60%的同学的看法 | 1.靠自己打工来支付学费会影响学业; 2.现在把精力都用在学习上,将来报答父母的养育之恩; |
25%的同学的看法 | 1.通过打工可以获得工作经验,了解社会; 2.体会父母挣钱不易,从而戒掉乱花钱的坏习惯; |
15%的同学的看法 (包括你在内) | 觉得双方的观点都有一定的道理,但又不完全赞同; 我个人的看法是…… |
参考词汇:报答: repay 学费: tuition 经济独立: financially independent
Dear Editor,
I’m writing to tell you about a recent discussion our class have had on whether or not university students should be financially independent.
One possible version
Dear Editor,
I’m writing to tell you about a recent discussion our class have had on whether or not university students should be financially independent.
60% of the students think that university students don’t have to be financially independent, because trying to make money will have a deep influence on their studies. In addition, they think that they can repay their parents in the future.
25% of my classmates hold the view that doing part-time jobs will help one gain work experience and learn more of society. Besides, when students find it hard to make money, they will know it is not easy for parents to earn money and won’t waste their money any longer.
15% of the students, including myself, partly agree with the opinions above. Personally I think that as grownups, we should not depend on our parents any more. However, if our parents can afford to pay the tuition for us, we should put our studies in the first place.
Thank you for reading my letter.
Li Hua
试题【书面表达 (满分25分)假如你是一名大学生,名叫李华。你所在的班级最近就“大学生是否应经济独立”的话题展开讨论,同学们发表了不同的看法。请你根据以下所给内容,写】;主要考察你对写作等知识点的理解。[详细]
1.) 事由:美国学生来校参观
2.) 参观时间:7月15日上午
3.) 参观人数:约50名学生
4.) 活动安排:1. 8:30在校门口欢迎
2. 参观校园
3. 在会议室进行英语学习方面的交流
4. 合影留念
5.) 有意参加此活动的同学请于7月14日前到学生会处报名
要求: 1) 写成意思连贯、语句通顺的短文,可以适当调整内容的顺序和增加细节,使其
3)参考词汇:报名: sign up (for sth.)
会议室: conference room
校园: campus
学生会: the Student Union
Boys and girls, may I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make.
参考词汇:设施facilities;校园形象大使campus guide
Hello, everyone.I"m very glad to have the chance to speak here.
第二节 写作:(满分25分)
One day in the summer holidays, I met my classmate Li Ming....
A Thirsty World
Three-fourths of the earth’s surface is covered by water, some of which is frozen and most of which is salty. In fact, less than one percent left for all the living things.
Now fresh water is becoming scare, but more and more is needed because of the increasing number of people. Some industries also use amounts of fresh water in the production of things such as steel, paper, and rubber. These factories have polluted water flow into rivers without making it clean. What’s more, people in the city have much dirtied water piped into ditches after cooking every day.
Scientists estimate that the need for fresh water will have doubled by the year 2003. This means that we must find new ways of saving it or producing it. Some nations have worked on the problem and are already sharing their information with others. They are trying to keep their rivers from being polluted. Deep wells are also being dug, and rainwater is being collected in huge artificial lakes. In one way or another, they hope to provide enough water to satisfy the needs of their people. For example, one important wayof producing water is to distill(用蒸馏法提取) it from sea water. After the salt has been removed, sea water can be used not only for drinking but also for industry and irrigation. However, the equipment for distillation process is very expensive. Distilled water might be as dear as gold if pollution goes on.
1. 概括短文的内容要点,该部分的字数大约30;
2. 就”环境污染的原因与控制”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包括以下的内容要点,该部分的字数大约120;
a) 环境污染是由什么原因引起的?简单地举例子说明。
b) 为了解决污染问题,国家政府部门应该做些什么?
c) 为了解决污染问题,公民做些什么?
d) 为了解决污染问题,我们学生应该做些什么?
- 1完成下列题(11分)天赐良“源”浩瀚的海洋不仅面积占整个地球表面积的70.8%,而且是世界上最大的太阳能接收器:6000
- 2设某项试验的成功率为失败率的2倍,用随机变量X去描述1次试验的成功次数,则P(X=0)的值为( )。
- 3读下面三幅图,完成。小题1:图一是“陆地植被水平地域分异与纬度、湿度关系图”,图中A处应为:A.常绿阔叶林B.常绿硬叶林
- 4科研人员对某海洋食用生物进行研究,得出了与种群密度相关的出生率和死亡率的变化曲线图,请据图判断,下列说法中错误的是[
- 5The little girl has been in a poor _____ of health since she
- 6阅读理解。Festival activities programme (节日活动)TIME AND PLACE Octo
- 7宇航员在围绕地球做匀速圆周运动的航天飞机里处于完全失重状态,下列说法正确的是:[ ]A.宇航员仍受重力作用
- 8通过近一年的化学学习,同学们已能用所学的知识回答一些问题:(1)煤、________ 、_______常称为化石燃料;(
- 9阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Wang Ruonan is a 17-year-old Beijinger. Hua
- 10下列关于溶液的说法正确的是( )A.溶液都是无色的B.溶质可以是固体,也可以不是C.稀溶液一定是不饱和溶液D.均一、稳
- 1计算:
- 2中国资产阶级革命派与改良派虽展开过思想论战,但其根本目标的共同点是( )A.推翻封建专制统治 B.为资本主义发展开辟
- 3在一次主题班会中,同学们讨论了上网利与弊的关系,得出了“上网既有利、也有弊”的结论。同学们的结论最符合下面哪一学派的观点
- 4已知家庭常用的发酵粉主要成分为小苏打(NaHCO3)受热易分解为Na2CO3和两种氧化物A、B,且其中一种为植物光合作用
- 5已知线段a=9cm,c=4cm,线段x是a、c的比例中项,则x等于 ______cm.
- 6生物的性状就是( )A.生物的形态结构特征B.生物的生理特性C.生物先天的行为方式D.前三项都对
- 7判断下列句子所使用的修辞方法。(1)何满子是一丈青大娘的心尖子,肺叶子,眼珠子,命根子。 ( ) (2)有时候
- 8下列对清朝初年社会经济状况的叙述,不正确的是( )A.一些原来被地主占据的土地又回到农民手中B.全国的可耕土地已经得
- 9 His idea is ______ you’d better ____ a jar of jam at home.A
- 10阅读下列材料,回答问题。 我叫氧气,一天我随同二氧化碳、氮气等利用主人吸气的机会,来到主人的鼻腔丛林,开始了不平凡的