A.grew | B.appeared | C.became | D.stayed |
试题【Faced with the crisis(危机), the government _________ calm and took timely measure】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
A.different from; in | B.is different; from |
C.differs from; in | D.differs, from |
A.bid | B.spent | C.cost | D.approached |
A.participated in; beat | B.participated in; won |
C.participated; beat | D.participated; won |
perform | bring…to life | base…on… | add…to… | persuade | affect |
image | refer to | out of place | leave…alone | specialize in | be in demand |
小题1:His bad habits of reading in bed _____ his eye-sight. As a result, he had to wear glasses.
小题2: Employees with skills ________ in joint-venture enterprises.
小题3:The performances given by these young people succeeded in _______ a dull play ______.
小题4: At last, my little son _____ to put his whole heart into his studies at school so as to keep up with others.
小题5:In teaching a foreign language, it is important for teachers _____ new teaching methods ___ our teaching process.
小题6:Teaching is an art ______ science.
小题7:Which students ____ the teacher ______when she spoke of the most promising ones?
小题8:On account of his illness, he ___ never ________.
小题9:It is ______ for anyone to laugh at those who are in trouble.
小题10:Many teenagers love to watch a conjurer _______ tricks.
A.take up; to set aside | B.took up; set aside |
C.would take up; to lay aside | D.must take up; lay aside |
- 1某中学为了了解该校学生的课余活动情况,从阅读、运动、娱乐、其他等四个方面调查了若干名学生的兴趣爱好。并将调查结果绘制了如
- 2方程的解个数为( )A.B.C.D.
- 32011年7月28日,我国研制的深海载人潜水器“蛟龙号”成功下潜至5188米水深处,这标志着中国已经进入全球“载人深潜技
- 4y=sin4x+cos4x的最小正周期为______.
- 5【题文】已知集合,,若,则实数的取值范围是( )A.B.C.D.
- 6右图是1996年和2003年我国不同地区耕地数量占全国的比例(%)。读图回答题。小题1:下列叙述正确的是 (
- 7,则x=
- 8全国实施“家电下乡”中,列入家电下乡的产品为彩电、冰箱、洗衣机和手机四种产品.某家电商场,去年四季度对以上四种产品的销售
- 9We"ll ___________ learn English well soon. [ ]A. can
- 10在风力较小、逆温、相对湿度较低的情况下,随着悬浮颗粒物的增多而导致大气能见度小于10千米的现象叫霾。图为北京、天津、河北
- 1设A={x|x<5},B={x|x≥0},则A∩B=______.
- 2He accidentally _____ he had quarreled with his wife and tha
- 3下列说法中正确的是 [ ]A.氯气通入澄清石灰水中,制取漂粉精
- 4我国的四个经济特区中,位于珠江三角洲的是[ ]A.深圳、汕头B.深圳、珠海C.深圳、厦门D.汕头、厦门
- 5下列仪器的使用或操作或实验正确的是( )A.测定溶液pH的操作:将pH试纸置于表面皿上,用蒸馏水润湿,再用洁净玻璃棒蘸
- 6反比例函数的图象在第一、三象限,则的取值范围是 ;在每一象限内y随x的增大而 。
- 71937年7月7日,驻华北日军悍然发动卢沟桥事变,全面抗战爆发。日本在华北地区驻军始于( )A.甲午中日战争之后B.八
- 8下列不属于生物反应器的好处的一项是( )A.节省建设厂房和购买仪器设备的费用B.减少复杂的生产程序C.减少环境的污染D
- 9国家规定:从2011年5月1日起,在公共场所内禁止吸烟.请你结合化学知识从环境、健康、安全等方面回答这样做的好处(答出三
- 10如图,已知=a,=b,,用a,b表示,则=( )A.a+bB.a+bC.a+bD.a+b