—He often uses that _____ look to frighten them.
B. frightened; frightening
C. frightening; frightened
D. frightening; frightening
试题【—He looked so scary that the kids were really _____. —He often uses that _____】;主要考察你对被动语态等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. should have been doing; was given
C. should do; was given
D. should have been doing; had given
this didn"t stop some students from doing the same thing. In one day"s 2._____
exams, on my way to home I heard some students talking with each other. "I 3._____
was too worried that I sent a message to everyone I know to ask the answers 4._____
of the questions on the politics exam paper." It"s clear that many students 5._____
cheated. This six unlucky students became the "killed chickens", but the 6._____
"monkeys" were not frightened at all. More and more student start cheating 7._____
in school exams. That must be how so many students do well in the exams 8._____
at their own school, and fail in the college entrance examinations. I do hope 9._____
that useful measures could be taken stop cheating in exams. 10._____
B.were rescued
C.would be rescued
D.had been rescued
South China.
B.was sent
C.have sent
D.had been sent
B. was lost
C. had lost
D. had been lost
- 1用科学记数法表示﹣0.0000064记为[ ]A.﹣64×10﹣7B.﹣0.64×10﹣4C.﹣6.4×10﹣6
- 2下列物质排放到空气中,不会使空气产生污染的是 [ ]A.煤燃烧时产生的烟气 B.植物进行光合作用产生的气体 C.
- 3已知为数列的前项和,,.⑴求数列的通项公式;⑵数列中是否存在正整数,使得不等式对任意不小于的正整数都成立?若存在,求最小
- 4下图为“我国某城市主要功能用地面积空间变化图”。完成1—2题。 1、该城市主要功能用地集中区由市中心向外依次是[
- 5温暖的记忆(1)雪是从年三十晚上开始下的。我和妻乘坐的大巴车一路慢行,回乡者一个个都在各自的城市站点下车了,等到了我们所
- 6如图所示是计算机某计算程序,若开始输入x=-1.5,则最后输出的结果是( )。
- 7请看下图,在这一购物流程中 [ ]A.货币执行了流通手段的职能 B.货币充当了计价单位的功能 C.货币执行了价值
- 82007年9月8日,***胡锦涛在出席APEC第十五次***非正式会议时,会见了印度尼西亚总统苏西洛。印尼方希望双方继
- 9如图,作出光线通过凹透镜的光路(保留必要的作图痕迹)。
- 10读 图,回答下列问题。(每空1分,共5分。)(1)根据图13中的风向判断,图示是北半球 季。(2)根据甲、
- 1新鲜血液加入抗凝剂并静置一段时间后,血液的变化是 [ ]A.包括血小板在内的全部血细胞沉于底部 B.部分血细胞与
- 2以下不具有细胞结构的是:A.病毒B.细菌C.蘑菇D.烟草
- 3《韩非子》上记述了一个“郑人买履”的故事。那位郑人“宁可相信尺码,也不相信自己的脚”。从哲学上看[ ]A、属于唯
- 4酸雨给人类带来了种种灾祸,严重地威胁着地球生命生存的生态环境,下列有关减少或者防止酸雨形成的措施中,可行的是[
- 5一台电动机的额定电压是220V,线圈内阻为2Ω,它在正常工作时,线圈中电流为20A,求电动机正常工作时的电功率是____
- 6完形填空。Lisa: Hello, Tony.Tony: Hi, Lisa. __1__ this?Lisa:
- 7完形填空 My son Joey was born with club (畸形) feet. The doct
- 8从楼顶自由下落的小球经过某窗户顶部和底部时的速度分别为4 m/s和6 m/s,则该窗户高___________m.(取g
- 9蝗虫的发育要经过的几个阶段 [ ]A.受精卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫 B.受精卵、蛹、成虫 C.卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫D.受
- 10【题文】在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过15个字。(5分)前人