A.some of the world’s largest bears live |
B.lives some of the world’s largest bears |
C.do some of the world’s largest bears live |
D.live some of the world’s largest bears |
A.anywhere; a | B.nowhere; the | C.nowhere; a | D.somewhere; \ |
A.Hardly did he collect the papers on his desk; opened |
B.No sooner had he collected the papers on his desk; opened |
C.Hardly had he collected the papers on his desk; open |
D.No sooner did he collect the papers on his desk; open |
A.stands a temple; a monk lives | B.a temple stands; he lives |
C.standing a temple; living a monk. | D.stands a temple; he lives. |
A.you will | B.you can | C.can you | D.have you |
A.Down came;flew he | B.Down came ;he flew |
C.Down came;did nothe flew | D.Came down;did he fly |
- 1把方程化成一般式,则、、的值分别是( ▲ ).A.1,3,5B.1,-3,0C.-1,0,5D.1,3,0
- 2某人站在南极点上举目远望,所看方向是[ ]A.南方B.北方C.西方D.东方
- 3A group of adults, highly succeeded in their jobs, went to v
- 4已知直线:和:,则的充要条件是▲ .
- 5下列反应的离子方程式书写正确的是A.硫酸铝溶液中加入过量氨水B.等物质的量的亚硫酸氢铵与氢氧化钠溶液混合C.在稀氨水中通
- 6在什么地方什么时候容易采到蘑菇?试说明为什么?
- 7听下面一段材料。回答1-4题。1. Which film of the following DIDN"T the wom
- 8已知函数.(Ⅰ)判断的奇偶性; (Ⅱ)判断的单调性,并加以证明; (Ⅲ)写出的值域.
- 9如图3,在△ABC中,DE∥BC,DB=2AD,DE=4,则BC边的长等于A.6B.8C.10D.12
- 10如果一个多边形的内角和为1260°,那么这个多边形的一个顶点有______条对角线.
- 1已知CO与Fe2O3作用生成Fe的反应是分步进行的,反应中铁的氧化物中氧元素质量分数逐渐降低.序号化学反应①Fe3O4+
- 2下列朗读节奏划分有误的一项是[ ]A.刚从神话的蛛网里/挣脱 B.我是/你雪被下/古莲的胚芽 C
- 3不法分子常用金光闪闪的“金元宝”(铜锌合金)蒙骗人们。下列鉴别方法中错误的是( ) A.加盐酸B.测密度C.加硝酸
- 4下列有关我国气候对农业生产影响叙述中的不正确是( )A.季风气候面积广大,为世界种植水稻最多的国家B.水旱灾害主要是由
- 5在(1-x)5(1+x+x2)4的展开式中,x7的系数为______.
- 6下面四幅图中,应用了克隆技术的是
- 7工业生产纯碱的工艺流程示意图如下完成下列填空:(1)粗盐水加入沉淀剂A、B除杂质(沉淀剂A来源于石灰窑厂),写出A、B的
- 8如图所示,在做“观察水的沸腾”的实验时:(1)对比A、B两套器材,你觉得应该选_______套来完成实验,理由是:___
- 9书面表达。警方在通缉两名凶手,请根据以下表格提供的信息帮助他们写一篇告示,请知道有关线索的人尽快与警方联系,文章开头已给
- 10降水概率为100%表示( )A.肯定无雨B.可能无雨C.肯定有雨D.可能有雨