A.took the candy and run | B.take the candy and run |
C.taking the candy and run | D.who taking the candy running |
试题【Did you notice the little boy __________ away?A.took the candy and runB.take the】;主要考察你对句式等知识点的理解。[详细]
A.With pleasure | B.It doesn’t matter | C.It was no trouble at all | D.By all means |
It ________ I arrived at the station ________ I found the train was delayed.
A.was until; that | B.wasn’t until; that | C.was until; when | D.wasn’t until; when |
To greatly raise people’s living conditions, _______.
A.all kinds of measures have taken |
B.they have taken all kinds of measures |
C.it is said that they have taken all kinds of measures |
D.I think they have taken all kinds of measures |
Much__________he has a good taste, he can’t avoid being influenced by advertisements.
A.that he claims | B.does he claim |
C.as he claims | D.is it that he claims |
Animals suffered at the hands of man________they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people.
A.in which | B.for which | C.so that | D.in that |
- 1下图示意1986~2002年我国长江三角洲某地区地面沉降的发展变化。读图回答下列问题。(1)指出1986~2002年该地
- 2新文化运动时期,陈独秀提出要打倒“文以载道”和“代圣贤立言”的旧文学,实现文学的“革故更新”而不是“朝代更迭”。“国民小
- 3读“黄河沿岸某城市示意图”,回答(1)——(3)题。(1)该城市空间布局形态呈狭长形,城市功能分区布局形式为[
- 4已知直线l过点和,则直线l的倾斜角大小为A.B.C.D.
- 5若全集U=R,集合A={x|x+1<0},B={x|x-3<0},则集合(CUA)∩B=______.
- 6下列反应是吸热反应的是( )A.所有的分解反应B.NH4NO3溶于水使温度降低C.氨气在催化剂存在时被氧气氧化D.Ba
- 7下列国家中,不属于地跨欧亚非三洲大帝国的是[ ]A.波斯帝国B.亚历山大帝国C.罗马帝国D.法兰克王国
- 8如图所示,金属球甲和金属环乙用同种材料制成.室温环境下,甲球恰好能穿过乙环.则( )A.在同一高温环境下同时加热短暂时
- 9由于地球自转,地球上的物体都随地球一起转动,所以[ ]A.在我国各地的物体都有相同的角速度B.位于赤道地区的物体
- 10欧阳修的《盘车图》说:“古画画意不画形,梅诗咏物无隐情。忘形得意知者寡,不若见诗如见画。”该诗描绘的绘画及其风格是[
- 1It"s the sort of work that ____ a high level of concentratio
- 2《醉驾》体现了 [ ]A.法律只约束醉驾司机 B
- 3 我国的改革首先从农村开始,逐步实行 ,农村生产得到大发展
- 4阅读下面的短文热管 如图1是青藏铁路通过“千年冻土”区的照片,照片中插在路基两旁的一排碗口粗细的
- 5父母对儿女的恩情,就像大海一样深厚,作为子女,我们应该[ ]A.一切听从父母安排 B.早日离开父母,自立自强 C
- 6老师发现小明考试作弊,想找他谈心,这时候老师可以引用孔子的主张是 [ ]A.“因材施教” B.“知之为知之,不
- 7 _ night coming on,we set off for home. [ ]A. B
- 8为了帮助四川灾区学生重返课堂,某市团委发起了“爱心储蓄”活动,鼓励学生将自己的压岁钱和零花钱存人银行,定期一年,到期后可
- 9【题文】下列言论中,顺应商品经济发展,主张农商并重的是
- 10清朝是我国历史上最后一个封建王朝,清朝统治前期,最值得肯定的是 [ ]A、巩固了统一多民族国家B、加强了封建君