当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 写作 > 基础写作【写作内容】假设你是高三某班班长。开学不久, 你们的新英语老师要求你们给他提建议。经过激烈的讨论之后, 同学们推选你代表大家将你们对老师的建议以一封信的...
假设你是高三某班班长。开学不久, 你们的新英语老师要求你们给他提建议。经过激烈的讨论之后, 同学们推选你代表大家将你们对老师的建议以一封信的形式写给老师。信中包括如下内容:
1. 由于刚刚开学, 大家还没有完全适应老师的教学, 请老师讲话的语速慢一些;
2. 讲到重要的知识点时, 请老师多举例, 并将长句和难句写在黑板上;
3. 重要且较难的知识点能多重复, 让大家彻底掌握;
4. 家庭作业可以检测学习效果, 但是我们希望作业量不要太大;
5. 多和大家接触, 和学生的关系应该是“亦师亦友”。
句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。
Dear sir,
     We all feel happy to have you as our new English teacher and we’re glad to write to you to express
our hope about your class.
     Thank you and good luck to you.
to_express_our_hope_about_your_class.Since it"s the first time for you to be our teacher, we would feel
grateful if you speak slowly because many of us can"t quite follow you.Besides, when you explain
important language points, would you please give us more examples and write some long and difficult
sentences on the blackboard to make sure that all of us understand you?We also hope that you will
repeat some difficult language points again and again so that we will grasp them completely.What"s more,
although doing homework is a way to check if all of us can control the knowledge, we hope that there
will be less homework.Last but not least, we hope to have more chances to stay with you, so please
come to our classroom more often to become our teacher as well as our good friend.
试题【基础写作【写作内容】假设你是高三某班班长。开学不久, 你们的新英语老师要求你们给他提建议。经过激烈的讨论之后, 同学们推选你代表大家将你们对老师的建议以一封信的】;主要考察你对写作等知识点的理解。[详细]
     With the development of information industry, our personal information has become more easily
exposed in public.As some celebrities are worried about their telephone number, ID number and home
address being put on the Internet, ordinary people like us can’t escape from the doom either.A recent
report from Xinhua reveals over twenty telephone salespeople have been caught cheating customers by
revealing their private information to local community of Beijing.
     The report says the salespeople would call their potential customers trying to earn their trust by
correctly revealing their personal information such as their name, telephone number, home address and
even previous purchases.
     They would then try to persuade the customer to buy a gold cellphone by mail.If the customer became suspicious, they would use another person’s identity to prove their authenticity.
你在某英文报刊看到这则报导后, 准备就我们学生“How can we keep our personal information
off the Internet?”写一篇文章给该报编辑部。题目是“How can we keep our personal information off the Internet?”。
1. 以约30词简要概括新闻内容;
2. 以约120词谈谈你的观点, 内容包括:
(1)在信息时代, 想让个人信息完全与世隔绝是不可能的, 但可尽量减少;
A. 到有安全保障的网站买东西;
B. 只向能确保你个人信息安全的网站提供个人信息;
C. 其它一些你认为有效的措施。
1. 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点, 也可以参照阅读材料的内容, 但不得直接引用原文中的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数。
概括准确, 语言规范, 内容合适, 篇章连贯。
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
写作。     你所居住的小区附近有个垃圾处理场。每天焚烧工业垃圾所产生的烟尘都对大气造成污染,直接影响人体健康,并导致癌症患病率的上升。请你以 “Stop burning industrial rubbish”为题给某著名英语报写一篇文章呼吁人们不要焚烧工业垃圾。
       1. 内容包括提出问题、分析问题并给出解决建议。
       2. 词数100左右,标题已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:处理场 treatment plant   小区 neighborhood                                                                 Stop burning industrial rubbish
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
     假如你是李芳. 是学校广播室的播音员.  请就以下新闻内容编辑一篇发言稿在下午的广播时间里播出:
     2010年1月13日. 星期二. 加勒比岛国海地首都太子港发生里氏7级地震。地震估计将导致4.5至5万人遇难. 另有300万人受伤或无家可归。 首都太子港将近50%的房屋被损毁. 目前海地首都太子巷到处是一片废墟。地震后. 国际社会纷纷伸出援助之手-- 包括捐衣服. 食品和药物。中国国际救援队也于1月14日抵达海地. 并立即展开搜救工作; 医务工作者们也已经在海地建立了流动医院. 救治当地的受伤民众。
句子结构准确. 信息内容完整. 篇章结构连贯。
Haiti海地 PortauPrince太子港 at a scale of 7 on the Richter calculations里氏7级
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     A little boy is telling his Grandma how “everything” is going wrong.School. family problems. severe
health problems. etc.
     Meanwhile. Grandma is baking a cake.She asks her grandson if he would like a cake. which. of
course. he does.
    “Here. have some cooking oil.”
   “Terrible!” says the boy.
   “How about a couple of raw eggs?”
   “Terrible! Grandma!”
   “Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?”
    “Grandma. those are all awful!”
      To which Grandma replies. “Yes. all those things seem bad by themselves. but when they are put
together in the right way. they make a wonderfully delicious cake!”
     “Life works the same way.Many times we wonder why it would let us go through such bad and
difficult times.But life knows that when it puts these things all in their order. they always work for good!”
     “The trials (考验) of life serve a meaningful purpose in making us stronger.Do not lose heart if life
is not easy for you right now. but encourage yourself and know you will be much stronger mentally and
physically because of the trials of life.”
2.然后以约120个词以“Facing the Trials of Life”为题进行议论. 内容包括:
1.在作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事. 也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直
概括准确. 语言规范. 内容合适. 篇章连贯。

题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     2010年中国将在上海举办第四十一届世博会, 你班就其将给上海带来的影响展开了激烈
的讨论。假如你是李华, 现请根据下表的内容给21世纪报的编辑写一封5句话的信, 说说你
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
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