--- Don’t you think it necessary that he __________ to Miami but to New York?
--- I agree, but the problem is _______ he has refused to.
A.will not be sent; that | B.not be sent; that |
C.shouldn’t be sent ; what | D.should not send; what |
试题【--- Don’t you think it necessary that he __________ to Miami but to New York?---】;主要考察你对虚拟语气等知识点的理解。[详细]
-------The weather is terrible now; our earth is badly damaged!
-------Yes. It’s urgent that everyone _________ spare no effort to do something to save our world .
A.must | B.would | C.should | D.shall |
If you dare to break the rules of the game, you _____ be punished.
A.shall | B.might | C.can | D.would |
. We have finally finished it! When ______ the job if we had started it a week earlier?
A.may we finish | B.could we finish |
C.could we have finished | D.may we have finished |
A.will | B.shall | C.may | D.can |
— She ______ to be picked up at the station.
A.could wait | B.must wait | C.might be waiting | D.can be waiting |
- 1听对话,回答问题。1. What does the man want to buy? A. A shirt. B. A
- 2附加题:名著阅读(10分) A青年人啊!你要和老年人比起来,就知道你的烦闷,是温柔的. B青年人!珍重的描写罢,时间正翻
- 3.Ram explained to his mother ________ he would get home late
- 4You"d better ____ in bed. It"s bad for your eyes. [ ]A.
- 5句型转换。1. I like elephants because they are friendly. (对划线部分提问
- 6下列说法正确的是( )A.硫酸、纯碱、硝酸钠和生石灰分别属于酸、碱、盐和氧化物B.通常情况下,若发生反应A2+2B-=
- 7如图,电源电压保持不变,电阻R1 = R2 = R3 = 10。要使R2、R3并联,应闭合开关_________ ,要使
- 8阅读下面这篇散文回答后面的问题。(共18分) 超山的梅花郁达夫①凡到杭州来游
- 9如图是某生态系统食物网简图,请据图回答:(1)请写出图中最短的一条食物链:______.(2)青蛙与蜘蛛的关系是____
- 10张学良、杨虎城发动西安事变的主要目的是[ ]A.联共抗日B.反蒋抗日C.逼蒋抗日D.国共合作
- 1 (本题满分14分)化简、求值下列各式:(1)(2) (注:)
- 2The child ______ in the countryside knows how to _____ anima
- 3目前我国的人才市场供求现状是:大学生易寻,高技工难觅。这告诉我们[ ]A.上大学不如上职业学校实惠 B.设计职
- 4青少年时期应注意均衡营养,合理搭配膳食。某同学的午餐食谱如下:“主食:米饭;副食:豆腐、红烧肉”。其中富含淀粉的是___
- 5在△ABC中,∠A=40°,当∠B=______时,△ABC是等腰三角形.
- 6图所示的电路中,L1、L2是两只规格不同的小灯泡,当闭合开关S时,(1)若发现L1亮、L2不亮,分析其电路有故障,则故障
- 7一天有86 400秒,用科学记数法表示为______秒.
- 85男5女共10人(假设男、女生中身高各不相同)从左到右排成一排,则刚好是“男生从高到矮排列,女生由矮到高排列”的概率是(
- 9已知y=f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,且在(0,+∞)上单调递增,若f(log28)=0,则xf(x)>0的解集为(
- 10在世界经济全球化浪潮中影响增大成为主角的是A.高新科技 B.跨国公司C.国际和区域性经济组织 D.发展中国家