当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 用倒装语序完成下列句子。1 .铃声响了。我们的老师手里拿着一本书走进来了。       ____ ____the bell.________ _______ou...
1 .铃声响了。我们的老师手里拿着一本书走进来了。
       ____ ____the bell.________ _______our teacher with a book in his hand.
2 .我一辈子没听说过也没见过这样的东西。
      Never in rny life____I____or seen such a thing.
3 .在地上躺着一个不到十岁的男孩子,受了重伤。
      On the ground____a boy of less than 10,badly____.
4 .墙上挂着一幅中国地图。
      On the wall____a map of China.
5 .他变化如此大以致我几乎认不出来了。
       So much____he____that I could hardly recognize him.
6 .直到回到家里我才发现钱包丢了。
       Not until I arrived home____I____that I had lost the wallet.
7 .学校前面是一个新建的操场,我们经常在那里打篮球。
       In front of our school____a newly-built playground_______ ________we often play basketball.
8 .- 你好像感冒了。- 是的。
    -You seem to have caught a cold.
    -_____ ______ _____ .
9 .你想见的那个女孩子来啦!
    __________ ___________the girl who you are eager to see.
10. 我不想认识他,也不想了解他的一些情况。
      I don"t want to know him,____ _____I want to learn something about him.
1. There comes,In came  2. have,heard  3. lay,hurt  4. hangs  5. did,change
6. did,find  7. is,on which 8. So I have  9. There comes  10. neither (nor) do
试题【用倒装语序完成下列句子。1 .铃声响了。我们的老师手里拿着一本书走进来了。       ____ ____the bell.________ _______ou】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]

 1. section____          
3. technical____        
5 .有天赋的_____        
6 .家庭主妇_____    
7. crime____            
9 .在……前面____        
10. department_____   
11. accurate____        
12. senior____    
13. polish____          
14. 主要的;首席的;首领,长官____   
15. 赞成、认可、批准____
16. 加工;处理、过程;程序;步骤____    
17. negative____        
18. appointment____

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
1. She is well ahead of others in her studies._________________
2. As soon as I got home,I set to preparing supper.____________
3. Your parents won"t approve of your going there._____________
4.  He showed his approval by smiling.______________________
5.  They are using a new process to make glass._________________
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
1 .渴望做……_____            
2 .集中精力于____
3 .以后____                    
4 .有对新闻非常敏感的"嗅觉"____
5 .依赖____                    
6 .职业诀窍_____
7 .完全搞错了____              
8 .指控某人做某事____
9 .为了____                    
10. 理应做过某事____
11 .盼望做某事_____            
12. 故意地____
 13. 为某人辩护_____            
14. 润色语言风格____
15. 被印制成胶片____            
16. 在……前头____
17. 最后____                    
18. 与某人约会____
19. 对……做调查____            
20. 从事____
21. 把……传递给……_____      
22. 着手做某事____
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
1 .我们主动帮助他,但他拒绝了.(offer)
       We________help him,but he_______ .
2 .作为一名学生,我们必须集中精力学习.(concentrate on)
       As a student,we must________.
3 .他被控告没有赡养他的老母亲.(accuse)
       He was____ _____ _____ ______ _____his elderly mother.
4 .一本好书将对孩子的成长起到非常大的影响.(have influence on)
       A good book________child"s growth.
5 .他教学经验丰富,深受学生欢迎.(experience)
       He is________teaching____he is very popular among the students.
6 .全家人都指望他养活家庭.(support)
       The whole family depend on him to________.
7 .为了不使父母失望,我决定毕业后成为一名医生.(so as not to)
       l decide to be a doctor after graduation_______disappoint my parents.
8 .他建议我们认真调查这个案件.(look into)
       He suggests__________with great care.
9 .将要派谁去解这个数学难题?(arrange for)
       Who will be________solve the maths problem?
10 .如果考上大学,父母答应给我买台电脑.( admit,promise)
         If I am_____,my parents________buy me a computer.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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1 .临时的adj.____          
3 .流血v.____              
5 .窒息;噎住n._____      
7 .器官n.____              
9 .毒药;毒害n/v_____  
11. 变化;多样化n ._____  
13 .辐射;射线n.____      
15. 组织;手巾纸n .____    
17. 肿胀的adj.____          
19. 难以忍受的adj._____    
21 .阻止(某人)做…______  
23 .挤出;榨出____        
25 .反复,多次____          
27 .生病_____              
29. 冰水______              
2 .损伤;伤害n.____    
4 .踝(关节)n.____      
6 .皮肤n.____          
8 .屏障;障碍物n.____  
10 .复杂的adj.____      
12. 液体n .______      
14. 炉子;火炉n ._____  
16 .膨胀;隆起v._____  
18 .剪刀n.______        
20. 至关重要的adj.____  
22. 触感______          
24 .在适当的位置____    
26. 急救________        
28 .触电休克_________  
30. 许多;若干_______