He asked _______.
试题【He asked _______. A.where is the railway stationB.where the railway station is】;主要考察你对句法等知识点的理解。[详细]
There’s no doubt _________ our team will beat yours.
. There are a group of foreign visitors in our school this term, ________ are from the UK.
English words are not always spelled _____.
A.the way they sound | B.they way which they sound |
C.the way that sounds | D.as they are sound |
There is still some doubt ________ the autumn sports meet will be held in our school, but there is no doubt ________ it will be held soon after our National Day holiday.
A.that; that | B.whether; whether | C.that; whether | D.whether; that |
Is it _________ Tom often plays computer games ________ makes you angry?
A.that, that | B.Which, which | C.that, which | D.which, that |
- 1已知两直线l1,l2的位置关系如图所示,请求出以点A的坐标为解的二元一次方程组.
- 2有一列数按一定规律排列为1,-3,5,-7,9,…,如果其中三个相邻的数之和为-151,求这三个数?
- 3因式分解:(1)xy2﹣9x=( );(2)2x2﹣8x+8=( )
- 4“十一”黄金周期间,某公园在7天假期中每天旅游的人数变化如下表(正数表示比前一天多的人数,负数表示比前一天少的人数)(1
- 5已知集合A={x|x2-3x+5=0},B={x|(x+1)2(x2+3x-4)=0},且A⊊P⊆B,求满足条件的集合P
- 6一辆载满乘客的客车夜晚行驶在公路上,发现油箱漏油,车箱里充满了汽油的气味,这时应该采取的应急措施是______.
- 7下列函数中,满足“”的单调递增函数是( )A.B.C.D.
- 8【题文】下列各组词的字形完全正确的一组是( ) A.沾辱讥诮
- 9My friend _______Tibet next Sunday.A.leavesB.is leaving forC
- 10如图所示,长方体的高为3cm,底面是正方形,边长为2cm,现有绳子从点A出发,沿长方体表面到达C处,则绳子最短是(
- 1This school is different ________ others. It has many out-of
- 2小明受《乌鸦喝水》故事的启发,利用量桶和体积相同的小球进行了如下操作:请根据图中给出的信息,解答下列问题:(1)放入一个
- 3分解因式:a2- b2+2b-1=( )。
- 4做“观察植物细胞”实验的步骤是( )①染色 ②撕取实验材料 ③准备干净的载、盖玻片 ④在载玻片中央滴一滴清水
- 5下列叙述中属于物质组成的是( )A.空气中含有氮气、氧气、二氧化碳等气体B.加热固体高锰酸钾可以制取氧气C.木材在空气
- 6综合性学习考查。 安顺市正轰轰烈烈地开展“三创”活动:创建全国文明城市、创建国家卫生城市、创建国家环境保护模
- 7在溶解和配制溶液时,下列仪器中需选用的是( )A.集气瓶B.烧杯C.蒸发皿D.漏斗
- 8The plane hasn"t arrived yet. Could you tell me _____? [
- 9计算:(-1)2011=_______,(—2)3=_______,-32+(-2)3 ="_________."
- 10自然资源是一成不变的.______(判断对错)