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My father was Chief engineer of merchant ship, which was sunk in Word War II. The book Night of the U-boats told the story.
In September, 1940, my mother, sister and I went to Swansea, where my father"s ship was getting ready to sail. We brought him a family photograph to be kept with him at all times and keep him safe.
Then I remember my mother lying face down, sobbing. She had heard from a friend that the ship had been sunk by a torpedo (鱼雷).
I can remember the arrival of the telegram (电报), which in those days always brought had news. My grandmother opened it. It read, "Safe, Love Ted."
My most vivid memory is being woken and brought down to sit on my father"s knee, his arm in a bandage.
He was judged unfit to return to sea and took a shore job in Glasgow for the rest of the war. For as long as I can remember, he had a weak heart. Mother said it was caused by the torpedoes. He said it was because of the cigarettes. Whichever, he died suddenly in his early 50s.
Ten years later I read Night of the U-boats and was able to complete the story.
One torpedo struck the ship. Father was in the engine room, where the third engineer was killed. He shut down the engines to slow the ship making it easier for it to be abandoned.
By the time he got on deck (甲板) he was alone. Every lifeboat was gone except one which had stuck fast. When he tried to cut it free, it swung against the ship, injuring his hand and arm. He had no choice but to jump — still with the photograph in his pocket.
Three days later, he and other survivors were safe in Glasgow. All 23 with him signed the back of the photograph.
A Toast
In my room is the book and the photograph. Often, glass in hand, I have wondered how I would have dealt with an explosion, a sinking ship, a jump into a vast ocean and a wait for rescue? Lest(以免)we forget, I have some more whisky and toast the heroes of the war.
小题1:We can infer that the mother and children went to Swansea ________.
A.to meet a friend
B.to see the father off
C.to take a family photo
D.to enjoy the sailing of the ship
小题2:What did the author learn about the father from the telegram?
A.he was still alive.
B.His knee was broken.
C.His ship had been sunk.
D.He had arrived in Glasgow.
小题3:The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 6 refers to the father"s ________.
A.weak heart
B.taking a shore job
C.failure to return to sea
D.injury caused by a torpedo
小题4:What can we know about the author"s father after his ship was attacked?
A.He lost his arm
B.He repaired the engines.
C.He managed to take a lifeboat.
D.He was the last to leave the ship.
小题5:What is the massage mainly about?
A.A group of forgotten heroes
B.A book describing a terrifying battle.
C.A ship engineer"s wartime experience.
D.A merchant"s memories of a sea rescue.


小题1:推理题。根据第二段第1,2行n September, 1940, my mother, sister and I went to Swansea, where my father"s ship was getting ready to sail.可知B正确。
小题2:细节题。根据第四段第二行It read, "Safe, Love Ted."。
小题3:推理题。第六段he had a weak heart. Mother said it was caused by the torpedoes.可知妈妈说他的心脏病是因为鱼雷引起的。
试题【My father was Chief engineer of merchant ship, which was sunk in Word War II. Th】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

The common cold is the world’s most widespread illness, which is plagues(疫病) that flesh receives. The most widespread fallacy(谬误) of all is that colds are caused by cold. They are not. They are caused by viruses passing on from person to person. You catch a cold by coming into contact, directly or indirectly, with someone who already has one. If cold causes colds, it would be reasonable to expect the Eskimos to suffer from them forever. But they do not. And in isolated arctic regions explorers have reported being free from colds until coming into contact again with infected people from the outside world by way of packages and mail dropped from airplanes.
During the First World War soldiers who spent long periods in the trenches(战壕), cold and wet, showed no increased tendency to catch colds.
In the Second World War prisoners at the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp(奥斯维辛集中营), naked and starving, were astonished to find that they seldom had colds. At the Common Cold Research Unit in England, volunteers took part in Experiments in which they gave themselves to the discomforts of being cold and wet for long stretches of time. After taking hot baths, they put on bathing suits, allowed themselves to be with cold water, and then stood about dripping wet in drafty room. Some wore wet socks all day while others exercised in the rain until close to exhaustion. Not one of the volunteers came down with a cold unless a cold virus was actually dropped in his nose.
If, then, cold and wet have nothing to do with catching colds, why are they more frequent in the winter?Despite the most pains-taking research, no one has yet found the answer. One explanation offered by scientists is that people tend to stay together indoors more in cold weather than at other times, and this makes it easier for cold viruses to be passed on.
No one has yet found a cure for the cold. There are drugs and pain suppressors(止痛片) such as aspirin, but all they do is relieve the symptoms.
小题1:The writer offered _______ examples to support his argument.
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.3
小题2:Which of the following does not agree with the chosen passage?
A.The Eskimos do not suffer from colds all the time.
B.Colds are not caused by cold.
C.People suffer from colds just because they like to stay indoors.
D.A person may catch a cold by touching someone who already has one.
小题3:Arctic explorers may catch colds when _______.
A.they are working in the isolated arctic regions
B.they are writing reports in terribly cold weather
C.they are free from work in the isolated arctic regions
D.they are coming into touch again with the outside world
小题4:Volunteers taking part in the experiments in the Common Cold Research Unit _______.
A.suffered a lotB.never caught colds
C.often caught colds D.became very strong
小题5:The passage mainly discusses _______.
A.the experiments on the common cold
B.the fallacy about the common cold
C.the reason and the way people catch colds
D.the continued spread of common colds

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Here is a story told about an American general who was a very important figure in the American army during the First World War. Everybody in the United States knew him and many people wished to have a picture or something of his in their homes.
Soon after the war the general returned to Washington. One day he went to a dentist and had six teeth pulled out. A week later the general heard that his teeth were being sold in curiosity shops as $ 5 each. On each of the teeth there was a label with the name of the general and words: “Buy these teeth and show them to your friends at home.” The general got angry. He rushed to his office and ordered six officers to go around the city and buy all his teeth.
The officers went out and visited every curiosity shop in the capital. They were away from the office all day. In the evening they returned and put on the table in front of the general the teeth they had bought. They had collected 175 teeth.
小题1:The general returned to Washington ______.
A.during the warB.after civil war
C.after 1945D.after 1918
小题2:The general’s teeth were sold in ______.
A.the museum
B.the special shops selling some rare and interesting things
C.the department store
D.the hospital
小题3:The general ordered his men to ______.
A.look for his teeth and buy all of them
B.arrest the dentist at once
C.make all the shops stop selling teeth
D.buy all the teeth in all the shops
小题4:In the evening, the officers went back with all the teeth which cost ______.
A.$ 785B.$ 1,050C.$ 157D.$ 875

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Zhao Wenxuan,a film star from Taiwan,has been fond of seeing films since his childhood. He would sometimes go to the cinema for the same film four or five times. He also enjoys literature and art. Before he took the film acting as his career,he had worked in an airline in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan Province. His change of job to acting was quite by chance.
One day,he came across in the paper an advertisement for a leading actor to appear in the film named “Wedding Feast.” Full of excitement,he answered the job ad by telephoning the director of the film — Mr. Li An. It was this telephone call that had changed all his life. At last the director decided him to be the very person for the role. That he could be chosen owed much to his good command of English,natural manners and low pay for his work in the film.
The film “Wedding Feast” proved to be a hit. It won the German Golden Bear Award and entered the competition for one of the Oscar Academy Awards. Also, it was the first Taiwan film that was permitted to be shown in the U. S. Thanks to the film,Zhao Wenxuan became popular in Taiwan, Hong Kong and southeast Asia.
In 1994,Mr. Zhao acted as a leading role in the Hong Kong film,“Red Rose and White Rose”,in which many film stars like Ms Chen Chong from U. S. and Ms Ye Yuqing from the local area participated. This film was named for 10 prizes of the Taiwan Golden Horse Prize and at last it was awarded five prizes for the best play,actress and music. Zhao has regarded the film as one of his favorite films since he stepped into the acting circle.
Since 1993,Mr. Zhao has taken part in the shootings of 13 films, most of which are thought highly of.
Mr. Zhao said the that Taiwan should think to cooperate much with the mainland in the film producing industry and it would benefit each other. In recent years he often came to the mainland for film shooting. He has just completed his performance in the film “Love Affairs” directed by Mr. LiXin,a director from Shanghai Film Studio.
小题1:Why could Zhao Wenxuan play the leading role in the movie “Wedding Feast”?
A.Because he liked to see films very much.
B.Because he was a famous actor at that time.
C.Because he could speak English very well,acted naturally and gave no thought to the pay for his work in the movie.
D.Because the director of the movie knew him very well.
小题2:The text suggests that _____.
A.“Wedding Feast” is just an ordinary film
B.the film “Wedding Feast” disappointed people greatly
C.Zhao Wenxuan became a famous movie star because of the film “Wedding Feast”
D.A lot of the Taiwan films are shown in the U. S. every year
小题3:Which of the following is the right order for Mr. Zhao Wenxuan‘s experience?
a. He joined in the film “Red Rose and White Rose” in Hong Kong.
b. He worked in an airline in Taipei.
c. He suggested Taiwan and the mainland should film more together.
d. When he was a boy,he often went to the cinema.
e. He has just finished the film “Love Affairs” in Shanghai.
f. He acted an important role in the film “Wedding Feast”.
小题4:From the text it can be inferred that _____.
A.one’s success is frequently (often) closely connected with a favorable chance
B.it is never too late to learn
C.know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of
D.there is no limit to knowledge

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You’re standing with your classmates. Everyone is talking—except you. Perhaps you’re afraid they will laugh at what you say. Or maybe you just aren’t brave enough to speak.
I’ve been there, and so have many other people all over the world. Shyness is like a snake that crawls(爬进) into our mouths and stops us speaking. But we shouldn’t let it stay there.
I am 29 years old. Even today, that snake still sometimes visits me. But when I was in high school, I was so shy that I wouldn’t talk to anyone except my parents and best friends. If a stranger asked me the way to a local shop, it was as if I’d forgotten how to talk.
One summer, I got a job in a restaurant and that helped a lot. It meant I had to talk to customers. I had to tell them how much their meal cost. I had to ask them if they wanted to drink Coke or Sprite. I had to tell the people in the kitchen if someone wanted pickle(泡菜)on their sandwich.
This job taught me how to speak with people.
You may not be old enough to find a part-time job. But you can look for other chances to speak with people. You can offer to help an old woman carry her heavy bag. Or you can go to get a newspaper for your family.
If you do these things for a while, the “shyness” snake will soon begin to leave you alone. It’ll look for another mouth to crawl into.
小题1:The example in the first paragraph is used to          .
A.show that everyone has the right to speak in class
B.tell readers that it is not right to laugh at others
C.introduce the fact that many people have a shyness problem
D.argue that it is alright to keep silent in public
小题2:The underlined sentence in the second paragraph probably means       .
A.he’s been in many situations that make other people feel shy
B.he is confident that he can find a way to get over shyness
C.he is sad because he knows he will always be shy
D.like many other people he once was troubled by shyness
小题3:The author’s duties in the restaurant included           .
A.cooking the meals for customers
B.taking the customers’ orders
C.discussing the menu with the manager
D.helping people in the kitchen
小题4:Who was the article written for?
A.Shy early teenagers.
B.College students.
C.People who work at a restaurant.
D.People who need a part-time job.

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The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions that you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and singing the "Happy Birthday" song. Others are only found for certain ages and in certain countries.
In China, on a child"s second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up tells you what profession(职业) the child will choose later in life.
For Japanese children, the third, fifth and seventh birthdays are especially important. At this age, there is a special celebration Shichi-Go-San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to the temple wearing a new kimono (和服). The priest (僧侣) gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organize a party for their friends in their home.
In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony (仪式), the girls dance a waltz with their father and other boys.
Eighteen is the traditional “coming of age”— the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote (选举), join the army and (in Britain) drink alcohol or buy a house.
In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person is now old enough to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to!
小题1:Which of the following birthday traditions can be found almost anywhere, anytime?
A.Putting many things on the floor.
B.Wearing a new kimono.
C.Dancing a waltz.
D.Sending birthday cards.
小题2:In many countries you can ________ when you reach the age of eighteen.
A.join the army
B.have a key
C.have a special ceremony
D.have special sweets
小题3:Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A.The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago.
B.Some birthday traditions are only found in certain countries.
C.You become the owner of your house at the age of fifteen.
D.In many countries you have the right to vote at the age of eighteen.
小题4:Which is the best title of this passage?
A.Birthday Traditions around the World
B.Chinese Birthday Celebrations
C.Japanese Special Celebration
D.The Drinking Age in Many Countries

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