当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 完成句子1. She then organized more than 200 neighbors, ________________(她们都是妇女) from...
1. She then organized more than 200 neighbors, ________________(她们都是妇女) from nearby
villages, to do the same.  (them)
2. Thank you for your hard work last week. I don"t think we ________________(能完成这项工作)
without you. (manage)
3. She is always doing everything for her son, which is ________________(她错误所在). (go)
4. ________________(尽管困难), the firefighters managed to rescue the little boy from the big fire. (as)
5. It" s the cheerfulness and lack of hesitation ______________(让孩子们铭记)that parents mean
what they say. (impress)
6. Not until the game had begun ________________(他才到达)at the sports ground. (arrive)
7. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn"t stopped ringing. People ________________
(打电话)to ask how I am going to spend the money. (phone)
答案:have been phoning/are phoning
8. Have you ever expected ________________(有这么好的一次机会)for further education
abroad? (there)
9. The news ________________(房价将要下跌)has caused many people to sell their houses at
lower prices. (fall)
10. When reports came to the office ________________(轮船沉没了), they were not taken
seriously. (sink)
1. all of them women     2. could have managed it      3. where she goes wrong    4. Difficult as it was
5. that impress upon the children      6. did he arrive      7. have been phoning/are phoning
8. there to be such a good chance      9. that housing price will fall         10. that the ship had sunk
试题【完成句子1. She then organized more than 200 neighbors, ________________(她们都是妇女) from】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
1. The novel written by him this year is ______________(两倍长)of the one last year. (length)
2. Some suggestions are made at the meeting that these traditional customs ________________
(应该保留). (preserve)
3. I ________________(在伦敦居住)for many years, but I"ve never regretted my final decision to
move back to China. (live)
4. We wrote a letter of thanks to ________________(凡是帮助过我们的人). (whoever)
5. One side of the board shall be painted yellow and ________________(另一面要油漆成绿色).
6. Asia, Africa, and Australia would civilised by England, and covered with new states
________________(模仿)the English fashion. (model)
7. So rapidly ________________(计算机技术的发展)that no book can ever be fully up to date.
8. Such knowledge is still useful ________________(当应用)to similar situations in other countries.
9. My mother was so proud of all ________________(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip
to Beijing. (do)
10. Last night"s TV news said that by then the death of the missing people ________________
(未证实)yet. (prove)
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完成句子1 .Only when you learn to respect others ,______________( 别人会尊重你) .(respect)
2 .Had I followed your advice to take with my umbrella ,I ________________( 就不会淋雨) ,so now
I am running a high fever.(catch)
3 .________________( 他们过着多么艰辛的生活) before they became famous !(What)
4 .________________( 他被选中)as an actor in the film made the family delighted.(choose)
5 .Not ________________( 收到他的邀请) ,I didn"t go to his wedding party.(receive)
6 .Since the beginning of the vacation ,I ______________( 旅游)across the country ,and my next stop
is Mount Tai.(travel)
7 .The international agreement ,________________( 计划)to encourage children not to smoke and
help people kick the habit ,was signed yesterday.(intend)
8 .If your order is ready ,the T -shirt ________________( 送达你处)as soon as possible.(deliver)
9 .Professor Smith ,along with his assistants ,____________________( 研究这个项目)day and night
to meet the deadline.(work)
10 .Such poets as Shakespeare are widely read ,of whose works ,however ,some ________________
( 难以理解) .(understand)
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
1. Children should be encouraged to explore ______________(他们感兴趣的任何事物). (appeal)
2. The prices of houses, ________________(就如经常报道的那样), have been going up sharply
in the past few months. (report)
3. Without your timely help, we __________(会陷入)big trouble that day. (fall)
4. Another important project we are going to carry out is ________________(所称谓的)National
Education. (call)
5. It is Shanghai Expo ________________(使中国成为焦点)again all over the world, and many
people are wondering what the new giant is going to be in the future. (focus)
6. It is commonly thought that many coal mine accidents ________________(本来能够避免)if we
had followed the strict safety rules. (avoid)
7. If Jack had scored that goal, we ________________(就会赢得那场足球赛了). (win)
8. The education programme ________________(旨在)combining brain work with manual labor is
being widely spread throughout the country. (aim)
9. Were it to rain tomorrow, the sports meet ______________(推迟)until the same time next
week. (put)
10. It"s pity that he failed the exam. If he ________________(更加注意)on his handwriting, he
would have done better. (concentrate)
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
1. On her birthday she received a box of chocolates with a card ________________(附在上面)
saying "happy birthday!" (attach)
2. It is said that the ancient coins accidently ________________(在武汉发现的)last month are very
valuable. (find)
3. Deeply ________________(专注于她的新小说), the young writer kept thinking and writing for
a dozen hours in her study. (absorb)
4. I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but little ________________(我感到)so
lonely as now. (feel)
答案:have I felt
5. "It is not only you but also Tom __________(应当受到责备), " said the teacher after knowing
what had happened. (blame)
6. You will find that some of the stars are brighter in the evening and others ________________
(不够明亮). (little)
7. Only when you read between the lines several times ________________(你才能理解) the main
idea of this passage.  (sense)
8. The reason why people carry umbrellas in hot summer days is that ________________
(暴露在烈日下)may be harmful to the skin. (expose)
9. The program ________________(提出)by him, I think, is practical. (forward)
10. Two children are lost in the village and the police ________________(调查)the case these
days. (look)
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完成句子1.I didn"t know your mobile number;otherwise,I ________________(给你打电话)the second I got
to Changsha.(ring)
2.With all these papers ________________(打分),the professor has to work extra hours tonight.
3.The last bus ________________(离开了),we had no choice but to walk home. (leave)
4.Should ________________(不招惹它),the dog would be very calm and gentle.(tease)
5.________________(获得一块金牌)in the Asian Games in an unforgettable moment for her,which
she will never forget.(win)
6.Ours is a time of problems,of gigantic problems. Everything ________________(变换)under the
magic influence of science and technology.(transform)
7.He seemed to be looking for words at his desk with ________________(表达意思)as precisely as
I had done.(convey)
8.The fact ________________(世界是由七大洋、四大洲组成的)is known to anyone who has
common sense.(make)
9.We surely desire that we ________________(通知)immediately of any change the tour leader in the
travel schedules. (inform)
10.The church tower ________________(正在修复的)will be open to tourists soon. The work is
almost finished. (restore)
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