23 —____________. This is my newly-built house.
— Oh, what a beautiful villa!
A Here it is. B Here you are. C Here we are D Just look at it.
试题【23 —____________. This is my newly-built house.— Oh, what a beautiful villa! A 】;主要考察你对句式等知识点的理解。[详细]
—According to the weather report, there is likely to be heavy rain tomorrow.
—_______, we’ll have to change the plan for the outgoing.
A.If so | B.If not | C.Unless so | D.Unless not |
Being a disabled man, he has difficulty ________________
A.earning livings | B.earning his living | C.to earn livings | D.to earn his living |
24.____, the disaster in Haiti shows once again that even among the worst, there is always hope.
A.As sad it is | B.It is as sad | C.Sad as it is | D.Sad as is it |
19. It is reported that China has created the first man-made sun in the world recently, ______ ?
A.isn’t it | B.is it | C.hasn’t it | D.has it |
After that we never saw her again, nor________ from her.
A.did we hear | B.we heard | C.had we heard | D.we have heard |
- 1— Can I borrow your car for a while?— Sorry, my car was dama
- 2下列物质在敞口容器中放置一段时间后,质量增加并有新物质产生的是( )A.浓硫酸B.苛性钠固体C.浓盐酸D.碳酸钠晶体
- 3和平共处五项原则的诞生是20世纪国际关系史上的一个创举。下列四项表述: ①互相尊重主权和领土完整;②推行霸权主义;③互不
- 4已知多边形的每一个外角都是72°,则该多边形的内角和是[ ]A.700°B.720°C.540°D.1080°
- 5如果直线y=ax+b经过点(1,3),那么a+b=______.
- 6不等式2x+1>0的解集是( )。
- 7在图中,A装置是 滑轮(选填“定”或“动”).若用30N的拉力将旗帜匀速提升10m,则拉力所做的功为 J
- 8log2.56.25+lg1100+lne+21+log23=______.
- 9目前国内市场上的洗衣机分波轮式和滚筒式两大类,如果你是售货员,你应怎样解释它们的优缺点?
- 10下列不能作为一个生态系统的是( )A.一群山羊B.一片果园C.一条小溪D.一块稻田
- 1写出下列反应的化学方程式(1)鸡蛋进行呼吸作用会通过蛋壳表面的大量微小空隙呼出CO2,为停止鸡蛋的呼吸作用达到保鲜的目的
- 2下列说法中正确的是 ;A.能的转化和守恒定律是普遍规律,能量耗散不违反能的转化和守恒定律B.气体分子
- 3如图所示的4种明暗相间的条纹,是红光、蓝光各自通过同一个双缝干涉仪器形成的干涉图样以及黄光、紫光各自通过同一个单缝形成的
- 4如图,根据要求画图.(1)把△ABC向右平移5个方格,画出平移的图形.(2)以点B为旋转中心,把△ABC顺时针方向旋转9
- 5最近一份问卷调查表明,在面对自我和他人的利益关系时,人们作出了如下选择:人们所持观点、原则占调查总人数百分比(%)1.利
- 6You may not agree, but __________ I think she is a very good
- 7下图为“我国华北某地土地利用类型分布示意图”,(图中等高线单位:米)。读图回答问题:1.该地地形以___________
- 8下图为叶片结构和功能的概念图,请将标号所示结构或生理过程写在相应位置。① ② ③
- 9如图所示为长方体木块堆成的几何体的三视图,此几何体共由______块木块堆成.
- 10促成俄国十月革命条件成熟的客观因素是[ ]A.临时政府继续参加世界大战B.列宁《四月提纲》的指导作用C.布尔什维