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She may have lacked a home, but now this teen has top honors.
A 17-year old student who spent much of high school living around homeless shelters and sometimes sleeping in her car-today graduated and spoke on behalf of her class at Charles Drew High School in Clayton County, Ga.,just outside of Atlanta.
Chelsea Fearce, who held a 4.466 GPA and scored 1,900 on her SATs despite having to use her cellphone to study after the shelter lights were turned off at night.
"I know I have been made stronger. I was homeless. My family slept on cushions on the floor and we were lucky if we got more than one full meal a day. Getting a shower, food and clean clothes was an everyday struggle,” Fearce said in a speech she gave at her graduation ceremony. Fearce overcame her day-to-day struggles by focusing on a better day. "I just told myself to keep working, because the future will not be like this anymore, she told WSBTV.
Fearce,one of five children, grew up in a family that sometimes had an apartment to live in, but at other times had to live in homeless shelters or even out of their car, if they had one. "You"re worried about your home life and then worried at school. Worry about being a little hungry sometimes and go hungry sometimes. You just have to deal with it, You eat what you can, when you can.”
To our surprise, Fearce overcame the difficulties and even tested high enough to be ad- mitted into college halfway through her high school career. She starts college next year at Spelman College as a junior where she is planning to study biology, pre-"med(医学预科),"Don"t give up. Do what you have to do right now so that you can have the future that you want,”Fearce said.
小题1:Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.So Many Homeless Students in America
B.How Does a Homeless Student Live in Society?
C.The Hardship of Fearce and Her Family in America
D.Homeless Teen Graduates as a Speaker of High School Class
小题2:How did Fearce go on with her study without access to lights?
A.By the car light.B.By her cellphone.
C.By lights out of shelters.D.By moonlight.
小题3:When Fearce starts college at Spelman College, she will___.
A.have graduated earlier from high school than normal
B.be a 17-year-old student from a poor family
C.have a home without sleeping in her car or shelters
D.have raised enough money to go to college
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that___.
A.SAT is easy for the students of high schools
B.Fearce"s parents have six children to support
C.Fearce often had to struggle with starvation
D.Fearce gave a speech at a ceremony of Spelman College
小题5:What can we learn from Fearce"s experience?
A.Knowledge can change your fate.
B.Don"t give up, and tomorrow will be better.
C.Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.
D.He that will not work shall not eat.



小题1:主旨题:从第二段的句子:A 17-year old student who spent much of high school living around homeless shelters-and sometimes sleeping in her car-today graduated and spoke on behalf of her class 可知这篇文章讲的是:无家可归的毕业生做高中班级的演讲者,选D
小题2:细节题:从第三段的句子:having touse he r cellphone to study after the shelter lights were turned off at night.可知她是用手机照明的,选B
小题3:推理题:从最后一段的句子:To our surprise, Fearce overcame the difficulties and even tested high enough to be ad-mitted into college halfway through her high school career. 可知她上大学是提前高中毕业的,选A
小题4:细节题:从第四段的句子:we were lucky if we got more than one full meal a day. Getting a shower, food and clean clothes was an everyday struggle,” 可知她经常要和饥饿做斗争,选C
小题5:细节题:从最后一段的句子:"Don"t give up. Do what you have to do right now so that you can have the future that you want,”Fearce said.可知从她的经历看我们不能放弃,明天会更好,选B
试题【She may have lacked a home, but now this teen has top honors. A 17-year old stud】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Back in the 15th century, in a tiny village in Germany, lived a family with eighteen children. Eighteen! In order       to keep food on file table, the father, a goldsmith(金匠)by      , worked almost eighteen hours a day at his trade. Despite their seemingly       condition, two of the eldest children had a dream. They both wanted to pursue their talent for art,       they knew well that their father would never be able to       either of them to study at the Academy.
After many long discussions at night in their       bed, the two boys finally worked out an agreement. They would toss(掷)a coin. The       would go down into the nearby mines and, with his earnings,       his winning brother for the academy. Then, in four years, he would support the other one. Then Albrecht Durer won the toss and       to Nuremberg. Albert went down into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years,       his brother, whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation(轰动)- By the time he graduated, he was beginning to       considerable fees for himself.
When the young artist       home and said to his brother, “And now, Albert, blessed brother of mine, now it is your      . Now you can go to the Academy to pursue your dream, and I will       you. ”Albert rose and wiped tile       from his cheeks. “No, brother. I cannot go to Nuremberg. It is too       for me. Look…look what four years in the mines have done to my      ! I cannot even hold a glass, much less make delicate lines on canvas (画布)  __    a pen or a brush.”
More than 450 years have      . By now, among Albrecht Durer’s hundreds of masterful portraits, “The Praying Hands” is one       creation that can catch the world’s hearts.
A.studyB.give C.sendD.offer
A.flew awayB.left behindC.set asideD.went off
A.earnB.save C.drawD.spend
A.fateB.timeC.top D.turn
A.take care ofB.make up forC.make use ofD.take charge of
A.changedB.kept C.rememberedD.passed

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important     : giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You needn’t worry if you       money.
This is how I     with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store     in my mind, I step in and make the     to the storekeeper. If an accident takes place, the     of which I think the local police could use, I     him up and tell him about it, though I am not in    here. I found a rule about this world is to give     getting something back, though the    often comes in an unexpected form.
One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special letter to my home, though it was     to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of     . More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was     . I was told at the window that there were     boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long     list. As I was about to be      , the postmaster appeared in the    . “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering an      delivery to your home?” I said it was. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office     we make one specifically for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get     but complaints.”
A.earnB.lack C.spendD.steal
A.strikes B.flashesC.happensD.attempts
A.callB.hold C.cheerD.pick
A.processB.goal C.return D.concern
A.invitation B.apologyC.complaintD.appreciation
A.discussingB.providingC.applying D.starting
A.enough B.extraC.noD.other
A.admittingB.relating C.buyingD.waiting
A.doorwayB.windowC.home D.yard
A.in caseB.now that C.even ifD.rather
A.nothingB.somethingC.anything D.everything

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My favorite English teacher could draw humor out of the driest material. It wasn’t forced on us either. He took Samuel Johnson’s dictionary, Addison’s essays, and many other literary wonders from the eighteenth century and made them hilarious, even at eight o’clock in the morning. The thing that amazed me most was that the first time I read these works on my own, some of them seemed dead, but the second time, after his explanation, I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t seen the humor. The stories and poems and plays were suddenly filled with allusions(典故) and irony and hilarious moments. I learned more from him than from any other teacher.
My least favorite English teacher also made people laugh. Some students found him to be wonderfully funny. Many others did not. He assigned journals over a six-week period, to be written every day. At the end of the six weeks I had a notebook full of bits and pieces about my ideas, short stories, reactions to what we had read, and so on. Our teacher announced that we would be grading each other’s journals. Mine was passed to Joe, that class clown, who always behaved in a funny or silly way. He saw it fit to make a joke of and said, “This writing isn’t fit to line the bottom of a birdcage.” Our teacher laughed at that funny remark. It hurt me so much that the anger from it has driven my writing and teaching ever since.
So what makes the difference? Humor is one of the most powerful tools teachers or writers have. It can build up students and classes and make them excited about literature and writing, or it can tear them apart. It is true that humor is either productive or counter-productive and self-defeating.
小题1:The passage mainly discusses ________.
小题2:The underlined word “hilarious” in Paragraph 1 probably means ________.
小题3:The English teacher the writer disliked most ________.
A.was not able to make students laughB.hurt his student’s feelings
C.didn’t let his students do the gradingD.had no sense of humor

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Anna lived on the side of a valley.One summer, there was a very big      , and a lot of houses down below Anna's were washed away.Anna's house was    enough to escape the flood, so when the water had      and the other houses were     there with no roof and no walls and all covered with mud(泥), her house was just all right.
Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children,     Anna took in one of the families that had lost    in the flood and she     her home with them until it was     for them to rebuild their house.
Anna's friends were   when they saw Anna do this.They could not understand why Anna wanted to give  so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to    .
“Well,” Anna     her friends, “at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived found herself very    , because her husband had been killed in the        and she had a lot of children I have now.The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have much for Christmas this year, so I’m going to       only one present to all of us.Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back with a     who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents.‘Here’s our    ,she said to her children.
The children were    and happy to get such a present.They    the little girl, and she grew up as their sister.Such was that Christmas present.”
A.asked forB.talked withC.turned upD.explained to

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A mouse looked through a crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife opening a package: What food might it contain? He was astonished to discover that it was a mouse trap!
Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse declared the warning, “There is a mouse trap in the house, there is a mouse trap in the house.”
The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, “Mr Mouse, I can tell you this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me, I cannot be bothered by it.”
The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mouse trap in the house.” “I am so sorry, Mr Mouse,” sympathized the pig, “but there is nothing I can do about it but pray; be assured that you are in my prayers.”
The mouse turned to the cow, who replied, “A mouse trap, am I in grave danger, huh?”
So the mouse returned to the house, head down and depressed to face the farmer’s mouse trap alone.
That very night a sound was heard throughout the house, like the sound of a mouse trap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see that it was an evil snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital. She returned home with a fever. Now everyone knew to treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient. His wife’s sickness continued so that friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer’s wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many people came for her funeral. The farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide meat for all of them to eat.
So the next time you hear that someone is facing a problem and think that it does not concern you, remember that when the least of us is threatened, we are all at risk.
小题1:We may infer that the passage is most probably a ______.
A.fairy tale (神话)B.Fable (寓言)C.science fictionD.news report
小题2:We could see from the passage that the mouse was ______.
A.kind and warm-heartedB.well-informed
C.good at cheating othersD.foolish and rude
小题3: The underlined word “ingredient” (Paragraph 7) refers to ______.
A.the mouseB.the pigC.the snakeD.the chicken
小题4:What can we learn from the story?
A.Better safe than sorry.
B.Traps are usually well disguised.
C.To help others is just to save you.
D.To keep the balance of nature is the duty of us all.

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