— _____.
A. Because of my weight
B. For I"ve lost some weight
C. Putting on weight
D. Because I"ve put on weight
试题【— What makes you so worried? — _____.A. Because of my weightB. For I"ve lost som】;主要考察你对非谓语动词等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. being punished
C. from punishing
D. punished
2. The bird was lucky, and it just missed _____ (catch).
3. I always prefer _____ (start) early rather than _____ (leave) everything to the last minute.
4. _____ (walk) is a good form of exercise for both men and women.
5. While shopping women sometimes can"t help _____ (persuade) into buying more clothes than necessary.
6. — What made Jane so upset?
— _____ (lose) the ring her husband bought her for her birthday.
7. Once your business becomes international, _____ (fly) constantly will be part of your life.
8. Do you think it of any use _____ (argue) with him any more? We are wasting our time _____ (try) to
persuade him to give up the idea.
9. _____ ( find) a job in such a big company has always been beyond his wildest dream.
10. — Maybe you"ve forgotten _____ (post) my letter.
— How could I?I remember _____ (put) the letter into the letter box.
A. brought
B. to bring
C. bringing
D. to have brought
A. set up
B. setting up
C. have set up
D. having set up
1. Seeing is ____ (believe).
2. I"m sorry to have kept you ____ (wait) so long.
3. I heard Mr. Smith ____ (sing) in the next door.
4. I felt someone ____ (pat) on the shoulder.
5. The little girl is ____ (whisper) something in her granny"s ear.
6. My hobby is ____ (collect) stamps.
7. The film is so ____ (interest) that they are all interested in it.
8. Your ____ (smoke) too much will do harm to your health.
9. When he came in, we all stopped ____ (talk).
10. This is her father"s ____ (walk) stick.
- 1干木材的热值是1.2×107J/kg,它的物理意义是____________________。要放出3.6 × 107J
- 2设A 、B 、C 、D 是空间不共面的四点,且满足,,,则△BCD是 [ ]A.钝角三角形 B
- 3“大天而思之,孰与物畜而制之;从天而颂之,孰与制天命而用之。”其中“制天命而用之”这句话包含的哲学道理是A.规律是事物本
- 4正方形网格中,如图放置,则=( )A.B.C.D.
- 5函数f(x)=-sin2x+sinx+a,若1≤f(x)≤174对一切x∈R恒成立,求a的取值范围.
- 6.They will start their project ____at helping the poor child
- 7下列哪组养分不是人体内的能源物质,但对维持正常生命活动却很重要 A维生素 B无机盐 C蛋白质
- 8如图所示,关于开关的控制作用,下列说法中错误的是[ ]A.当、都闭合时,灯、发光 B.只闭合,灯、不发光C.
- 9图是将矩形纸片沿对角线折叠得到的,图中(包括实线、虚线在内)共有全等三角形_____________对.A.2B.3C.
- 10各种营养物质在人体内的消化过程正确的是( )A.蛋白质在胃蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶的作用下,水解成氨基酸,氨基酸全部被吸收氧化
- 1中华民族的民族精神是[ ]①团结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息②中华民族世世代代生生不息的力量源泉③中华民族
- 2制取氧气的原理(写文字表达式)(1)______(2)______(3)______
- 3已知曲线y=1x(1)求曲线在点P(1,1)处的切线方程 (2)求曲线过点P(1,0)处的切线方程.
- 4如图所示,已知F1=20N,F2=50N,试用作图法求出合力。
- 5下列有关文学常识的表述,有错误的一项是( )A.《雷雨》剧情的矛盾冲突是这样构成的:周朴园与要求个性解放的妻子蘩漪的
- 6下列各句中加线的成语使用恰当的一项是( )A.2006年中共中央一号文件的如期发布表明,中国农民离过上“种粮不纳税
- 7 下列说法中,正确的是 ()A.近似数3.20和
- 82011年9月2日联大召开非正式会议纪念“禁止核试验国际日”。联大主席戴斯在会上发言时表示,核试验与核武器对人类的健康和
- 9这几节课老师授课的速度明显快了,好多同学都感觉跟不上。最好的解决办法是[ ]A、回家让父母帮助补上 B、同
- 10新中国成立后,相当长时间里政府推行的是“积极推进工业化,相对抵制城市化”方针,一度还确立了“将消费型城市转变为生产型城市