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Some teachers are unforgettable. They lead by example and never lose their smile. They change lives. Eileen Madden is one of them. Her students must think she was born with an eraser and a piece of chalk in her hand.
“It’s a joy to get up early every morning to be the first one here,” say the 55-year-old Holy Ghost School third grade teacher. Madden arrives shortly after 6 am to prepare her classroom and work on the school breakfast program.
“My family all went to St. Teresa’s School,” she says. “I always said, ‘One day, I’m going to come back and get one of those big desks.’”
With a watchful eye always on the lookout for “one of those big desks”, Madden returned to St. Teresa after graduating from college and taught second grade at the Olneyville neighborhood elementary school until it was burnt in a fire in 1990 and had to be closed. Madden then went to Holy Ghost School where she started as a second-grade teacher and then moved up one grade level.
“I take care of setting up and serving breakfast,” she says. “In winter it is still dark when I arrive here.” Madden praises Holy Ghost School Principal Carol Soltys and the school’s workers for their continued support. “It’s a family,” she said.
Her class is small this year with 15 students, including some from the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Haiti, Guatemala, Nigeria and Ghana. Madden admits that she’s encouraged by her former students, now grown-ups, who want their own children to enjoy a similar experience in a safe, good environment. “They tell others, ‘I send my child to Eileen Madden’s School, ’” she adds.
小题1:What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 suggest?
A.Eileen Madden was very smart as a child.
B.Eileen Madden is a very good teacher.
C.Eileen Madden has done a lot for her students
D.Eileen Madden always has an eraser in her hand.
小题2:We can learn from paragraph 2 that Eileen Madden __________.
A.is in her late fifties now.
B.always teaches Grade 3
C.often arrives at school very early.
D.cooks breakfast for all her students by herself.
小题3:What does Eileen Madden most probably think of the workers of Holy Ghost School?
A.Lazy but kind
B.Careful but helpless
C.Hard to get along with
D.Kind and helpful.
小题4:The last paragraph suggests that ______________.
A.Eileen Madden often gives lessons to small classes.
B.Eileen Madden is remembered by all her former students.
C.Eileen Madden thinks her former students think too highly of her.
D.Eileen Madden’s former students are very happy to let her teach their children.
小题5:What is implied in the passage?
A.Holy Ghost School is a very small school.
B.St. Teresa’s School will be open again soon.
C.Eileen Madden decided to be a teacher when she was young.
D.Eileen Madden was very happy to leave St. Teresa’s School.



试题分析:小题1:B 推理题。人们说她天生就带着黑板擦和粉笔,是想说明她天生就是老师的料子,故B正确。
小题2:C 细节题。根据第二段第2句Madden arrives shortly after 6 am to prepare her classroom and work on the school breakfast program.说明她早早到学校给孩子准备早餐,故C正确。
小题3:D 推理题。根据第五段2,3行Madden praises Holy Ghost School Principal Carol Soltys and the school’s workers for their continued support. “It’s a family,” she said.说明她认为这个学校的工作人员就像家人一样善良乐于助人,故D正确。
小题4:D 推理题。根据文章最后一句“They tell others, ‘I send my child to Eileen Madden’s School, ’说明这些以前的学生都很喜欢她能让自己的孩子接受她的教育,他们很开心,故D正确。
小题5:C 推理题。根据第三段One day, I’m going to come back and get one of those big desks.’说明在小时候她就想在这所学校里教书,想有一种大桌子—老师用的桌子。故C正确。
试题【Some teachers are unforgettable. They lead by example and never lose their smile】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Churchill"s full name was Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. He was born in 1874. He was educated at Harrow School and the Royal Military College, Sandhurst.
In 1900 Churchill was elected a member of parliament .As First Lord of the Admiralty , in 1911, he was responsible for strengthening the British navy.
During World War I, he still remained a member of parliament, but he resigned from his post in the British navy, and became a soldier again, fighting in France. In 1917, however, he became Minister of Munitions . In this job, he encouraged the development and use of the tank, which was then a new weapon. After the war, Churchill held several government posts.
From 1931 to 1939, he was only a member of parliament. He had fallen into dislike because of his militant (war-loving) attitude. Even his closest friends discouraged him from seeking higher office. But when World War II started in 1939. Churchill returned to his former job as First Lord of the Admiralty.
In May 1940, he became Prime Minister. Throughout the war, Churchill showed great strength and energy. He worked for long periods with little sleep and traveled many thousands of miles. By the courage and determination expressed in his speeches, he inspired the people of Britain to keep on fighting. His speeches also gave hope to people in parts of Europe occupied by enemy forces.
In the general election at the end of the war, the Conservative Party, of which he was leader, was defeated. But he became Prime Minister again in 1951. He resigned as Prime Minister in 1955. However, he remained a member of parliament until 1964. Some time later, in 1965, he died.
小题1:Before World War I, Churchill worked for his country as ____.
A.headmaster of Harrow SchoolB.a leader of the Britain Navy
C.a leader of the Conservative Party D.Prime Minister of Britain
小题2:How many times was Churchill elected Prime Minister?
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
小题3:What can we learn from Para. 4?
A.In 1938 Churchill left the parliament.
B.Churchill"s closest friends were against his attitude toward war.
C.Churchill"s closest friends always inspired him to seek higher office.
D.Churchill and his closet friends served in the army before World War II.
小题4:We can know all the following from the text EXCEPT that ____.
A.Churchill gave up as Prime Minister in 1955
B.Churchill once became a soldier, fighting in France
C.Churchill"s speeches encouraged the British people to keep on fighting
D.Churchill led his army to fight bravely and defeated the enemy in World War I

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I receive many letters from children and can’t answer them all – there wouldn’t be enough time in a day. I’ll try to answer some of the questions that are commonly asked.
Where did I get the idea for Stuart Little and for Charlotte’s Web? Well, many years ago, I went to bed one night in a railway sleeping car, and during the night I dreamed about a tiny boy who acted rather like a mouse. That’s how the story of Stuart Little got started.
As for Charlotte’s Web, I like animals and my farm is very pleasant place to be – at all hours. One day, when I was on my way to feed the pig, I began feeling sorry for the pig because, like most pigs, he was going to die. This made me sad. So I started thinking of ways to save his life. Three years after I started writing it, it was published. (I am not a fast worker, as you can see.)
Sometimes I’m asked when I started to write, and what made me want to write. I started early – as soon as I could spell. Children often find pleasure through trying to set their thoughts down on paper, either in words or in pictures. I was not good at drawing, so I used words instead. As I grew older, I found that writing could be a way of earning a living.
Well, here is the answer to the last question. No, they are imaginary (虚构的) tales. In real life, a family doesn’t have a child who looks like a mouse and a spider doesn’t write words in her web. Although my stories are imaginary, I like to think that there is some truth in them, too – truth about the way people and animals feel, think and act.
小题1:E.B. White wrote this passage to ______.
A. introduce his new books
B. introduce two funny stories
C. explain why he enjoys writing
D. answer some readers’ questions
小题2:We can know from the passage that E.B. White is a writer who ______.
A. writes very fast
B. works on a friends’ farm
C. mainly writes stories for adults
D. writes imaginary tales for children
小题3:What inspired E.B. White to write Charlotte’s Web?
A. That he wanted children to love animals.
B. That he was deeply impressed by a clever pig.
C. That he wanted to use his own way to save a pig.
D. That he wanted to save the animals on a farm.
小题4: E.B. White started to write because he wanted to ______.
A. improve his spelling
B. express his thoughts
C. show his sadness
D. make a good living
小题5:What is probably the last question?
A.Are your stories true?
B.What is the truth in your stories?
C.Will you write more imaginary tales?
D.Do you know a child looking like a mouse?

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Nancy had just got a job as a secretary in a company. Monday was the first day she went to work, so she was very    36   and arrived early.
She    37   the door open and found nobody there. “I am the    38  to arrive.” She thought and came to her desk. She was surprised to find a bunch of   39 on it. They were fresh. She   40  them and they were sweet. She looked around for a    41   to put them in. “ Somebody has sent me flowers the very first day!” she thought   42   . “ But who could it be?” she began to     43   .
The day passed quickly and Nancy did everything with    44    interest. For the following days of the    45   , the first thing Nancy did was to change water for the followers and then    46   her work.
Then came another Monday.    47  she came near her desk she was overjoyed to see a(n)    48   bunch of flowers there. She quickly put them in the vase,   49  the old ones.
The same thing happened again the next Monday. Nancy began to think of ways to find out the     50   .
On Tuesday afternoon, she was sent to hand in a plan to the    51    . She waited for his directives(命令)at his secretary’s    52   . She happened to see on the desk a half-opened notebook, which    53   : “ In order to keep the secretaries    54  , the company has decided that every     55    a bunch of fresh flowers should be put on each secretary’s desk.”
Later, she was told that their general manager was a business management psychologist(心理学家).
A. depressedB. encouragedC. excitedD. surprised
A. turnedB. pushedC. knockedD. forced
A. lastB. secondC. thirdD. first
A. keysB. grapesC. flowersD. bananas
A. smelledB. ateC. tookD. held
A. vaseB. roomC. glassD. bottle
A. angrilyB. quietlyC. strangelyD. happily
A. seekB. wonderC. WorkD. ask
A. lowB. littleC. greatD. general
A. monthB. periodC. yearD. week
A. set about B. set upC. set out D. set off
A. Unless B. When C. Since D.Before
A. oldB. redC. blueD. new
A. coveringB. demandingC. replacingD. forbidding
A. senderB. receiverC. secretaryD. waiter
A. assistantB. colleagueC. employeeD. manager
A. notebookB. deskC. officeD. house
A. saidB. writtenC. printedD. signed
A. at homeB. on timeC. in high spiritsD. in low spirits
A. Sunday morningB. Monday morningC. Monday afternoonD. Tuesday afternoon

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Once there was a poor farmer and his farm belonged to(属于) a rich man. One day he brought a basket of apples to the rich man’s house. On the doorsteps, he met two monkeys dressed like children. They jumped onto the basket to eat the apples and threw some on the ground. The farmer politely took off his hat and asked the monkeys to get off. They obeyed(服从) and the farmer went into the house. He asked to see the rich man. A servant took him to the room where the rich man was sitting.
“I have brought you the basket of apples you asked for,” he said.
“But why have you brought a half-empty basket?” the rich man asked.
“I met your children outside, and they stole some of the apples.”
小题1:Why did the farmer bring apples to the rich man? Because        .
A.he was poor
B.he liked the rich man
C.his farm belonged to the rich man
D.the rich man’s children liked apples
小题2:What did the monkeys do when the farmer was on the doorsteps?
A.They jumped and jumped.
B.They played.
C.They ran away.
D.They ate some of the apples.
小题3:The monkeys left the basket because         .
A.they had thrown apples on the ground
B.the farmer had politely asked them to get off
C.they were afraid of the hat
D.the farmer was angry wit h them
小题4:How did the rich man feel when he saw the basket?  He felt        .

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Jenny went to visit her friends in New York last weekend. Her friends met her at the airport on Friday afternoon and drove her to the hotel. They had dinner at a Chinese restaurant and went to see a film after that.
 Jenny and her friends set out early on Saturday morning for a farm and stayed there until Sunday morning. During their stay, they went fishing and swimming in the small river on the farm. They played football in the field and enjoyed a big meal around a camp fire(篝火), singing and dancing till late into the night.
 Nobody could get up early on Sunday morning. So when they got back to New York City, it was about three o’clock in the afternoon. They drove right to the airport because Jenny didn’t want to miss her plane back home. Jenny only stayed in New York for two nights but she had a great time with her friend.
小题1:Jenny went to New York________.
A.to do some shopping
B.to see her friends
C.to spend her summer holiday
D.to find a job
小题2:How did Jenny get to New York?
A.By train.B.By bus.C.By plane.D.On foot.
小题3:Where did Jenny and her friends go on Saturday?
A.To the farm.B.To the Chinese restaurant.
C.To the airport.D.To the railway station.
小题4:When did Jenny go back home?
A.On Saturday afternoon.B.On Sunday morning.
C.On Saturday evening.D.On Sunday afternoon.

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