A. has been developed
B. is being developed
C. is developing
D. has developed
试题【It is believed that a new kind of drug _____ by the scientists and they are hope】;主要考察你对被动语态等知识点的理解。[详细]
— Oh, the bridge ahead _____.
A. is being repaired
B. is repairing
C. is repaired
D. is being repairing
— It"s reported that a new airport _____ twenty miles from the city now.
A. is being constructed
B. is constructing
C. has constructed
D. was being constructed
A. are exhibiting
B. is exhibiting
C. are being exhibited
D. is being exhibited
A. will be built
B. is built
C. has been built
D. is being built
一 Not yet. My house _____.
A. is painting
B. has been painted
C. is painted
D. is being painted
- 1Would you________holding this box for me while I open the do
- 2请听下面一段材料,回答第1-3题。1. When did the speakers plan to travel to
- 3There is a _____ shop. It sells bananas, apples, pears and o
- 4下列发明创造不是出现在工业革命时期的是 ( ) A
- 5以下说法中错误的个数是( )个①一个命题的逆命题为真,它的否命题也一定为真;②在中,“”是“三个角成等差数列”的充要条
- 6化简求值:[(a+b)2-(a-b)2]÷a,其中a=-12,b=1.
- 7I came to study in the United States a year ago. Yet, I did
- 8(6分)如图,已知:梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,E为对角线AC的中点,连结DE并延长交BC于点F,连结AF.(1)求证:
- 9某工厂装配车间有一个纯电阻元件,其上标有“×V 6W” 字样,其中额定电压值不清,若要正确使用这个元件,需知道它的额定电
- 101747年,法国作家拉美特利在其发表的《人是机器》中指出,宇宙中没有神,只有运动的物体。最复杂的物体是人,人是一部自我调
- 1农业生产中常用16%的食盐水选种.现有食盐固体、20℃时的饱和食盐水90克(20℃时食盐的溶解度为36克)、10%的食盐
- 2如图,一块正方形铁皮,边长为a,如果一边截去6,另一边截去5,则所剩长方形铁皮的面积(阴影部分)是: ①(a-5)(a-
- 3【题文】参照下面划横线的句式,仿写两个句子。(4分)大自然总是能最大限度地调动我们的想象:一朵浪花,能让我们想象大海的浩
- 4初步统一的古代埃及国家建立于[ ]A.约公元前3500年B.约公元前3000年C.公元前18世纪D.约公元前25
- 5有四种物质的溶液:①氢氧化钠溶液 ②硫酸钠溶液 ③稀硝酸 ④氯化铁溶液,不用其它试剂就可以将他们逐一鉴别出来,其正确鉴别
- 6从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。invent, heat, operate, battery, bulb
- 7下表是中国、印度、俄罗斯、美国四个国家2008年每日的石油生产、消费、输出、输入统计表,读表回答下列问题。小题1:从上表
- 8下列实例与所利用的物质物理属性不相符的是( )A.影片中倒塌的高墙并不会伤害演员一因为高墙用的是密度很小的材料B.毛皮
- 9如图所示,在粗糙水平面上有两个质量分别为m1和m2的木块1和2,中间用一原长为L,劲度系数为K的轻弹簧连结起来,木块与地
- 10Let"s get some _____ about tourism on the Internet. [ ]A