let Death go.
A.hopelessB.painful C.dullD.crazy
A.callingB.shoutingC.announcing D.whispering
A.interesting B.honestC.anxiousD.angry
A.suggestionB.demand C.permissionD.wish
A.permittedB.promised C.answeredD.declared
A.branch B.foodC.treeD.fruit
A.trickB.question C.troubleD.difficulty
A.stepped intoB.left forC.stopped atD.walked around
A.honorB.pleasure C.hopeD.excitement
A.disappointedlyB.cheerfully C.unwillinglyD.eagerly

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In the 1930s, a lot of people in the USA were out of work. Among these people was a man named Alfred Butts. He always had an interest in word games and so, to fill his time, he planned a game which he called ‘Lexico’. However, he was not completely satisfied with the game, so he made a number of changes to it and, in time, changed its name from ‘Lexico’ to ‘Alph’ and then to ‘Criss Cross’. He wanted to make some money from his new game but he didn"t have any real commercial success.
In 1939, Butts happened to meet a man called Jim Brunot who showed an interest in the new game. The two men worked together on developing the game and in 1948 it was offered for sale in the United States under its new name —‘Scrabble’.
At first, it didn"t sell very well. In the first year it sold just 2,250 sets and by 1951 it had only reached 8,500 sets a year.
Then, in 1952 the manager of Macy"s department store in New York, Jack Strauss, happened to play ‘Scrabble’ while he was on holiday. He thought it was a wonderful game and, when he went back to work after his holiday, he insisted that Macy"s should stock(储备)the game and make an effort to call the public"s attention to it.
As a result, ‘scrabble’ became a big success in the United States and it soon spread to Australia and then to other English-speaking countries.
小题1:The text is mainly about       .
A.‘Lexico’B.three menC.a word gameD.Alfred Butts
小题2:Alfred Butts invented the game ‘Lexico’        .
A.to make himself famous
B.to make spelling simpler
C.when he was out of work and looking for a job
D.when he was playing word games to pass the time
小题3: Who made ‘Scrabble’ popular?
A.Alfred Butts.B.Jack Strauss.
C.Alfred Butts and Jim Brunot.D.Jack Strauss and Jim Brunot.
小题4:When did Alfred Butts first put his game on the market?
A.In 1939. B.In 1948.
C.Before 1939. D.Between 1939 and 1948.

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Elizabeth lived on the other side of a valley. One winter there was a very big flood, and a lot of houses down below Elizabeth’s were washed away. Elizabeth’s house was  21  enough to escape the flood, so when the water  22  and the other houses were standing there with no  23  and no walls and all covered with  24 ,her house was still quite all right.
Her house was quite small, her husband was  25  and she had six children to support. Ten dollars a week, which was the total of their income, didn’t leave much for  26  . Expenses were always greater than Elizabeth had  27  , but she didn’t hesitate to help one of the families that lost everything in the flood and she  28  her house with them until it was  29  for them to move into their own houses.
Elizabeth’s friend was very  30  when she saw Elizabeth do this. She couldn’t understand why Elizabeth wanted to give  31  so much work and trouble to help others.
“Well,” Elizabeth  32  to her friend, “at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived found herself  33 , because her husband had been killed in the war in Germany and she had a lot of  34 , as I have now.”
“The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have  35  presents for all of us. I’ll go and get it.’ She came back with a little girl who was in  36  clothes and crying in deep sorrow. The girl was an orphan(孤儿). ‘Here’s our  37  . She said to the children.
“The children were very  38  to have such a present. They  39  the little girl, and she grew up as their sister. I was that  40  present.”
A.herB.herselfC.her childrenD.her friend
A. livingB.woundedC.richD.poor
A.ChristmasB.New YearC.birthdayD.Thanksgiving

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Christopher Thomas, 27, was a writer by night and a teacher by day when he noticed he was always tired and was losing weight fast. Diagnosed with diabetes(糖尿病), Thomas would need to inject himself with insulin(胰岛素) three times a day for the rest of his life or risk nerve damage, blindness, and even death. And if that weren"t bad enough, he had no health insurance.
After a month of feeling upset, Thomas decided he"d better find a way to fight back. He left Canton, Michigan for New York, got a job waiting tables, nicknamed himself the Diabetic Rockstar, and created diabeticrockstar.com, a free online community for diabetics and their loved ones—a place where over 1,100 people share personal stories, information, and resources.
Jason Swencki’s son, Kody, was diagnosed with type diabetes at six. Father and son visit the online children"s forums(论坛) together most evenings. "Kody gets so excited, writing to kids from all over," says Swencki, one of the site"s volunteers. "They know what he"s going through, so he doesn"t feel alone."
Kody is anything but alone: Diabetes is now the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, with 24 million diagnosed cases. And more people are being diagnosed at younger ages.
These days, Thomas"s main focus is his charity(慈善机构), Fight It, which provides medicines and supplies to people—225 to date—who can"t afford a diabetic"s huge expenses. Fight-it.org has raised about $23,000—in products and in cash. In May, Thomas will hold the first annual Diabetic Rockstar Festival in the Caribbean.
Even with a staff of 22 volunteers, Thomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cause, while still doing his full-time job waiting tables. "Of the diabetes charities out there, most are putting money into finding a cure," says Bentley Gubar, one of Rockstar"s original members. "But Christopher is the only person I know saying people need help now."
小题1:Which of the following is true of Christopher Thomas?
A.He needs to go to the doctor every day.
B.He studies the leading cause of diabetes
C.He has a positive attitude to this disease.
D.He encourages diabetics by writing articles.
小题2: Diabeitcrockstar.com was created for _________.
A.diabetics to communicateB.volunteers to find jobs
C.children to amuse themselvesD.rock stars to share resources.
小题3:According to the text, Kody ______.
A.feel lonely because of his illnessB.benefits from diabeticrockstar.com
C.helps create the online kid’s forumsD.writes children’s stories online
小题4:What can we learn about Fight It?
A.It helps the diabetics in financial difficulties.
B.It organizes parties for volunteer once a year.
C.It offers less expensive medicine to diabetics.
D.It owns a well-known medical website.
小题5:The last paragraph suggests that Thomas ______.
A.works full-time in a diabetes charityB.employs 22 people for his website
C.helps diabetics in his own wayD.ties to find a cure for diabetes

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Today Mr. Johnson, a member of the International Olympic Committee(国际奥委会), visited a high school in Beijing. He made a speech there. In his 36._____, he talked about the history and significance of 37._____. He described the 38._____ Olympic Games. He said that athletes at the ancient games could only be men who spoke Greek, 39._____ today, both men and 40._____from around the world can compete. The modern games, first held in 1896, were designed (设计) to make it possible for countries and people to live 41._____ together.
Mr. Johnson also talked about some famous 42._____. One example is Michael Jordan who  43._____ his second Olympic gold medal after a long break. He 44._____ mentioned (提到) Deng Yaping who won many gold medals. Mr. Johnson 45._____ his speech by wishing the Olympic movement a successful future. The audience really enjoyed his speech.
A.Asian GamesB.the Olympic GamesC.European GamesD.African Games
A.dancersB.actors C.singersD.athletes

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