The purpose of our advertising is to _________ customers’ attention to our product.
A.pay | B.devote | C.fix | D.draw |
试题【The purpose of our advertising is to _________ customers’ attention to our produ】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
Sixty people were _______ from the burning ship, but a great many more were drowned when it sank.
A.protected | B.prevented | C.rescued | D.escaped |
The manager has __________for her to go to the airport to meet an important guest.
A.asked | B.sent | C.called | D.arranged |
The injustices in the city and in the South _________King to organize non-violent demonstrations
ending segregation.
A.made; aimed at | B.led; aimed at | C.caused; aiming at | D.get ; aiming at |
Her voice _______ with anger when they mentioned the unsuccessful programme.
A.rose | B.arose | C.raised | D.created |
-------- They’ve given us lots of bamboo shoots.
-------- How do you _________ them and what should I _______ them?
A.deal with; deal with | B.do with; deal with |
C.deal with; do with | D.do with; do with |
- 1 Translate the following sentences into English, using the w
- 2实验室现要量取15mL的盐酸,量液时量筒必须平放,视线要与______;若某同学量取液体时俯视量筒内液体凹液面的最低处读
- 3为弘扬和培育民族精神,青少年应该[ ]① 确立远大志向 ② 不怕困难,积极进取③ 积极参加社会实践 ④ 规范自己
- 4如果把经济建设这个中心比作一艘航船,那么“两个基本点”就好比是动力系统和导航系统,只有这两个系统工作正常,航船才能沿着正
- 5已知全集U={0,1,2,3,4,5,6},A={2,4,5},B={0,1,3,5},则A∪(∁UB)=( )A.{
- 6给句子排序,使之成为一段完整的对话。A. That sounds interesting. Are you playin
- 7若最简二次根式满足,则ma为[ ]A.﹣2B.2C.1D.﹣1
- 8在灼热铜丝网的作用下,2-丙醇跟空气中氧气反应生成一种化合物。下列物质中与该化合物互为同分异构体的是[ ]A.B
- 9下列句子与“何厌之有”句式相同的一项是( )A.不者,若属皆且为所虏B.太子及宾客知其事者C.沛公安在D
- 10在函数y=中,自变量的取值范围是___________.
- 1养金鱼的水缸里放些金鱼藻,主要目的是[ ]A.清洁缸里的水 B.作为饵料 C.增添生气 D.增添水中
- 2下列选项中,对当时社会影响最大的是[ ]A.牛耕的推广B.都江堰的修筑C.商业与城市的兴盛D.铁制农具的广泛使用
- 3党的十八大报告提出,到2020年,实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比2010年翻一番,实现城乡居民人均收入与国内生产总
- 4如图A、B、C三个区域的主要人种分别为( )A.黄色人种、白色人种、黑色人种B.白色人种、黄色人种、黑色人种C.白色人
- 5— is the boy?—He is my brother. A、What
- 6某游客在南泥湾游玩时,惊讶地发现当地镇政府旁边的围墙上竟然刷着上图“来点赞助放你一马”的大标语,往墙上刷这样的标语有损政
- 7下列图形中,不是轴对称的有几个.①圆 ②矩形 ③正方形 ④等腰梯形 ⑤直线 ⑥直角三角形 ⑦等腰三角形. [
- 8把下边的句子按一定的思路整理成文 ①这里没有车水马龙,总是安安静静的。 ②磨剪子磨刀的“惊闺”。 ③算命的盲人吹的短笛的
- 9伟大的抗日战争胜利于A.1943年B.1945年C.1946年D.1949年
- 10罪犯为了逃避国家法律制裁而枪***追捕的公安人员,从而保护自己的生命,这也是珍爱生命的表现。[ ]