Tom got addicted to chatting and playing e-games on the net, which made his father ________.
Which of the following is not suitable?
A.on cloud nine | B.hot under the collar |
C.feel blue | D.down in the dumps |
试题【Tom got addicted to chatting and playing e-games on the net, which made his fath】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
Those flowers were ___________ for your mother on her seventieth birthday, but as she is away, I would be glad if you accept them.
A.devoted | B.produced | C.meant | D.supplied |
When it came to the topic whether students should take cell phones to school, nearly every student ___________ the discussion.
A.joined | B.attended | C.joined in | D.took part in |
—Joe, will you be free this Sunday? If so, shall we meet and have a chat?
—Sounds a good idea. Let ___ stories then. Which of the following has a different meaning?
A.swap | B.exchange | C.tell each other | D.retell |
Students often ______ a lot of difficulties when they communicate with foreigners for the first time.
A.meet with | B.contact with | C.faced with | D.touched with |
—I haven’t seen you walk your dog recently? Why?
—Well, I have _______ the habit, as it _______ too much of my spare time.
A.given out; takes for | B.given in; takes for |
C.given up; takes up | D.given off; takes up |
- 1城市的人工湖具有“吸热”功能,盛夏时节能大大减弱周围地区的“热岛效应”.若湖水的质量为1.0×107kg,如果水温升高2
- 2下列生物中无叶绿体,但有细胞壁的生物是[ ]A.噬菌体 B.大肠杆菌 C.衣藻 D.草履虫
- 3我市某镇组织10辆汽车装运完A、B、C三种脐橙共100吨到外地销售.按计划,20辆汽车都要装运,每辆汽车只能装运同一种脐
- 4下列关于个性的说法,正确的是[ ]A.当今时代是一个张扬个性的时代,我们只要张扬个性就可以了 B.个性的形成是多
- 5燃烧固体燃料需要架空,燃烧才能更旺.从燃烧的条件看,燃料架空的实质是( )A.增大可燃物的热值B.提高空气中氧气的含量
- 6i是虚数单位,(1+i1-i)2等于( )A.iB.-iC.1D.-1
- 7以“***的外交风云”为主题设计的内容,下列搭配与主题不相称的是()A.鸿门赴宴——重庆谈判B.力挽狂澜——万隆会议C.
- 8下面是世界三大宗教建筑素描图,有关说法正确的是[ ]A.世界三大宗教包括基督教、伊斯兰教和佛教,它们的发源地都位
- 92014年春节为2014年1月31日.读图1后,回答下列问题.(1)过春节时,地球在公转轨道上的位置大约是在图1中的__
- 10在做《研究共点力的合成》实验时.(1)实验时先用两只弹簧秤分别钩住细绳套,互成角度地拉橡皮条,使橡皮条伸长到某一位置O,
- 1阅读下面的文字,完成下小题。怀念一种声音聂鑫森①有一种声音,让中年画家越来越怀念了。这种声音非常奇妙,有颜色,有形状,有
- 2好奇心人皆有之,有人认为“有了好奇心就一定能成功”。对此,你的理解是A.正确,因为好奇心是走上科技发明创造之路的起点B.
- 3 抛物线的顶点在坐标原点,焦点是椭圆的一个焦点,则此抛物线的焦点到其准线的距离等于是 。
- 4今天的世界,是一个既充满希望,又遍布危机的世界,让我们回眸人类曾经的危机与战争,促进世界繁荣与发展,共同维护世界和平。(
- 5在2008年北京奥运会,要想把比赛实况进行全球转播,至少需要______颗地球同步卫星.
- 6Dreams can be familiar and strange, fantastical or boring, b
- 7完形填空。 I have a good friend. 1 name is Mary. She comes
- 83.全国人大常委会法工委主任李适时这样表示:“中国各级人大经历了十几届选举,积累了丰富的经验。一步到位实行城乡按相同人口
- 9It ________ that there is no way out of difficulty.A.looksB.
- 10已知一个多边形的每一个外角都相等,一个内角与一个外角的度数之比为9:2,则这个多边形的边数为______.