II. Choose the correct answers after reading the passage.
1. What did the group do first in the morning? They .
A.went into the forest slowly | B.left the chimp family sleeping in a tree |
C.observed the family of chimps wake up | D.helped people understand the behaviour the chimps |
试题【II. Choose the correct answers after reading the passage.1. What did the grou】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
4. The purpose of her study was to .
A.watch the wild chimps in cages | B.gain a doctor’s degree |
C.understand and respect the lives of chimps | D.live in the forest as men can |
----Since you like the camera so much ,why not buy it?
-------Well , still I can not _____ such an expensive camera .I earn only $200 a month ,you know.
A need B adopt C share D afford
Just wait for me at your home , and I will ____ at about 5 o’clock .
A call and pick up you B ring and pick you up
C visit and pick up you D drop in and pick you up.
3. The power station we visited half the province’s energy.
A.generals | B.gentles | C.generates | D.generations |
7. In a word, I don’t think what you said at all.
A.makes sense | B.makes no sense | C.is of little importance | D.has a sense |
- 1有关物质的转化关系如图所示,其中A为常见的家用燃料,在通常情况下,X、Y为两种气态单质,Z为固态单质,B、C、D为三种常
- 2向100g 20%的氯化钠溶液中需要加入______g水后,溶液的浓度变为10%.
- 3厨房里的下列物品或其水溶液呈酸性的是A.酱油B.味精C.醋D.食盐
- 4如图是内燃机某冲程工作示意图,下列过程中的能量转化情况与此冲程相同的是A.钻木取火B.燃放鞭炮C.搓手取暖D.锤打铁丝
- 5Many years ago,a French naturalist,the Count de Buffon,wrote
- 6如图,直线上有o、a、b、c四点,ab间的距离与bc间的距离相等。在o点处有固定点电荷,已知b点电势高于c点电势。若一带
- 7阅读理解。 The British are known as people who love to stand
- 8在绵阳很多较偏远的农村还没有用上天然气,使用的是瓶装的液化气,每瓶中装入液化气的质量为20kg,液化气的热值取4.2×1
- 9据中国汽车工业协会公布的消息,我国2011年累计生产汽车1 841.89万辆,销售汽车1 850.51万辆,再次刷新全球
- 10 ___ 、人民当家作主 、 __ 的有机统一是中国特色社会主义民主政治
- 1下列活动,由洋务派最早筹划、兴办的有①创办军事工业②开办新式学堂③创办民用工业④筹建海军[ ]A.①②B.②③④
- 2中国网9月23日讯,据科技部消息,近日,“2013国际新材料发展趋势高层论坛”在成都开幕.下列不属于有机合成材料的是(
- 32009年4月1日至2日,二十国集团***第二次金融峰会在伦敦召开,胡锦涛出席会议并指出,国际金融危机暴露的问题并不局限
- 4有人说:“友情,是人生一笔受益匪浅的储蓄。” 请以“友情”为话题写一篇文章,文题自拟,文体不限,800字以上。
- 5已知函数f(x)=ln(x+1),g(x)=xx+1.(1)求h(x)=f(x)-g(x)的单调区间;(2)求证:当-1
- 617世纪英国革命期间产生了一个意外的局面,革命因反抗一个人的专制开始,却造成了另一个人的独裁。这里的“一个人”和“另一个
- 7The very wealthy English Baron Fitzgerald had only one child
- 8平行闭合线圈的匝数为n,所围面积为S,总电阻为R,在△t时间内穿过每匝线圈的磁通量变化为△Φ,则通过导线某一截面的电荷量
- 9综合性学习。( 6分)小题1:中学时期,随着青春意识的觉醒,幼稚与成熟并存,烦恼与快乐共增,请为自己的烦恼列一个清单(不
- 10 The bus ________ with a loud noise of its tyres when the li