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Whitney Houston, who died on February 11, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California, is being remembered across the globe as a trailblazer(开拓者). Among all of Houston’s outstanding achievements, including a total of more than 400 career a wards , her most significant achievement was her record-setting string of seven Number One singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart . It broke the previous record of six set by The Bee Gees and The Beatles. The string began on October 26 , 1985 with her Grammy-winning hit “Saving All My Love For You,” and ended on April 23, 1988 with her R&B ballad “Where Do Broken Hearts Go.” It was the fourth single from her album“Whitney”to go to Number One, also a record for a female artist. She sold more than 170 million albums worldwide and co-produced and recorded songs for one of the best-selling soundtracks(声带)of all time, The Bodyguard.
Whitney Houston was born the daughter of famed gospel(福音)singer Cissy Houston in Newak , New Jersey. Dionne Warwick was her cousin and Aretha Franklin her godmother. She began as a gospel singer and pianist in her mother’s church and sometimes performed alongside her in nightclubs. At age 15 , Whitney sang backup on Chaka Khan’s “I’m Every Woman,” a tune she later performed on The Bodyguard soundtrack.
Whitney signed with Arista in 1983 and released her self-titied debut album two years later. The New York Times called her first effort, “an impressive, musically conservative showcase(展示)for an exceptional vocal talent(声乐天才).” She continued to achieve similar praise for subsequent albums, while her fast-growing fan base put her into the world-class entertainer. In 1998, she released her most musically-diverse album to date, “My Love Is Your Love.” The title track became her third best-selling single ever.
The past 10 years were filled with highs and lows. While Whitney’s contract at Arista Records was renewed for $100 million, album sales began to slide. Her 14-year marriage to singer Bobby Brown ended in 2007 , she canceled concerts and interviews , and accusation arose of drug abuse. Her final album “I Look To you,” sold more than two million copies and reached the Number One spot in 2009.
小题1:What’s Whitney Houston’s most outstanding achievements?
A.Selling more than 170 million albums worldwide.
B.Her 400 career awards.
C.Her vocal talent.
D.Her record-setting string of seven Number One singles.
小题2:According to the text, Houston      .
A.was born in a gospel singer family
B.released her famous album at the age of 15
C.sold the most of the albums worldwide
D.Whitney first signed with Arista in 1985
小题3:What was Houston accused of ?
A.Her divorce with Bobby Brown.B.Her conflict with her former husband.
C.The canceled concerts and interviews. D.Drug abuse.
小题4:When did Whitney release her first self-titled album?
A.In 1983.B.In 1985.C.In 1989.D.In 1987.
小题5:What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.Whitney’s success.B.Whitney’s achievements.
C.Whitney’s best singles.D.Whitney’s music talents.


小题1:细节题。根据第一段3,4行her most significant achievement was her record-setting string of seven Number One singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart .
小题2:细节题。根据第二段第一行Whitney Houston was born the daughter of famed gospel(福音)singer Cissy Houston in Newak , New Jersey.
小题3:细节题。全文倒数第三行accusation arose of drug abuse。
小题4:推理题、根据第三段第一行Whitney signed with Arista in 1983 and released her self-titied debut album two years later.可知1983年与Arista签约,2年以后也就是1985年发布专辑。
试题【Whitney Houston, who died on February 11, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California, is 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Ammie was only 18 months old when she had an accident that scarred her for life. While her mother was away for a moment , the curious baby reached up to a hot kettle in the kitchen and poured boiling water all over her body.
An ambulance was called and rushed the baby to nearby hospital . About 20 percent of Ammie’s body had been burned and all of her burns were third degree. The doctors could tell immediately that Ammie’s best chance of survival was specialized burns unit some miles away at Glasgow Royal hospital.
There , using tissue taken from unburned areas of Ammie’s body, surgeons performed complex skin grafts(植皮手术)to close her wounds and control her injuries , an operation that took about six hours. Over the next 16 years, Ammie underwent(经历)12 more operations to repair her body.
When she started school at the age of 4 , other pupils made cruel comments or simply wouldn’t play with her . “I was the only burned child in the street , the class and the school,” she recalls, “Some children refused to become friends with me because of that.”
Today , age 17 , Ammie can only ever remember being a burned person with scars ; pain is a permanent part of her life, she is still awaiting two further operations. Yet she is a confident, outgoing teenager who offers inspiration and hope to other young burnt victims.
Ammie’s parents have been a great support to her. “They told me of people had a problem with my burns, the problem with my burns, the problem was theirs not mine,” says Ammie. “They taught me to cope with other people’s reactions and constantly reminded me I was valued and loved.” Ammie’s positive attitude to life means she is often contacted by burns charities(慈善机构), helping younger patients build their self-respect to live with permanent scars.
Now she is a member the Scottish Burned Children’s Club. “Ammie provides so much encouragement for the younger ones. She is optimistic and outgoing and a perfect role model for them , ” say Donald Todd, chairman of the club.
This month , Ammie will join some younger children on a summer camp. “I’ll show them how to shrug off  unkind stares from others , ” she says. Ammie loves wearing fashionable sleeveless tops(无袖上衣), and she plans to show the children at the summer camp that they can too. “I don’t go to great lengths to hide my scars , ” she says . “I gave up wondering how other people would react years ago.”
小题1:Ammie was taken to Glasgow Royal hospital because      .
A.it was the nearest hospital to her home
B.it was the only hospital curing her burns
C.surgeons there were skilled at performing skin grafts
D.it was a local hospital excellent at treating burns
小题2:How many operations will Ammie have to receive altogether ?
小题3:The underlined phrase “shrug off” in the last paragraph is closet in meaning to      .
小题4:Which of the following best describes Ammie ?
A.Shy, pessimistic and discouraged.
B.Strong-minded , optimistic and helpful.
C.Fashionable , sensitive and easygoing.
D.Careful , confident and intelligent.
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Ammie had an accidents and had to do many operations.
B.Ammie was a brave gire after the accident.
C.Ammie helped many younger patients.
D.Ammie has a positive life through many operations.

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Miss Green was watching TV. Suddenly the program stopped. “Now we broadcast an important notice from the  36 : At about nine this evening, an old woman of 79, named Mrs. Humney, was    37  and killed by a robber wearing a green coat. Those who can supply any clue(线索) are requested to  38  to the police.” The  39  news made the lonely girl filled with  40 . She couldn’t help looking around. But she didn’t   41  that a man was already behind the door.
Suddenly the man  42  before Miss Green. The girl didn’t know what to   43 . “Just put your necklace on the table, then I’ll  44  whether I shall be safe to stay here for the night.” said the robber. That made her even more terrified, but she tried to   45  herself.
Just then there came the whistle of a police car. Then  46   the door bell. The man said with a pistol(手枪)  47  the girl’s back, “Don’t  48  the door. Never let him in.” But the girl got    a(n)  49 . She asked the man outside the door, “Who is it?” “I’m Bull. Is there  50  unusual here?” “No , there isn’t.” Immediately she added   51 , “Only   52  and I are here.” “Good night.” Bull replied in the same loud voice.
A few minutes later, the sound of the  53  died away. “It’s well done,” the robber laughed. Almost at the same time the glass was   54  into pieces. The policemen  55  into the room and caught the robber.
“Miss Green, what you said made us take action right away,” said Bull, “for we know that you have no brother.”
A.my friendB.my neighborC.the robberD.my brother
A.policemanB.police carC.robberD.footsteps

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In 1971 a young man who grew up very poor was traveling across the country, trying to make a new start for himself. Along the way he had completely run out of money and was forced to spend the night in his car. This continued until one morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked nervously into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast.
After eating his first good meal in weeks, he found himself lying to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet. The waiter, who was also the owner, walked behind the chair where the young man had been sitting. He bent down, and came up with a $20 bill that looked as if it had fallen on the floor and said, “Son, you must have dropped this,” the owner said. The young man couldn’t believe his luck! He quickly paid for the breakfast, left a tip, bought gas with the change, and headed West.
On the way out of town, he began to understand what that fellow did. Maybe nobody dropped the money at all. “Maybe that fellow just knew I was in trouble and he helped me in a way that didn’t embarrass(使困窘) me. So I just made a promise to help other people if I can.”
Later, he worked very hard and became a rich man. Now he lives near Kansas City. Each year he gives away thousands of dollars. He is known as the “Secret Santa” because at Christmas time each year, he personally hands money out to those on the street and at restaurants. Last year, he gave more than $50,000 away in Kansas City.
小题1:The underlined word “this” in the second paragraph refers to         .
A.a walletB.his luckC.the $20 billD.his tip
小题2:On the way out of town, the young man got to know that         .
A.it was very honest of the owner to return his money
B.another man who had breakfast in the restaurant lost the money
C.he could probably find himself a job in the restaurant
D.the owner helped him in a way that didn’t hurt his feelings.
小题3:The best title for this text may be         .
A.Secret Santa of Kansas CityB.The key to Success
C.A Kind Waiter in the RestaurantD.Never Give Up

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A doctor was once teaching a class of medical students at a famous hospital in Edinburgh. An injured man was  1  in, and the doctor turned to  2 of the students and asked him, “What’s wrong with this man?”
“I don’t know, sir.” the student answered.  “ 3  I examine him and 4  out?” “There is no 5  to examine him.” said the doctor.
“You should know without asking questions. He hashis right knee(膝盖). Don’t you notice the he walked? He hurt it by  8 it in the fire. You see his leg is burnt away(被烧伤) at the  9  . It is Monday morning now. Yesterday was  10  , but on Saturday the roads were  11  and muddy(泥泞的). The man’s trousers are muddy 12 . The man fell down on Saturday 13.”
The doctor then turned to the man and said, “You 14 your wages(领工资) on Saturday and went to a 15 house and drank too much. You 16 wet and muddy on the way 17. You tried to dry your clothes 18 the fire when you got home.  19  you had drunk too much, you 20 on the fire and burnt your knee. Is that right?”
“Yes, sir.” said the man. 
A.someB.anyC.oneD.the one
A.to burnB.burnC.burntD.burning
A.all rightB.all over(全身)C.very muchD.through
A.insteadB.nightC.very muchD.through

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Sometimes, something that is considered to be negative turns out to be an advantage on the job. Though he is only l8 years old and blind, Suleyman Gokyigit is among the top computer technicians and programmers at InteliData Technologies Corp., a large software company with several offices across the United States.
"After our company united with another one last October, two different computer networks were driving us crazy," recalls Douglas Braun, the InteliData president. "We couldn"t even send e-mail to each other.” In three weeks Mr Gokyigit created the software needed to connect the two networks. "None of the company"s 350 other employees could have done the job in three months," says Mr. Braun. " Suleyman can "see" into the heart of the computer.”
Mr. Gokyigfi"s gift, as Mr. Braun calls it, is an unusual ability to form an idea of the inside of a machine. "The computer permits me to reach out into the world and do almost anything I want to do," says Mr. Gokyigit
The young programmer is at home with hardware as well, thanks partly to a highly developed sense of touch. Mitzi Nowakowski, an office manager at InteliData, remembers how he easily disconnected and reconnected their computer systems during a move last year. "Through feel, Suleyman can find the position of connectors, pins and wires much faster than most other people with sight," he says.
Much of the student programmer"s speed comes from his ability not to be interrupted while at the computer. When typing, he listens carefully to the synthesizer (合成器). His long, thin fingers fly over the keyboard. "Nothing seems to shake his attention," says Mrs. Nowakowski, his boss.
Mr. Gokyigit is the only company employee who is available 24 hours a day. "We consider him our top problem solver." says Mr. Braun.
小题1:According to Mr. Braun, Suleyman ________________.
A.can work wonders on computer
B.is the best technician in the world
C.has done a hard job in three months
D.has united InteliData Technologies Corp. with another computer company
小题2:The underlined part "is at home with hardware" ( paragraph 4 ) means _________.
A.is good at dealing with computer hardware
B.is fond of computer hardware
C.works with computer hardware at home
D.feels comfortable when working with computer hardware
小题3:Suleyman was quick while at the computer mostly because of ______.
A.his blindnessB.his attention on the synthesizer
C.his long, thin fingersD.his ability not to be interrupted
小题4:What does the text mainly tell us?
A.Computer technicians are more likely to be gifted.
B.One"s disadvantages may prove to be advantages.
C.The disabled can also play an important role in society.
D.Top computer scientists have unusual abilities to form ideas of computers.

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