The old woman __________ her son and daughters _______ and see her from time to time.
A.desired; come | B.hoped; to come | C.desired; coming | D.suggested; to come |
试题【The old woman __________ her son and daughters _______ and see her from time to 】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
. You can’t see things clearly through a telescope unless it is ________ correctly to your sight.
A.treated | B.adopted | C.adjusted | D.reminded |
Having tried hard several times, they finally _______ the hope of finding an effective way to save the dying man.
A.abandoned | B.released | C.discouraged | D.resigned |
The premier _____ the advanced workers, saying that they should not be those who had no _____.
A.met with; ambition | B.met; sense | C.noticed; direction | D.inspected; ideas |
Because of the financial crisis this year, the company decided not to _______ dividends (股息) to its shareholders.
A.vary | B.distribute | C.disturb | D.contribute |
A family of five is really a heavy burden, so we all have to work hard to _______.
A.find out | B.work out | C.carry out | D.help out |
- 1That"s _____ interesting game. [ ]A. a B. a
- 2下列物质中属于合成纤维的是 [ ]A、羊毛 B、棉花 C、晴纶 D、麻
- 3已知某个几何体的三视图如下,根据图中标出的尺寸(单位:cm),可得这个几何体的表面积是______.
- 4价格变动对人们生活的影响表现在[ ]A、一般来说,价格上升,购买减少B、一般来说,价格下降,购买增加C、某种商品
- 5若,则的值为( )A.B.C.D.
- 6为测定实验室中某过氧化氢溶液的溶质质量分数,小明取25.0g过氧化氢溶液放入烧杯中,然后进行如图所示的实验,反应的化学方
- 7Most of the universities in China provided scholarships for
- 8如图,直线l1∥l2∥l3,已知AG=0.6cm,BG=1.2cm,CD=1.5cm,CH=______cm.
- 9—Why are you late for school today ? —I"m sorry, Sir.
- 10拿破仑认为他一生中对人类最大的贡献是[ ]A.成功发动了“雾月政变”B.颁布了《拿破仑法典》C.取得了40多次战
- 1回顾以前所学的知识,我国青藏地区的气候类型是( )A.亚热带季风气候B.高原山地气候C.温带大陆性气候D.热带雨林气候
- 2The mayor was charged with _______ his power for personal be
- 3—Could you turn down your radio, please? —_____ —I asked yo
- 4某市A公司拟开发一楼盘,预计平均每平方米的成本如下:土地使用权及相关费用22 00元,政府费税及配套费1300元,建筑及
- 5已知在的展开式中,第6项为常数项,(1)求n;(2)求含x2的项的系数;(3)求展开式中所有的有理项。
- 6下列实验操作中错误的是
- 7下面四个图象中,有一个是函数f(x)=x3+ax2+(a2-1)x+1(a∈R,a≠0)的导函数y=f′(x)的图象,则
- 8如图所示,在光滑的圆锥顶用长为L的细线悬挂一质量为m的小球,圆锥顶角为2θ,当圆锥和球一起以角速度ω匀速转动时,球压紧锥
- 9下面是燃油税费改革前后部分轿车开支对照表,请概括说明燃油税费改革前后轿车开支变化的情况。(6分) 车型及发动机排量项目
- 10我国最早迎来新的一天的地方是[ ]A、帕米尔高原 B、曾母暗沙 C、漠河以北 D、黑龙江与乌苏里江主航道中心线的