— I really dislike camping, but I will ______ you if you insist.
B. companion
C. accompany
D. compare
试题【— Would you like to go camping with me when the summer holiday comes?— I really】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
B. reminded
C. awarded
D. spotted
1. People began to concentrate less on religious themes and a___ a more humanistic attitude to life.
2. Jack likes modern Chinese paintings while Alice has a p_____ for pre-twentieth century
Western paintings.
3. Some poems tell a story and some c__________ certain emotions.
4. He began to smoke several years ago, and then soon became a____ to cigarettes. Now he is a
heavy smoker.
5.If you develop AIDS, your chances of s__________ are very small.
6.Obviously they disagree with us. In other words, they are o__________ to our point of view.
7.Ladies and gentlemen, first I want to thank you for your help on b__________ of my school.
8.We congratulated him on his being a__________ as the chief engineer of the company.
9.The village lies in a valley and is s__________ by mountains.
10.As is often the case, c__________ often drives people to explore the unknown world.
B. lied
C. lay
D. lain
B. recognize
C. read
D. realize
B. broken
C. realized
D. made
- 1一个几何体的三视图如图所示,其中正视图是一个边长为2的正三角形,俯视图是一正方形,那么该几何体的侧视图的面积为( )A
- 2该图为”世界某地区图”。当太阳直射图中⑤所在纬线时,下列说法正确的是( ) A.悉尼白昼将继续变长 B.雅典正值
- 3根据语境,下列排序最恰当的一项是[ ] 示现本是佛教用语,指的是佛菩萨应机缘而现种种化身。__________
- 4如图所示,AC、EG分别为长度和粗细都相同的锰铜丝和镍铬合金丝,B、F分别为这两段电阻丝的中点,张明同学用该装置做“探究
- 5一元硬币的外观有银白的金属光泽,一些同学认为它可能是铁制成的.在讨论时,有同学提出:“我们可以先拿磁铁来吸一下”.就“拿
- 6该图示意某地区1月份日照时数分布。日照时数等值线单位为小时,相邻等值线的差值为20小时。.按等值线分布规律及图示方法写出
- 7在Cu2S+2Cu2O △ . 6Cu+SO2↑反应中,说法正确的是( )A.Cu2O在反应中被氧化B.Cu2S在反应
- 8—Thank you very much _______ helping me. —Not at all. [
- 9__________ his project, the boy had to stay up late.A.Not fi
- 10设,若函数,,有大于零的极值点,则( )A.B.C.D.
- 1使用显微镜观察某植物细胞,放大倍数越大,看到的细胞个数越多.______.
- 2读世界泥石流分布图,回答下列问题。(11分)(1)描述欧洲泥石流的空间分布特征并分析其原因。(2)非洲与亚欧两洲相比,泥
- 3当前国际竞争的实质是以经济和科技实力为基础的综合国力的较量。资料显示,在“十五”期间的前4年,国家财政对科技的投入年均增
- 4(实验班做)某市在组织开展网上评议政府活动中,市民对交通、环保、信访等60个政府部门进行了年终打分。有人认为,这是民主政
- 5算术平方根等于它相反数的数是( )A.0B.1C.0或1D.0或±1
- 6找出词语中的错别字,并改正在下面横线上。巧妙绝伧 因地制宜 别巨匠心 俯仰生恣重峦迭嶂 庄严肃穆 晓风残月 自出心裁__
- 7如图所示,用拉力F使物体竖直匀速上升,下列说法正确的是A.对物体做的功是额外功B.拉力F做的功是有用功C.拉力F移动的距
- 8计算:(1)|-16|-3-64(2)|1-2|+|2-3|+|3-2|+|2-5
- 9下列山脉中,属于江西省和福建省的界山的是( )A.台湾山脉B.长白山脉C.武夷山脉D.大兴安岭
- 10(1)煤气的主要成分是______;(2)煤气中毒的原理是______(3)在室内使用煤炉取暖时,为避免煤气中毒,请你提