题型:0109 同步题难度:来源:
Many students don"t know the key to _____ their English is to practice more. [ ]
A. improving
B. improve
C. improved
D. improvement
A. improving
B. improve
C. improved
D. improvement
试题【Many students don"t know the key to _____ their English is to practice more. [ 】;主要考察你对非谓语动词等知识点的理解。[详细]
There "s some difficulty in _____ such little children.
B. to teach
C. teaching
D. teach
[ ]
A. taughtB. to teach
C. teaching
D. teach
There"s no doubt _____ international cooperation is the key to _____ with cybercrime. (网络犯罪)A. whether; doing
B. that; dealing
C. whether; do
D. that; do
B. that; dealing
C. whether; do
D. that; do
Don"t worry. Jim is quite used to _____ in such busy streets as this.[ ]
A. drive
B. be driving
C. have driven
D. driving
A. drive
B. be driving
C. have driven
D. driving
In the wartime, the masses devoted whatever they had to _____ the army in fighting
against the Japanese.
B. support
C. having supported
D. supporting
against the Japanese.
[ ]
A. have supportedB. support
C. having supported
D. supporting
Would you mind _____ me some cents? I would like _____ a phone call. [ ]
A. lending, to make
B. borrowing, to make
C. to lend, to make
D. borrow, making
A. lending, to make
B. borrowing, to make
C. to lend, to make
D. borrow, making
- 1观察漫画,请你对漫画中的同学的言行发表看法。(4分)
- 2节日的树上有一串20只串联着的小彩灯,接在了照明电路上,正常发光,则每只小彩灯两端的电压为( )A.11VB.220V
- 3(5分)下列关于科学家的贡献及物理现象的说法中正确的是______A.若使放射性物质的温度升高,其半衰期将减小B.汤姆孙
- 4证明命题“等腰三角形底边上的中点到两腰的中点距离相等”.
- 5某企业生产甲、乙两种产品,已知生产每吨甲产品要用A原料3吨,B原料2吨;生产每吨乙产品要用A原料1吨,B原料3吨,销售每
- 6设函数f(x)=|x-4|+|x-1|.(1)求f(x)的最小值;(2)若f(x)≤5,求x的取值范围.
- 7下图为我国1980年和2004年城市等级规模金字塔示意图,下列描述正确的是[ ]A、1980年全国中等城市大约有
- 8沿着长10m高1m的斜面把1500N的重物拉到车上去,如果实际用的拉力是250N,则有用功是______,总功是____
- 91.假定某国在一年内,商品价格总额增长20%,货币流通次数增加50%,在其他条件不变的情况下,则该国1元纸币的购买力相当
- 10如图为某化学反应的微观模拟示意图,●表示氧原子,○表示氢原子.请你根据图示回答下列问题:①A、B、C三种物质中属于化合物
- 1Feeling left out?A reader wrote in to say that she was feeli
- 2下列光学仪器中利用“凸透镜成正立、放大虚像的原理”来工作的是( )A.投影仪B.放大镜C.照相机D.潜望镜
- 3No one knows how man learned to make words. Perhaps he began
- 4词组翻译。1. 感觉疲劳 _____________2. 感觉口渴 ______
- 512—13世纪欧洲大学兴起,法学与神学一样成为大学重要的课程,学校中对罗马法的研究一时盛行。出现这一状况的最根本原因是(
- 6下图是反映二战时期的漫画《希特勒用鲜血重新粉刷地球》,它的寓意是 [ ]A.血口喷人的伎俩B.多彩世界的改换 C
- 7﹣1的相反数是( ),倒数是( );绝对值等于3的数是( ).
- 8函数f(x)=ax-1+3的图象一定过定点P,P点的坐标是______.
- 9人造地球卫星做半径为r,线速度大小为v的匀速圆周运动。当其角速度变为原来的倍后,运动半径为_______________
- 10如图所示,AB为⊙O的直径,C为⊙O上一点,且∠AOC=80°,点D在⊙O上(不与B、C重合),则∠BDC的度数是(