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基础写作       开学初老师和家长都要刘海住校学习,他却不喜欢,双方各持己见.假如你是刘海,用英语把这个情况写信告诉英语周报请求帮助.
试题【基础写作       开学初老师和家长都要刘海住校学习,他却不喜欢,双方各持己见.假如你是刘海,用英语把这个情况写信告诉英语周报请求帮助.           】;主要考察你对写作等知识点的理解。[详细]
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题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
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                老师和家长的理由            刘海的理由
2. 晚自习时间更有保证
3. 培养独立生活的能力
2. 学习内容可以自由支配
     I"m_a_Senior_3_student.I"m writing to tell you the discussion about whether to board in the
school or at home. My parents and teachers suggested I board in the school with a handful of
reasons. They said it would be convenient for me to ask teachers questions at any time,make the most of my night time,and make it possible to develop my ability of independence. However,I
think when staying at home in the evening,I can have more time to work at my lessons,especially the subjects I"m not good at. I really don"t know what to do and want you to give me your advice.
     An English proverb goes like this,"Spare the rod and spoil the child." It implies that in order to enable a child to grow healthily,parents must make him eat bitter foods,do hard work and be sent to places where
he can get the fullest training and knowledge.
     First of all,eating bitter foods is necessary for a child. Poor food can help cultivate in him the frugal (节俭的 ) habit and make him realize what we eat daily is the fruit or the sweat of the laboring people.
Consequently,he will not be wasteful when he grows up. Secondly,parents should also make the child do
hard work. Doing hard work will give him an opportunity to taste the bitterness of labor. Moreover,hard
work may also enable him to cherish the fruit of other"s labor. Finally,children should be sent to somewhere where life is hard if possible. Human society is full of tests and trials. Flowers from a greenhouse can never withstand a storm. Therefore,children should be allowed to face the world and brave the storm. It is in
difficult conditions that young people can get the most training and learn how to solve the problems in
various circumstances.
        1. 概括短文的内容要点,该部分的词数大约为30;
        2. 就,该部分的词数大约为120.短文至少包括以下的内容:
       (1) 描述你的童年生活;
       (2) 你对童年时期的生活有怎样的认识.
Hello there,
     I"m writing to ask you for help.It"s really urgent because I"m considering running away from
home.I feel like there"s no way to fix the problem with my mother.
     Yesterday evening,we had a heated argument at home after I got home a bit late again.
     I had been at my friend"s birthday party.I"d explained it to her but she just didn"t believe me.
    I do know my mother loves me very much and she wants me around every day,or even every
     But the fact is that I am 17 years old and I have my own life style.I am my parents" only child
and my mother says she wants me to have the best possible chance of happiness in the future.
She is always telling me to behave well when I leave home or go out.What"s worse,whenever
there is a cold war between my mother and me,my father often keeps silent.I am not only
confused but also hurt.I don"t know what to say or what to do to make things right.I think they
are out of fashion and too old to know my inner part.
     To tell the truth,I have packed up my backpack but am still at a loss.
     As Guangzhou is gearing up for the 2010 Asian Games,Guangzhou citizens in every field
are making an endeavor to help the host city take on a new look. On the 5th of January,
Mayor Zhang Guangning announced that the government is considering to give its people a
big Asian Games present as a reward for their cooperation and devotion to the Games. As
to what present would be,relevant departments would collect ideas from the citizens.
     This good news has brought about great guesses among Guangzhou people. Thus various
opinions have emerged. Some prefer to have several days" holiday as a reward,while others
hope to receive the tickets to the events in the Asian Games. Sports lovers are eager to have
free access to city stadiums. Some opportunists suggest the government hand out lottery
tickets,in which case they may have the chance to win a big fortune. In contrast,those who
hold a downtoearth attitude are looking forward to some new year lucky money or to have
more discounts when taking buses or the subway. For apartment hunters in their 20s or 30s,
nothing can be more comforting than the thought of being able to buy an Asian Games Village
apartment at a reasonable and acceptable price.
     Liu Xiang was the first Asian to win the men"s 110m hurdles at the Olympic Games in Athens. After
that he became an idol to the young people. 
     When Liu Xiang crossed the finish line far ahead of the other players in a world record-equaling time of 12.91 seconds,many fans burst into tears. It was Liu"s first Olympics and he won the gold medal.
"I never thought I could run under 13 seconds," said Liu in tears,"This is a wonder. It is an amazing
experience being the Olympic champion. I want to thank my coach and my friends for all their help."
When Liu was a Grade four student in a primary school,he was chosen by the Junior Sports School of
Pudong District in Shanghai to practice jumping. In 1998 when Liu Xiang,aged 15,met the famous coach
Sun Haiping,his career changed greatly. Sun believed Liu Xiang was a rising star and after visiting Liu"s
parents several times,finally he persuaded them to let Liu practice the 110m hurdles.
     Liu Xiang broke the 110m hurdles world record on July 12th in 2006.He became the center of a media circles again. But Liu thinks this is not his end,he can run faster,and he expects to be at his peak in the
summer games in Beijing in 2008.Liu Xiang said,"For some players,it"s just a job. For me,it"s what I love. "
         1. 以约30 个词概括所给短文内容;
         2. 以约120个词写一段话,包括以下要点:
        (1) 一个人要获得成功,除了自身努力之外,还需要来自他人的帮助;
        (2) 以你对某一学科学习兴趣的培养,说明老师的重要作用;
        (3) 表达你对老师的感激之情.
        1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
        2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称.