当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as...
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you"ll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?"
Remembering that I"ll be dead soon is the most important tool I"ve ever encountered to help me make the big choice in life.
About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that was incurable, and that I would live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is my doctors" code for preparing yourself to die.
I lived with that diagnosis all day. I was completely in despair. Later that evening, I had another examination and my wife told me that tumor turned to be curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I" m fine now.
This was the closest I"ve been to facing death. To tell the truth, no one wants to die. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. It clears out the old to make room for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away.
Your time is so limited that you shouldn"t waste it repeating someone else"s life. Don" t be trapped by dogma(教条)— which is living with the results of other people" s thinking. Don"t let the noise of others" opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart. It somehow already knows what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
小题1:The doctor advised the author to go home and get his affairs in order because ______.
A.he had to rest at home
B.his disease couldn"t be cured
C.his disease was not serious at all
D.he had to wait for the result of the test
小题2:What does the author think of death?
A.He thinks it is impossible to avoid.
B.He thinks it is not the end of life.
C.He thinks it is nothing to be scared of.
D.He thinks it is the beginning of a new life.
小题3:In the author"s opinion, we should ______.
A.follow others" adviceB.take no notice of diseases
C.take exercise and keep healthyD.have the courage to follow our heart
小题4:What does the underlined word “encountered” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.came acrossB.dealt withC.survivedD.supported



小题1:细节理解题。由第三段的incurable以及…which is doctor’s code for preparing yourself to die可知医生认为作者的病无法医治,所以让他回去安排自己的事情。选B。
小题2:推理判断题。由第五段To tell the truth, no one wants to die. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it可知,作者认为没有人愿意死,但是死亡是我们每个人共同的终点,从来没有人能够逃脱它。选A。
试题【When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Family traditions were important in our house, and none was more appreciated than the perfect Christmas tree.
"Dad, can we watch when you trim(修剪) the tree?" My eldest son, Dan, nine, and his seven-year-old brother John, asked.
"I won"t be cutting this year," my husband Bob said. "Dan, you and John are old enough to measure things. Do it all by yourselves. Think you boys can handle it?"
Dan and John seemed to grow six inches in their chairs at the thought of such an amazing responsibility. "We can handle it," Dan promised. "We won"t let you down."
A few days before Christmas, Dan and John rushed in after school. They gathered the tools they"d need and brought them out to the yard, where the tree waited. I was cooking when I heard the happy sounds as the boys carried the tree into the living room. Then I heard the sound that every mother knows is trouble: dead silence. I hurried out to them. The tree was cut too short. John crossed his arms tight across his chest. His eyes filled with angry tears.
I felt worried. The tree was central to our holiday. I didn"t want the boys to feel ashamed every time they looked at it. I couldn"t lower the ceiling, and I couldn"t raise the floor either. There was no way to undo the damage done. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, which turned the problem into the solution.
"We can"t make the tree taller," I said. "But we can put it on a higher position."
Dan nodded his head sideways. "We could put it on the coffee table. It just might work! Let"s try it!"
When Bob got home and looked at the big tree on top of the coffee table, Dan and John held their breath.
"What a good idea!" he declared. "Why didn"t I ever think of such a thing?"
John broke into a grin. Dan"s chest swelled with pride.
小题1: The underlined part "grow six inches" (Para. 4) implies the brothers felt        .
小题2:What happened after the brothers moved the Christmas tree into the living room?
A.They rushed to school.
B.They began to decorate the tree.
C.They got angry with each other.
D.They found the tree was cut short.
小题3:How could the short tree be turned into a perfect one?
A.By making the tree taller.
B.By lowering the ceiling.
C.By placing it on a coffee table.
D.By raising the floor.
小题4:What Bob said in the last but one paragraph (the underlined part)showed        .
A.he was a little disappointed
B.he was too stupid to think of the idea
C.he appreciated what the brothers had done
D.he should not have given them the task

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland, he     his company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his extra expensive “school” fee. He always     his success to it.
At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph.D. degree,      to return home, starting a company. Before leaving, he bought a Rolex watch with the     made through years. At the airport he had to accept the      customs check. The watch on his wrist was also demanded to be  taken down for    . Glen knew that carrying such goods out had to pay the tax, and he worried about paying     for his watch. So while checked, he told a lie that his watch was a      fake(假货). When he was     of his “smarts”, immediately, in the presence of Glen, the officers hit the watch, which    nearly 100,000, into pieces     hearing Glen’s words. Glen was   . Before he understood why, he was taken to the office to be examined    . For many times of entry-exit    he knew that only those people in the “blacklist” would “enjoy” this special treatment. The officers looked over everything carefully, and     him no matter what time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if       reusing and carrying fake goods, he would be     by law! Suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after boarding the plane for long.
After that, he often told the story to his family and his employees. He said that this made a deep    on him, because the additional high “school” fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value of     , which he would remember as the     of his success forever.
A.went up B.set upC.took upD.picked up
A.owes B.mentions C.bringsD.honors
A.objected B.refused C.decided D.asked
A.books B.things C.pounds D.savings
A.ordinaryB.regular C.routineD.common
A.itB.one C.them D.these
A.carelessB.priceless C.hopelessD.worthless
A.afraid B.ashamedC.proudD.hard
A.spentB.paidC.cost D.took
A.at B.onC.inD.by
A.amazed B.delightedC.disappointedD.satisfied
A.strictlyB.quietly C.quicklyD.curiously
A.conditions B.chancesC.experimentsD.experiences
A.found out B.came outC.sent outD.set out
A.hit B.chargedC.praised D.blamed
A.liesB.honesty C.goods D.bravery

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
You have to log on to your school"s online system to check your grades, but you find the system is kind of inconvenient.What do you do?
When Daniel Brooks was a senior at Pioneer High School in the US, he came up with a Silicon Valley-style solution; he developed an iPhone app(application, 应用程序)I C Connector.
When he tried out his school"s new Web-based student information system earlier this year, he immediately noticed some shortcomings.He could no longer view his current grades for all his classes at once.Checking several classes required several clicks-which for a teenager is so much work.To save himself all this trouble, Brooks developed the app and sold it on the Apple app store.Now it has 2,300 users who have downloaded it across the US.
"It ended up on every iPhone and iPad and portable device that any student and teacher had on campus," said Scott Peterson, the campus tech support worker at Pioneer High.
Brooks said he didn"t create the app to get rich - it is free."A student is not going to want to pay 99 cents," Brooks said."They just want to see their grades more easily."
However, in the months that followed, Brooks experienced highs and lows.His app is now so successful that users want more, in particular, his teachers have started pushing him to develop a version for them.However, the company Infinite Campus, which developed the information system, has been less positive.
The company said in an e-mail that he was confusing users and violating the company"s copyright by using Infinite Campus" name and logo in the app’s name.Brooks" father, Michael Brooks, has offered to change the name, but says he needs time to get Apple"s approval.Daniel also e-mailed and called Infinite Campus.They got no response.
Daniel Brooks starts at a California university this autumn.Despite Infinite Campus" attitude, he continues to try to improve the app and hopes to put out an Android version soon.
小题1:Why did Daniel Brooks develop an iPhone app IC Connector? (No more than 8 words)
小题2:What is Brooks" teachers" attitude towards the app he developed? (No more than 14 words)
小题3:What does Paragraph 7 talk about between Infinite Campus and Brooks? (No more than 7 words)
小题4:What does Brooks’ aim to do now? (No more than 10 words)
小题5:Use one word to describe Brooks.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Fifteen years spent in the field of education has provided me with many treasured moments. One of the most unforgettable       when I was teaching second        , 10 years ago.
In May I decided to plan something special for the children: a Mother’s Day tea. We had put our heads together to       ideas of how to       our mothers. We practiced singing songs, memorized poems and wrote cards. We decided to hold our tea the Friday before Mother’s Day.  I was surprised and      to learn that every mother was planning to attend. I     invited my own mother.
Finally, the big day arrived. Each child      up at our classroom door, expecting the arrival of his or her mom.     it got closer to starting time, I looked around and my eyes quickly found Jimmy. His mother hadn’t shown up and he was looking       . 
I took my mother by the hand and walked over to Jimmy. “Jimmy,” I said, “I have a bit of problem here and I was     if you could keep my mother       while I’m busy.”
My mom and Jimmy sat at a table. Jimmy      my mom her treats, presented her with the gift I had made, just as we had       the day before. Whenever I looked over, my mother and Jimmy were in deep       .
Now 10 years later, I work with students of all ages, educating them about the environment. Last year, I took a senior class on a field trip, and there was Jimmy. I had the students complete an outline of the day’s     and an evaluation of our trip. Then I collected the students’ booklets and checked them to see if      was completed. When I came       Jimmy’s page, he had written “Remember our Mother’s Day tea we had in second grade, Mrs. Marra? I do! Thanks for all you did for me, and thank your mother, too.”
I told him I really enjoyed what he had written. He looked rather embarrassed and    his own thanks and walked away. Suddenly he ran back and gave me a big hug. “Thanks again. No one even knew my mother didn’t      it.”
I ended my workday with a hug from a teenage boy who had      stopped hugging teachers years ago.
A.lastedB.happened C.experiencedD.described
A.pay attention toB.look forward toC.get on withD.come up with
A.astonishedB.worriedC.relieved D.interested
A.taughtB.studiedC.practiced D.told
A.feelingB.behaviorC.event D.action
A.probably B.exactlyC.rarely D.eagerly

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A programmer and an engineer are sitting next to each other on a long flight from Los Angeles to New York.The programmer leans over to the engineer and asks if he would like to play a fun game.The engineer just wants to take a nap, so he politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks.
The programmer persists and explains that the game is really easy and has a lot of fun.He explains, "I ask you a question, and if you don"t know the answer, you pay me $5.Then you ask me a question, and if I don"t know the answer, I"ll pay you $5." Again, the engineer politely refuses and tries to get to sleep.
The programmer, now somewhat anxious, says, "OK, if you don"t know the answer you pay me $5, and if I don"t know the answer, I"ll pay you $50!" This catches the engineer"s attention, and he sees no end to this torment(折磨) unless he plays, so he agrees to the game.
The programmer asks the first question."What"s the distance from the earth to the moon?"" The engineer doesn"t say a word, but reaches into his wallet, pulls out a five dollar bill and hands it to the programmer.Now, it"s the engineer"s turn.He asks the programmer, "What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down on four?" The programmer looks up at him with a puzzled look.He takes out his laptop computer and searches all of his references.After about an hour, he wakes the engineer and hands him $50.The engineer politely takes the $50 and turns away to try to get back to sleep.The programmer, more than a little angry, shakes the engineer and asks, "Well, so what"s the answer?" Without a word, the engineer reaches into his wallet, hands the programmer $5, and turns away and goes back to sleep.
小题1:What"s the best title for the passage?
A.A Boring ConversationB.A Fun Game
C.A Trick During The FlightD.A Question Without Answer
小题2:What kind of person is the programmer according to what he said?
小题3:What can we infer according to the last sentence?
A.The engineer has little money with him.
B.Actually the engineer doesn"t know the answer, either.
C.The engineer is bored with programmer.
D.The engineer beats the programmer at last.
小题4:Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.In the beginning the engineer is not interested in the game.
B.The engineer is too sleepy to want to play the game.
C.At last the engineer gains $45 from the programmer.
D.Nobody knows the answer to the engineer"s question.

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