— What is his suggestion?
— Just guess the meaning of it whenever you ________ a new word in reading. [ ]
A. come in
B. come at
C. come across
D. come about
— Just guess the meaning of it whenever you ________ a new word in reading. [ ]
A. come in
B. come at
C. come across
D. come about
试题【— What is his suggestion?— Just guess the meaning of it whenever you ________ a 】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
Liu Xiang ________ his experience during the World Track and Field Events when being
interviewed by Reuters.[ ]
A. spoke to
B. referred to
C. contributed to
D. talked to
interviewed by Reuters.[ ]
A. spoke to
B. referred to
C. contributed to
D. talked to
The conductor blew his whistle and the train slowly ________.[ ]
A. moved off
B. moved in
C. moved away
D. move out
A. moved off
B. moved in
C. moved away
D. move out
We should not ________ and laugh at those who have no homes to shelter from the rain and wind.
Instead, we should be sympathetic of them.[ ]
A. look forward to
B. think highly of
C. pay attention to
D. look down upon
Instead, we should be sympathetic of them.[ ]
A. look forward to
B. think highly of
C. pay attention to
D. look down upon
Many parents died in Wenchuan earthquake, so children were ________ by our government.[ ]
A. taken up
B. given up
C. grown up
D. brought up
A. taken up
B. given up
C. grown up
D. brought up
You must ________ what the teacher explains in the class, or you will not be able to grasp the
main points of the knowledge. [ ]
A. pay attention on
B. take notice of
C. learn from
D. focus on
main points of the knowledge. [ ]
A. pay attention on
B. take notice of
C. learn from
D. focus on
- 1根据组成元素的类别,对下列氧化物分类,其中一种与另外三种不属于同一类别,它是[ ]A.MnO2B.Cu2OC.P
- 2鸦片战争后,在中美《望厦条约》和中法《黄埔条约》中均涉及在华的传教权,其根本原因是[ ]A、与佛教争夺势力范围B
- 32010年12月12日晚8时,为期16天的亚洲残疾人运动会在广州开幕。据此回答1—2题。1、本届亚洲残疾人运动会开幕时,
- 4如图所示,一个闭合三角形导线框ABC位于竖直平面内,其下方(略靠前)固定一根与线框平面平行的水平直导线,导线中通以图示方
- 5阅读下面的文言文,完成1~5题。 辛弃疾,字幼安,齐之历城人。 金主亮死,中原豪杰并起。耿京聚兵山东,称天平节度使,
- 6下列反应属于放热反应的是( )A.液态水气化B.将胆矾加热变为白色粉末C.浓硫酸稀释D.氧化钙溶于水
- 7_____ shirt is black. [ ]A. Hers B. She C. His D. He
- 8(2013•重庆)若甲、乙、丙三人随机地站成一排,则甲、乙两人相邻而站的概率为 _________ .
- 9— I’m ______ to eat a horse now!— Really? But I don’t have _
- 10Lily was in ____ disturbed state of mind. How could she keep
- 1Yantai is a beautiful city with many places of interest. ___
- 2如图,是甲、乙两家商店销售同一种产品的销售价y(元)与销售量x(件)之间的函数图象,下列说法:①售2件时甲、乙两家售价一
- 3阅读下面一首宋词,回答问题。画堂春秦观落红铺径水平池,弄晴小雨霏霏。杏园憔悴杜鹃啼,无奈春归。柳外画楼独上,凭栏手捻①花
- 4若函数为奇函数,则( )A.1B.C.D.
- 5下列各句中,没有语病的一句是A.聪明的人,有善于交往的本事,左右逢源的能力,可这并不能使你无往而不胜,工作上踏踏实实才是
- 6在光的反射现象中,当入射角增大时,就表明入射光向______法线的方向移动(填“靠近”或“远离”).光在物体表面发生反射
- 7下列各组物质中,互为同位素的是A.氕和氘B.甲烷和乙烷C.金刚石和石墨D.丁烷和异丁烷
- 8下列对测量工具的选择不合理的是( )A.测量气温选用寒暑表B.测量百米赛跑的时间选用停表C.测量几枚硬币的质量选用托盘
- 9计算:(1);(2)。
- 10阅读下列材料:(16分)材料一 天下已平,高祖乃令贾人(商人)不得衣丝乘车。重租税以困辱之……市井之子孙(寄人子弟)亦不