当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 翻译以下短语并完成句子。1) settle in2)settle down3)settle down to sth. / doing sth.4) They m...
翻译以下短语并完成句子。1) settle in
2)settle down
3)settle down to sth. / doing sth.
4) They moved the local people and________another place.
5) Before we________discussing other things, I"ve a question to ask you.
6) They"d like to see their daughter________,get married, and have kids.
1在……定居;定居       2.镇静     3.开始专注于做某事
4.settle them in         5.settle down to       6.settle down
试题【翻译以下短语并完成句子。1) settle in2)settle down3)settle down to sth. / doing sth.4) They m】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
翻译以下短语。1.be in ignorance of  _______
2. be ignorant that    _______
3. be ignorant of /about  ______
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1) show/express concern about/for _
   have concern with _
2) the authorities concerned _
3)be concerned about /over/for _
   be concerned with/in _
   as /so far as... be concerned
4)There is_____about violence on TV.   人们对电视上的暴力越来越关注
5) _____ ,Idisagree with what he said.    就我而言,我不同意他说的话。
6)  my son"s future._____                     我总是关心我儿子的将来。

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翻译以下短语并完成句子。1)suffer for  
2)suffer from  
3) 遭受痛苦受到惩罚挨饿/受损失/遭受失败
4) They____in the financial crisis. 在经济危机中,他们在遭受了巨大的损失
5)Our business has    lack of investment. 我们的企业 因缺乏投资而受损失
6) She was____a headache. 她正经受头疼   之苦。
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4) You"ll have to go over these figures again, they don"t _____ .你必须再核对一下这些数字,总数不符。
5) The heavy rain________the difficulty of rescuing  work there.大雨增加了那里救援工作的难度。
6) The whole education that Lincoln received____    ____no more than one year.林肯所受的学  校教育全部加起来仅有一年。
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请根据汉语写出含有set 的短语并完成句子。1) 开始做
2) 抨击、攻击某人
3) 做出榜样
4) 拨出;留出
5) 拨出;积蓄;不理会____
6) 往回拨;使倒退,使推迟____
7) 放火烧
8) 进入;踏上____
9) 列举;提出;动身;起程____
10) 释放;解开
11) 燃放(鞭炮、烟花等);引起,出发
12) 下定决心____
13) 动身;出发;摆设;陈述____
14) The young workers____their work with  great enthusiasm. 青年工人们怀着极大的热情开始工作。
15) He____the heavy box and rested for a  while. 他放下沉重的箱子歇了一会儿。
16)Is it necessary to____these additional rules?   有必要制定这些补充规定吗?
17)It took them half an hour to____the room  ready for the reception of the foreign guests. 他们花了半个   小时布置好房间,准备接待外宾。
18) We________a monument to the memory of the  revolutionary martyrs. 我们建立了一座革命烈士纪念碑。
19) The village members____firecrackers to    celebrate the successful completion of the reservoir. 为庆祝     水库的胜利建成,村民们放了鞭炮。
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