A.Such construction robots are clever |
B.So clever the construction robots are |
C.Such clever construction robots are |
D.So clever are the construction robots |
A.That; hit | B.What; strike | C.Why; beat | D.Which; knock |
A.where | B.which | C.when | D.that |
A.Which | B.What | C.That | D.How |
A.She said why didn’t you stay there over the weekend. |
B.She said why you don’t stay there over the weekend. |
C.She asked me not to stay there over the weekend. |
D.She suggested I should stay here over the weekend. |
A.which it is that | B.what is it that |
C.how it is that | D.why it is that |
- 1下列函数中最小正周期不为π的是( )A.f(x)=sinx•cosxB.g(x)=tan(x+π2)C.f(x)=si
- 2文学家从绿色植物中获取灵感,创作大量的文学作品.唐朝白居易的诗句中“日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝”以及茅盾笔下的“白杨
- 3如图是一个玩具汽车上的控制电路,小明对其进行测量和研究发现:电动机的线圈电阻为1Ω,保护电阻R为4Ω,当闭合开关S后,两
- 4(12) 设 f(x)=画出f(x)在上的图象;求函数的单调区间;如何由y=sinx的图象变换得到f(x)的图象
- 5【题文】加点字注音全正确的一项是:(2分)A.炊馔(zhuàn) 赍发(jī) 踹开(chuài) 茕茕孑立(qióng
- 6Under criminal law, people who carry and use large numb
- 71861年在_____发现的“________”化石是爬行类进化成鸟类的典型证据。1986年,在我国辽宁省又发现____
- 8_____ no spare parts, the equipment could not be repaired at
- 9某校学生来自甲,乙,丙三个地区,其人数比为2:7:3,则在绘制扇形统计图时,表示丙地区的扇形的圆心角的度数是( )A.
- 10分化削弱宰相的权力,是古代中国皇帝实现个人专制的一贯做法。宋代行使宰相权力的“中书门下”主要行使的是A.决策权B.行政权
- 1将SO2通入BaCl2溶液中至饱和未见有沉淀生成,继续加入另一物质,仍无沉淀生成,则该物质可能为( )A.Cl2B.N
- 2由下面的美加墨三国国民生产总值比例饼状图可以看出,北美自由贸易区A.三国都实行市场经济体制B.以美国为主导的特点明显C.
- 3(9分)根据下列的有机物合成路线回答问题:(1)写出A、B的结构简式:A 、B
- 4“继秦而起的汉皇帝……在开头时,他将封地授予他的儿子们和近亲……它们被散置在由国家官员直接治理的州县之间。"对此说法理解
- 5改革开放前,人们买粮食要凭粮票,主要是因为 [ ]A.农业生产水平低,粮食供应不足B.人口多,耕地少C.政府控
- 6Clearly, in a system ______ every decision is made on the ba
- 7 do you like the transportation in your town? [
- 8下列函数在区间(0,2)上是增函数的是[ ]A.y=4-5xB.C.y=x2-2x+3 D.
- 9My father is used to _______ in the country. He doesn’t want
- 10某校九年级(2)班50名同学为玉树灾区献爱心捐款情况如下表:捐款(元)101530405060人数361111136则该